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Frosty 07-25-2013 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 9834006)
Actually had to look it up. All I knew (via the wife) was that they had a baby recently. Based on that info and the caption, I knew it must have something ot do with the kids name.

And yeah, that's a stupid name. No, really.


I'm sad to say (maybe) I didn't even know who was in the picture. I think I've officially hit the "I'm old" stage. :sulk:

displacedinMN 07-25-2013 04:14 PM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 9834038)

I'm sad to say (maybe) I didn't even know who was in the picture. I think I've officially hit the "I'm old" stage. :sulk:

No-I would say you have moved into the "I have better things to think about in my life stage"

BigRedChief 07-25-2013 08:06 PM

Psyko Tek 07-25-2013 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by Amnorix (Post 9833977)
Kim Kardashian and Kanye West named their kid North.

So her name is "North West".


****ING moron should have named her Wylde
but since they are both useless maybe it's time for pro-lifers to rethink that

Easy 6 07-25-2013 08:51 PM

A pet crab, THAT is cool.

Amnorix 07-26-2013 06:51 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 9834038)

I'm sad to say (maybe) I didn't even know who was in the picture. I think I've officially hit the "I'm old" stage. :sulk:

I do have to admit that I recognized Kim Kardashian. My wife has watched some of that TV show, unfortunately...

Amnorix 07-26-2013 06:52 AM

Fish 07-26-2013 08:26 AM

mdchiefsfan 07-26-2013 08:56 AM


Mr. Plow 07-26-2013 12:02 PM

Guys get kicked out of a Dodger game, taunt security, justice.....

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

seclark 07-26-2013 12:05 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9835858)
Guys get kicked out of a Dodger game, taunt security, justice.....

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

dodger blue turned two.

Bowser 07-26-2013 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9835858)
Guys get kicked out of a Dodger game, taunt security, justice.....

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

LOL, losers

Fish 07-26-2013 12:15 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9835858)
Guys get kicked out of a Dodger game, taunt security, justice.....


And I had to include this video I clicked on after watching yours. This one had me busting up...

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Mr. Plow 07-26-2013 12:50 PM


Chest Rockwell 07-26-2013 12:58 PM


Originally Posted by Mr. Plow (Post 9835858)
Guys get kicked out of a Dodger game, taunt security, justice.....

<iframe src="//" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>

I also become enraged when there is no Tapatio for the fish tacos.


Originally Posted by Fish
And I had to include this video I clicked on after watching yours. This one had me busting up...

This is further proof that my "Never do anything that results in someone being able to say 'Then June came over and sat on him...'" rule is well founded.

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