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BucEyedPea 04-18-2016 04:26 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil (Post 12161361)
You might enjoy reading the original Ender's Game by Orson Scott Card. Also Podkayne Of Mars by Robert Heinlein, the guy has a ton of old pulpy YA SciFi.

I have Ender's Game, which my daughter raved about and keeps trying to get me to read.

DeepPurple 04-19-2016 03:38 PM

I watched Captive last night with Kate Mara. It's a true story about the convict that knocked out a guard at an Atlanta Courthouse, got a gun and killed a judge and a couple of others. Then in north Atlanta he ended up at a house a federal agent was flipping or rehabing for himself and killed him to. He ended up at this girl's apartment and over the course of the night she read to him from the book 'The Purpose Driven Life' and by morning he turned himself in. It was much better than I anticipated and Kate is easy on the eyes. It didn't even play around here, my neighbor got it online and gave it to me on thumb drive. I rated 7 out of 10 stars.

Pepe Silvia 04-22-2016 03:51 PM

Multiplicity with Michael Keaton is still awesome 20 years later.

"She offered to nuke my corn dog, what was I gonna say, no?"

eDave 04-22-2016 04:10 PM

Just watched Gone Girl for the second time. :shutter: That movie freaks me out.

Buehler445 04-22-2016 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 12191575)
Just watched Gone Girl for the second time. :shutter: That movie freaks me out.

Yeah. Shits crazy. She's hawt though.

TimBone 04-23-2016 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 12191575)
Just watched Gone Girl for the second time. :shutter: That movie freaks me out.


Originally Posted by Buehler445 (Post 12191577)
Yeah. Shits crazy. She's hawt though.

Have y'all read anything from the author of the book? Her name is Gillian Flynn. She's pretty good. She's from KC, I believe, and most of her novels take place in Kansas and Missouri. Dark Places is a really good read.

Coochie liquor 04-23-2016 04:16 AM


Originally Posted by TimBone (Post 12192114)
Have y'all read anything from the author of the book? Her name is Gillian Flynn. She's pretty good. She's from KC, I believe, and most of her novels take place in Kansas and Missouri. Dark Places is a really good read.

The movie Dark Places was good. Not Gone Girlngood, but still good.

I watched Get on Up last night. Enjoyed it, but seems they left a lot of his life out of the movie. Guess it's hard to fit a whole lifetime into a 2 hr movie.

eDave 05-08-2016 03:02 AM

Not new but new to me; Duplicity. Pretty deep actually. About our multiplicities.

Mother****erJones 05-08-2016 02:43 PM

Went and seen Jungle Book. Absolutey fantastic. They nailed the voice actors. Bill Murray was good, Christopher Walken and Scarlett Johanssen were good in their short parts. The movie was beautiful to watch. They did well with the animals they all looked great.

ThaVirus 05-08-2016 07:24 PM

I didn't like Jungle Book much myself. I thought it was kinda boring, but I wouldn't argue that it was a bad movie.

ThaVirus 05-11-2016 10:56 AM

*The NEW Movies Thread*
Vacation wasn't a good movie. They relied on too many celeb cameos to bring the funny.. Although I will admit Chris Hemsworth's parts were hilarious.

Creed was OK. Worth a look but I don't think it's one I'll bother to watch again.

Cheater5 05-11-2016 11:09 AM

Rented 'Legend' this past weekend about the Kray brothers organized crime run in London during the 1960s. Not great, but good; I mostly wanted to see how Tom Hardy pulled off playing twin brothers. He did a good job as always, but his version of Ronnie Kray kept reminding me too much of Bane. Also thought it was trying too hard to copy the style and feel of 'Goodfellas'. And I wanted subtitles because their English accents were nearly impossible to understand 60% of the movie.

I'd give it a 6/10.

Lzen 05-12-2016 11:19 AM


Originally Posted by BucEyedPea (Post 12155953)
Saw the third installment of The Divergent Series—Allegiant. It didn't get a lot of viewers at the box office, which surprised me, but honestly, I wonder how many people knew it was part of Divergent? I mean unless you're a fan of the series and read the books too, like me. I loved this series and I enjoyed Allegiant generally except for where they made it too sci-fi. That seemed too out of place compared to the novel. The third book isn't as good as the first two books either and tends repeat a similar plot.

Now the budget's being slashed for the last installment. I have to say, I think a series like this being split into two books doesn't always work. I think it hurt the Hunger Games too. But I still enjoyed it because I got to see the characters and setting again.

I love Young Adult Fiction of the dystopian kind. I think it's some of the most original material these days. Now movie critics are predicting its demise.

I'm with you. Have read the books, seen the first 2 movies and this one, as well. I've been getting into the YA dystopian books and movies the last few year.

Another one you might check out is The Knife Of Never Letting Go series. It was supposed to be made into a movie but I don't know if that's ever going to happen. Still, it was a pretty good trilogy to read.

notorious 05-15-2016 05:42 PM

Just watched 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Okay movie for a while, then turns into the biggest pile of shit known to man.

Coochie liquor 05-15-2016 07:16 PM


Originally Posted by notorious (Post 12232080)
Just watched 10 Cloverfield Lane.

Okay movie for a while, then turns into the biggest pile of shit known to man.

Damn, that sucks. I had high hopes for this one.

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