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ThaVirus 12-17-2017 06:11 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13292237)
Cause Obi-wan was waiting for him to come of age.

They pretty much put all their hope in to Luke at the end of ROTS

So why Luke and not Leia?

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292272)
So why Luke and not Leia?

I don't know if the books are cannon anymore but from what I remember reading Luke was being watch by Obi-wan so he could one day stand against his father or turn him back to the light.

Leia was the insurance policy just in case Luke failed.

manchambo 12-17-2017 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292224)
Why was he the one 'chosen' to receive Jedi training and duel Vader?

It's not clear to me that anyone involved did any "choosing." By a coincidence the R2 unit carrying the death star plans came into his possession. Events followed that strange chance.

Now, it seems that there was some fate at work there but it's not like obi wan or anyone else specifically chose that path for him.

Chiefspants 12-17-2017 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292272)
So why Luke and not Leia?

I don't know if Revenge of the Sith explains that (it was expected to, but brushed it over at the end).

Maybe they were worried about sexism on a rogue desert planet?

For whatever reason Luke was chosen to be watched over by Obi-Wan while Leia was raised to be a politician on Alderaan.

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 06:22 PM


Originally Posted by manchambo (Post 13292314)
It's not clear to me that anyone involved did any "choosing." By a coincidence the R2 unit carrying the death star plans came into his possession. Events followed that strange chance.

Now, it seems that there was some fate at work there but it's not like obi wan or anyone else specifically chose that path for him.

The ROTS book has a much different feeling at the end than the move.

FlintHillsChiefs 12-17-2017 06:26 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292272)
So why Luke and not Leia?

Organa and his wife wanted a daughter so they took Leia. Obi-Wan then decided to watch over Luke as he was raised by his Uncle and Aunt, and in doing so, sensed Luke's potential in the force. Obi-Wan had no idea if Leia was force sensitive or not. In fact, Yoda was the only one who knew that Leia also had the potential to be a Jedi.

This is evidenced by the conversation between Obi-Wan and Yoda in ESB.

Obi-Wan: "That boy is our only hope."
Yoda : "No, there is another."

temper11 12-17-2017 06:27 PM


Originally Posted by siberian khatru (Post 13292138)
Did you see her skin crystallizing?.

I saw it beginning to crystalize... hence the need for unconscious medical treatment... but not frozen.


Originally Posted by siberian khatru (Post 13292138)
The whole thing was stupid. If they had kept her alive the whole time, fine. But to pull that, where she's a cross between Mary Poppins and Superman flying through space, past a window with people with their mouths agape, and she all but KNOCKS ON A DOOR to be let in ... good God.

So you just didnt like the way she looked (positioning of her body) thought she looked silly, "mary-poppinsey". That's what you didn't like? If she would have looked cooler you wouldn't have had a problem?

ThaVirus 12-17-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13292237)
Cause Obi-wan was waiting for him to come of age.

They pretty much put all their hope in to Luke at the end of ROTS


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13292310)
I don't know if the books are cannon anymore but from what I remember reading Luke was being watch by Obi-wan so he could one day stand against his father or turn him back to the light.

Leia was the insurance policy just in case Luke failed.


Originally Posted by manchambo (Post 13292314)
It's not clear to me that anyone involved did any "choosing." By a coincidence the R2 unit carrying the death star plans came into his possession. Events followed that strange chance.

Now, it seems that there was some fate at work there but it's not like obi wan or anyone else specifically chose that path for him.


Originally Posted by Chiefspants (Post 13292323)
I don't know if Revenge of the Sith explains that (it was expected to, but brushed it over at the end).

Maybe they were worried about sexism on a rogue desert planet?

For whatever reason Luke was chosen to be watched over by Obi-Wan while Leia was raised to be a politician on Alderaan.


Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs (Post 13292458)
Organa and his wife wanted a daughter so they took Leia. Obi-Wan then decided to watch over Luke as he was raised by his Uncle and Aunt, and in doing so, sensed Luke's potential in the force. Obi-Wan had no idea if Leia was force sensitive or not. In fact, Yoda was the only one who knew that Leia also had the potential to be a Jedi.

This is evidenced by the conversation between Obi-Wan and Yoda in ESB.

Obi-Wan: "That boy is our only hope."
Yoda : "No, there is another."

Lots of different answers here and some of the scenes are coming back to me.

I'll have to re-watch for myself just to be sure, though.

Hammock Parties 12-17-2017 06:29 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292224)
Why was he the one 'chosen' to receive Jedi training and duel Vader?

I'm guessing he wasn't.

But Leia got involved in politics and was a senator and in the public eye.

Training her was going to be an impossibility at that point.

Luke was the safer bet at that point.

siberian khatru 12-17-2017 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13292470)
I saw it beginning to crystalize... hence the need for unconscious medical treatment... but not frozen.

So you just didnt like the way she looked (positioning of her body) thought she looked silly, "mary-poppinsey". That's what you didn't like? If she would have looked cooler you wouldn't have had a problem?

No, the whole thing sucked. And if you liked it, you suck too.

temper11 12-17-2017 06:30 PM


Originally Posted by Messier (Post 13292160)
Her pose is the only cringe worthy part. Did she have to look like Peter Pan? But I think it's almost a reflex use of the force. She's barely conscious.

This is where I am.

Hammock Parties 12-17-2017 06:31 PM

Actually the more I think about it...NEITHER of them were going to be trained, because Owen was against it.

It was only the events of ANH that led Luke ass backwards into being trained.

Thank the Force!

oaklandhater 12-17-2017 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13292496)
Actually the more I think about it...NEITHER of them were going to be trained, because Owen was against it.

It was only the events of ANH that led Luke ass backwards into being trained.

Thank the Force!

Yeah it was Kenobi's goal to train luke from the start but Owen was gonna have none of that shit after hearing about anakins fall.

temper11 12-17-2017 06:39 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292272)
So why Luke and not Leia?

Sexism? No idea. Could have been leia but organna's wife wanted a girl, so he took leia. That left luke to go with obi wan who dishes him off to his uncle and just keep tabs on him from afar. Don't think there was a master plan at that time to train either of them... just wanted to keep them from vadar. In fact, Yoda initially disagrees to Luke's training because he (luke) is too old.

temper11 12-17-2017 06:42 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13292477)
Lots of different answers here and some of the scenes are coming back to me.

I'll have to re-watch for myself just to be sure, though.

Flinthillschief has it right.

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