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crispystl 04-30-2024 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17504833)

I admit, I laughed when I saw this.

Yikes, it's time to upgrade the facilities.

MahomesMagic 04-30-2024 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 17504707)
I sure hope he's better than a Hardman+ :shake:

Not a hard thing to do.

Hardman couldn't crack the Jets lineup and they had nothing other than G Wilson and a broken, old Alan Lazard.

DJ's left nut 04-30-2024 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by crispystl (Post 17504940)
Yikes, it's time to upgrade the facilities.

I keep telling the 'we'll get him with our strength team and add 20 lbs of weight to him' crowd...

Fellas, we don't do this stuff better than Texas does. Their facilities are unreal.

ThaVirus 04-30-2024 01:40 PM


Originally Posted by crispystl (Post 17504940)
Yikes, it's time to upgrade the facilities.

“You made it too far in the playoffs by winning the Super Bowl. Best I can do is a couple extra nuggies in the cafeteria.”

-Clark, probably

Kiimo 04-30-2024 02:26 PM

We all know why he hasn't. Why spend money on something that you're going to either totally renovate or just leave

Pitt Gorilla 04-30-2024 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17504833)

I admit, I laughed when I saw this.

That's hilarious. He's like, "Soooo...."

ThrobProng 04-30-2024 02:43 PM

The glowing lockers must be why Texas has won all those national championships in recent years.

Kiimo 04-30-2024 02:59 PM


Originally Posted by ThrobProng (Post 17505092)
The glowing lockers must be why Texas has won all those national championships in recent years.

This is a really dumb way to think about this. It helped bring a lot of talent to Austin. Then the coaches squandered that talent but the facilities did their part.

IowaHawkeyeChief 04-30-2024 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17504981)
I keep telling the 'we'll get him with our strength team and add 20 lbs of weight to him' crowd...

Fellas, we don't do this stuff better than Texas does. Their facilities are unreal.

Yep, maybe just maturing another year or so will help since he just turned 21 on Saturday, but Feedin' him and workin' him probably aint doin' the trick.

JPH83 04-30-2024 03:13 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17504981)
I keep telling the 'we'll get him with our strength team and add 20 lbs of weight to him' crowd...

Fellas, we don't do this stuff better than Texas does. Their facilities are unreal.

And ours really aren't. Just get them some glowing f***ing lockers Hunt you tight f***

ThrobProng 04-30-2024 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17505121)
This is a really dumb way to think about this. It helped bring a lot of talent to Austin. Then the coaches squandered that talent but the facilities did their part.

College football players aren't exactly known for being smart, but anyone who would pick a school based on things like glowing lockers probably can't tie their own shoes.

Buehler445 04-30-2024 03:19 PM


Originally Posted by Bl00dyBizkitz (Post 17503329)
Yeah if you subtract 5 inches of height they're totally the same guy LMAO

Don’t forget to add 9% to his 40 time.

Kiimo 04-30-2024 03:24 PM


Originally Posted by ThrobProng (Post 17505149)
College football players aren't exactly known for being smart, but anyone who would pick a school based on things like glowing lockers probably can't tie their own shoes.

Have you ever been to Austin

ThrobProng 04-30-2024 03:28 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17505160)
Have you ever been to Austin

About 10 years ago, why?

Kiimo 04-30-2024 03:34 PM

It sells itself.

staylor26 04-30-2024 06:26 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Chiefs WR Xavier Worthy got his draft spot tattooed on his arm ��️♦️<br><br>HT <a href="">@XavierWorthy</a> <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; The 33rd Team (@The33rdTeamFB) <a href="">April 30, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

That's love!

crispystl 04-30-2024 06:49 PM

*****The Xavier Worthy Thread*****

Originally Posted by JPH83 (Post 17505141)
And ours really aren't. Just get them some glowing f***ing lockers Hunt you tight f***

If he won't...I bet Taylor Swift would!

Stryker 04-30-2024 08:41 PM

1 Attachment(s)
#1 baby!

Tribal Warfare 04-30-2024 10:20 PM

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ChiefsFanatic 05-01-2024 04:10 AM


Originally Posted by JPH83 (Post 17505141)
And ours really aren't. Just get them some glowing f***ing lockers Hunt you tight f***

Yeah, just get some RGB lighting LED strips, and line the inside of the lockers.

Pasta Little Brioni 05-01-2024 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Kiimo (Post 17505121)
This is a really dumb way to think about this. It helped bring a lot of talent to Austin. Then the coaches squandered that talent but the facilities did their part.

I'm sure it has nothing to do with the piles of cash thrown at them.

PatMahomesIsGod 05-01-2024 06:45 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17505693)
Yeah, just get some RGB lighting LED strips, and line the inside of the lockers.

They’re nice.

Have a Nanotech one with camera on my OLED.

TwistedChief 05-01-2024 08:20 AM

ESPN ranks the best draft picks:


As such, 41 picks from Day 3 made the list, but I didn't have all of the top-10 selections in there. To create our ranking, we factored in value (where a player was drafted vs. where he was ranked pre-draft), scheme fit, how the selection addressed a need, what the prospect brings on the field and whether additional assets were gained or lost in draft-day trades to acquire him.
1. Odunze
2. Caleb
3. Harrison Jr
4. Worthy
18. Wiley
61. Hadden
74. Hicks
85. Suamataia

The Franchise 05-01-2024 08:57 AM

Hadden at 61 is the most interesting.

TwistedChief 05-01-2024 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 17505860)
Hadden at 61 is the most interesting.

Sounds like we're getting the Dave Merritt bump:


The Chiefs are one of the NFL's best teams at finding defensive backs on Day 3, and Hadden might be the next in that line. He has excellent size at 6-foot-1 and 196 pounds, and he showed the ball skills to be a key NFL player in college (three interceptions in 2023). With L'Jarius Sneed traded to Tennessee, Hadden has a path to early playing time.

Jerm 05-01-2024 09:03 AM

Man I'm so excited for this season already...this team is gonna go scorched earth on this league.

Bl00dyBizkitz 05-01-2024 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 17505874)
Man I'm so excited for this season already...this team is gonna go scorched earth on this league.

Same. Excited to see who takes the next big step forward. FAU, Rice, Connor, Chenal, and maybe even one of the rookies is ahead of schedule and gets playing time early.

Always excited to see what the young guys can do to keep this dynasty going.

Bowser 05-01-2024 09:51 AM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 17503524)
Worthy was 1 in college as well..

McKinnon is gone.

A TE wearing 12 is pretty fun though.

McKinnon is gone, along with Hardman and Richie James.

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 10:06 AM


Originally Posted by Bl00dyBizkitz (Post 17505948)
Same. Excited to see who takes the next big step forward. FAU, Rice, Connor, Chenal, and maybe even one of the rookies is ahead of schedule and gets playing time early.

Always excited to see what the young guys can do to keep this dynasty going.

I'd be pretty excited to see FAU operate in a Danna role and be effective. Presuming Danna will largely step into Omenihu's spot with his injury. If FAU can step up and give us reasonably productive rotational snaps, which I wouldn't really categorize as a 'big step forward' - I'd be pretty content.

But next year's a big year for Felix. He really does need to show us something in Omenihu's absence. We didn't add to the DE room this off-season so we clearly left a path for him. But first things first, he's gotta figure out a way to get snaps ahead of Malik friggen Herring...

Kiimo 05-01-2024 10:19 AM


Originally Posted by Pasta Little Brioni (Post 17505731)
I'm sure it has nothing to do with the piles of cash thrown at them.

as opposed to the other programs who throw piles of cash at them? If you don't think facilities matter to recruits you're living in a fantasy land and probably don't remember what being 18 is like

TEX 05-01-2024 10:35 AM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17505989)
McKinnon is gone, along with Hardman and Richie James.

I'd cut Skyy before Hardman. But don't really care.

nychief 05-01-2024 10:39 AM

For better or worse, Skyy is getting another shot this year as is Toney. I hope to hell one of them salvages their careers.

staylor26 05-01-2024 10:47 AM


Originally Posted by nychief (Post 17506054)
For better or worse, Skyy is getting another shot this year as is Toney. I hope to hell one of them salvages their careers.

By "shot" you mean to make the team, right?

Because they're both buried on the depth chart either way now. Reid didn't even mention him when he was talking about the WR group after adding Worthy.

raybec 4 05-01-2024 10:57 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17506064)
By "shot" you mean to make the team, right?

Because they're both buried on the depth chart either way now. Reid didn't even mention him when he was talking about the WR group after adding Worthy.

Skyy will be on the practice squad at best. IMO it's more likely that he gets cut unless there are some unforseen injuries.

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 12:31 PM


Originally Posted by raybec 4 (Post 17506082)
Skyy will be on the practice squad at best. IMO it's more likely that he gets cut unless there are some unforseen injuries.

Eh...I think he makes the team. Annoyingly.

Assuming the Rice shit doesn't settle out this summer/fall, you're looking at:

Rice, Brown, Worthy, Watson, Toney, Moore, IMO.

They ain't carrying 7 this year, but I don't see them carrying 5 just yet either. Not with Worthy and Brown being new to the offense.

But I do think he's the last man in. If we carry 5 or someone forces their way onto the squad (Remigio seems like he could), then Moore's out. But I think that's a coinflip scenario at best.

xztop123 05-01-2024 12:35 PM


Originally Posted by TEX (Post 17506049)
I'd cut Skyy before Hardman. But don't really care.

You’d think Watson and justyn had a better shot at making roster / being buried since they’re bigger and we just got two more smaller guys

But the dolphins and chiefs seem to be stacking their roster full of short WRs.

Dolphins just drafted another good short wr

raybec 4 05-01-2024 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17506246)
Eh...I think he makes the team. Annoyingly.

Assuming the Rice shit doesn't settle out this summer/fall, you're looking at:

Rice, Brown, Worthy, Watson, Toney, Moore, IMO.

They ain't carrying 7 this year, but I don't see them carrying 5 just yet either. Not with Worthy and Brown being new to the offense.

But I do think he's the last man in. If we carry 5 or someone forces their way onto the squad (Remigio seems like he could), then Moore's out. But I think that's a coinflip scenario at best.

I honestly believe Remigio takes the last spot. I have no factual evidence whatsoever for my homeristic outlook. It's just my gut (which is wrong 78% of the time )

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 12:40 PM


Originally Posted by TEX (Post 17506049)
I'd cut Skyy before Hardman. But don't really care.

Well Hardman's not actually on the team...

But Veach has said that they're keeping in touch with Hardman, Smith and a few others.

Seems like they want the kids to earn the jobs and if things aren't looking great, they'll consider bringing back some of the veterans.

I honestly don't know what you'd do with Hardman, though. With Worthy and Brown both here, even if you subtract Toney and Moore, what does Hardman actually bring in their place that isn't awfully redundant?

Bowser 05-01-2024 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17506246)
Eh...I think he makes the team. Annoyingly.

Assuming the Rice shit doesn't settle out this summer/fall, you're looking at:

Rice, Brown, Worthy, Watson, Toney, Moore, IMO.

They ain't carrying 7 this year, but I don't see them carrying 5 just yet either. Not with Worthy and Brown being new to the offense.

But I do think he's the last man in. If we carry 5 or someone forces their way onto the squad (Remigio seems like he could), then Moore's out. But I think that's a coinflip scenario at best.

He better start working on becoming the best special teams gunner he can be, if that's the case.

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 12:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17506278)
He better start working on becoming the best special teams gunner he can be, if that's the case.

Fair point. But do ANY of these WRs look like strong special teamers?

Could just be that we use more TEs, Ss and LBers on the coverage units.

penguinz 05-01-2024 12:53 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17506263)
Well Hardman's not actually on the team...

But Veach has said that they're keeping in touch with Hardman, Smith and a few others.

Seems like they want the kids to earn the jobs and if things aren't looking great, they'll consider bringing back some of the veterans.

I honestly don't know what you'd do with Hardman, though. With Worthy and Brown both here, even if you subtract Toney and Moore, what does Hardman actually bring in their place that isn't awfully redundant?

Unless Brown or Worthy get injured there is no role on this team for Hardman.

BigBeauford 05-01-2024 01:07 PM

I won't stand for all of this Louis Rees-Zammit erasure.

nychief 05-01-2024 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17506246)

Rice, Brown, Worthy, Watson, Toney, Moore, IMO.

I think this is right, barring injuries...which will happen...

raybec 4 05-01-2024 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 17506300)
I won't stand for all of this Louis Rees-Zammit erasure.

Get used to it sir. That dude is this year's Justyn Ross type flavor of the season

Monticore 05-01-2024 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 17506300)
I won't stand for all of this Louis Rees-Zammit erasure.

I thought he was listed as RB

Sassy Squatch 05-01-2024 02:20 PM

Welp, keeping in touch with Hardman may make a lot more sense if what James Palmer has said is true. Chiefs are apparently expecting Rice to get at least a half season suspension. That leaves Toney, Moore, and Watson as the only WRs well versed in the playbook.

The Franchise 05-01-2024 02:38 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 17506300)
I won't stand for all of this Louis Rees-Zammit erasure.

He's a RB.

staylor26 05-01-2024 02:45 PM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 17506449)
He's a RB.

And it looks like McKinnon is gone, and they didn't draft anybody, so I think he has a decent shot. I think Bailey wins the RB3 role though as it stands right now.

JPH83 05-01-2024 02:48 PM


Originally Posted by The Franchise (Post 17506449)
He's a RB.

He's not going to be a RB. He's not built for it.

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by Sassy Squatch (Post 17506415)
Welp, keeping in touch with Hardman may make a lot more sense if what James Palmer has said is true. Chiefs are apparently expecting Rice to get at least a half season suspension. That leaves Toney, Moore, and Watson as the only WRs well versed in the playbook.

I feel like they go WR in the 4th if they thought that were the case.

Cheap trade up for Walker or stay put and take Gould, Thrash or Malik Washington at 133. Or Rice at 211. Maybe Isaiah Williams at 248.

Just feel like they'd have done a little more.

staylor26 05-01-2024 02:52 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17506472)
I feel like they go WR in the 4th if they thought that were the case.

Cheap trade up for Walker or stay put and take Gould, Thrash or Malik Washington at 133. Or Rice at 211. Maybe Isaiah Williams at 248.

Just feel like they'd have done a little more.

Maybe they're eyeing Boyd or somebody?

That would make me feel a lot better if it is in fact 8 games.

Basileus777 05-01-2024 03:03 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17506285)
Fair point. But do ANY of these WRs look like strong special teamers?

Could just be that we use more TEs, Ss and LBers on the coverage units.

The new return format favors linebacker/TE type builds and not WR gunners for coverage. I'm not sure how important WRs are in special teams now.

Bowser 05-01-2024 03:04 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17506466)
And it looks like McKinnon is gone, and they didn't draft anybody, so I think he has a decent shot. I think Bailey wins the RB3 role though as it stands right now.

LRZ will be our kickoff return guy and emergency backup at RB and punt returner. Maybe slot receiver, but I kinda doubt that one.

staylor26 05-01-2024 03:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17506498)
LRZ will be our kickoff return guy and emergency backup at RB and punt returner. Maybe slot receiver, but I kinda doubt that one.

Yea, he's not going to be RB3 or anything, but maybe he gets a roster spot as a STs, and RB4, that can play some WR.

MVChiefFan 05-01-2024 03:09 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 17506498)
LRZ will be our kickoff return guy and emergency backup at RB and punt returner. Maybe slot receiver, but I kinda doubt that one.

I know they list him as a RB, but everything about him screams receiver to me. 6’3” 195 lbs. and 4.4 speed just seems weird for a RB. But hell, what do I know?

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17506514)
Yea, he's not going to be RB3 or anything, but maybe he gets a roster spot as a STs, and RB4, that can play some WR.

Good point.

Someone mentioned the lack of STs contributions from our WR group - that could be one way to make it up from another position.

RunKC 05-01-2024 05:46 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17504981)
I keep telling the 'we'll get him with our strength team and add 20 lbs of weight to him' crowd...

Fellas, we don't do this stuff better than Texas does. Their facilities are unreal.

Kid did a Q&A today and said he ate Chik fil A before every game. Yeah I’m inclined to think he didn’t take nutrition seriously in college.

Get that man some protein shakes and a diet plan to put 10 lbs on him

Easy 6 05-01-2024 07:19 PM


Originally Posted by JPH83 (Post 17506469)
He's not going to be a RB. He's not built for it.

Huh? with his speed 6'2 190 works all day

He obviously needs serious time to refine his NFL game, but if Andy and Bretts vision comes true this guy genuinely breaks out two years from now

DJ's left nut 05-01-2024 07:29 PM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 17506713)
Kid did a Q&A today and said he ate Chik fil A before every game. Yeah I’m inclined to think he didn’t take nutrition seriously in college.

Get that man some protein shakes and a diet plan to put 10 lbs on him

Mama has the right amount of thic to her.

So hey, maybe you're right.

ChiefRocka 05-01-2024 07:33 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17506478)
Maybe they're eyeing Boyd or somebody?

That would make me feel a lot better if it is in fact 8 games.

I'd like it, guy playing third fiddle to Mahomes possession guy

Tribal Warfare 05-01-2024 11:02 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-media-max-width="1080"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Get to know our round one pick, <a href="">@XavierWorthy</a> 🎤 <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; Kansas City Chiefs (@Chiefs) <a href="">May 1, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script> 05-02-2024 07:25 AM

Seems like a well spoken kid

DJ's left nut 05-02-2024 08:09 AM


Originally Posted by (Post 17507000)
Seems like a well spoken kid

On draft night listening the them go from MHJ to Nabers to Odunze was the most jarring thing I've ever experienced during a draft.

Odunze could be a pediatrician and it wouldn't surprise me. Guys name is Rome and it may as well be Mike. He's just the most ordinary midwestern sounding dude ever.

Look at his combine interview - that dude is an amazing communicator. I mean you can see him really listening attentively to questions, answered directly to the person asking the question, had a great sense of humor and really just seems like the kind of guy that would succeed at anything.

scho63 05-02-2024 09:22 AM


Originally Posted by ModSocks (Post 17496433)
If you actually watched Worthy, you'd know that he's tough as nails. Dude gets licked and pops right up. He's not fragile.

GTFO out with this undersized shit. He's smaller, but he's not weak.

I think there was a guy we drafted named Tyreek that similar things were said about him. I think that worked put OK from what I remember. :p

Mecca 05-02-2024 09:29 AM


Originally Posted by RunKC (Post 17506713)
Kid did a Q&A today and said he ate Chik fil A before every game. Yeah I’m inclined to think he didn’t take nutrition seriously in college.

Get that man some protein shakes and a diet plan to put 10 lbs on him

Chad Johnson ate McDonalds all the time...some guys can absolutely eat like shit and be elite players. 05-02-2024 09:56 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17507036)
On draft night listening the them go from MHJ to Nabers to Odunze was the most jarring thing I've ever experienced during a draft.

Odunze could be a pediatrician and it wouldn't surprise me. Guys name is Rome and it may as well be Mike. He's just the most ordinary midwestern sounding dude ever.

Look at his combine interview - that dude is an amazing communicator. I mean you can see him really listening attentively to questions, answered directly to the person asking the question, had a great sense of humor and really just seems like the kind of guy that would succeed at anything.

Yeah, it was a big part of why I liked Odunze. Dude's gonna be Larry Fitzgerald 2.0

BigRedChief 05-02-2024 04:58 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">STEAL… The <a href=";ref_src=twsrc%5Etfw">#Chiefs</a> got an absolute steal in Xavier Worthy at pick 28 ��<br><br>Worthy: Marvin Harrison Jr.: <br><br>39 games vs. 37 games <br>196 receptions vs. 155 receptions <br>2,752 yards vs. 2,613 yards <br>25 touchdowns vs. 31 touchdowns <br><br>(Via <a href="">@AllChiefdUp</a>) <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; MLFootball (@_MLFootball) <a href="">May 1, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

suzzer99 05-02-2024 05:48 PM

It would be hilarious if 3 years from now Worthy is obviously the better player.

ChiefsCountry 05-02-2024 05:54 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17507036)
On draft night listening the them go from MHJ to Nabers to Odunze was the most jarring thing I've ever experienced during a draft.

Odunze could be a pediatrician and it wouldn't surprise me. Guys name is Rome and it may as well be Mike. He's just the most ordinary midwestern sounding dude ever.

Look at his combine interview - that dude is an amazing communicator. I mean you can see him really listening attentively to questions, answered directly to the person asking the question, had a great sense of humor and really just seems like the kind of guy that would succeed at anything.

Pre-draft Odunze had an interview on the Jim Rome Show and it was one of the best ones I had heard.

ChiefsFanatic 05-02-2024 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by ModSocks (Post 17496433)
Dude gets licked and pops right up.

I also pop up when licked

Smed1065 05-02-2024 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17505364)
<iframe id="twitter-widget-0" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" class="" style="position: static; visibility: visible; width: 520px; height: 1514px; display: block; flex-grow: 1;" title="X Post" src=" W50X3N1bnNldCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOnRydWUsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdHdlZXRfZWRpdF9iYWNrZW5kIjp7ImJ1Y2tld CI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19yZWZzcmNfc2Vzc2lvbiI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9L CJ0ZndfZm9zbnJfc29mdF9pbnRlcnZlbnRpb25zX2VuYWJsZWQiOnsiYnVja2V0Ijoib24iLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X 21peGVkX21lZGlhXzE1ODk3Ijp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6InRyZWF0bWVudCIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfZXhwZXJpbWVudHNfY 29va2llX2V4cGlyYXRpb24iOnsiYnVja2V0IjoxMjA5NjAwLCJ2ZXJzaW9uIjpudWxsfSwidGZ3X3Nob3dfYmlyZHdhdGNoX3Bpd m90c19lbmFibGVkIjp7ImJ1Y2tldCI6Im9uIiwidmVyc2lvbiI6bnVsbH0sInRmd19kdXBsaWNhdGVfc2NyaWJlc190b19zZXR0a W5ncyI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdXNlX3Byb2ZpbGVfaW1hZ2Vfc2hhcGVfZW5hYmxlZCI6e yJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdmlkZW9bundle of sticksxzX2R5bmFtaWNfbWFuaWZlc3RzXzE1MDgyIjp7ImJ1Y 2tldCI6InRydWVfYml0cmF0ZSIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfbGVnYWN5X3RpbWVsaW5lX3N1bnNldCI6eyJidWNrZXQiO nRydWUsInZlcnNpb24iOm51bGx9LCJ0ZndfdHdlZXRfZWRpdF9mcm9udGVuZCI6eyJidWNrZXQiOiJvbiIsInZlcnNpb24iOm51b Gx9fQ%3D%3D&frame=false&hideCard=false&hideThread=false&id=1785322255402049663&lang=en&origin=https% 932d68e5e9acd7efafb0432276a3ec&theme=light&widgetsVersion=2615f7e52b7e0%3A1702314776716&width=550px" data-tweet-id="1785322255402049663"></iframe>
<script async="" src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

That's love!

Just a red flag to me. Good side is he wants to be wanted so works his ass off. I mean a tattoo before achieving anything. I hope he likes working out is all. <iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>

staylor26 05-02-2024 09:38 PM


Originally Posted by Smed1065 (Post 17508108)
Just a red flag to me. Good side is he wants to be wanted so works his ass off. I mean a tattoo before achieving anything. I hope he likes working out is all. <iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>


ChiefsFanatic 05-03-2024 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by Smed1065 (Post 17508108)
Just a red flag to me. Good side is he wants to be wanted so works his ass off. I mean a tattoo before achieving anything. I hope he likes working out is all. <iframe scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" src="" title="Twitter settings iframe" style="display: none;"></iframe><iframe id="rufous-sandbox" scrolling="no" frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" allowfullscreen="true" style="position: absolute; visibility: hidden; display: none; width: 0px; height: 0px; padding: 0px; border: medium;" title="Twitter analytics iframe"></iframe>

A kid is excited his lifelong dream just came true, and he commemorated the occasion with a tattoo, and that's a red flag for you?

I always try to be respectful, but this is just a very bad take.

Sofa King 05-03-2024 06:16 AM


Originally Posted by ChiefsFanatic (Post 17508218)
A kid is excited his lifelong dream just came true, and he commemorated the occasion with a tattoo, and that's a red flag for you?

I always try to be respectful, but this is just a very bad take.

To be fair, the tattoo Smed is referring to is the "slutty" tramp stamp on his lower back.

Dunerdr 05-03-2024 07:31 AM

Do we know what gang those tattoos are affiliated with yet? Hopefully bloods since he will be in red.

ThrobProng 05-03-2024 09:17 AM


Originally Posted by Smed1065 (Post 17508108)
Just a red flag to me. Good side is he wants to be wanted so works his ass off. I mean a tattoo before achieving anything. I hope he likes working out is all.

Being a first round pick in the NFL draft is a big deal. A red flag would be something like a "live laugh love" tattoo on a single mom.

kcbubb 05-03-2024 09:34 AM

I hope worthy’s 40 time shows up on the field. I haven’t seen a lot of film where he is that fast. If he can tap into that speed and play that fast, he will be dangerous.

staylor26 05-03-2024 09:38 AM


Originally Posted by kcbubb (Post 17508384)
I hope worthy’s 40 time shows up on the field. I haven’t seen a lot of film where he is that fast. If he can tap into that speed and play that fast, he will be dangerous.

I just don't understand this take at all.

I don't think anybody knew he would have the fastest 40 time ever, but that kind of stuff is hard to predict with the eye test, and he is still extremely fast on the football field. As long as he's faster than the other guy, which he almost always is on the field, what difference does it make?

Fast is fast.

DJ's left nut 05-03-2024 09:44 AM


Originally Posted by staylor26 (Post 17508385)
I just don't understand this take at all.

I don't think anybody knew he would have the fastest 40 time ever, but that kind of stuff is hard to predict with the eye test, and he is still extremely fast on the football field. As long as he's faster than the other guy, which he almost always is on the field, what difference does it make?

Fast is fast.

Throwing window.

I said a similar thing when we drafted him. I was a little surprised by how rarely he looked faster than the rest of the field. He just didn't play like a 4.2 guy.

He plays like a fast player - not a generationally fast one, though. He doesn't stand out as a 'my god he's fast' sort of guy, IMO.

staylor26 05-03-2024 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 17508395)
Throwing window.

I said a similar thing when we drafted him. I was a little surprised by how rarely he looked faster than the rest of the field. He just didn't play like a 4.2 guy.

He plays like a fast player - not a generationally fast one, though. He doesn't stand out as a 'my god he's fast' sort of guy, IMO.

I disagree. I think there are examples of both, which maybe speaks to inconsistency, but I've seen enough plays/snaps where he looks generationally fast.

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