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memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Revenge? What? I'm not saying that any of it's funny. You think that there are people on this board that want to kill Greg Robinson, which is absurd.

No one is saying 'killing' him in person and for real but he was brutalized pretty extensively verbally and visually in a rhetorical sense.

Are you telling me that the public castration that occured on the guy since Sunday was born and bred of good vibes and not revenge and anger and hate? I'm sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood. Please forgive me.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by JazzzLovr

You got anymore?

tk13 01-14-2004 04:10 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
Stop asking questions people.

No, I'm bored. This is mildly unentertaining. I still have yet to pull my "Well, I'm sure President Bush's kids wouldn't be laughing at some of the things you've said" card. I also have an UNO Draw Four Wild Card to play.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 04:10 PM

I'm really starting to get upset by those drugs and murder references, memyselfI. I've got a lot of feelings coming to the surface, and they were caused by this thread. I need them removed now, or I'm going to undo a lot of therapy. I can see the carpet again, and the gold turning to apricot. I didn't want to see it again, and it's back.

jeffrho68 01-14-2004 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Hopefully no one who visited the site visited the link to CP save they be introduced to the Planet the past twenty four hours and think this is where fans castrate or excecute team members.

:rolleyes: Give me a fuggin break....

Abba-Dabba 01-14-2004 04:12 PM

Advice for the day

Flies spread disease, so keep yours closed.

JazzzLovr 01-14-2004 04:12 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
You got anymore?

ROFL I'm not actually a Gunther homer, I'm just really enjoying being a smartass today. :D

Talisman 01-14-2004 04:13 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I don't pay money to see those movies. It was on HBO and I sat through ten minutes of it before I walked out of the room. Never saw movie. And if you must know, I have huge issues with Hollywood glamorizing and trivializing torture and death of human beings...

I'm done with this issue unless people keep asking questions.

When you go to the movies I understand leaving, but when you're watching it on HBO in your own home, you don't need to walk out of the room. You could always change the channel (pm me for instructions on how to do this).

Unless you were making some kind of stand and wanting to send a strong message to your dog about your hatred of violence.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:15 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
No, I'm bored. This is mildly unentertaining. I still have yet to pull my "Well, I'm sure President Bush's kids wouldn't be laughing at some of the things you've said" card. I also have an UNO Draw Four Wild Card to play.

I have not posted I want the guy dead or ways to excecute him. I have hoped for his political life to be very short...

the Photoshop picture had nothing to do with making a distinction between Greg Robinson the coach and his football life and Greg Robinson the human being and his life life. That is why photos like that are so dangerous.

tk13 01-14-2004 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
No one is saying 'killing' him in person and for real but he was brutalized pretty extensively verbally and visually in a rhetorical sense.

Are you telling me that the public castration that occured on the guy since Sunday was born and bred of good vibes and not revenge and anger and hate? I'm sorry, I COMPLETELY misunderstood. Please forgive me.

Now you're just being ridiculous. Hate's a strong word. I don't like to use the term hate... that's just me though. Sure there was some anger there, but I think revenge and hate are awfully strong words for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:16 PM


Originally Posted by Talisman
When you go to the movies I understand leaving, but when you're watching it on HBO in your own home, you don't need to walk out of the room. You could always change the channel (pm me for instructions on how to do this).

Unless you were making some kind of stand and wanting to send a strong message to your dog about your hatred of violence.

My husband wanted to watch... :banghead:

FringeNC 01-14-2004 04:17 PM


There are many people celebrating Robinson’s departure, reveling in kicking a man when he’s down, laughing at the raw emotion he was willing to share on what was probably the worst day of his professional life. If you are one of those people, like the classless folks who started a web site to promote the firing of Robinson, please seek help. You believe the success of the team is more important to you, than the people who give their blood, sweat and tears each and every day to make it work. You are deranged and can not a hold a candle to a man like Robinson.
Gretz, get a clue. So we fans should "just lie back and enjoy it", to quote Bobby Knight and not make our opinion known? It is our fanaticism Gretz that pays your salary.

I didn't see anyone on this board laughing at Greg for crying. Sure, we were happy that he was fired, because we care about this franchise.

Radar Chief 01-14-2004 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Revenge? What? I'm not saying that any of it's funny. You think that there are people on this board that want to kill Greg Robinson, which is absurd.

I also find it's bizarre that you're absolutely never happy with anything that goes on here. There are lots of things on the Internet that you, I, or anyone else would not want to be around, but yet you choose to stay here.

I just think that she has no personality other than biatching.
Probably the same no matter where she goes.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
Now you're just being ridiculous. Hate's a strong word. I don't like to use the term hate... that's just me though. Sure there was some anger there, but I think revenge and hate are awfully strong words for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

Well, I think putting up someone's photo with a gun to their head is awfully strong ACTIONS for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

The people posting that picture didn't do it out of love or forgiveness.

Talisman 01-14-2004 04:24 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Well, I think putting up someone's photo with a gun to their head is awfully strong ACTIONS for some bulletin board banter after a demoralizing event.

The people posting that picture didn't do it out of love or forgiveness.

You weren't paying attention to the photo. If you look at the size of Robinson's head compared to the person holding the gun, it's obvious that he was 3 or 4 feet behind the gunman. Robinson was just standing by as the gunman aimed at an object outside of the picture.

Once again, your perspective is warped. ;)

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