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DeezNutz 03-19-2011 01:06 PM


Originally Posted by The Meat Dragon (Post 7501165)
this board is one of the most intelligent boards (overall) I've ever been apart of...

LMAO. Truth in irony.

Frazod 03-19-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by R8ers (Post 7501176)
AKA Little Dane... If you don't agree with the CP Legend he will cuss and rant like a 12 year old, even when you ignore him.

Ignore him = I have no response for his calling me on being a complete ****ing tool.

Thanks for playing, delivery boy.

Reaper16 03-19-2011 01:07 PM

I'd just like to say that the auto-filter of 'pedo' to 'audio' does a serious, serious disservice to the true-to-the-word audiophiles out there.

But seeing how the Rock n Poll is turning out, I guess there aren't very many people on the board who care about sound.

Just Passin' By 03-19-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 7501145)
There we go. Now we can all be happy. :grouphug:


I don't think the music lovers are going to be happy now.

Saul Good 03-19-2011 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 7501162)
This whole thing is stupid. I wouldn't want to be called a audiophile but Dane walked into that one. It's definitely not worth leaving over, unless you were looking for a reason anyway.

I'm not in Dane's fan club for his behavior out here but I'm not threatened by him either. In fact, we're friends in RL as far as I'm concerned. But he's a big boy. He can fight his own battles. Doesn't mean I have to agree or disagree.

Best wishes to him and anybody else who decides this place is too much for them. My own participation is significantly limited to what it has been in the past.

Dane will be back. The guy likes to act like he's above everyone here and doesn't care about this place. He won't be able to stand not being able to remind everyone how much he doesn't care. I guarantee he's reading this thread.

Hi Dane. Sorry to hear that those vaginas you've been wounding are underage.

'Hamas' Jenkins 03-19-2011 01:07 PM

audiophile<"The Man" Jacks

doomy3 03-19-2011 01:08 PM


Originally Posted by vailpass (Post 7501112)
:LOL: An early front-runner for 2011 Planet Douche of the Year.

He'll have an easier road now that Dane's gone.

DeezNutz 03-19-2011 01:08 PM

Has Rebecca Black been banned yet? Or has her name been filtered at least?

Bwana 03-19-2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 7501168)

Uh-oh! That can't be good. Is that some kind of a trigger/death code?

wazu 03-19-2011 01:09 PM

If you are going to call out somebody's daughter, of any age, expect to get smacked.

Frazod 03-19-2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Meat Dragon (Post 7501172)
Well, I understand where you're coming from...but I disagree with "horribly undermoderated"...

and if we were moderated the way you want to moderate...Dane (and myself) would have been banned 100 times over by now.

Well, Dane wouldn't have been.

Saul Good 03-19-2011 01:09 PM


Originally Posted by Phobia (Post 7501168)

Hey, asshole. I knew a girl in college who was jk;ljfdasj;lkfjas;lk, and it messed her up in the head for a long time. You don't go throwing out that sort of thing without proof.


Okie_Apparition 03-19-2011 01:09 PM

How can you be offended by an insult. When you know the insulter and insultie do not know each other personally & in all likely hood never will. The internet is not the real world & treating it like it is? Isn't healthy.

CaliforniaChief 03-19-2011 01:13 PM

This place is going to turn into the online version of "Alive" if we don't get football-related activities back soon.

I for one think Dane makes this a better board. But I'm not aware of all the other stuff.

God bless ya, man.

JBucc 03-19-2011 01:14 PM

I was wondering why one of my old posts I came across had me accusing someone of being an audiophile. Guess that mystery is solved.

edit: also lol at my rep bar

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