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Simply Red 02-23-2007 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
If you've got a goal postwhore away. Don't be a pussy and hold us accountable.

Listen we have a bond here on the 10pm thread. If you're too pussy to see that, then I'm sorry. Most threads don't hold a candle to this place! Except maybe Simplexs' Penicillin thread or whatever.

Joie you need to study up on what the word "Family" means!

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:00 PM



Joie 02-23-2007 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
See, you have an expectation that the experience will be bad. All pain and suffering derive from our expectations. If you can remove those expectations you can avoid the bad experiences.

How? I was ok until we walked in. Then I freaked out. Even the sound of the drill in another room and the talking of the staff about my teeth freaks me out. The music did help considerably. I really want to get over this.

Joie 02-23-2007 10:04 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Listen we have a bond here on the 10pm thread. If you're too pussy to see that, then I'm sorry. Most threads don't hold a candle to this place! Except maybe Simplexs' Penicillin thread or whatever.

Joie you need to study up on what the word "Family" means!

I do understand and I also know family is about communication. You did not communicate your goal to us until you had already given up on it. If you would like to sit and join us perhaps we could help you. Otherwise, I'm sorry but you seem to have made your own choice.

Was that motherly enough? :hmmm:

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:04 PM

Can I interupt your dental conversation long enough for ya'll to say goodnight? :Poke:

Joie 02-23-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Can I interupt your dental conversation long enough for ya'll to say goodnight? :Poke:

Night Pussy :)

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
How? I was ok until we walked in. Then I freaked out. Even the sound of the drill in another room and the talking of the staff about my teeth freaks me out. The music did help considerably. I really want to get over this.

It's about training your mind to not expect bad things when those triggers happen. You need to learn to detach your senses from your expectations.

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:06 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
I do understand and I also know family is about communication. You did not communicate your goal to us until you had already given up on it. If you would like to sit and join us perhaps we could help you. Otherwise, I'm sorry but you seem to have made your own choice.

Was that motherly enough? :hmmm:

Tonight we just weren't one... :shake:

Joie 02-23-2007 10:07 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
It's about training your mind to not expect bad things when those triggers happen. You need to learn to detach your senses from your expectations.

How do I train my mind to ignore the triggers?

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:07 PM


Joie 02-23-2007 10:08 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red

Tonight we just weren't one... :shake:

Don't take us to divorce court yet. We can work it out. :(

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:10 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
Don't take us to divorce court yet. We can work it out. :(

Psst.... Please share my concerns with your dentist...

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:11 PM

Meditation is the fastest way to train your mind to remove expectations. Basically you'll learn to stop thinking, meaning that you won't have those triggers fire off.

Joie 02-23-2007 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Meditation is the fastest way to train your mind to remove expectations. Basically you'll learn to stop thinking, meaning that you won't have those triggers fire off.

I am willing to try it. How does it work? Just practice freeing the mind or is it more complicated?

milkman 02-23-2007 10:15 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Meditation is the fastest way to train your mind to remove expectations. Basically you'll learn to stop thinking, meaning that you won't have those triggers fire off.

You're trying to turn her into a blonde?

Joie 02-23-2007 10:16 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
You're trying to turn her into a blonde?

How'd you know I wasn't already?

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
I am willing to try it. How does it work? Just practice freeing the mind or is it more complicated?

It's incredibly simple to understand, but very difficult to do. You need to practice spending time where you don't think. You want to empty your mind. This is obviously near impossible, you will have thoughts enter. The idea is to accept those thoughts, not beat yourself up about it, and simply categorize them as what they are and place them in the back of your mind to deal with later. Then return yourself to a not-thinking state.

Joie 02-23-2007 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
It's incredibly simple to understand, but very difficult to do. You need to practice spending time where you don't think. You want to empty your mind. This is obviously near impossible, you will have thoughts enter. The idea is to accept those thoughts, not beat yourself up about it, and simply categorize them as what they are and place them in the back of your mind to deal with later. Then return yourself to a not-thinking state.

I'm assuming it needs to be alone and completely quiet?

milkman 02-23-2007 10:20 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
How'd you know I wasn't already?

Just a guess.

You're female, but you almost seem to have a brain.


Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:23 PM

So ya. Back to my Croyle question...

Joie 02-23-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
Just a guess.

You're female, but you almost seem to have a brain.


Good guess. I'm a brunette. :)

Joie 02-23-2007 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
So ya. Back to my Croyle question...

Thought you were leaving. Can't sleep?

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:24 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
I have a football related question :eek:

So whoever: How good/bad will Brody Croyle really be at this level? I'd venture to guess about as good as Brian Griese. JMO

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:25 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
Thought you were leaving. Can't sleep?

nope + conformity is for pussies.

milkman 02-23-2007 10:26 PM

From what little I saw of Croyle (part of one game, and highlights), he has a strong arm and guts, both characteristics that Greise is lacking.

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
I'm assuming it needs to be alone and completely quiet?

When you're starting, it will help to be alone. It will probably help to have some music that is very calm and quiet (classical, etc). Use the same music every time. You want to get into a routine of "I hear this music, I clear my mind, I become peaceful."

The next step is to control your breathing. Breathe very, very, deep. Breathe very, very slowly. One way to keep your mind clear is to count breathes. After you get to a certain point, stop counting them and start simply mentally tracking "in, out, in, out". At a certain point you can stop with that thinking.

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
Thought you were leaving. Can't sleep?

Persistant by birth Post-whore by the grace of god.

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:29 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
From what little I saw of Croyle (part of one game, and highlights), he has a strong arm and guts, both characteristics that Greise is lacking.

Yeah I hear you but I guess I meant from a success metrix...

Simply Red 02-23-2007 10:32 PM

plus I think I spelled Griese wrong!

F-cking chemical embalance! :banghead:

milkman 02-23-2007 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
When you're starting, it will help to be alone. It will probably help to have some music that is very calm and quiet (classical, etc). Use the same music every time. You want to get into a routine of "I hear this music, I clear my mind, I become peaceful."

The next step is to control your breathing. Breathe very, very, deep. Breathe very, very slowly. One way to keep your mind clear is to count breathes. After you get to a certain point, stop counting them and start simply mentally tracking "in, out, in, out". At a certain point you can stop with that thinking.

You know, I've never practiced meditation, but I've never had any problem clearing my mind of thought and tuning out the distractions
around me.

How long did you have to practice?

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
You know, I've never practiced meditation, but I've never had any problem clearing my mind of thought and tuning out the distractions
around me.

How long did you have to practice?

Every day, forever. Some days are better than others.

milkman 02-23-2007 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Yeah I hear you but I guess I meant from a success metrix...

The point is, he (Croyle) has a couple of tools that Griese is lacking, which gives him an advantage over Griese.

It's hard to say if he will succeed, but I like his chances better than Griese.

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:38 PM


Don't cancel the meds, but do what you can to not have to take the ones that are there.

Joie 02-23-2007 10:47 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

Don't cancel the meds, but do what you can to not have to take the ones that are there.

Thank you. I will try meditation. I'd like to in time be able to go med free w/ maybe just music.

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:50 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
Thank you. I will try meditation. I'd like to in time be able to go med free w/ maybe just music.

Here are some "guided meditations" which will help you get started. It's more of a new age approach than a true Buddhist approach, but it is a great way to get started.

Joie 02-23-2007 10:50 PM

I'm going to bed.

Thank you Simplex, for your help.

Sam Hall 02-23-2007 10:51 PM

howdy folks

Joie 02-23-2007 10:51 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

Here are some "guided meditations" which will help you get started. It's more of a new age approach than a true Buddhist approach, but it is a great way to get started.

Thanks. Bookmarked. :)

Simplex3 02-23-2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
I'm going to bed.

Thank you Simplex, for your help.

You're welcome.

Sam Hall 02-23-2007 10:54 PM

I'm using vodka as a form of meditation and it's working.

Simply Red 02-23-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
You're welcome.

If only I could get that kind of help with IT problems

Simplex3 02-23-2007 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red

If only I could get that kind of help with IT problems

You have a problem, I recommend a step to begin with, you ignore it and go do something else.


milkman 02-23-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
I'm going to bed.

Thank you Simplex, for your help.


Simplex3 02-23-2007 11:05 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red

If only I could get that kind of help with IT problems

...besides, truth be told I have no passion for IT. To me it's just a job.

Simply Red 02-23-2007 11:07 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
You have a problem, I recommend a step to begin with, you ignore it and go do something else.


okay okay... My natural wireless connections are still not right.

Bugeater 02-23-2007 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
I'm using vodka as a form of meditation and it's working.

What are you doing here on a Friday night? Shouldn't you be out chasing tail?

Sam Hall 02-23-2007 11:24 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
What are you doing here on a Friday night? Shouldn't you be out chasing tail?

I'm not gonna chase tail until I graduate with a degree. I don't want any distractions.

Sam Hall 02-23-2007 11:43 PM

I received a "This forum is not accepting new posts" message.

You will never know what I had to say.

milkman 02-24-2007 12:07 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
I received a "This forum is not accepting new posts" message.

You will never know what I had to say.

I'm fairly certain it was just inane drivel, so I won't lose any sleep over it.

It probably looked something like this:

Blah, blah, blah blah.

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 12:59 AM


thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 12:59 AM

Why can I not create a new thread?

Bugeater 02-24-2007 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by thepascalblaze
Why can I not create a new thread?

You lost your thread creation privileges for spamming the front page a while back. You were obviously drunk, do you not remember that?

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 01:14 AM

I remember posting new threads while drunk many times. However, the only possible spam I remember was for a puzzle book concerning the Davinci code stuff, which I had recently purchased. I was never in a position of profit or advantage, and asked, if not in that post, then a fairly immediate subsequent post, if my reccomendation was spamming. I don't know how I posed it, question, or apologetic statement, but I have never had any intention of any material gain, through any level of gain through any post on this board. I guess I don't what spam is, definitively.

Bugeater 02-24-2007 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by thepascalblaze
I remember posting new threads while drunk many times. However, the only possible spam I remember was for a puzzle book concerning the Davinci code stuff, which I had recently purchased. I was never in a position of profit or advantage, and asked, if not in that post, then a fairly immediate subsequent post, if my reccomendation was spamming. I don't know how I posed it, question, or apologetic statement, but I have never had any intention of any material gain, through any level of gain through any post on this board. I guess I don't what spam is, definitively.

If you donate $25 to the Planet I'll reinstate your thread creation privileges.

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 01:19 AM

Oh, wait, I think I bumped it too,.. maybe a few times... but really... it was because i was getting into it and wanted to share that experiene... the material i found interesting is research sources online for free... like what a college student would find. Is there a social fine or public apology system? Can I get probation? I want to know specifics.

2112 02-24-2007 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
If you donate $25 to the Planet I'll reinstate your thread creation privileges.


thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 01:21 AM

So a donation gets reinstation and a t-shirt?

luv 02-24-2007 01:22 AM

WTF is going on in here?

luv 02-24-2007 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by thepascalblaze
So a donation gets reinstation and a t-shirt?

The t-shirt is extra.

Sam Hall 02-24-2007 01:22 AM

I just got back from Jerry's Bait Shop.

For those of you who don't know, it's not a place where you buy fishing bait ROFL

007 02-24-2007 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by luv
WTF is going on in here?

Nothing to see here. Move along people.

Bugeater 02-24-2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by thepascalblaze
So a donation gets reinstation and a t-shirt?

Sure, why not.

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 01:23 AM

F this , I'm serial.

Sam Hall 02-24-2007 01:24 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Sure, why not.

what the heck is that avatar?

Bugeater 02-24-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
what the heck is that avatar?

Another album cover, Judas Priest this time.

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 01:37 AM

It is the head of a stuffed cat which happened to be the favorite toy of two female rotty lab puppies. It has been perched, and by perched I mean pushed "onto'" as a finger-puppet on to a thumb, atop the white-picket fencepost of my newly puchased two bedroom house, circa 2000...

It also is one of the first, if not the "first" digital image I ever stored... anyway, what is spamming?

Bugeater 02-24-2007 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by thepascalblaze
It is the head of a stuffed cat which happened to be the favorite toy of two female rotty lab puppies. It has been perched, and by perched I mean pushed "onto'" as a finger-puppet on to a thumb, atop the white-picket fencepost of my newly puchased two bedroom house, circa 2000...

It also is one of the first, if not the "first" digital image I ever stored... anyway, what is spamming?

Spamming is starting multiple nonsensical threads. Did you make that donation yet?

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 02:23 AM

So,.. from the land of the restricted and banned, I ask sincereley for a logically consistant, in the face of all counter-examples, definition of "nonsensical." Upon the receipt of said transmission of definition you may receive a free t-shirt almost identical to, though materially different from the one I chumped into.

007 02-24-2007 02:30 AM

Good grief. This is still going on?

Buck 02-24-2007 02:38 AM

So whats goin on?

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 02:39 AM

OMG You may see this, or something like it more than once. I am sorry.

I just went back to some of my drunken rambling posts and read responses. They do read like weird spam my wife tells me about in our filter folder.

WOW. I really am just writing buzzed. I come across all kinds of BS here. Although what I say seems chaotic, I really am giving fragments a my real thoughts... and , although some are unrecognizable to me after the fact, they are sensible to me. I see how they sound random. Most of it is an excercise in phoenemical double entendre. They are not totally irrational... and are not spam. What is up with that weird e-mail anyway? How does it help the creators?

Anyway, no. wow.

I apologize for making the morning crew wade through a couple of dozen threads that are nothing more than mid-level concious ramblings when only a few planateers are around. I kinda thought they' just press on.

I didn't really think anyone was taking the time to read what I wrote.

Don't make me beg...


007 02-24-2007 02:40 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
So whats goin on?

Nuthin new

Buck 02-24-2007 02:43 AM

I'm High.

luv 02-24-2007 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
I'm High.

Well, there's something you don't hear everyday. Oh wait, yeah it is.

007 02-24-2007 02:44 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
I'm High.

Hi High!

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 02:44 AM

I'm so low I gotta' stand on a nickle t'pee on a dime....

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 02:45 AM

I'm so low I pcan pplay handball on a curb...

Buck 02-24-2007 02:45 AM

Hey, I just realized I passed 3,000.

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 02:47 AM

buy too

thepascalblaze 02-24-2007 02:48 AM

i gotta' go have a smoke,

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