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KC_Lee 04-29-2016 06:07 AM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12199917)[/QUOTE]

Looks like the Mr. Miyagi "Wax On, Wax Off" lessons are universal.

I kid, I kid. Some awesome pics Dane, keep 'em coming.

Barret 04-29-2016 08:49 AM

Here is something interesting from the Bloodline review

"Bloodlines is set 5 to 6 years before TFA"

"Ben is 23 years old in Bloodline and absent through the whole book - training with Luke. (So my guess is that he didn’t turn to the Dark side and joined The First Order until after this age, meaning that I don’t think he really has a mind of a child like many claims)."

Per Pablo Hildago - Kylo is 29-30, Rey is 19 in TFA.

All that can be found concerning the characters. The next part is my question.

So if Rey is 19 in TFA then in Bloodlines she would be 13 or 14 ( 5 or 6 year difference)

That seems like a very large age difference from the "forceback" which showed her getting dropped off on Jakku at like 5 or 6 years old.

Why I am bringing this up is that if the forceback is to be believed then Rey was not part of the Padawans under Luke's training since Kylo had not turned to the Dark Side as of yet according to the Bloodlines book. Rey was already dropped on Jakku and has been there for at least 7 to 8 years at the beginning of Bloodlines. The new book doesn't mention Rey or many other main TFA characters but I am just guessing at that information.

So am I completely off on this or have I dived to far into the Geeky deep end of the pool?

DaneMcCloud 05-01-2016 10:40 AM

DaneMcCloud 05-01-2016 10:40 AM

DaneMcCloud 05-01-2016 10:41 AM

The Millennium Falcon on Ach-To

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-01-2016 10:46 AM

Sweet pics.

Bowser 05-01-2016 02:55 PM


Bowser 05-01-2016 03:05 PM

It makes me chuckle watching Dane gobble up every morsel of info for VIII and Rogue One after taking a Vow of No Spoilers for VII, lol.

unlurking 05-01-2016 04:02 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12210611)
It makes me chuckle watching Dane gobble up every morsel of info for VIII and Rogue One after taking a Vow of No Spoilers for VII, lol.

I'm awaiting the meltdown should we get another TFA.

DaneMcCloud 05-01-2016 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by unlurking (Post 12210732)
I'm awaiting the meltdown should we get another TFA.

At least I'll know in advance, which is the point of my being spoiled


DaneMcCloud 05-01-2016 04:17 PM


Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12210611)
It makes me chuckle watching Dane gobble up every morsel of info for VIII and Rogue One after taking a Vow of No Spoilers for VII, lol.


I'm all in

Sweet Daddy Hate 05-01-2016 04:18 PM

Please god no reincarnation of the chosen one.


unlurking 05-01-2016 04:20 PM


Originally Posted by DaneMcCloud (Post 12210785)
At least I'll know in advance, which is the point of my being spoiled



Bowser 05-01-2016 04:39 PM


Originally Posted by Dagnabit (Post 12210791)
Please god no reincarnation of the chosen one.


007 05-02-2016 11:10 AM

Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread

Originally Posted by Bowser (Post 12210831)

Holy shit that's perfect!!!! ROFL

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