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Zap Rowsdower 07-11-2024 02:03 PM

"Player x takes millions less to play with the Chargers"
"I just wanted to use that pizza helmet oven."

dlphg9 07-11-2024 02:27 PM

I honestly can't believe some of you are acting like the absolute shit infrastructure, roads and such is because of a 3/8 cent tax that has been in effect for decades. Blame your shitty politicians and how they use the funds.

****ing reerun Vonbobo acting like Frank White is looking out for anyone but Frank is hilarious. ****ing chode.

LoneWolf 07-11-2024 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by vonBobo (Post 17580493)
If I want to go to a game then I have no problem paying clark for a ticket and parking and a beer. If I want to watch my favorite millionaire actor in a movie by my favorite millionaire director I have no problem with that. I am willing to pay market price for my entertainment.

Im willing for my tax dollars to go help people and organizations that need the help taking care of people and basic needs for people and the city.

But why should my tax money go to a business owner that doesn't need the help? Maybe if the tax money has a return of investment that the city could then use, but that isn't even happening. No more corporate welfare. Being a billionaire just makes it all more disgusting. He doesn't need my tax money.

Congratulations on saving your $150 per year in an effort to stick it to the man.

vonBobo 07-11-2024 05:19 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17580353)
Goodness you are miserable. Do you ever think or post anything positive?

Stadiums keep teams in an area and sports teams are a source of civic pride. That’s why when they win a championship you see huge parades. Fans cheer them on and celebrate despite them being owned by billionaires and residents paying to help fund stadiums.

When the chiefs are losing does the city get its money back?

What about residents who don't enjoy the chiefs or sports? Why do they have to pay? Why do adults of the future who aren't even born yet have to pay for the stadium?

vonBobo 07-11-2024 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 17580548)
But it's weird to have a good amount of your life dedicated to something owned by a billionaire but then try to play the don't support billionaires card.

A ticket is a personal choice on where my money is spent. A stadium tax is extorting money from an entire population whether they enjoy sports or not.

tredadda 07-11-2024 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by vonBobo (Post 17580960)
When the chiefs are losing does the city get its money back?

What about residents who don't enjoy the chiefs or sports? Why do they have to pay? Why do adults of the future who aren't even born yet have to pay for the stadium?

Do the Chiefs own the stadium? Nope, the city/county does. They can absolutely do whatever they want with the stadium the 355/356 days a year that the Chiefs are not playing there.

I won’t say things that gets this pushed to DC but there are plenty of things taxpayers have to pay for even if they don’t enjoy what their taxes fund.

Lastly it’s not even a new tax but one that is already in place. It would have just been an extension of that. How many people have noticed that difference week in and week out over the years? How many will see any difference if it goes away?

People tend to take pride in where they are from/currently live and having sports teams contributes to that. This is especially true of places that aren’t populated by transients whose loyalty is elsewhere.

vonBobo 07-11-2024 05:57 PM


Originally Posted by LoneWolf (Post 17580828)
Congratulations on saving your $150 per year in an effort to stick it to the man.

Are you trying to minimize taxation arguments? Lol, it's like you don't even know the history of our country.

I wonder how many of you all vote to end entitlement benefits that people have earned and need while at the same time are upset about people not wanting to give a billionaire money for a game.

vonBobo 07-11-2024 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17581044)
Do the Chiefs own the stadium? Nope, the city/county does. They can absolutely do whatever they want with the stadium the 355/356 days a year that the Chiefs are not playing there.

I won’t say things that gets this pushed to DC but there are plenty of things taxpayers have to pay for even if they don’t enjoy what their taxes fund.

Lastly it’s not even a new tax but one that is already in place. It would have just been an extension of that. How many people have noticed that difference week in and week out over the years? How many will see any difference if it goes away?

People tend to take pride in where they are from/currently live and having sports teams contributes to that. This is especially true of places that aren’t populated by transients whose loyalty is elsewhere.

You are incorrect. The stadium tax extension would not have paid for the royals downtown stadium. If the extension passed the royals would have put their hands into our money a second time.

There are also residents that don't take pride in having a sports team. There are even.... gasp.. cities without pro teams that still have a lot of pride. Can you even imagine?

Maybe KC just isn't able to afford the luxury of supporting two sports teams anymore? Maybe this is better left to cities with better public transportation and more tourism dollars because of mountains or oceans or massive casinos? Why would someone from out of state choose KC over Vegas, Colorado, or the Pacific ocean? So they can eat BBQ in an airport and a 45 minute drive in a rental car? Have you seen the cost of our above average hotels lately? The prices are not that far off from some hotel rooms in Manhattan NY.

vonBobo 07-11-2024 06:23 PM


Originally Posted by dlphg9 (Post 17580766)
I honestly can't believe some of you are acting like the absolute shit infrastructure, roads and such is because of a 3/8 cent tax that has been in effect for decades. Blame your shitty politicians and how they use the funds.

****ing reerun Vonbobo acting like Frank White is looking out for anyone but Frank is hilarious. ****ing chode.

Franks motive to being the guy that lost the teams is just self service? That's some rage hate logic for ya.

What's the real reason you hate frank. I bet you can't admit it here.

tredadda 07-11-2024 06:35 PM


Originally Posted by vonBobo (Post 17581122)
You are incorrect. The stadium tax extension would not have paid for the royals downtown stadium. If the extension passed the royals would have put their hands into our money a second time.

There are also residents that don't take pride in having a sports team. There are even.... gasp.. cities without pro teams that still have a lot of pride. Can you even imagine?

Maybe KC just isn't able to afford the luxury of supporting two sports teams anymore? Maybe this is better left to cities with better public transportation and more tourism dollars because of mountains or oceans or massive casinos? Why would someone from out of state choose KC over Vegas, Colorado, or the Pacific ocean? So they can eat BBQ in an airport and a 45 minute drive in a rental car? Have you seen the cost of our above average hotels lately? The prices are not that far off from some hotel rooms in Manhattan NY.

1. I agree that there are residents who don’t like or take pride in sports teams. But based on the turnouts for three SB parades and a WS parade, it’s clear that many do care.

2. Gasp there are cities without a pro team and many of them trip over themselves to get one. Perhaps they could be proud of their town while also having a pro team on the national stage that represents them. Why else would they push so hard for a pro team?

3. Perhaps KC and Jackson County proper can’t afford two teams, I don’t know. But the metro area (to include Kansas) easily can.

4. How does the areas you mentioned figure into a sports team?

I pray for you as you genuinely seem bitter and angry. Simply put the tax would have been a continuation of what was already in place, not a new tax.

mr. tegu 07-11-2024 07:08 PM

It’s fascinating watching vonBobo lash out and go through this crisis as he processes the widening gap from his complete certainty the teams weren’t leaving to the distinct possibility they are both gone.

Kiimo 07-11-2024 08:05 PM

Everything he's complaining about is pretty valid but there are more options between giving billionaires a handout against taxpayers' will and a team leaving your city.

Enter STAR bonds

vonBobo 07-11-2024 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by mr. tegu (Post 17581197)
It’s fascinating watching vonBobo lash out and go through this crisis as he processes the widening gap from his complete certainty the teams weren’t leaving to the distinct possibility they are both gone.

*Citation needed

The NFL has been loud and proud about extorting cities and leaving to the highest bidder for many many many years. They have never been bluffing. Chargers, Rams, Raiders, Raiders, Raiders, Cardinals, Oilers.. hell even the Chiefs aren't from here. What a huge middle finger it would be if the chiefs went back home to Texas lol.

mr. tegu 07-11-2024 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by vonBobo (Post 17581262)
*Citation needed

The NFL has been loud and proud about extorting cities and leaving to the highest bidder for many many many years. They have never been bluffing. Chargers, Rams, Raiders, Raiders, Raiders, Cardinals, Oilers.. hell even the Chiefs aren't from here. What a huge middle finger it would be if the chiefs went back home to Texas lol.

I think I combined you and Jettio, who has been far more insistent that the Clarks want to stay at Arrowhead and wouldn’t ever leave.

Rausch 07-12-2024 01:45 AM


Originally Posted by tredadda (Post 17581181)
1. I agree that there are residents who don’t like or take pride in sports teams. But based on the turnouts for three SB parades and a WS parade, it’s clear that many do care.

2. Gasp there are cities without a pro team and many of them trip over themselves to get one. Perhaps they could be proud of their town while also having a pro team on the national stage that represents them. Why else would they push so hard for a pro team?

If only for one night people need to be reminded we're all on the same side. Sports can at least temporarily place us in that space, and for many years, at minimum allow is to grieve together.

We finally have a reason to celebrate and people can't wait to piss on the next guy's leg. Shake it off...

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