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BigRedChief 09-01-2022 08:28 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 16439339)
Nah. HBO deserves a metric pile of shit for allowing it to devolve that far. Tell them to shape up or get the **** out when you can see it's devolved to that point.

Come on, they made billions for HBO. No corporation are going to fire their moneymaker for a decade in their last year.

This was totally all on D&D. Its been decided by the business, Hollywood and fans. It sucks that they wont even address it, apologize to the fans.

DJ's left nut 09-02-2022 09:46 AM

2nd episode of this was better. I'll hang around until I don't anymore, I suppose.

DJ's left nut 09-02-2022 09:50 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 16434659)

Good ol' Martha Jones - probably my favorite companion (y'know, back before Clara took the show over then eventually it became the Lesbian fun time hour and I gave up on it). Haven't watched it in years...

staylor26 09-04-2022 09:33 PM


Originally Posted by TwistedChief (Post 16434670)
There is no one remotely on the level of the Crabfeeder, dude. He wouldn't slink away when confronted by a little girl on a dragon.

This aged well...

BleedingRed 09-04-2022 10:01 PM

Great episode

listopencil 09-04-2022 11:19 PM

It's getting better. The third episode was the best so far.

KC_Connection 09-05-2022 12:06 AM

This is getting quite good.

TwistedChief 09-05-2022 12:14 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 16444588)

LOL staylor getting validation by his favorite fictional TV character who couldn't even win a war after 2 years with a dragon...

Buehler445 09-05-2022 12:18 AM

I'm getting in it. The flaws are softening, particularly Viserys. (Although his decaying fingers are gross as all ****. Jesus).

I'm ready for more.

Mizzou_8541 09-05-2022 04:40 AM

Who are D&D?

Demonpenz 09-05-2022 09:04 AM

David Benioff and Dan Weiss

dlphg9 09-05-2022 09:11 AM

Show is really ****ing good. Look forward to more more more!

Kman34 09-05-2022 10:39 AM

We couldn’t get a killing the Crabfeeder scene? I guess the guy couldn’t fight, just hammer nails and nod to his army…

Discuss Thrower 09-05-2022 10:52 AM


listopencil 09-05-2022 11:13 AM

From the preview of next week's episode they are really taking this in a weird direction. I guess Daemon shows back up to confront the king but ends up in a fight with Rhaenyra. Hidden to avoid spoilers:



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