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bevischief 12-11-2022 08:57 PM

banner fly over again?

TLO 12-11-2022 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 16661914)


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 16661948)
wtf, the crystal dido, several bashes... wow... f@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ good friend,


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 16661969)
check in Bob Dole


Originally Posted by bevischief (Post 16662003)
banner fly over again?

Do you medical assistance??

Rams Fan 12-11-2022 11:37 PM

I’m so sorry to hear this. You are in my thoughts. **** cancer.

bevischief 12-12-2022 01:06 AM


Originally Posted by Hank Hill (Post 16662085)
Do you medical assistance??

propane or cash?

HayWire 12-12-2022 06:55 AM

Praying for you again this morning.

Your strength and commitment are admirable.

My Pa drove up yesterday to see my sons school program. We sat and talked about religion afterwards.

Even now I struggle from time to time but I'm trying to do better just based on my family and your strength.

Before he left I asked if we could pray for some random guy on the internet. We did.

Shortly after he sent me a pic. Not sure if you read anymore but if you do I thought I'd share.

God bless

kepp 12-12-2022 10:02 AM

Godspeed, Joe.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal. -2 Corinthians 4:16-18

Bowser 12-12-2022 05:55 PM

All my best, Joe.

I'm glad that you not only opened your home for us fellow Chiefs fans to come and gather and party and have a blast, but I'm especially glad we got to meet and hang a number of times. You're top shelf, and I hope I live my life half as well as you have and continue to do.

ShortRoundChief 12-12-2022 06:19 PM

Mr. and Mrs. Nzoner were two of the coolest cats that I ever had the fortune of meeting.

Great people.

Fat Elvis 12-12-2022 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 16658495)
From Joe's Facebook :

Finally a moment to post. Let’s just say I have been/am a very sick person and thanks to yet another week in the hospital I am finally regaining some strength and batting these infections.
Anyhow won’t bore everyone with the details however once I’m cut loose from here I’ll be going home in hospice care as this battle has beat me down and I’m so ready to rest and see my love Kathy Beth Russell Tracy.
if a Christmas Miracle is in my future I’ll welcome it it and if not will take yet another chance to share you with all the true meaning of a Christmas Miracle and that’s seeing a life changed by Jesus’ saving Grace.
Lastly please all when thetime comes keep your eyes open for a new ministry God laid on my heart called LOSS….LOSS OF SPOUSE SANCTUARY that we are trying to get going as a reach out to those who have lost their spouse.
I’m hoping to use the building as part of the reach out so please if inclined remember LOSS if you’d like to make a donation or you’d simply like to see about volunteer opportunities.
If you’d like to reach out I can get you in touch with someone from our new board.

What a great and much needed ministry. Thank you Nzoner.

stevieray 12-12-2022 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by Fat Elvis (Post 16663880)
What a great and much needed ministry. Thank you Nzoner.

This is so Joe.

He's been determined to turn his tragedy into a testimony for quite some time now, even before his diagnosis.

This is SUPER cool, the layout is perfect for a great outreach.

Bugeater 12-12-2022 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by stevieray (Post 16663910)
This is so Joe.

He's been determined to turn his tragedy into a testimony for quite some time now, even before his diagnosis.

This is SUPER cool, the layout is perfect for a great outreach.

It is perfect. Absolutely hit it out of park on that.

Bugeater 12-13-2022 07:16 PM

If anyone would like to contribute to Nzoner's LOSS fundraiser please send me a PM and I'll send you a link.

Buehler445 12-15-2022 09:25 AM

Thanks for posting Bug. It saddens my heart heavily, but I'm proud to have have known him.

luv 12-15-2022 09:46 AM

Every time I see a new post in this thread, my heart sinks.

Thinking of you, Joe, and I hope you remain at peace mentally and are comfortable physically. For as many nights as I stayed in your home, I probably got to know Kathy a little better than I did you. You're both such great people, outward thinkers, and giving of everything you have. LOSS is a great legacy, and I have no doubt it will help several people.

Lzen 12-16-2022 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater (Post 16658495)
From Joe's Facebook :

Finally a moment to post. Let’s just say I have been/am a very sick person and thanks to yet another week in the hospital I am finally regaining some strength and batting these infections.
Anyhow won’t bore everyone with the details however once I’m cut loose from here I’ll be going home in hospice care as this battle has beat me down and I’m so ready to rest and see my love Kathy Beth Russell Tracy.
if a Christmas Miracle is in my future I’ll welcome it it and if not will take yet another chance to share you with all the true meaning of a Christmas Miracle and that’s seeing a life changed by Jesus’ saving Grace.
Lastly please all when thetime comes keep your eyes open for a new ministry God laid on my heart called LOSS….LOSS OF SPOUSE SANCTUARY that we are trying to get going as a reach out to those who have lost their spouse.
I’m hoping to use the building as part of the reach out so please if inclined remember LOSS if you’d like to make a donation or you’d simply like to see about volunteer opportunities.
If you’d like to reach out I can get you in touch with someone from our new board.

This makes me sad and also very happy for and proud of Joe. I'm glad you're at peace with everything, Joe. And I'm very happy to have known you. God bless you.

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