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DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 02:46 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13077306)
It concerns me that they're struggling to crack the story here. These problems led to JJ finishing TFA's script without figuring out how to get Luke into the story and sloppily inserting another Death Star (BUT ITS 10 TIMES BIGGER!)

Michael Arndt's original version focused on Luke, Leia and Han. It had very little room for the new characters Rey (original Kira), Finn and Poe.

When Abrams took over, he and Kasdan scrapped the whole script and concept. They felt that if Luke and the OT characters were to be the focal point, they wouldn't be able to develop the "Female Jedi" and the other characters, so they kept Luke's whereabouts unknown, so they could focus on telling the story with a new generation.

For Episode IX, Abrams and Terrio won't be able to do a "reboot", like TFA was but will need to continue the story as written by Rian Johnson. While there are no "I am your father" plot twists, there will be a few "What?!!" reveals in Episode XIII, so they'll need to build from there, not rehash ROTJ.

In terms of Trevorrow, the word is the guy felt HE was the film and not the story itself. More and more of his behavior has been leaking and with the failure of The Book of Henry, he's going to be picking up the pieces of his career for a while.

Also, I'm absolutely certain that a condition of Abrams hiring for IX was that he would co-write the script, so it's not surprising Thorne is now out of the picture.

unlurking 09-12-2017 04:15 PM


Not a fan of JJ. :(

DaneMcCloud 09-12-2017 07:51 PM

This is JJ's opportunity to put his stamp on the Star Wars galaxy.

I hope he takes it.

007 09-12-2017 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Fire Me Boy! (Post 13077003)
If Kylo and Rey have two different mothers with the same name, I'm gonna cut someone.


Hammock Parties 09-13-2017 09:04 AM


PS: Almost everybody I've talked to has really enjoyed it. Lucasfilm is supposedly over the moon with it. The singular thing that I hear from everybody is that it's different. And it's going to probably not sit well with some Star Wars fans. It's going to be divisive.

HTB: I think that's exciting.

PS: Yeah, that is exciting. One person I know that has seen the movie messaged me after this news came out saying that he's happy that J.J. Abrams is coming on because he, you know, didn't like some of the choices that Rian Johnson went with. So take that for what it's worth.

DaneMcCloud 09-13-2017 10:04 AM

Here Are 5 Things J.J. Abrams Must Not Do In 'Star Wars: Episode IX'

The big news today is that Star Wars: Episode IX will be written and directed by J.J. Abrams. Abrams replaces Colin Trevorrow (Jurassic World) and once again takes up the reins of the classic space opera franchise. This has been met with one of two reactions: On the one hand, industry observers like my colleague Scott Mendelson rightfully point out that this is the safest bet Disney could have made.

Logically speaking, this is a reasonable choice. As much as I would have preferred that Kathleen Kennedy and friends hire a woman and/or minority filmmaker to take over, at this point getting someone that all parties knew could work together to make that Memorial Day, 2019 release date was of paramount importance. Sure, they could have moved Star Wars 9 to December 2019, but that would have conflicted with Frozen 2's Thanksgiving release. And why risk your biggest female cash cow for your biggest male cash cow, especially now that both have female protagonists? On the other hand, the internet has exploded with jokes and legitimate concerns over Abrams returning to helm the film. While The Force Awakens was widely regarded as a good movie, it faced some very legitimate criticism over being too much of a rehash of A New Hope. And Abrams has faced even stiffer criticism over his handling of the new Star Trek films.

I'm sympathetic to both sides in this case. Abrams is a capable filmmaker who consistently puts out fun, entertaining movies. I was a big fan of The Force Awakens in spite of its shortcomings. On the other hand, I'd have loved to see a new director take the lead on this one. And by new, I mean someone who really does have fresh ideas. Both Rian Johnson (The Last Jedi) and Gareth Edwards (Rogue One) fit this bill nicely, and I can just spitball other directors I'd love to see tackle a Star Wars film, from Alex Garland (Ex Machina) to Ryan Coogler (Creed) to Patty Jenkins (Wonder Woman) or Kathryn Bigelow (Point Break.) One of my favorite recent films was Baby Driver which Edgar Wright directed. He's already worked with Disney on Ant-Man, one of my favorite Marvel films. So there's lots of other choices that would have been more exciting than yet another Abrams-helmed Star Wars film.

But now that it's a done deal, we'll have to live with it. So let's take a look at a few of the things Abrams really needs to avoid in the latest trilogy's hopefully amazing finale.

1. No more Death Stars. Seriously. Please.

"Star Wars" may be a misnomer at this point. I'm tempted to call the series "Death Stars." Two of the first three movies featured Death Stars, and The Force Awakens introduced us to yet another incredibly vulnerable weapon of mass destruction with Starkiller Base. It was even more destructive than the Empire's death orbs, but just as easily taken down in the end. This is not only bad storytelling, it's poor strategic planning on the part of the series' villains, equivalent to putting all of one's death eggs in the same death basket.

It's also emblematic of the most poignant criticism of The Force Awakens: That it was too much like A New Hope. And while I'm okay with it being similar to A New Hope in structure as well as thematically, there's no doubt it came a little too close in many ways. I actually think that Episode IX should mirror Return of the Jedi to some degree. The prequels (however poorly made) attempted to mirror a similar arc as the original trilogy, and these new films probably ought to as well. What that means for Rey and Kylo Ren in particular is hard to say, but I'm fascinated by the possibilities. But dear lord, please don't give us another Death Star. I don't think I can take it. There are so many other ways to convey the power of the Dark Side and the villainy of the enemies than to have a giant space station of doom that ultimately ends up getting blown up by a rag-tag band of rebels. This part of the story has been told. Let it go.

2. Don't make our heroes too over-powered. Rey was over-powered in The Force Awakens.

I don't agree that Rey was a so-called "Mary Sue" in The Force Awakens, but there's no denying that the movie glossed over some potentially important plot beats and made her and the good guys way too over-powered for the first film. The problem with this is it kills tension, and good films are often good precisely because of the tension they evoke. When Rey can suddenly go toe-to-toe with Kylo Ren, after only just learning she had the Force, it kills tension. And while there may be a very good explanation for this, we certainly didn't get it in the film itself leaving us to just speculate. When you have over-powered protagonists, you risk taking all the wind out of a story's sails. One of the great joys of the first two Star Wars films was just how much Luke screwed up. Yes, he did come through in the end in A New Hope, taking out that damned Death Star (thanks to the crew of Rogue One and a little help from the Force) but before that he was often as not a liability. And even the powerful Jedi Knight Obi-Wan Kenobi fell to Vader's lightsaber (albeit intentionally.)

In Empire Strikes Back Luke was a more seasoned fighter and pilot, but he still had trouble being as patient as Yoda required in his training, and ultimately left that training early to go save his friends, nearly costing him his own life (he got away with just losing a hand.) Vader beat Luke handily in that fight, making their final confrontation in Return of the Jedi all the more important. But even in Return of the Jedi, Luke was no match for the Emperor. It was only Vader's change of heart that saved the day, not Luke's prowess as a Jedi. This is why it's so important to give characters flaws, shortcomings and overwhelming odds, and to make something like a change of heart---the final blossoming of love for a son---more powerful than a Sith Lord.

3. Star Wars isn't just an action movie.

This leads us to our next point. Abrams films some amazing action sequences. There's simply no denying the brilliance of The Force Awakens' action. But Star Wars needs to be more than just a great action movie (and the same can be said, perhaps even more strongly, with regards to Star Trek.) This is another point of worry for many now that Abrams is back in the director's chair for Episode IX. Abrams makes enjoyable action movies with fun characters but there's often little beneath the surface and there really, really needs to be. What made the original Star Wars trilogy so brilliant and such a timeless classic wasn't the special effects (though at the time they were considered amazing) and wasn't the big action scenes, though there were many great scenes, from space dogfights to the entire sequence on Endor to the brilliant lightsaber duels.

All of these, however, would have been empty without incredible characters who we came to know and love. This is a much harder thing to achieve in a film than crafting a fun action scene. I think Abrams absolutely has it in him, but in order for it to really work we need to give our characters interesting conflicts, shortcomings and passions. Han Solo was an irascible yet lovable rogue whose idea of flirting was about on par with a junior high student's. His banter with Leia was almost always confrontational, and it was from this almost childish flirtation that a deeper love grew. Meanwhile, the story of Luke discovering that the Big Bad was his father and ultimately making it his goal not to kill Vader, but to save him...well, this is what made Star Wars so wonderful. And the prequel trilogy tried, and failed, to do something similar with the fall of Anakin.

This is where both The Last Jedi and Episode IX need to shine. They must go beyond the action movie genre and be about something deeper and more profound.

4. Be careful with the CGI.

A Force Awakens had pretty good CGI. In some scenes you'd never know that those Storm Troopers were just CGI models and not real people in costume. In others, however, the CGI was all too apparent. Maz Kanata is a good example of this but I'm more worried about Supreme Leader Snoke for the next two films. He just looks...too cartoony for me. Actually, Rogue One was the biggest offender when it comes to CGI shenanigans. If Grand Moff Tarkin had looked that good in a video game, I would have sung the SFX team's praises. But he still looked like a CGI person surrounded by real people in the movie.

I love that Abrams opted for more practical effects in The Force Awakens, and that the use of CGI was by and large pretty sober (especially compared to Lucas in his prequel films.) But even slight oversteps can become glaring sore spots in an otherwise enjoyable picture like Rogue One. So be careful with the CGI in Episode IX and trust that impulse that says: "CGI is a great way to embellish but no replacement for good costumes and makeup." In fact, this is one area where I really trust Abrams to do the right thing. He explained his CGI philosophy for The Force Awakens at the time and I think he largely kept his promise of using it sparingly, and as often to remove things as to add them.

Hopefully that stays true for Episode IX.

5. Less camera shake and lens flare.

Okay, I'm kind of kidding here. Abrams's directing style is often joked about with people commenting on his love of lens flare, shaky cam (used a great deal in The Force Awakens' spaceship chase scenes) and various other techniques. I actually don't mind this up to a point. But I would like to see Abrams rein all of this in somewhat for the final film. It's fine to have your distinctive signature on all your films, but I don't think Episode IX should feel too much like Episode VII. Tonally, visually, emotionally, this has to be a different kind of movie, just like A New Hope and Return of the Jedi felt very different. Maybe, more than anything, the problem with having the same director onboard for two of the three movies is just that, at least stylistically, we run the risk of just more of the same. A new director brings new expertise, new habits (both good and bad) and new ideas to the table. Perhaps what I'd like to see most from Abrams is for him to try something new here as well. I imagine that's much easier said than done, of course, but there you have it.

That's all folks.

Chiefspants 09-13-2017 11:11 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13077334)
Michael Arndt's original version focused on Luke, Leia and Han. It had very little room for the new characters Rey (original Kira), Finn and Poe.

When Abrams took over, he and Kasdan scrapped the whole script and concept. They felt that if Luke and the OT characters were to be the focal point, they wouldn't be able to develop the "Female Jedi" and the other characters, so they kept Luke's whereabouts unknown, so they could focus on telling the story with a new generation.

For Episode IX, Abrams and Terrio won't be able to do a "reboot", like TFA was but will need to continue the story as written by Rian Johnson. While there are no "I am your father" plot twists, there will be a few "What?!!" reveals in Episode XIII, so they'll need to build from there, not rehash ROTJ.

In terms of Trevorrow, the word is the guy felt HE was the film and not the story itself. More and more of his behavior has been leaking and with the failure of The Book of Henry, he's going to be picking up the pieces of his career for a while.

Also, I'm absolutely certain that a condition of Abrams hiring for IX was that he would co-write the script, so it's not surprising Thorne is now out of the picture.

Right, but I feel it was a massive storytelling mistake for Abrams to cram Luke into his traditional "Mystery Box" for TFA. It made Luke Skywalker a Chekhov's Gun and caused the narrative to miss several critical storytelling opportunities.

Imagine a Goodbye scene between Luke or Han, or a scene where Luke bails out Daisy instead of her Mary Sueing her way out of prison (which was pointless, because Han and Chewy came anyway).

Cramming in another death star instead of adding Luke to the narrative was a massive mistake, and one that was more or less mentioned by Michael Arndt in later interviews. You can introduce Luke without taking the spotlight away from Daisy, but it requires creativity rather than lazily shuffling Luke away.

The fact that Abrams told a much better and more cohesive story with the reboot of Star Trek than Star Wars was my largest surprise walking out of TFA.

DaneMcCloud 09-14-2017 12:02 AM

Speaking of Arndt, I couldn't find the point you were referencing but I did find this from January 2014:

And there's one more piece of casting rumor: Heat Vision says Abrams is rumored to be searching for a "20-something female actress" who is either mixed-race or black. "The rumor is that Obi-Wan Kenobi had a daughter or granddaughter."

RobBlake 09-14-2017 01:21 AM

I think JJ will have better luck within a developed trilogy. I think it's actually easier to approach a series of movies (current gen) than have to reboot a historical franchise.. have faith

RobBlake 09-14-2017 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13079780)
Speaking of Arndt, I couldn't find the point you were referencing but I did find this from January 2014:

And there's one more piece of casting rumor: Heat Vision says Abrams is rumored to be searching for a "20-something female actress" who is either mixed-race or black. "The rumor is that Obi-Wan Kenobi had a daughter or granddaughter."

Girl that played Spider-Man's love interest? Lol

DaneMcCloud 09-14-2017 08:29 AM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 13079803)
Girl that played Spider-Man's love interest? Lol

The 2014 article is referencing the character of Rey

Chiefspants 09-14-2017 12:30 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13079780)
Speaking of Arndt, I couldn't find the point you were referencing but I did find this from January 2014:

And there's one more piece of casting rumor: Heat Vision says Abrams is rumored to be searching for a "20-something female actress" who is either mixed-race or black. "The rumor is that Obi-Wan Kenobi had a daughter or granddaughter."

I'll look for it today - but on the topic of JJ, I will say he is a much, much better pick than Trevoorrrow.

Jurassic World was all he really had, and I detested Jurassic World. Colin's personality also felt like a major red flag for someone tasked to finish the trilogy.

Chiefspants 09-14-2017 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 13079801)
I think JJ will have better luck within a developed trilogy. I think it's actually easier to approach a series of movies (current gen) than have to reboot a historical franchise.. have faith

Into Darkness would like a word with you.

DaneMcCloud 09-14-2017 02:04 PM

I just learned about this today, which is Canon, but it potentially explains why Obi Wan and Yoda weren't located in The Force by The Emperor or Vader, and could resolve the fate of Ezra and Kanan. This appears in Marvel Comics Darth Vader series. I think it was only a matter of time before the Lucasfilm Story Group came up with a solution to the problem of Jedi living after Order 66 and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that it was Rian Johnson's idea:

The Barash Vow

The Barash vow was an oath taken by Jedi who completely refrained from all activities related to the Jedi Order as a form of penitence, disengaging from anything but the Force itself. From the founding of the Order to its doom, over fourteen thousand Jedi pursued Barash. The Barash Vow is "a type of penance" and is taken after a Jedi commits "transgressions". However, the Barash isn’t all about self-punishment. It’s also about trying to find wisdom.

Vader explains it a bit more in the comic:

What is the Barash Vow? Vader describes it to his evil droid sidekick thusly: “Any Jedi pursing Barash has sworn to refrain from activities related to the order. Complete disengagement from anything but the Force. It is a type of penance. While a Barash-Taker would have felt the Purge, they would not have allowed themselves to respond to it, or take action of any kind”

A type of "penance". That would explain Obi Wan and Yoda's disengagement of The Force during the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

It would also explain Luke's disengagement in The Force after the destruction of his New Jedi Order, which is why Kylo Ren and possibly, Snoke, couldn't sense Luke Skywalker in The Force, either.

It wouldn't be shocking to see this apply to Ezra and Kanan in the final season of Star Wars Rebels. From my understanding, Rebels will premiere in October but air not one, but two, episodes per week. Supposedly, the series will end before Episode VIII is released.

Hammock Parties 09-15-2017 07:07 PM

RINGLEADER 09-22-2017 11:08 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13080625)
I just learned about this today, which is Canon, but it potentially explains why Obi Wan and Yoda weren't located in The Force by The Emperor or Vader, and could resolve the fate of Ezra and Kanan. This appears in Marvel Comics Darth Vader series. I think it was only a matter of time before the Lucasfilm Story Group came up with a solution to the problem of Jedi living after Order 66 and it wouldn't surprise me in the least that it was Rian Johnson's idea:

The Barash Vow

The Barash vow was an oath taken by Jedi who completely refrained from all activities related to the Jedi Order as a form of penitence, disengaging from anything but the Force itself. From the founding of the Order to its doom, over fourteen thousand Jedi pursued Barash. The Barash Vow is "a type of penance" and is taken after a Jedi commits "transgressions". However, the Barash isn’t all about self-punishment. It’s also about trying to find wisdom.

Vader explains it a bit more in the comic:

What is the Barash Vow? Vader describes it to his evil droid sidekick thusly: “Any Jedi pursing Barash has sworn to refrain from activities related to the order. Complete disengagement from anything but the Force. It is a type of penance. While a Barash-Taker would have felt the Purge, they would not have allowed themselves to respond to it, or take action of any kind”

A type of "penance". That would explain Obi Wan and Yoda's disengagement of The Force during the time between Revenge of the Sith and A New Hope.

It would also explain Luke's disengagement in The Force after the destruction of his New Jedi Order, which is why Kylo Ren and possibly, Snoke, couldn't sense Luke Skywalker in The Force, either.

It wouldn't be shocking to see this apply to Ezra and Kanan in the final season of Star Wars Rebels. From my understanding, Rebels will premiere in October but air not one, but two, episodes per week. Supposedly, the series will end before Episode VIII is released.


Hammock Parties 09-23-2017 11:58 AM

<iframe width="600" height="300" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Question and Answer at 23:22....

Andy Serkis was asked about Snoke today at a gaming expo in the UK, EGX2017 and said that the mystery of Snoke is so close to being revealed and "the cat will be out of the bag" soon.

Hammock Parties 09-23-2017 12:02 PM

The next trailer is supposed to drop Oct. 9...

Bowser 09-23-2017 04:19 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13097459)
The next trailer is supposed to drop Oct. 9...

Those ****ers are being quite the tease with this upcoming trailer. If it's half as good as the first one, it will be worth the wait.

Baby Lee 09-24-2017 01:05 AM

<iframe width="1280" height="720" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Hammock Parties 09-26-2017 03:42 PM

Episode 8 opening scene LEAK

Bowser 09-26-2017 08:47 PM


Hammock Parties 10-01-2017 09:29 AM

Ren either starts or finishes this movie fully turned to the dark side, apparently:

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 06:08 PM


<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Brand new <a href="">@starwars</a>: <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#TheLastJedi</a> trailer TONIGHT during Monday Night Football on <a href="">@espn</a>. <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Good Morning America (@GMA) <a href="">October 9, 2017</a></blockquote>
<script async src="//" charset="utf-8"></script>

Bowser 10-09-2017 06:39 PM

If you don't want spoilers, Rian Johnson says to not watch it.

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 07:17 PM


DaneMcCloud 10-09-2017 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13139027)
If you don't want spoilers, Rian Johnson says to not watch it.

That’s not true. I can’t link on my iPad but Rian actually said “If you want to go in ‘clean’, don’t watch”-

The story has been elaborated.

Frazod 10-09-2017 08:02 PM

Sassy Squatch 10-09-2017 08:02 PM

That was way more than I was expecting.

InChiefsHeaven 10-09-2017 08:02 PM

Just watched the trailer on MNF...holy shit I'm JACKED!!

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 08:05 PM

Holy ****.

Hamill looks amazing in this.

AND SNOKE. ****.

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 08:10 PM

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

RunKC 10-09-2017 08:14 PM


RINGLEADER 10-09-2017 08:15 PM

I think it's pretty easy to figure out what's going to happen but should still be a hell of a ride.

Frazod 10-09-2017 08:20 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 13139321)


Buns 10-09-2017 08:20 PM

Looks like a lot of misdirection in that amazing trailer

DaneMcCloud 10-09-2017 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by Buns (Post 13139340)
Looks like a lot of misdirection in that amazing trailer

Or not.

Apparently, this film will be very polarizing.

Some people at Lucasfilm are happy that JJ is back for IX because Rian’s vision is outside the box.

I’m stoked. **** a ROTJ clone.

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13139339)


DaneMcCloud 10-09-2017 08:40 PM

In the new canon book, “From a Certain Point of View”, Yoda wanted to train Leia because she was stronger in the Force.

So now, 30 years later, Leia gives birth to Ben who trains with Luke, only to turn to the dark side. He kills Luke’s new Jedi and his father, Han Solo.

From the trailer, Ben/Kylo kills Leia. Rey joins Kylo, her brother, then turn against Luke.

Luke will kill them both in IX.

Frazod 10-09-2017 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13139409)
In the new canon book, “From a Certain Point of View”, Yoda wanted to train Leia because she was stronger in the Force.

So now, 30 years later, Leia gives birth to Ben who trains with Luke, only to turn to the dark side. He kills Luke’s new Jedi and his father, Han Solo.

From the trailer, Ben/Kylo kills Leia. Rey joins Kylo, her brother, then turn against Luke.

Luke will kill them both in IX.

Holy shit, that would be epic!

DaneMcCloud 10-09-2017 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13139416)
Holy shit, that would be epic!

I know, which is probably why it wont happen.

But man, it would be bad ass.

Luke saves the galaxy again.

Abrams is going to make it all Spielbergy

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13139409)
From the trailer, Ben/Kylo kills Leia. Rey joins Kylo, her brother, then turn against Luke.

Luke will kill them both in IX.


This will never happen, but yeah it would be ****ing epic.

RINGLEADER 10-09-2017 08:55 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13139409)
In the new canon book, “From a Certain Point of View”, Yoda wanted to train Leia because she was stronger in the Force.

So now, 30 years later, Leia gives birth to Ben who trains with Luke, only to turn to the dark side. He kills Luke’s new Jedi and his father, Han Solo.

From the trailer, Ben/Kylo kills Leia. Rey joins Kylo, her brother, then turn against Luke.

Luke will kill them both in IX.

Could be. I gathered that Rey was using subterfuge to get close to Snoke to try to use her power but it doesn't go as planned. I think the joining Kylo, if that even happens in the film, is a ruse that Luke doesn't agree with.

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 08:56 PM

Here's a take:

That trailer seems to indicate Kylo/Rey are going to kill Snoke.

Which could set up Luke to be the bad guy in Episode IX, trying to stop the Jedi Order from starting up again.

That'd be fun.

RINGLEADER 10-09-2017 08:59 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13139449)
Here's a take:

That trailer seems to indicate Kylo/Rey are going to kill Snoke.

Which could set up Luke to be the bad guy in Episode IX, trying to stop the Jedi Order from starting up again.

That'd be fun.

I tend more to this then what they actually we trying to lead us to believe.

Frazod 10-09-2017 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by RINGLEADER (Post 13139465)
I tend more to this then what they actually we trying to lead us to believe.

She could just be psyching him out, too. Damned lying women. :D

Hammock Parties 10-09-2017 09:12 PM

Anyway, Rian wouldn't give the movie away in a trailer.

He's playing us.

Gadzooks 10-09-2017 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13139139)

Wait... This poster seems to have the light on the left and the Dark on the right.
Why is Poo Dameron on the dark side? Lando type betrayal?

sd4chiefs 10-09-2017 09:16 PM

Got my tickets. :)

listopencil 10-09-2017 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13139409)
In the new canon book, “From a Certain Point of View”, Yoda wanted to train Leia because she was stronger in the Force.

So now, 30 years later, Leia gives birth to Ben who trains with Luke, only to turn to the dark side. He kills Luke’s new Jedi and his father, Han Solo.

From the trailer, Ben/Kylo kills Leia. Rey joins Kylo, her brother, then turn against Luke.

Luke will kill them both in IX.

Not that it wouldn't be bad ass, because it would, but I don't think they'd dare do it. I've kind of given up on the idea of Luke becoming a Grey Jedi. I think it's possible that Rey does because Luke wants to end the Jedi and Kylo becomes the only one willing to train her to her maximum capability. So in this movie Rey ends up with Kylo and Luke swears to end them both. But I don't think he does it. I think we end up in the next movie with a distorted mirror replay of the Palpatine/Vader/Luke scene from ROTJ and Rey ends up killing Kylo after breaking off a fight with a near dead Luke.

listopencil 10-09-2017 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13139480)
She could just be psyching him out, too. Damned lying women. :D

I could see this:

Luke agrees to train Rey but quickly realizes that she is potentially too powerful and dangerous, so he only trains her in ways to control herself. At first Rey is thankful for that but becomes disillusioned and feels that Luke is stunting her growth and denying her destiny. She grows in power and a conflict brings her physically close enough to Kylo that he has a chance to seduce her with the promise of the training that she needs to unlock her potential. She believes that she is strong enough to use her power wisely, and that she isn't going any further with Luke, so she agrees to go with him. Luke freaks out and decides that he must kill them both as quickly as possible or they will grow too powerful to stop.

In the next movie Luke hunts down Kylo and Rey. They have been training together rigorously. Luke finds them. By that time Kylo has Rey convinced that Luke means to kill them (which is true) and Kylo stations Rey at a distance telling her that killing Luke is a major test in her training that she must pass. Luke fights Rey and drives her closer to Kylo's location. Once the three of them are relatively close together Luke presses her in order to kill her and get to Kylo, sensing that Kylo will stay out of it so that Rey can pass her test. During the fight Luke and Kylo trade comments from the Light and Dark perspective while Rey ponders both of their points of view. Rey eventually disables Luke and brings him near to death but stops the fight. At that point she turns on Kylo, realizing that she isn't being served by either Luke or Kylo. Rey battles and kills Kylo. Luke dies from his wounds and turns into a force ghost. Rey passes her test and fully becomes a Grey Jedi.

listopencil 10-09-2017 10:40 PM

Full disclosure: I've been drinking rum and Cokes since I got home from work. I'll come back tomorrow to see if anything I posted makes sense.

Gadzooks 10-09-2017 11:03 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 13139688)
Full disclosure: I've been drinking rum and Cokes since I got home from work. I'll come back tomorrow to see if anything I posted makes sense.

Beer was my drug of choice tonight. Hence the "Poo" Dameron comment that I thought was clever at the time.

listopencil 10-09-2017 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Gadzooks (Post 13139728)
Beer was my drug of choice tonight. Hence the "Poo" Dameron comment that I thought was clever at the time.

I laughed.

RobBlake 10-10-2017 12:40 AM

**** you jj this is how you reinvent Star Wars.

bowener 10-10-2017 11:00 AM

I'm late to the discussion but is the mechanical hand reaching out from the burning wreckage misdirection or a flashback?

The hand is a right hand. Luke has a mechanical right hand, but it appears R2D2 and Luke are approaching the burning structure proceeding the shot of the hand. My assumption is that it is misdirection and the order of these shots is reversed.

I'm not familiar enough with the universe, but can one of you with more expertise think of any other characters that would have this characteristic? Obviously, Vader did. The burning building is quite large and domed, similar to the building designs from the prequels too.

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 11:07 AM


Originally Posted by bowener (Post 13140285)
I'm late to the discussion but is the mechanical hand reaching out from the burning wreckage misdirection or a flashback?

The hand is a right hand. Luke has a mechanical right hand, but it appears R2D2 and Luke are approaching the burning structure proceeding the shot of the hand. My assumption is that it is misdirection and the order of these shots is reversed.

I'm not familiar enough with the universe, but can one of you with more expertise think of any other characters that would have this characteristic? Obviously, Vader did. The burning building is quite large and domed, similar to the building designs from the prequels too.

It appears to be a scene related of the Rey's "Forceback" in TFA, in which we see Luke & R2 witnessing the fiery destruction of his new Jedi Temple.

But recently, it's been speculated (by me as well), that parts of Rey's "Forceback" could be future events.

Where this scene lies in the timeline is up for debate at this point.

Rausch 10-10-2017 12:11 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 13139767)
**** you jj this is how you reinvent Star Wars.

I can't say I'm a huge fan of Luke being a fractured bitch.

This isn't exactly what I've been waiting 30 years to see...

DJ's left nut 10-10-2017 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13139409)
In the new canon book, “From a Certain Point of View”, Yoda wanted to train Leia because she was stronger in the Force.

So now, 30 years later, Leia gives birth to Ben who trains with Luke, only to turn to the dark side. He kills Luke’s new Jedi and his father, Han Solo.

From the trailer, Ben/Kylo kills Leia. Rey joins Kylo, her brother, then turn against Luke.

Luke will kill them both in IX.

That would be incredible.

Does Disney have the stones to pull that stunt? They've put so much into building up Rey that I can't see any way they'd make her the chief antagonist of IX, especially not when they're getting so much positive pub for having a strong female lead.

I'm not excited at all about Luke appearing to be this broken down husk of a spooked hermit. Your turn there would be friggen amazing. They can't send Luke out like this...

Fish 10-10-2017 01:02 PM

Disney isn't going to sell millions of Jedi Rey dolls to kids and then turn around and make her a traitorous villain....

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 01:24 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 13140578)
Disney isn't going to sell millions of Jedi Rey dolls to kids and then turn around and make her a traitorous villain....

I think it's possible that Luke is talking about Rey when he says "I've seen this kind of raw power before and I wasn't afraid of it then, but I am now".

I also think it's possible that Rey was dropped off on Jakku, not to protect her, but to protect the galaxy.

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 13140570)
That would be incredible.

Does Disney have the stones to pull that stunt? They've put so much into building up Rey that I can't see any way they'd make her the chief antagonist of IX, especially not when they're getting so much positive pub for having a strong female lead.

I'm not excited at all about Luke appearing to be this broken down husk of a spooked hermit. Your turn there would be friggen amazing. They can't send Luke out like this...

I doubt they have the balls to pull that off, especially since JJ Abrams is co-writing and directing Episode IX. He tends to go all "Speilbergy" with his writing and directing.

But one thing that can't happen, IMO, is the redemption of Kylo Ren.

There's no reason for that to happen and he needs to die.

Rausch 10-10-2017 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13140606)
I think it's possible that Luke is talking about Rey when he says "I've seen this kind of raw power before and I wasn't afraid of it then, but I am now".

I also think it's possible that Rey was dropped off on Jakku, not to protect her, but to protect the galaxy.

I'm ok with the whole Ray/Kylo thing. It seems they're both the new emphasis.

But I don't see why Luke has to be a shell-shocked character.

I hope there's a lot of misdirection in this trailer and that's not how it plays out...

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 01:38 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13140618)
But I don't see why Luke has to be a shell-shocked character.

Well, it appears that Luke has done a lot of research in regards to the Jedi Order and he has a copy of the Journal of the Whills, which existed on Jedha and had protectors such as Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus, both of whom appeared in Rogue One.

Luke may have realized that this is either part of a prophesy that he read about or that Rey is actually a physical manifestion of The Force itself, with unlimited power.

Whatever the case, Luke has apparently gained knowledge since first witnessing this power, which is why he's shell-shocked.


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13140618)
I hope there's a lot of misdirection in this trailer and that's not how it plays out...

I'm sure there's a lot of that happening because they don't want to give anything away.

FWIW, I think everyone in the trailer is speaking to Rey.

Hammock Parties 10-10-2017 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13140618)
But I don't see why Luke has to be a shell-shocked character.

I hope there's a lot of misdirection in this trailer and that's not how it plays out...

I think Rey is going to run off against Luke's wishes and get herself into hot water...and Luke is going to come charging in to save the day, against his own advice.

It would be so true to the character. And an epic third act.

And remember how intent Snoke is on finding Luke...

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 02:09 PM

Frazod 10-10-2017 02:22 PM

Ooooooooooooh, that's badass.

Ragged Robin 10-10-2017 02:44 PM

huge spoilers in that trailer like... wtf seriously?

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 02:57 PM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13140799)
huge spoilers in that trailer like... wtf seriously?

Like what?

Ragged Robin 10-10-2017 03:22 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13140824)
Like what?

you mean other than giving away the general plot narrative to the whole movie and the emotional surprise event that happens? gee I wonder :hmmm:

DJ's left nut 10-10-2017 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13140642)
Well, it appears that Luke has done a lot of research in regards to the Jedi Order and he has a copy of the Journal of the Whills, which existed on Jedha and had protectors such as Chirrut Imwe and Baze Malbus, both of whom appeared in Rogue One.

Luke may have realized that this is either part of a prophesy that he read about or that Rey is actually a physical manifestion of The Force itself, with unlimited power.

What I can't quite gather, and I'm sure this is revealed by 'deep dive' canon kind of stuff, is how Anakin isn't the end all be all yet 3 generations further down the road Rey would be.

Anakin was supposedly immaculately conceived, right? Just straight up raw midichlorian shoved in a womb. And yet he wasn't 'a physical manifestation of The Force itself...'

So why would Rey be when she's essentially just a watered down version? I mean I guess we don't know exactly what her origin is; perhaps her family tree has an even more impressive boost in there somewhere, but I'm not sure how much more impressive you can get that essentially being godlike as Anakin was.

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 03:48 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 13140872)
What I can't quite gather, and I'm sure this is revealed by 'deep dive' canon kind of stuff, is how Anakin isn't the end all be all yet 3 generations further down the road Rey would be.

Anakin was supposedly immaculately conceived, right? Just straight up raw midichlorian shoved in a womb. And yet he wasn't 'a physical manifestation of The Force itself...'

So why would Rey be when she's essentially just a watered down version? I mean I guess we don't know exactly what her origin is; perhaps her family tree has an even more impressive boost in there somewhere, but I'm not sure how much more impressive you can get that essentially being godlike as Anakin was.

I honestly don't know, unless Yoda was right when he said "A prophesy that misread could have been".

That said, Rey's sudden Force powers in TFA could be easily explained if somehow, her Force powers were beyond any and all that came before, which would definitely chill the "Rey's a Mary Sue" crowd.

All I do know, for certain, is that supposedly, Lucasfilm expects a portion of thefan base to be pissed off when the answers to some mysteries are revealed in Episode VIII.

Even some at Lucasfilm were extremely happy that Abrams was hired for Episode IX because he's expected to get things "back on track", for whatever that's worth.

Rian's film is said to be the darkest of all the films, which for me, will probably make it among my favorites.

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 03:50 PM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13140870)
you mean other than giving away the general plot narrative to the whole movie and the emotional surprise event that happens? gee I wonder :hmmm:

The entire trailer was misdirection. Many of the scenes don't line up.

It's like watching a preview for next week's episode of Mad Men, which were completely and totally worthless because of the lack of context behind the words.

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 04:09 PM

Damn! I've been sick with a cold the past few days and forgot to grab my seats at Arclight Hollywood on Thursday, December 14th, so I got stuck with seats in the 2nd row of the 9pm showing.

I just purchased much better seats at AMC Burbank for Saturday, which is the same thing I did for Rogue One (Thursday at Arclight, Saturday in Burbank).

I'll probably catch it in IMAX at Universal Studios the following week. It would be too much to take in on the first viewing.

eDave 10-10-2017 07:11 PM

Dat score. :wayne:

Bowser 10-10-2017 08:32 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13140606)
I think it's possible that Luke is talking about Rey when he says "I've seen this kind of raw power before and I wasn't afraid of it then, but I am now".

I also think it's possible that Rey was dropped off on Jakku, not to protect her, but to protect the galaxy.

Would that make her a Palpatine? I'd say he had never seen raw power like that before the second Death Star or since. I guess he might be talking about Kylo/Ben, but I wouldn't assume to think he's stronger than what Darth Sidious was.

DaneMcCloud 10-10-2017 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13141353)
Would that make her a Palpatine? I'd say he had never seen raw power like that before the second Death Star or since. I guess he might be talking about Kylo/Ben, but I wouldn't assume to think he's stronger than what Darth Sidious was.

Considering Rey kicked the shit out of Kylo with zero training, it’s safe to say that she’s way more powerful.

As to her family, I’m not sure but it’s become clear that Ben Solo/Kylo Ren was well aware of her before she knew about it.

Bowser 10-10-2017 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13141361)
Considering Rey kicked the shit out of Kylo with zero training, it’s safe to say that she’s way more powerful.

As to her family, I’m not sure but it’s become clear that Ben Solo/Kylo Ren was well aware of her before she knew about it.

Agreed, but to be fair, Kylo had just taken a shot from Chewie's bowcaster in his ribs and was completely emotionally compromised from just murdering his father (and that's not to take away from what Rey did in any aspect. She wiped the floor with him).

And to take the Palpatine thought just a little further - <strike>Jakku was Sheev Palpatine's homeworld</strike>. After he came to power, he used Jakku for his most secret experiments, and it was where he docked his ship the Imperialis, the ship he was going to take to traverse the Unknown Regions to find and meet up with the Super Star Destroyer the Eclipse in an attempt to discovered what they learned on their journey, and unlock the secrets of the Unknown Regions.


EDIT - strike that, Jakku wasn't Palpatine's homeworld, only a planet he held in high regard. I believe he considered it strong with the dark side, that's why he had hidden bases there.

Fish 10-10-2017 09:58 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 13140728)

Wow. That's some awesome artwork right there....

Hammock Parties 10-12-2017 09:53 AM

I'd fulfill her destiny.

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