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luv 02-18-2007 11:41 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Well that sucks, you should know better than to engage in physical activities such as that. I sat on my ass and watched NASCAR all afternoon, and I feel fine.

Who won?

Sam Hall 02-18-2007 11:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
Jabba on the beach

boogblaster 02-18-2007 11:43 PM

As the planet sleeps... and then along came Carl ... stupid stupid Carl ... where would we be if he hadn't came along ... top of the league with a ring and victory song... but Carl's still here its a sad sad time... give him his walking papers a kick and a dime...he can call up Al and save the Raider slime... bye bye Carl don't call we'll be fine .......

Cntrygal 02-18-2007 11:43 PM

according to the weather guru tonight.... last Thursday we were at -35 (with wind chill), today was 54. Craziness....

Bugeater 02-18-2007 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Who won?

Kevin Harvick.

Bugeater 02-18-2007 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
I had a great time and was feeling find - then I sat down..........

If it makes you feel any better now, you'll feel worse tomorrow. :)

luv 02-18-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Kevin Harvick.

Never heard of him. Of course, I don't follow NASCAR.

BTW, what does NASCAR stand for?

Cntrygal 02-18-2007 11:50 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
If it makes you feel any better now, you'll feel worse tomorrow. :)


I should be okay. I'm not really hurting - just exhausted. If I had planned better, I would have gotten a bunch of shit done on Friday (when the base was locked down) and been able to go back to the slopes tomorrow.

Bugeater 02-18-2007 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Never heard of him. Of course, I don't follow NASCAR.

BTW, what does NASCAR stand for?

Uh...Nat'l Assoc. of Stock Car....Racing? Something like that.

Sam Hall 02-18-2007 11:54 PM

I swear the PT Cruiser and the Mini Cooper are the two ugliest cars on the road. Talk about terrible design ideas. The PT Cruiser looks like a shoe. The Mini Cooper is shaped like a box. I saw a black Mini Cooper and it was the ugliest car I'd ever seen.

boogblaster 02-18-2007 11:57 PM


Bugeater 02-18-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal

I should be okay. I'm not really hurting - just exhausted. If I had planned better, I would have gotten a bunch of shit done on Friday (when the base was locked down) and been able to go back to the slopes tomorrow.

Aren't you in South Dakota? Ellsworth?

Sam Hall 02-18-2007 11:58 PM


Originally Posted by boogblaster


Cntrygal 02-18-2007 11:59 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Aren't you in South Dakota? Ellsworth?


Bugeater 02-19-2007 12:00 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
I swear the PT Cruiser and the Mini Cooper are the two ugliest cars on the road. Talk about terrible design ideas. The PT Cruiser looks like a shoe. The Mini Cooper is shaped like a box. I saw a black Mini Cooper and it was the ugliest car I'd ever seen.

I don't mind the PT Cruiser, the Scion xB is the ugliest vehicle currently in production IMO.

Sam Hall 02-19-2007 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I don't mind the PT Cruiser, the Scion xB is the ugliest vehicle currently in production IMO.

I should tell you that Jim Rose is now a blogger on BRB.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal

I was up that way back in 2004. We stayed in Deadwood and hit all the usual places in the Black Hills. I'd love to come up and ride the Mickelson trail on my mountain bike sometime, that looks really cool. I'd have to get my butt in shape for that though. You're lucky to be there, the AF was thinking about closing that base down a couple years ago. Although I'm sure you are aware of that.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Sam Hall
I should tell you that Jim Rose is now a blogger on BRB.

Hehe, I saw that when I was lurking the other day. That place is even better in the offseason, all they do all day is talk about how everyone is out to get them. Effing hilarious.

Cntrygal 02-19-2007 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I was up that way back in 2004. We stayed in Deadwood and hit all the usual places in the Black Hills. I'd love to come up and ride the Mickelson trail on my mountain bike sometime, that looks really cool. I'd have to get my butt in shape for that though. You're lucky to be there, the AF was thinking about closing that base down a couple years ago. Although I'm sure you are aware of that.

This area is beautiful - but dang I get tired of the wind and rapid temp fluctuations. I hope we get more snow though - we definately need all the moisture we can get.

We were on the closure list again in '05 - but managed to stay open. I would have been shocked if this place closed down. It would cripple the economy here and we certainly wouldn't want to do something that would make sense for the military vs the local civilian community. (ie. rebuilding the damn base in MS that is BELOW sea level.) Either way, we have several new missions coming into the base over the next couple years - so hopefully we won't have to jump thru the hoops at the next BRAC go-along. We probably will though.... politics.....

Cntrygal 02-19-2007 12:25 AM

I'm collapsing now........................

Bugeater 02-19-2007 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
This area is beautiful - but dang I get tired of the wind and rapid temp fluctuations. I hope we get more snow though - we definately need all the moisture we can get.

We were on the closure list again in '05 - but managed to stay open. I would have been shocked if this place closed down. It would cripple the economy here and we certainly wouldn't want to do something that would make sense for the military vs the local civilian community. (ie. rebuilding the damn base in MS that is BELOW sea level.) Either way, we have several new missions coming into the base over the next couple years - so hopefully we won't have to jump thru the hoops at the next BRAC go-along. We probably will though.... politics.....

I don't remember wind being an issue once we got up into the hills, but it was ridiculous at Wall Drug.

Yeah, there's been rumblings about Offutt over the years as well. That would essentially put the city of Bellevue, NE out of business. I haven't heard anything since they "downsized" to StratCom though. I think they're pretty safe for now, but like you said, it's all politics so you never know.

badgirl 02-19-2007 12:55 AM


Originally Posted by Simply Red
Are you going to elaborate? Or did you just tell us that and run? Or umm, Did he pay you a visit just now? snicker, snicker.

well, see I live a small town and the past month there have been like 3 bodies turned up, all hidden in wooded areas, its very unusual for a murder to happen around here and now there have been 3.

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
well, see I live a small town and the past month there have been like 3 bodies turned up, all hidden in wooded areas, its very unusual for a murder to happen around here and now there have been 3.

I believe Stummpy is going door to door looking for revenge. If they don't give him information about you, he kills them.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:02 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
I believe Stummpy is going door to door looking for revenge. If they don't give him information about you, he kills them.


badgirl 02-19-2007 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
I believe Stummpy is going door to door looking for revenge. If they don't give him information about you, he kills them.

Trust me if any revenge is needed in that mess its me who deserves it. Stumppy don't have the smarts to be a killer who could get by with killing 3 people and not get caught, so no Stumpster is out of the question. Any other guesses?????

Buck 02-19-2007 01:04 AM

Sup people...

vincent 02-19-2007 01:05 AM

sup BK...

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:06 AM

Lil Stummpy? :shrug:

Buck 02-19-2007 01:07 AM

Chargers in 08!

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Trust me if any revenge is needed in that mess its me who deserves it. Stumppy don't have the smarts to be a killer who could get by with killing 3 people and not get caught, so no Stumpster is out of the question. Any other guesses?????

Do you have an alibi?

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:10 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Lil Stummpy? :shrug:

Definately Not!!! He is a good kid. Any other guesses I may be able to investigate???? :hmmm:

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:11 AM

I'm gonna go with bugeater, you are just crazy enough to kill.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:12 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Do you have an alibi?

:eek No I don't, oh my god do you think it could be me??? Anyone here volunteer to be my alibi???

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:13 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
I'm gonna go with bugeater, you are just crazy enough to kill.

I've never been to Tennessee. Besides, I have an alibi, I was right here on the Planet when all this shit happened.

Fairplay 02-19-2007 01:14 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
well, see I live a small town and the past month there have been like 3 bodies turned up, all hidden in wooded areas, its very unusual for a murder to happen around here and now there have been 3.

You know any self defense? Keep a bottle at all times of pepper spray going to/from the parking lot?

Would you actually use this? You have to be ready to use it in a second. No fooling around.

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I've never been to Tennessee. Besides, I have an alibi, I was right here on the Planet when all this shit happened.

I was agreeing with you about it being her.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:15 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I've never been to Tennessee. Besides, I have an alibi, I was right here on the Planet when all this shit happened.

AH HA,, how do you know EXACTLY when this started happening, huh??? :hmmm:

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:16 AM

Yeah! another ,,

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
I was agreeing with you about it being her.

Strike that from the record please.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:17 AM


Fairplay 02-19-2007 01:17 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
:eek No I don't, oh my god do you think it could be me??? Anyone here volunteer to be my alibi???

Court tv will use material this for the prosecuter attourney.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:18 AM


Originally Posted by Fairplay
You know any self defense? Keep a bottle at all times of pepper spray going to/from the parking lot?

Would you actually use this? You have to be ready to use it in a second. No fooling around.

I could use it if I had to, there is no doubt about it, I also live alone and it does get kind of creepy. I go places late sometimes alone, getting some protection isn't a bad idea, I was thinking more in the line of a Glock.

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I go places late sometimes alone, getting some protection isn't a bad idea.

Maybe this is why stummpy got the crabs. Remember kids, ALWAYS use protection.

Buck 02-19-2007 01:19 AM

Whats goin on people?

vincent 02-19-2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
Whats goin on people?

wonderin' the same thing...

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:21 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Maybe this is why stummpy got the crabs. Remember kids, ALWAYS use protection.

If stumpster got the crabs it wasn't for me, cause I shave totally, I go to my moms sometimes late after work, she lives like 45 min away.

Fairplay 02-19-2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I could use it if I had to, there is no doubt about it, I also live alone and it does get kind of creepy. I go places late sometimes alone, getting some protection isn't a bad idea, I was thinking more in the line of a Glock.

Take gun a gun training course. Get comfortable with your weapon loading and firing it.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
If stumpster got the crabs it wasn't for me, cause I shave totally, I go to my moms sometimes late after work, she lives like 45 min away.

You're going with the Britney Spears look? And what's your mom's alibi in all this?

Buck 02-19-2007 01:24 AM

If you dont mind my asking, who are you badgirl? Are you a normal member of the nitecrew?

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by BuckinKaeding
If you dont mind my asking, who are you badgirl? Are you a normal member of the nitecrew?

She used to get it on with Stummpy

vincent 02-19-2007 01:27 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
You're going with the Britney Spears look?

ROFL Brittney SHEARS = Crazy Beeeotch

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:30 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
You're going with the Britney Spears look? And what's your mom's alibi in all this?

I don't shave my head for christs sake!!

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:31 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I don't shave my head for christs sake!!

You just shave your cooter to keep the crabs away, right?

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
She used to get it on with Stummpy

Oh God, lets not throw me into flashbacks, its like having Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

Buck 02-19-2007 01:34 AM

Wheres the Luv tonight?

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
You just shave your cooter to keep the crabs away, right?

No not for that, I want to wear any kind of underwear or bikini I choose and thats it.

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:37 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Oh God, lets not throw me into flashbacks, its like having Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome.

Says the girl that goes back and searches for everything said about her since the last time she was on.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:39 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Says the girl that goes back and searches for everything said about her since the last time she was on.

yep, gotta catch up

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:40 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
yep, gotta catch up

And you think Stummpy is psycho?

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:46 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
And you think Stummpy is psycho?

I didn't say he was a psycho, I said he couldn't kill 3 people and get by with it. Not that he'd want to. Its a big regret and a waste of almost 1 and 1/2 of time for both of us. Its over, done and I couldn't be happier. I have nothing really bad to say about him, hes not a bad person, but neither am I, we should have stayed friends nothing more.

I don't want to discuss this subject anymore...back to the serial killer topic please.

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:49 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I didn't say he was a psycho, I said he couldn't kill 3 people and get by with it. Not that he'd want to. Its a big regret and a waste of almost 1 and 1/2 of time for both of us. Its over, done and I couldn't be happier. I have nothing really bad to say about him, hes not a bad person, but neither am I, we should have stayed friends nothing more.

I don't want to discuss this subject anymore...back to the serial killer topic please.

You seem to be fixed on serial killers. Are you friends with Dennis Rader?

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:50 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
You seem to be fixed on serial killers. Are you friends with Dennis Rader?

No, but I am pretty interested in serial killers and the reasons they do what they do.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:52 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Says the girl that goes back and searches for everything said about her since the last time she was on.

Now that you mention that, I noticed she dug up a thread where Phobia mentioned her name.

How did you find that, Badgirl?

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:53 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
No, but I am pretty interested in serial killers and the reasons they do what they do.

Who have the victims been? Men? Women? Prostitutes? Midgets? Usually who they kill has something to do with why they are doing it.

luv 02-19-2007 01:54 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Now that you mention that, I noticed she dug up a thread where Phobia mentioned her name.

How did you find that, Badgirl?

You could do a forum search with your name.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:55 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Now that you mention that, I noticed she dug up a thread where Phobia mentioned her name.

How did you find that, Badgirl?

Just use the advance search mode and type in what you are looking for in the form of posts and it will pull up all the posts with that word in it. I

SPchief 02-19-2007 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Just use the advance search mode and type in what you are looking for in the form of posts and it will pull up all the posts with that word in it. I

Obsess much?

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by luv
You could do a forum search with your name.

Eh, no one ever talks about me.

Bugeater 02-19-2007 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
Just use the advance search mode and type in what you are looking for in the form of posts and it will pull up all the posts with that word in it. I

Paranoia will destroy ya.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:58 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Who have the victims been? Men? Women? Prostitutes? Midgets? Usually who they kill has something to do with why they are doing it.

Thats the strange thing,its been 2 women and 1 man who was found also in a wooded area and had been stabbed in the neck, head and chest. Within a 20 mile radius these bodies have turned up over a month period, as I said its a small town and surrounding area so its very unusual for this kind of thing to happen.

badgirl 02-19-2007 01:59 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Paranoia will destroy ya.

I'm not on here enough to be paranoid, its mostly curious

badgirl 02-19-2007 02:00 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Obsess much?

yep, pretty much.

SPchief 02-19-2007 02:03 AM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I'm not on here enough to be paranoid, its mostly curious

Searching for what people say about you is both obsession and paranoia. Both traits of serial killers. May I suggest that you either turn yourself in or seek psychiatric help quickly?

el borracho 02-19-2007 02:04 AM

badgirl is back?

SPchief 02-19-2007 02:05 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
badgirl is back?


badgirl 02-19-2007 02:07 AM


Originally Posted by SPchief
Searching for what people say about you is both obsession and paranoia. Both traits of serial killers. May I suggest that you either turn yourself in or seek psychiatric help quickly?

Sorry no can do....

Bugeater 02-19-2007 02:08 AM

I think from now on I'm going to randomly drop the word "Badgirl" into various threads just to send her on a wild goose chase next time she logs in.

SPchief 02-19-2007 02:11 AM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
I think from now on I'm going to randomly drop the word "Badgirl" into various threads just to send her on a wild goose chase next time she logs in.


crazycoffey 02-19-2007 09:22 PM

So looks like I've been missing some good stuff;
Norv to SD, some planetiers have hopes for carr, and hopes for Riveria, ahhh - who cares the real name (sorry bucken), I'm a Gunny guy, and then plenty of "stuff" on the 10 and 12 threads.

Anyway, not that it matters, just to share, found out the Reversal didn't take, been mopen around the last few days and we are off to Mexico Wed. So I'm off of here for a few more days, I hear a few collectively cheer, it's all good, I know where your grandpas live........:p

anyway I'll miss the combine talk but will post at least a pic of the trip when I return next Monday. Take care all.

crazycoffey 02-19-2007 09:23 PM

Oh and the electricfied weenie, Ouchie!!!!

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