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hometeam 12-18-2015 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by Blankey (Post 11961401)
Post your GotY lists dammit

I'd write a blurb about each one but I'm lazy.
1. Rocket League (I'm not even a huge soccer fan but every time I play it I have fun, even when I lose. It really gives you the tactile feeling of driving RC cars around a stadium and hitting a ball around)
2. Witcher 3
3. Fallout 4
4. Kerbal Space Program (1.0 released this year)
5. Cities Skylines
6. Life is Strange
7. Outside the Park Baseball 2016 (Go Royals)
8. Prison Architect (same as KSP)
9. Dying Light
10. MGSV (Has very solid gameplay, but last chapter left a bad taste in my mouth)

Games not released this year that I played a lot of:
Diablo 3
Rocksmith 2014

Games I wish I could have played but don't own a console:
Mario Maker
Bloodborne (would probably be my #1 since I love the Souls games)


1. Just Cause 3 (Multiplayer mod already being worked on!)
2. Pillars of Eternity
3. GTA V (PC release)
4. Witcher 3
5. Cities: Skylines

havent got my hands on rocket league but it looks sweet. Mario maker as well.

Gonzo 12-19-2015 12:26 AM

You know, I almost put Rocket League on my list but I'm finding it a little monotonous lately. I dunno, it's a great concept and it's a lot of fun but it grows a bit tiresome after everything substantial is unlocked and you've reached pro. I kinda wish you could upgrade your vehicles mechanically. Build them towards a certain play style. Faster or more agile maybe? The ability to control the vehicle better while airborne by attaching little wings or even just fins but making in a little less maneuverable on the ground.
For a free game on PSN you just can't bitch, really. I never really buy aesthetic DLC but I did so for RL to just throw a few bucks their way.
Good game but not a top ten IMO.

ragedogg69 12-19-2015 07:49 PM

Just beat the Bigginner's Guide. Meh. Watch a let's play of it instead. Seriously, there is no fun multi-branching story like the Stanely Parable. It a complete walking simulator that pounds you over the head with "LOOK HOW DEEP THIS IS! GAMEZ R ART!!!111! LOLz"

I actually kinda enjoy walking simulators, just this one come off completely pretentious to me.

BigBeauford 12-19-2015 08:33 PM

1. Rocket League
Perhaps it was because it was unexpectedly good, but this game encapsulates everything I love about video games in one word: Fun.

2. Nuclear Throne
Seems like the ongoing theme here is games I did not expect or know of, but blew me away. I am a sucker for difficult, rogue like games where you only have one life. The character and weapon variation makes this a satisfying twin stick shooter. Almost my GOTY.

3. Until Dawn
Again a game I had zero expectations for. A game that harkened back to campy teen slasher films, but does so with compelling characters and meaningful choices.

4. Fallout 4
Great game that I have sunk meaningful time into, but it's fallen a bit for me. The dialogue system is a step down, the engine is old, and I am starting to think I enjoyed New Vegas a bit better. While I doubt Bethesda will change much with their financially successful system, I doubt I will purchase another installment without some new changes.

5. Star Wars Battlefront
Sure it's a bit shallow with its offerings, but man Dice did an amazing job with the liscence, from the graphics to the sounds. Not to mention that the gunplay is very tight. This game could use more maps, and unique game types, but I liked it more than most.

Gravedigger 12-20-2015 11:48 AM

I almost have to say that this year wore me completely out on open world games. Its fun to sandbox around for awhile but i want better stories with my games. MGS5 story was boring imho so id give GOTY to Witcher 3. This seemed like an entire year of HD remakes and open world games for me personally.

Gonzo 12-20-2015 03:20 PM


Originally Posted by Gravedigger (Post 11963850)
I almost have to say that this year wore me completely out on open world games. Its fun to sandbox around for awhile but i want better stories with my games. MGS5 story was boring imho so id give GOTY to Witcher 3. This seemed like an entire year of HD remakes and open world games for me personally.

Nothing wrong with this at all. Witcher 3 almost got my goty but I had to go Bloodborne.
MGSV could've been so much more. The first half of the game was glorious. The second was useless filler.

New World Order 12-21-2015 03:04 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 11961425)

1. Just Cause 3 (Multiplayer mod already being worked on!)
2. Pillars of Eternity
3. GTA V (PC release)
4. Witcher 3
5. Cities: Skylines

havent got my hands on rocket league but it looks sweet. Mario maker as well.

Don't forget Star wars and Arkham Knight. They are at least close to the top 5.

hometeam 12-21-2015 02:50 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 11967801)
Don't forget Star wars and Arkham Knight. They are at least close to the top 5.

.. I play PC bro.

Only top list those go on is top biggest ****ups, top biggest moneygrabs, or top retreads.

BryanBusby 12-24-2015 11:28 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 11942616)
I'll probably get this after price drop. Looks like my kind of game.

I'm currently playing through ZombiU for the first time. I don't really game much (maybe an hour at night). I also suck, so this will probably take me forever to finish it. Since gaming isn't a huge deal to me, I'm pretty stingy on what I'll spend for my personal gameplay, which is awesome because I can pick up great games for less than $20. I'm looking for good games I should play on the WiiU. Keep in mind, I haven't played ANY other consoles, so obvious game franchises that everyone else loves and that have been ported to the WiiU are completely new to me (Assassin's Creed, Deus Ex, etc..).

Currently considering Arkham Knight and ME3 (never played a Mass Effect before). I like RPG type stuff, so I'm leaning toward ME3.


Whoops, forgot to check back in here.

I'd strongly suggest looking into Bayonetta 2. It comes with the original one; both great games.

Buck 12-25-2015 12:04 AM

Top 5 for me and what platform I played them on

1. Destiny: The Taken King (PS4)
2. Bloodborne (PS4)
3. MGSV (PS4)
4. Just Cause 3 (PC)
5. Fallout 4 (PC)

Not a great year for video games...

My top 5 most played this year.

1. Guild Wars 2 (PC - 2012 ~ 700 hours)
2. Destiny: The Taken King (PS4 - 2015 ~ 340 hours)
3. Hearthstone (PC - 2014 ~ 100 hours)
4. Diablo 3 (PC - 2012 ~ 100 hours)
5. Bloodborne (PS4 - 2015 ~ 40 hours)

Edit: I want to add that I'm very inpatient. I really need to play all the way through Bloodborne and MGSV. I also played about 90 min of The Witcher 3 before I got tired of it. I've only put a combined 15 hours into JC3 and FO4, but they made my list. I'm not the best person to give advice on what the best games were.

New World Order 12-25-2015 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 11968566)
.. I play PC bro.

Only top list those go on is top biggest ****ups, top biggest moneygrabs, or top retreads.

I know. It was a troll post

salame 12-28-2015 01:46 AM

anyone have any particularly cool gta V mods they use?

hometeam 12-28-2015 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by salame (Post 11980980)
anyone have any particularly cool gta V mods they use?

im a bit disappointed rockstar shut down gtaV:mp :(

There is lots of cool shit out there but I havent dabbled in it yet.. was really waiting for a true multiplayer server.. not rockstars shit version.

Simply Red 01-08-2016 09:23 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 11944599)
That's a decent game. Graphics are good. Cliche' as hell but man, when the sun goes down? Watch your ass.

I don't play after dark - I will only hunt after dark if a quest requires that - so far only one has required completion in the dark.

Simply Red 01-08-2016 02:23 PM


Originally Posted by Mecca (Post 11957980)
If anyone finds a deal out there, both my ps plus and xboxlive expire next month so let me know if you find any deals, thanks.

why don't you buy my Xbox One - It's literally 1 month old.

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