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Hammock Parties 12-18-2017 05:58 PM

Rian's layers are just insane, man.


Poe wasn't really wrong, even though he learned/had an arc.

If the Resistance hadn't destroyed the Dreadnought at the beginning, it would have followed them through Hyperspace and destroyed them at the next "stop" (or the one after that, etc...) because it's guns would have punched through the Resistance cruiser's shields. However, Poe didn't know that at the time.

Likewise, the transports that the Resistance escaped in DID get decimated/proved as defenseless as Poe feared, which ultimately killed more Resistance members than Poe's attack on the Dreadnought did. However in this case Poe is somewhat at fault because the Transports were "sold out" by DJ, who wouldn't have been a factor if Finn and Rose hadn't gone on their mission.

But basically, both sides of the arguments were simultaneously correct and wrong at the same time.

RealSNR 12-18-2017 06:32 PM

Captain Phasma is more like Captain Smegma.

Is there a more overblown and overrated character in the Star Wars saga?

At least Boba Fett had an actual JOB to ****ing do (take frozen Han to Jabba and get paid)

Hammock Parties 12-18-2017 06:36 PM

This is awesome. Press coverage for this movie is amazing. I want MORE.


The scene actually reunited him with iconic Muppets puppeteer Frank Oz, who performed Yoda back in The Empire Strikes Back. Creature shop supervisor Neal Scanlan used the original molds to create a replica of the original Yoda, and the two got back to work for one final lesson.

“Frank is so gifted, and I’ve been a fan of his for years,” Hamill says. “The thing is, it was just so real to me.”

To keep Yoda’s return a surprise, producer Ram Bergman worked diligently for a year to hide the involvement of the all-powerful Oz. “I had to convince Frank to basically make sure we don’t put his name on the poster, and not to do any press about it,” Bergman said. “I made sure he ate in the office and not publicly in the restaurant when he came to Pinewood [Studios.]

Even reuniting with Mark Hamill off-set was cloak and dagger.

“We were emailing each other: ‘Meet me in the parking lot and I’ll sneak you up to my hotel room,’
” Hamill said with a laugh. “You’re reading these things later and thinking, ‘Eww, that’s kind of creepy. People could take this the wrong way.’”

Tribal Warfare 12-18-2017 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13294974)
I like this outcome Rey has been showing Dark side tendencies since the 1st movie

Yep, I wanted to see that Snoke is as powerful( possibly more ) and sinister as Palpatine.

Hammock Parties 12-18-2017 07:35 PM


Deberg_1990 12-18-2017 08:45 PM

Did you guys like the sort of weird sense of humor running through the film? I found it somewhat odd at times.

Like Luke flippantly tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder......and when Rey is telepathing with a shirtless Kylo, she says "you could have put a shirt on"

It was a little different at they were almost making fun of themselves....

temper11 12-18-2017 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13295111)
Blame JJ and his mystery box obsession for that one.

Why would cheery Luke Skywalker abandon his friends and leave them to die?

JJ left another director to clean up his mess there, and Rian did a killer job.

leave them to die? We don't know if the first order was even a thing when luke went into exile do we?

temper11 12-18-2017 08:52 PM


Originally Posted by RealSNR (Post 13295229)
Captain Phasma is more like Captain Smegma.

Is there a more overblown and overrated character in the Star Wars saga?

At least Boba Fett had an actual JOB to ****ing do (take frozen Han to Jabba and get paid)

But the overblowing and overrating was all done in twitter-verse.

temper11 12-18-2017 08:54 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 13295470)
Did you guys like the sort of weird sense of humor running through the film? I found it somewhat odd at times.

Like Luke flippantly tossing the lightsaber over his shoulder......and when Rey is telepathing with a shirtless Kylo, she says "you could have put a shirt on"

It was a little different at they were almost making fun of themselves....

it wasn't "you could have put a shirt on" it was "can you at least put a shirt on"... because these "sessions" just happened randomly (or rather when Snoke forced it upon them). Not like Ren knew he was suddenly going to be face-timing with Rey and could properly dress first.

Deberg_1990 12-18-2017 09:03 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13295490)
it wasn't "you could have put a shirt on" it was "can you at least put a shirt on"... because these "sessions" just happened randomly (or rather when Snoke forced it upon them). Not like Ren knew he was suddenly going to be face-timing with Rey and could properly dress first.

ok....but it was played for laughs. People laughed at her comment.

oaklandhater 12-18-2017 09:10 PM

Star Wars Fans Petition to Have Last Jedi Removed from Canon

Some people are real real angry. ...

Hammock Parties 12-18-2017 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13295517)

Star Wars Fans Petition to Have Last Jedi Removed from Canon

Some people are real real angry. ...

They're stupid little nincompoops.

Bowser 12-18-2017 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 13293919)
All his sister had to do was tell one of the bigger ships to hit light speed and ram the death star and 3 Star Wars films are over in 15 minutes...

Yeah, well if the gunners on Vader's Executor weren't so ****ing lazy and would have blown apart a random escape pod launching from Leia's captured ship, Luke would have been selling ditch weed at Tosche Station to a bunch of loser teenagers when he wasn't back on the farm telling that old fart Uncle Owen to SHUT THE **** UP AND DRINK YOUR ASS MILK OLD MAN during the time of The Last Jedi.

Sassy Squatch 12-18-2017 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13295517)

Star Wars Fans Petition to Have Last Jedi Removed from Canon

Some people are real real angry. ...

How much of an entitled, whiny douche do you have to be to actually participate in something like that?

Bowser 12-18-2017 09:15 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13295517)

Star Wars Fans Petition to Have Last Jedi Removed from Canon

Some people are real real angry. ...

LOL, **** them.

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