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Omaha 07-12-2013 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9807023)
nice pants guys. in the **** is this cool?

It's not cool. It's stupid.


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9807023)
you look like ****ing MORONS!

They ARE morons.


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9807023)
I don't give a DAMN what color your skin is.....if your pants are below you butt cheeks.....WHOOOO! you know you dumb!

You don't need to look at their pants. One of them just ran into a tree.

Radar Chief 07-12-2013 09:43 AM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9807023)
nice pants guys. in the **** is this cool?
you look like ****ing MORONS!
I don't give a DAMN what color your skin is.....if your pants are below you butt cheeks.....WHOOOO! you know you dumb!

It’s about as cool as running face first into a tree playing grab ass.

Chest Rockwell 07-12-2013 09:48 AM

Sock/shoe matching ability: A+

Situational awareness: F-

OnTheWarpath15 07-12-2013 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Athis (Post 9806399)


Easy 6 07-12-2013 05:10 PM


Originally Posted by frankotank (Post 9807023)
nice pants guys. in the **** is this cool?
you look like ****ing MORONS!
I don't give a DAMN what color your skin is.....if your pants are below you butt cheeks.....WHOOOO! you know you dumb!

I used to think that was just a fad that would die out eventually, but sagging has been going on for 10+ years, gotta admit i just dont get it.

It never fails to crack me up seing a guy walking down the street having to hold his belt to keep them from falling off.

displacedinMN 07-12-2013 09:05 PM


Originally Posted by scott free (Post 9807820)
I used to think that was just a fad that would die out eventually, but sagging has been going on for 10+ years, gotta admit i just dont get it.

It never fails to crack me up seing a guy walking down the street having to hold his belt to keep them from falling off.

Lets go for 20+

I started teaching in 1992.
thought that fad would be dead too.

Still it persists and looks more stupid every day.

We have had kids deliberately buy pants too small so that they cannot pull them up over their butt. How much sense does that make?

I try telling them that farmers and plumbers don't even where pants that low.
Or that girls do not find it particularly attractive.
No luck.

BigCatDaddy 07-12-2013 10:18 PM


Originally Posted by displacedinMN (Post 9808273)
Lets go for 20+

I started teaching in 1992.
thought that fad would be dead too.

Still it persists and looks more stupid every day.

We have had kids deliberately buy pants too small so that they cannot pull them up over their butt. How much sense does that make?

I try telling them that farmers and plumbers don't even where pants that low.
Or that girls do not find it particularly attractive.
No luck.

Yep. We did it when I was in middle school a tad over 20 years ago. I can't remember how it all got started. Snoop and Dre maybe? I also remember in high school Mike Rucker would never fasten his belt and just left it hanging. He said it was for "easy access" LMAO

Psyko Tek 07-12-2013 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 9808374)
Yep. We did it when I was in middle school a tad over 20 years ago. I can't remember how it all got started. Snoop and Dre maybe? I also remember in high school Mike Rucker would never fasten his belt and just left it hanging. He said it was for "easy access" LMAO

Does anybody dress like this?
I have never talked to any body who does because they are scary Gangsters, no wait, I mean dipshits

I know the story is that guys that did that were in prison and meant their asses were open for business

so they are doing it from some rap hero that liked cock

and white kids do it cause black guys do it?

and kim kardasian, whose major skill is big ass gets famous

TinyEvel 07-13-2013 01:49 PM

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baby laugh-alot. Scary much?

Beef Supreme 07-13-2013 02:31 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 9808374)
Yep. We did it when I was in middle school a tad over 20 years ago. I can't remember how it all got started. Snoop and Dre maybe? I also remember in high school Mike Rucker would never fasten his belt and just left it hanging. He said it was for "easy access" LMAO

My understanding of how it all got started was poor ghetto kids had to wear their older brother's hand-me-downs which included pants that kept falling off their ass.Somewhere along the way, someone thought it was cool. Of course I could be totally wrong.

Hammock Parties 07-13-2013 05:09 PM

If you like computers at all...and great stories about nerds this.

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Mojo Jojo 07-13-2013 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by TinyEvel (Post 9809079)
<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baby laugh-alot. Scary much?

Now I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight.

pr_capone 07-14-2013 02:35 AM

Sassy Squatch 07-14-2013 07:06 AM


Originally Posted by pr_capone (Post 9810668)

Too much vigorous masturbation.

Rain Man 07-14-2013 08:22 AM

Double-jointed people creep me out.

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