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oaklandhater 12-17-2017 08:29 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 13292996)
Sorry, but this is just BS. Anakin was a nobody when he was discovered. So was Kenobi. Hell, the Skywalker clan only exists because Anakin broke the rules.

You see the Jedi as a ruling class with lineage, and that is what they are not.

Technically, it might not matter if Rey's parents were special......if she is a Kenobi, then it is her Grandfather that is special. It is entirely possible that Obi-Wans kid turned out to be a loser, and wound up dumping Rey for drinking money.

if she turns out to be the grand daughter of Obi-wan I would be so happy

siberian khatru 12-17-2017 08:30 PM

So do we accept that Kylo was telling the truth about Rey's parents, or was he pulling an Obi-wan who gilded the lilly about Luke's father?

I loved the line about "You don't have a place in this story."

temper11 12-17-2017 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13292968)
I hate that little kid grabbing a Broom scene so damm much.

The Luke and Anakin being naturally good can be explained by the share fact they are ****ing skywalkers

You can't say the same about Ray she is just some rando nothing special about her what so ever.

Yet Disney gave her a pass to roll with the big guns in power level because every one was expecting some giant reveal so lets do the exact opposite of that so critics will love it.

Why does there have to be some deep royal family force connection for you? Where was Anakin's force lineage from? No where. He was immaculately conceived from the force itself. So if the force can do that... why can't it also manifest itself in any damn person it wants too?

mnchiefsguy 12-17-2017 08:31 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13293011)
if she turns out to be the grand daughter of Obi-wan I would be so happy

The option is open....force could have skipped a generation...or Obi-Wan's kid could have never discovered they had the ability...I mean Dad is gone, who knows where Mom was. Easy enough to explain a rough life for Kenobi's kid, and to create circumstance where they do less the desirable things, creating a hardship that helps form Rey into the strong person she is.

manchambo 12-17-2017 08:34 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13292942)
So the only people who can criticize movies are directors now ?

Don't pull that ****ing card.

And Luke's 1st light saber duel went pretty haywire if you recall.

Nice dodge of my actual point--that Luke also used the force to pull his lightsaber to him without training.

temper11 12-17-2017 08:35 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 13293004)
Good point. Plus, Leia would really only need a slight pull to get her going....physics would then take over--a body in motion stays in motion.

Was the scene implausible? Sure. Did I hate it more than the balcony/romance scenes in ATOC? Hell no.

Leia was so good after that scene....if they kill her there they waste Carrie Fisher's last great performance. I will take the implausible slightly cheesing force floating for that.

Agreed. Although, my quick google search says that it's not all that terribly implausible that one can survive for a few minutes in space. Hollywood has always taught me that it is a quick and gruesome death if you venture outside in space with no space suit. That is apparently not true. Not even in our reality in which no such thing as the force even exists.

temper11 12-17-2017 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by manchambo (Post 13293025)
Nice dodge of my actual point--that Luke also used the force to pull his lightsaber to him without training.

Luke also was a farmer, working on moisture vaporators... not fending for himself and surviving on your own in a very harsh environment.

Silver spoon fed compared to Rey.

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13293017)
Why does there have to be some deep royal family force connection for you? Where was Anakin's force lineage from? No where. He was immaculately conceived from the force itself. So if the force can do that... why can't it also manifest itself in any damn person it wants too?

I thought it's been established that darth plagueis made anakin.

I think the for a'lot of fans the split in this movie is during the Throne scene when Snoke dies and you find out Rey's parents are nobodies.

For some doing the exact opposite of what every one was expecting is an amazing move.

For others that have been reading and watching fan theories for 2 years it feels like a punch in the gut.

I fall in the latter category

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 08:38 PM


Originally Posted by manchambo (Post 13293025)
Nice dodge of my actual point--that Luke also used the force to pull his lightsaber to him without training.

Skywalkers being naturally talented in the force.

See Luke and Anakin.

manchambo 12-17-2017 08:42 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13293044)
Skywalkers being naturally talented in the force.

See Luke and Anakin.

And Leia, Luke's twin.

Though it has been thoroughly shown to you that your blood line theory is nonsense.

What was Mace Windu's bloodline? Or Yoda's?

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 08:44 PM


Originally Posted by manchambo (Post 13293058)
And Leia, Luke's twin.

Though it has been thoroughly shown to you that your blood line theory is nonsense.

What was Mace Windu's bloodline? Or Yoda's?

We never know with Yoda cause Lucas is a dick and never even 100% descried his race.

And Mace Windu Trained his ass off to get where he was.

manchambo 12-17-2017 08:49 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13293067)
We never know with Yoda cause Lucas is a dick and never even 100% descried his race.

And Mace Windu Trained his ass off to get where he was.

You keep trying to dodge the point, but to remind you, your complaint was that Leia used the force to return to the ship, you claimed without any training.

Your rejoinder to the fact that Luke did something similar without training? Bloodline--brilliant considering that they're twins.

And now, after it's pointed out that two of the most powerful jedis didn't share that bloodline, you go back to training. Though, of course, I never saw a training montage for Yoda or Windu.

Chiefspants 12-17-2017 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by Rams Fan (Post 13292866)

Things that should make you happy:
-Kyo Ren becoming more and more developed as a character
-The Battle of Crait
-Chewbacca eating a Porg
-Battle scene with Rey, Kylo, and Snoke
-****ing Yoda
-End scene with kid using force to get broom
-All force scenes with Kylo Ren and Rey
-Kylo Ren and Luke explaining WTF happened the night Luke thought about killing Kylo Ren

Luke's last stand gave me chills. Everything from his walk out alone to the realization that he was going to take on the entire first order with only a laser sword.

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 09:07 PM


Originally Posted by manchambo (Post 13293085)
You keep trying to dodge the point, but to remind you, your complaint was that Leia used the force to return to the ship, you claimed without any training.

Your rejoinder to the fact that Luke did something similar without training? Bloodline--brilliant considering that they're twins.

And now, after it's pointed out that two of the most powerful jedis didn't share that bloodline, you go back to training. Though, of course, I never saw a training montage for Yoda or Windu.

Leia used some unknown never before seen power at a very old age with assumingly no training what so ever.

it's a bit different don't you think ?

Chiefspants 12-17-2017 09:09 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13293161)
Leia used some unknown never before seen power at a very old age with assumingly no training what so ever.

it's a bit different don't you think ?

Luke turned off his targeting computer, with no training whatsoever, and blew up the death star with a shot that a seasoned smuggler even said was "one in a million."


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