Originally Posted by Gravedigger
(Post 17248381)
Instead of worst fans, they need to have a poll for most obnoxious fans, pretty sure Philly would steal that in a heartbeat. Even last Monday night, the guy that was sitting behind us every single time Swift or Hurts made a play would say, "There ya go Switfy, that's how we run the ball!!!" Every damn time, I'm like "We?" Then their fans screaming E A G L E S EAGLES! as if they just learned out to spell while coming down the concourse was annoying too, this kid just proves its more of a mentality that when they're at the top they don't know how to handle themselves, just know how to be annoying ****s. Seems to run across the gamut of ages. That kid has no chance of getting through childhood without alcohol being involved in terrible decisions if his parents are already starting to tell him to do that because it would be funny.
- We had one fan sitting behind us that whined every other play that the Chiefs should be called for a penalty....all game long.
- Another group was making fun of and insinuating that Mahomes (or whatever Chiefs player, can't remember now) was a bitch because Eagles players were doing stuff after the whistle and Chiefs players were complaining. Now, I don't take too kindly to opposing fans coming into our stadium and talking crap on Chiefs players. So, naturally I did a lot of talking back. Unfortunately, my prediction said to them that Mahomes would be the one to come down and win the game in the end did not come true (through no fault of Patrick's). :mad:
- And one Eagles fan was sitting at the end of our row. I got up to go to the bathroom and didn't notice but her sign was sitting behind her cups and the top was sticking out a few inches. Well, I accidently bumped it and then tried to sneak around it unsuccessfully. With my insulated overalls, that was not easy and I knocked the sign on the ground on the stairs. Of course, I yelled to her that if she wouldn't have her sign sticking out then it wouldn't get knocked down like that. When I came back up, it was still sticking out and she was yelling something at me. I again tried to get through and accidently nicked her sign and the corner broke off. Honestly, I did not mean to do that but boy was she mad. I tried to tell her that was dumb place to leave it when she wasn't holding it but the blockhead wouldn't listen.
Yeah, I had heard how bad Eagles fans can be and they pretty much lived up to that billing. Still, I am not sure which fanbase is worse, Bills or Eagles.