Woogieman |
07-25-2024 07:36 AM |
[QUOTE=vonBobo;17600463]Bragging rights? Childish but that's about all a city gets from having pro sports...
As for tax revenue, no. It's well documented that cities struggle to break even on pro sports deals. Remember this business is only open about 12 days out of 365. And, most of the money spent at the stadium would have been spent in the metro anyway, it's not new money, it's just siphoning money from other businesses like the local pub or bowling alley.
This is patently false. Specifically when it comes to fall/winter discretionary income. The money spent on tailgating, booze, parking, tickets, and local mechandise/apparel is SIGNIFICANT. Assume the Chiefs moved to Nashville: there is NO local venue, or venue type in the city that can attract dollars from 70,000 pockets. There would be a small uptick in casino activity, some folks would have lunch and a few pitchers at sports bars to track their $50 football bet, but if people felt compelled to just spend the $ burning a hole in their pockets (most are strapped just to set aside Chiefs money because they are passionate Chiefs fans), they aren't spending $500 at the "bowling alley" or on blooming rings, they are leaving the cold midwest and taking long weekends or using vacation time to go to Fla or Cancun. That's millions in lost tax revenue/yr.
The study you refer to was performed on Chicago...ever been to a Bears game? I have...no tailgating, no parking. Cubs? No tailgating, no parking. White Sox? No fans. Do you know how much Chiefs tailgating has affected the composite culinary habits and skills of our 2 million+ population? Do you think 20 yrs ago, more than 100 Chiefs fans would spend $1,000 on a grill? Just read the BBQ topics in this forum...CPers alone have $100k wrapped up in pellet grills, mostly due to long-term exposure to the bi-weekly BBQ cooking championship we call "tailgating". I invest in real estate, and I've seen THOUSANDS of homes in KC, do you know how many spend $10k to $80k finishing their basements JUST to have a place to act a fool w/ their friends for Chiefs games AND show off their signed, framed jerseys and memorabilia? There is NO ****ING WAY that same money gets spent locally without the PASSION required to make questionable purchase decisions. A lot of it may get spent, but most of it goes to Mexico, Florida, Las Vegas, or Spain and Italy.