Valiant |
12-18-2017 01:26 PM |
Just saw it. It was okay. They literally need to hire some superfans for plot weaknesses.
So Rey in 2 days learned everything she needs to know to become a Jedi? Per Yoda even.
How did the emperor's ship hit the cargo ships? Last I saw they were out of range. Maybe I missed that part.
So, a ship going into hyperjump and ramming can do that much damage? Damn near defeated the fleet. If it has that much destructive force and can be piloted by one person. Why wouldn't you do that all the time?
The rebel base. Okay only one way in out once doors close. How the **** did everyone get outside in trenches and into ships?
I enjoyed kylo, if they are going for attention seeking, angst villian. No one truly fears him yet. He should of owned up to killing snoke. I am excited as I have no idea what he does next. Or how big the rebel fleet in the outer rim is. Mandalorians helping next movie?
Glad to see Poe's character step up.
I think they are wasting chewies character.
Why the **** even have phantasma or whatever her name is. Worse than boba Fett in not doing anything.
Force ghosts, explain why they all vanished. Luke should have had the help of at least 2 of them to teach. This needs explaining.