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Pointer19 10-08-2017 08:24 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 13131253)
I can't believe it! This game is incredibly awesome! Been playing this for months and daily! Incredible graphics, weapons and maps. The unlocks and new maps keep the game fresh. I have several games still in shrink wrap becasue this game is my daily go to! However, I played BF 3 and 4 religiously so I am quite the fan.

BF1 was my first game in the franchise, but I’ve been a bit of a cheapskate and avoided buying the expansions. I have to say, grinding for the weekly medals has been the thing that most keeps my interest.


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 13131401)
still gettin chicken dinners over here. Console plebs getting PUBG soon!

Please please please

Jerm 10-08-2017 11:31 AM

Soooo Stardew Valley....

Man the social/dating/community aspects of this game are fan freaking tastic....didn't know how much I'd enjoy that part of the game but it's really hooked me, esp. once you start getting closer to people.

I'm addicted to the fishing too lol....hell I'm addicted to everything.

New World Order 10-11-2017 02:08 PM

So I got back into this bad boy:

Even after all of these years the game is still addictive.

kcxiv 10-11-2017 02:20 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13131833)
Soooo Stardew Valley....

Man the social/dating/community aspects of this game are fan freaking tastic....didn't know how much I'd enjoy that part of the game but it's really hooked me, esp. once you start getting closer to people.

I'm addicted to the fishing too lol....hell I'm addicted to everything.

how do you fish? i just bought stardew Valley on the switch. Awesome game, but i dont know how to fish, i keep losing the fish really fast! lol

Pointer19 10-12-2017 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 13142730)
So I got back into this bad boy:

Even after all of these years the game is still addictive.

Loved that game! I’m sure it’d be even better now that I have some ability to do something other than trap people on an island. :)

Kiimo 10-13-2017 12:05 PM

Evil Within 2 came out. Both voice actors changed, what do you think?

Gravedigger 10-14-2017 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 13146736)
Evil Within 2 came out. Both voice actors changed, what do you think?

Honestly I never got very far into the first one, should probably install it again on Steam and give it a go. Scary and difficult from what I remember.

Gonzo 10-14-2017 07:23 PM


Originally Posted by Kiimosabi (Post 13146736)
Evil Within 2 came out. Both voice actors changed, what do you think?

The first one was horrible.
Very linear and the graphics were shit.

They did some major upgrades with this one in that area.
The game is now mostly open world, (which is nice). The graphics are
Noticeably better as well. However, the game now suffers from bland, boring gameplay.

I highly suggest waiting until December to pick it up. It should have a pretty decent price drop by then.

DJJasonp 10-17-2017 02:08 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 13148638)
The first one was horrible.
Very linear and the graphics were shit.

They did some major upgrades with this one in that area.
The game is now mostly open world, (which is nice). The graphics are
Noticeably better as well. However, the game now suffers from bland, boring gameplay.

I highly suggest waiting until December to pick it up. It should have a pretty decent price drop by then.

I kind of have to disagree with this. Yes, the graphics were not the greatest - but it reminded me of resident evil 2 or 3...with much more disturbing visuals and way harder to finish.

I started part 2 Friday night and am liking it so far.....the beginning was reminiscent of the beginning of last of us - but after that, it's slowly building up to tougher obstacles/monsters/etc.

The voice acting is different - and it's so-so for the lead.

Overall, still entertaining and challenging.

Gonzo 10-17-2017 10:27 PM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 13158218)
I kind of have to disagree with this. Yes, the graphics were not the greatest - but it reminded me of resident evil 2 or 3...with much more disturbing visuals and way harder to finish.

I started part 2 Friday night and am liking it so far.....the beginning was reminiscent of the beginning of last of us - but after that, it's slowly building up to tougher obstacles/monsters/etc.

The voice acting is different - and it's so-so for the lead.

Overall, still entertaining and challenging.

To each their own. The first one has its fan base. I personally hated it and traded it in after a week or so.

Don't get me wrong, it had its moments but just not my cup of tea. I see some definite upgrades with the new one but it's still very monotonous imo.

Frazod 10-20-2017 07:25 PM

Downloaded Elex last night, although I probably won't get a chance to really jump into it until later this evening. Open world RPG with elements of fantasy and technology - looks like a Skyrim/Fallout mashup, which is right up my alley.

Hammock Parties 10-20-2017 07:43 PM

days gone looks awesome

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Frazod 10-21-2017 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13168712)
Downloaded Elex last night, although I probably won't get a chance to really jump into it until later this evening. Open world RPG with elements of fantasy and technology - looks like a Skyrim/Fallout mashup, which is right up my alley.

Been playing this for a few hours now. It's pretty cool - but difficult. Very difficult. You don't find any weapons or armor outside of the first few minutes, and about half the things you encounter can kill damn near instantly, while you do little or no damage to them. The Brave Sir Robin strategy is about the only thing that keeps you alive when you run into one of them. And that's playing on easy mode because I'm just learning it - I can't imagine what the difficult levels must be like. Jesus.

Just got to the point where I can finally upgrade my puny initial weapon and get a follower. Should get a little less difficult now.

All in all, I'm enjoying it, though. I get the feeling it will get better and better as I level up and unlock more skills.

Jerm 10-22-2017 09:37 AM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13142762)
how do you fish? i just bought stardew Valley on the switch. Awesome game, but i dont know how to fish, i keep losing the fish really fast! lol

It's tough at first lol....gotta keep the little fish icon in the green bar as it moves up and down. It can be a real pain but I enjoy the fishing....


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13168743)
days gone looks awesome

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Cannot. Wait.

Game looks incredible and I'm super looking forward to it...the first half of 2018 esp. for exclusives looks nuts.

Gonzo 10-22-2017 06:52 PM

I’ve played approximately 170 hours of destiny 2. I have played all three classes, Titan being my favorite and Warlock my least favorite. Here’s what I’ve got for you.

It’s addictive as hell. Ranking up and getting better and better gear gives you a major endorphin release. However, be prepared for the DT’s when you get to power level 270. You have to either grind like a mither****er or find someone to play a nightfall strike or the leviathan with you in order to get decent gear.

It’s a good game though. I’m currently trying a new approach by playing two games at once, both with titans because you can utilize your gear on both playthrus. That’s kinda nice.

If you’re a recovering gambling addict, you’ll dig this one.

Storyline is ok. Not great but good. Better than Killzone 3, I must admit. It reminds me of it a lot though.

Beef Supreme 10-23-2017 08:44 AM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13170267)
Been playing this for a few hours now. It's pretty cool - but difficult. Very difficult. You don't find any weapons or armor outside of the first few minutes, and about half the things you encounter can kill damn near instantly, while you do little or no damage to them. The Brave Sir Robin strategy is about the only thing that keeps you alive when you run into one of them. And that's playing on easy mode because I'm just learning it - I can't imagine what the difficult levels must be like. Jesus.

Just got to the point where I can finally upgrade my puny initial weapon and get a follower. Should get a little less difficult now.

All in all, I'm enjoying it, though. I get the feeling it will get better and better as I level up and unlock more skills.

I am interested in this game, so I looked at a few review vids. From what I can gather, it kinda drags for 8 to 12 hours before it starts getting good. A lot of that may be the power curve. I'm probably going to wait for a sale, but I will probably get this game eventually.

Frazod 10-23-2017 09:15 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 13172135)
I am interested in this game, so I looked at a few review vids. From what I can gather, it kinda drags for 8 to 12 hours before it starts getting good. A lot of that may be the power curve. I'm probably going to wait for a sale, but I will probably get this game eventually.

Yeah, I'm FINALLY starting to get the point where I can actually kill some shit, but you can't let your guard down. The combat system is clunky as ****, and even going up against something wimpy to try new things can get you dead in a hurry.

I do enjoy it, though. It kind of reminds me of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games - it has that cool open world yet merciless quality to it.

Imon Yourside 10-23-2017 12:30 PM

Any pointers for us PC master racers who haven't played Destiny yet? Comes out tomorrow at noon for the first time on PC. :D

Long time coming, let's hope for much more as there isn't much other than Division, Fortnite and Destiny 2 until Anthem comes out next year or more likely 2019.

Imon Yourside 10-24-2017 01:25 AM

Well this doesn't look particularly good, I've purposefully avoided all Destiny 2 info waiting for tomorrow to come...AH well can't say I'm surprised.

NSFW lots of expletives...


007 10-24-2017 03:43 AM


Originally Posted by KILLER_CLOWN (Post 13173538)
Well this doesn't look particularly good, I've purposefully avoided all Destiny 2 info waiting for tomorrow to come...AH well can't say I'm surprised.

NSFW lots of expletives...


Regarding "loot crates" the dude is completely and unequivocally wrong. The bright engrams "loot crates" only provide you with gear to make you look better. Thats it. No weapons. No pay to win.

Other than that, he pretty much nails Destiny and what they have done with part 2.

When Destiny 3 hits, I fully plan on waiting until all content for it is out then purchasing it all at the price of a normal game. Probably 2 years after its been out.

The problem with Destiny is its addictive as hell, and actually fun to play, but its also infuriating in how it rewards you. Destiny 1 didn't actually get good until the end of its first year when they released the Taken King DLC. At that point it felt like a full game. I expect them to do the same damn thing with Destiny 2. Come next September 2018 they will release an addon that will make the game great. They will continue to do this because people are falling for it. Other games will start doing this as well.

If you are looking for depth, you will be disappointed. If you just want to shoot shit, you will have fun. Its about as simple as that really.

Imon Yourside 10-24-2017 05:02 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 13173550)
Regarding "loot crates" the dude is completely and unequivocally wrong. The bright engrams "loot crates" only provide you with gear to make you look better. Thats it. No weapons. No pay to win.

Other than that, he pretty much nails Destiny and what they have done with part 2.

When Destiny 3 hits, I fully plan on waiting until all content for it is out then purchasing it all at the price of a normal game. Probably 2 years after its been out.

The problem with Destiny is its addictive as hell, and actually fun to play, but its also infuriating in how it rewards you. Destiny 1 didn't actually get good until the end of its first year when they released the Taken King DLC. At that point it felt like a full game. I expect them to do the same damn thing with Destiny 2. Come next September 2018 they will release an addon that will make the game great. They will continue to do this because people are falling for it. Other games will start doing this as well.

If you are looking for depth, you will be disappointed. If you just want to shoot shit, you will have fun. Its about as simple as that really.

Yes pretty much the same as other games, Division has taken almost 2 years to have a full game(1.8 patch). I don't know of a single game that hasn't disappointed probably the least of which is Fortnite. I will probably enjoy the shooting aspect but from what I understand they did away with Randomly generated stats on loot which I hate. That effectively kills the reason for grinding right? Or am I missing something?

Also is this vid accurate on screwing up your gearscore?

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

007 10-24-2017 05:13 AM


Originally Posted by KILLER_CLOWN (Post 13173562)
Yes pretty much the same as other games, Division has taken almost 2 years to have a full game(1.8 patch). I don't know of a single game that hasn't disappointed probably the least of which is Fortnite. I will probably enjoy the shooting aspect but from what I understand they did away with Randomly generated stats on loot which I hate. That effectively kills the reason for grinding right? Or am I missing something?

Also is this vid accurate on screwing up your gearscore?

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Yep, once you hit 270 the gear will drop lower than your level is. Doing the weekly milestones and farming for exotic engrams is the only way to move higher. As well as the raid which is so full of mechanics I can't stand to even play it.

Imon Yourside 10-24-2017 02:39 PM

Thus far I have to say it's really fun, I've never played Destiny before but the shooter mechanics are satisfying enough. Add to that it's a loot shooter, perfect exactly what i was looking for.

007 10-25-2017 04:56 AM


Originally Posted by KILLER_CLOWN (Post 13174180)
Thus far I have to say it's really fun, I've never played Destiny before but the shooter mechanics are satisfying enough. Add to that it's a loot shooter, perfect exactly what i was looking for.

My main complaint about D2 is the fact it went backwards from where D1 was. never really expected that. For somebody coming to the game for the first time, D2 is a solid game. For those of us that spent 3 years playing D1 we are pretty disappointed it. Hopefully they make some marked improvements and fast.

Glad you are enjoying it and I hope you see it through better eyes than I do right now. Still playing but losing interest.

ThaVirus 10-25-2017 11:17 AM

How is Alien: Isolation? It's $6 on the PS store and I'm intrigued..

Pointer19 10-25-2017 12:26 PM

I just bought three games from a classmate for $10 without really knowing anything about them; West Point doesn't authorize personal devices to connect to the wifi, so I was looking to get a few cheap games I can play offline.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Assassin's Creed: Unity

I've played a couple rounds of Evolve. It's fun, but I think it'll get old really quickly playing solo. I prefer playing as the monster. The round usually ends extremely quickly or lasts long enough for me to get overpowered and win pretty easily. I think the leveling system for the different characters and monsters will be the only thing that keeps me playing.

I played through the first two missions of Killzone, and it seems like a fun game. Interesting, futuristic setting that I haven't really dabbled in before.

I've heard from a friend that AC: Unity isn't worth a penny and that it requires a ton of updates just to start playing. Since I have no internet, I haven't even put it in the console.

What're your thoughts on these?

oaklandhater 10-27-2017 06:29 PM

Any one playing WOLF 2 ?

It's a sweet sequel pretty much improved on the 1st game in every way.

You can tell their marketing Group had a blast selling this game.

Frazod 10-27-2017 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by Frazod (Post 13172171)
Yeah, I'm FINALLY starting to get the point where I can actually kill some shit, but you can't let your guard down. The combat system is clunky as ****, and even going up against something wimpy to try new things can get you dead in a hurry.

I do enjoy it, though. It kind of reminds me of the S.T.A.L.K.E.R. games - it has that cool open world yet merciless quality to it.

Elex. That's the name of this game. What it should be called is I ****ING HATE YOU.

Impossibly, ridiculously difficult. And buggy. With a clunky combat system. Every creature you fight is like the alien from Alien. Every person you fight is like a ****ing terminator. And God forbid you try to attack them from range, because they all either spit some sort of ****ing poison/fire/ice/whatever, or shoot at you with the accuracy of Hawkeye. AND THERE'S NEVER JUST ONE OR TWO OF THEM, EITHER. You get dogpiled, all the time. And you can't isolate enemies, because they come at you like you ****ing stole from them. No sneak attacks. No critical damage for headshots. You'd think that eventually you could level up to get the shit you need to survive better. WRONG. It doesn't help at all. There are weapons for sale you can't use, the leveling takes too goddamn long, and after you get your stats past a certain level, it takes 2 points to level the stat. Upgrade your existing weapon? No, **** you. You burn a skill learning to upgrade your weapon and then YOU CAN'T USE YOUR UPGRADED WEAPON because the requirements just became too high. Kill somebody with cool armor or a cool weapon? When you loot the corpse, 99% of the time it doesn't show up, and that 1% of the time your skill level is too low to use it. Like massively too low.

And then I've got two quests going on that are on terminal hold because the ****ing NPCs I'm supposed to talk to don't react with the correct dialogue.

I mean seriously, it's like my wife designed the goddamn game to make me stop wanting to play games.


It's like I paid $45 to get kicked in the nuts. If I had a nickel for every time I've died in this mother****er I could buy a new gun. A really nice one.

AND I'M PLAYING ON THE LOWEST ****ING DIFFICULTY LEVEL. What would the highest be like? These things can kill you in two or three hits, and you can't get away from them. I guess on the higher levels they hit you once and you simply explode.


For a week I've been playing this thinking that at some point it has to get better. It hasn't. If there was one element of the ****ing thing that would lighten up a bit, it might help, but this thing is just utterly relentless.

And it really has all the elements of a great game. I love the story lines. But this is just too much. I guess if you're some 18 year old basement dweller with nothing but time and lightning fast reflexes and a masochistic hatred of yourself, this is for you.

Indian Chief 10-28-2017 01:00 AM


Originally Posted by Pointer19 (Post 13175284)
I just bought three games from a classmate for $10 without really knowing anything about them; West Point doesn't authorize personal devices to connect to the wifi, so I was looking to get a few cheap games I can play offline.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Assassin's Creed: Unity

I've played a couple rounds of Evolve. It's fun, but I think it'll get old really quickly playing solo. I prefer playing as the monster. The round usually ends extremely quickly or lasts long enough for me to get overpowered and win pretty easily. I think the leveling system for the different characters and monsters will be the only thing that keeps me playing.

I played through the first two missions of Killzone, and it seems like a fun game. Interesting, futuristic setting that I haven't really dabbled in before.

I've heard from a friend that AC: Unity isn't worth a penny and that it requires a ton of updates just to start playing. Since I have no internet, I haven't even put it in the console.

What're your thoughts on these?

Unity was very 'meh'. It did have an assload of bugs at release, so not being able to patch is a deal breaker. (AC Syndicate is better imo and worth playing if you haven't already.) Killzone was enjoyable. Evolve I have not played.

Jerm 10-29-2017 02:39 PM

Def. gonna have to pick up Wolfenstein II on Black Friday...hearing nothing but good stuff.

Am I the only one hyped for COD WWII...? We're 5 days away, can't wait.

oaklandhater 10-29-2017 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 13175176)
How is Alien: Isolation? It's $6 on the PS store and I'm intrigued..

it's a great horror game.

But it has no combat.

more of a puzzle/run and hide Horror.

oaklandhater 10-29-2017 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13181470)
Def. gonna have to pick up Wolfenstein II on Black Friday...hearing nothing but good stuff.

Am I the only one hyped for COD WWII...? We're 5 days away, can't wait.

WOLF 2 is amazing my GOTY so far.]

The renaissance of old style FPS has been amazing so far.

I hope some day Hexen gets the Doom/Wolf treatment.

Bowser 10-29-2017 04:58 PM

I've got the new Wolfenstein. It's hard, even on regular settings (at the first, anyway).

Only about a half hour in and it's classic Wolfenstein - killing Nazis in creative ways. I like it.

Demonpenz 10-29-2017 05:04 PM

The **** is our airwolf xbox one game.

oaklandhater 10-29-2017 05:08 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 13181885)
I've got the new Wolfenstein. It's hard, even on regular settings (at the first, anyway).

Only about a half hour in and it's classic Wolfenstein - killing Nazis in creative ways. I like it.

This game is unforgiving as hell and I love it.

Gonzo 10-30-2017 12:12 AM


Originally Posted by Pointer19 (Post 13175284)
I just bought three games from a classmate for $10 without really knowing anything about them; West Point doesn't authorize personal devices to connect to the wifi, so I was looking to get a few cheap games I can play offline.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Assassin's Creed: Unity

I've played a couple rounds of Evolve. It's fun, but I think it'll get old really quickly playing solo. I prefer playing as the monster. The round usually ends extremely quickly or lasts long enough for me to get overpowered and win pretty easily. I think the leveling system for the different characters and monsters will be the only thing that keeps me playing.

I played through the first two missions of Killzone, and it seems like a fun game. Interesting, futuristic setting that I haven't really dabbled in before.

I've heard from a friend that AC: Unity isn't worth a penny and that it requires a ton of updates just to start playing. Since I have no internet, I haven't even put it in the console.

What're your thoughts on these?

Evolve is basically a multiplayer only game. Killzone is ok. Very pretty game that was the title that was intended to show off the PS4. A bit redundant. Unity is very underrated due to the bugs and faulty mp. The game is very good now. Hopefully you’ll be able to connect online and DL the updates.

Demonpenz 10-30-2017 12:24 AM


Originally Posted by Pointer19 (Post 13175284)
I just bought three games from a classmate for $10 without really knowing anything about them; West Point doesn't authorize personal devices to connect to the wifi, so I was looking to get a few cheap games I can play offline.

Killzone: Shadow Fall
Assassin's Creed: Unity

I've played a couple rounds of Evolve. It's fun, but I think it'll get old really quickly playing solo. I prefer playing as the monster. The round usually ends extremely quickly or lasts long enough for me to get overpowered and win pretty easily. I think the leveling system for the different characters and monsters will be the only thing that keeps me playing.

I played through the first two missions of Killzone, and it seems like a fun game. Interesting, futuristic setting that I haven't really dabbled in before.

I've heard from a friend that AC: Unity isn't worth a penny and that it requires a ton of updates just to start playing. Since I have no internet, I haven't even put it in the console.

What're your thoughts on these?

You can play video gamea at west point? I thought it was killing working out and learning 24/7

Imon Yourside 10-30-2017 05:31 AM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 13174891)
My main complaint about D2 is the fact it went backwards from where D1 was. never really expected that. For somebody coming to the game for the first time, D2 is a solid game. For those of us that spent 3 years playing D1 we are pretty disappointed it. Hopefully they make some marked improvements and fast.

Glad you are enjoying it and I hope you see it through better eyes than I do right now. Still playing but losing interest.

Yes its a fun game but man the story was what 8 hours? way too short, not that this is a story based game but meh. Also they need to add RNG back in, I would be more than happy with Destiny 1 as it seems you are correct there is no endgame.

On the plus side the Art director took over the direction of the live team and has promised to give us something to play for. Really need to have better randomized loot as it seems every weapon is the same, I love games where you can hunt down the best stuff. Heard many crazy reactions to people finding stuff like the Gallahorn(sp?) and would love to add more RNG as well as a reason to do the raid.

Bungie lays out plans for Destiny 2 improvements

New systems and rewards to give our most engaged players additional, optional pursuits

Better incentives for players who complete challenging Prestige activities

Better rewards and replay value for strikes, adventures, and Lost Sectors

Private matches for the competitive community (we are targeting early 2018)

Crucible tuning like adjusted Supremacy scoring and better spawning rules

Better incentives for completing Crucible matches (and penalties for quitting competitive games)

Continued improvements to Iron Banner and Faction Rallies, including uniqueness of rewards

Changes to make the mod economy more interesting and impactful.
Ongoing improvements to Exotics, including adjustments to reduce instances of duplication

New ways to spend surplus currency and materials (looking at you Legendary Shards).

An emote interface that allows players to equip Salty, Spicy Ramen, Six Shooter, and Flip Out all at the same time

more info at

Imon Yourside 10-30-2017 05:43 AM

Also the new Fortnite update is out, if anyone else plays PM me and we can do the new quest line. It's a huge update and lots of stuff to grind for.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Pointer19 10-30-2017 01:37 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 13183382)
Evolve is basically a multiplayer only game. Killzone is ok. Very pretty game that was the title that was intended to show off the PS4. A bit redundant. Unity is very underrated due to the bugs and faulty mp. The game is very good now. Hopefully you’ll be able to connect online and DL the updates.

This is what I've found so far. I think I'll have to wait for Thanksgiving and bring my console home to do the updates.


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 13183402)
You can play video gamea at west point? I thought it was killing working out and learning 24/7

Hardly! The number of all-nighters I've pulled this year astonishes me. Then again, "if you wait until the last minute, it only takes a minute." The PS4 just fills in the gaps when I'm recovering from "killing, working out, and learning." :D

Thanks for the responses, guys. :clap:

Demonpenz 10-30-2017 01:59 PM

I had a Buddy that went to west point. He has climbed mountains killed people lived abroad for many years. His Facebook is crazy with different lands regions and experiences.

Ragged Robin 10-30-2017 04:50 PM

Been playing Cuphead and Witcher 3: Blood & Wine. Surprised that Witcher 3 still holds up (haven't played since it came out), though the graphics aren't very impressive to me anymore (obviously still kind of a landmark for an "open" world game).

WhawhaWhat 11-07-2017 06:45 PM

1 Year PlayStation Plus Membership for $40 on Amazon right now.

Imon Yourside 11-12-2017 01:56 AM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Indian Chief 11-20-2017 12:51 AM

PS+ 1 year membership $39.99 on Amazon right now

ThaVirus 11-20-2017 01:05 AM

Wall Mart and Amazon both have dual shock controllers for $39 as well

Sofa King 11-23-2017 05:44 PM

Horizon Zero Dawn for 19$, Wolfenstine 2 for 25, Destiny 2 for 30 and more. Which would you buy or avoid?

Sofa King 11-23-2017 05:45 PM

There’s more too obviously, suggestions? Be nice to find a good online coop game as well if you have any suggestions.

Sofa King 11-23-2017 05:46 PM

The new middle earth game for $25 as wel

TambaBerry 11-23-2017 05:53 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 13234686)
There’s more too obviously, suggestions? Be nice to find a good online coop game as well if you have any suggestions.

If you find an online co-op game let me know, I can't find anything.

Indian Chief 11-23-2017 08:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 13234685)
Horizon Zero Dawn for 19$, Wolfenstine 2 for 25, Destiny 2 for 30 and more. Which would you buy or avoid?

Horizon is a great buy at $19.

Wolfenstein 2 got good reviews but I haven't played it.

Jerm 11-24-2017 08:22 AM

Bought Cuphead, will be my deep dive this weekend...heard nothing but great things so I'm excited.

Sofa King 11-24-2017 11:43 AM

Anyone have any good co-op games?

Sassy Squatch 11-24-2017 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13235142)
Bought Cuphead, will be my deep dive this weekend...heard nothing but great things so I'm excited.

Move any valuables out of your immediate vicinity.

Indian Chief 11-24-2017 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 13235279)
Anyone have any good co-op games?

I enjoy Diablo 3 and Borderlands 2, but those are older games.

oaklandhater 11-24-2017 10:13 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 13235279)
Anyone have any good co-op games?

Knack 2 Sniper elite 4 Cuphead

DJJasonp 11-25-2017 08:15 AM

cleaned up at target on thanksgiving night (for me and gifts):

New Uncharted $15
MLB the show 17 $15
Resident Evil 7 $15
Outlast 1/2 $15
Proj Cars 2 $25

Sassy Squatch 11-27-2017 02:01 PM

Buy $100 worth of Gamestop gifts cards for $80 at Office Depot.

Fishpicker 11-29-2017 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 13235279)
Anyone have any good co-op games?


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

oaklandhater 11-29-2017 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by Fishpicker (Post 13247329)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Good pick Played this with my Neighbor on his PS4 amazing little indi game.

SuperChief 11-29-2017 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fishpicker (Post 13247329)

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Excellent recommendation! This game is badass. Super fun.

I picked up Horizon for cheap and have not regretted it for a second. That game is crazy fun and immersive.

oaklandhater 11-29-2017 04:30 PM


Originally Posted by SuperChief (Post 13248256)
Excellent recommendation! This game is badass. Super fun.

I picked up Horizon for cheap and have not regretted it for a second. That game is crazy fun and immersive.

if you get a chance play the Frozen Wilds before you beat it

Amazing DLC.

Fishpicker 11-30-2017 08:37 AM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Crawl is another Coop/competitive game I enjoyed. Crawl is a cross between Gauntlet and smear the queer. you have 4 players (or AI stand ins) 1 player starts as the hero and the other 3 start as ghosts/monsters. the hero tries to crawl the dungeon while the other players try to kill the hero. whichever ghost/monster player kills the hero, gets to be the next hero. the hero levels up while the monsters progress into bigger baddies.

the only drawback to Crawl is that there is no online multi-p (you can find a workaround on PC) so you will have to play multi-p locally

crazycoffey 12-12-2017 01:28 PM

Ubisofts "for honor" is finally going to dedicated servers, open testing period even if you don't own the game 12/14. I like the game, sort of like a 3-D first person version of mortal combat.

crazycoffey 12-13-2017 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 13278762)
Ubisofts "for honor" is finally going to dedicated servers, open testing period even if you don't own the game 12/14. I like the game, sort of like a 3-D first person version of mortal combat.

Download is available now, 4 days of free play starts tomorrow. I can tell by the overwhelming responses a few of you will at least try it. So, cool. Hope to see you on the battlefield.......


Hammock Parties 12-14-2017 10:48 AM

**** this makes me want a VR setup.

Also this is how you make a game trailer. LMAO

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" gesture="media" allow="encrypted-media" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 12-15-2017 11:50 AM

How was Wolfenstein 2?

Sofa King 12-15-2017 01:45 PM

That's a good question. Gonzo must have ****ed up and gotten a life because his updates are few and far between anymore.

oaklandhater 12-15-2017 01:48 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 13285237)
How was Wolfenstein 2?

I loved it.

It's hella short for 59.99 but the gunplay felt tight and the story is a blast.

Fish 12-15-2017 02:19 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 13285237)
How was Wolfenstein 2?

The Nazis are racist.

Jerm 12-16-2017 08:13 AM

Been playing in the Sea of Thieves alpha....can’t say much cause of the NDA but holy shit is it fun.

Was already one of my most anticipated 2018 games, now it’s at the top.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 12-16-2017 04:50 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13285488)
I loved it.

It's hella short for 59.99 but the gunplay felt tight and the story is a blast.

Yeah, that's what I heard. Think I'll pick it up. Been awhile since I've played a good old fashioned FPS.

crazycoffey 12-19-2017 06:52 AM

For all those wondering; the "for honor" dedicated servers were a dramatic increase in playability.

I know you've been waiting on baited breath......

What ever, game is fun. Sorry you game snobs didn't want to even try it for ****ing free

hometeam 12-19-2017 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 13295929)
For all those wondering; the "for honor" dedicated servers were a dramatic increase in playability.

I know you've been waiting on baited breath......

What ever, game is fun. Sorry you game snobs didn't want to even try it for ****ing free

oaklandhater 12-19-2017 10:49 AM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 13295929)
For all those wondering; the "for honor" dedicated servers were a dramatic increase in playability.

I know you've been waiting on baited breath......

What ever, game is fun. Sorry you game snobs didn't want to even try it for ****ing free

did they fix the ****ing parry system if no For honor can still **** off.

Indian Chief 12-19-2017 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13296190)
did they fix the ****ing parry system if no For honor can still **** off.

Yeah I don't understand the outrage over people not wanting to play. Ever since it was released the game has been a buggy mess. Also considering the game is called For Honor I see an awful lot of gameplay videos of people playing with hit and run away tactics.

BigBeauford 12-22-2017 06:01 AM

I think I am going to take the PSVR plunge. Anyone have experience with one?

bigjosh 12-23-2017 05:42 PM

New Zelda game in production!

The switch version of BOTW is amazing, albeit with some flaws. hopefully they address the issues and make this next one the end all be all of zelda games.

crazycoffey 12-23-2017 06:41 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13296190)
did they fix the ****ing parry system if no For honor can still **** off.


Originally Posted by Indian Chief (Post 13297713)
Yeah I don't understand the outrage over people not wanting to play. Ever since it was released the game has been a buggy mess. Also considering the game is called For Honor I see an awful lot of gameplay videos of people playing with hit and run away tactics.

It was a ****ing free chance to see if it got better than when you first tried it (if you even tried it) and see the improvement on a dedicated server. But you’d rather believe everything you read and let other people’s opinions dictate your gaming. That’s cool.....

LOL; But seriously, I just thought someone would give it a try. It was free. The game improved a lot after the first beta, and continued to improve since. The jump to dedicated servers takes away the glitchy and sync up pauses. It was nice.

As for the parry thing is something you just have to figure out how to fight with your character. You can start a heavy attack, hit o to cancel and come a different direction catching the opponents off their guard. Or throw them to break their guard, light attacks are usually too fast for parry.

hometeam 12-23-2017 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey (Post 13303756)
It was a ****ing free chance to see if it got better than when you first tried it (if you even tried it) and see the improvement on a dedicated server. But you’d rather believe everything you read and let other people’s opinions dictate your gaming. That’s cool.....

LOL; But seriously, I just thought someone would give it a try. It was free. The game improved a lot after the first beta, and continued to improve since. The jump to dedicated servers takes away the glitchy and sync up pauses. It was nice.

As for the parry thing is something you just have to figure out how to fight with your character. You can start a heavy attack, hit o to cancel and come a different direction catching the opponents off their guard. Or throw them to break their guard, light attacks are usually too fast for parry.

Game is already dead again, averaging 500 online aint gonna cut it.


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