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Mr. Flopnuts 12-08-2009 11:24 PM

ROR has picked up some more votes. I need the names in order to rep and payoff.

smittysbar 12-08-2009 11:26 PM

My pockets are full again, thanks RNR, the kids can eat this week.

BossChief 12-08-2009 11:29 PM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 6319985)

now crown me.











and 11.


this should be the header of each page in this thing!

post of the year!

props to sofa king!

BigRedChief 12-08-2009 11:31 PM


Originally Posted by smittysbar (Post 6330879)
My pockets are full again, thanks RNR, the kids can eat this week.

Jeeezzz you voted for the Jets fan and I gave you rep.:doh!:

BigRedChief 12-08-2009 11:33 PM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 6330884)
this should be the header of each page in this thing!

post of the year!

props to sofa king!

Yes, after we crown the n00b of the year, the academy will start taking nominations for post of the year. And sofa king's collection of jiggly boobs have to be near the top of the nomination list.

RNR 12-08-2009 11:34 PM

Boss better get on the campaign trail the gap is closing~

Mr. Flopnuts 12-08-2009 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 6330892)
Yes, after we crown the n00b of the year, the academy will start taking nominations for post of the year. And sofa king's collection of jiggly boobs have to be near the top of the nomination list.

We need to have a variety of Chiefy awards and let the people give us some good ideas for awards. We can totally rename the Chiefys, it was just off the top of my head. We should seriously have like a dozen catagories though. Let the historians dig the gold out of the search function.

BossChief 12-09-2009 12:14 AM

Let me see:

casino cash
Chiefs pride
"all your wildest dreams will come true"

what else could you want?


Kyle DeLexus 12-09-2009 12:17 AM


Originally Posted by BossChief (Post 6330944)
Let me see:

casino cash
Chiefs pride
"all your wildest dreams will come true"

what else could you want?


$5 million in unmarked casino cash dollars in my swiss casino cash account. :drool:

BossChief 12-09-2009 12:57 AM


Originally Posted by Kyle DeLexus (Post 6330949)
$5 million in unmarked casino cash dollars in my swiss casino cash account. :drool:

sorry, all my money is marked and the swiss are looking for me to find out where their 10 million dollars is....

Sweet Daddy Hate 12-09-2009 02:07 AM

Alright, it's time to break out the Diplomats Attache' Case.

As most of you know, I have a running bet with the ungodly, ever-whining poster known as "Doomy3" regarding total yardage plus rushing yards between Matt Cassel and Mark Sanchez for the 2009 season.
For those of you who are new, or are not hip to clash of egos that WAS the 2009 Draft discussions; a sizable number of posters here(myself included)wanted the Chiefs to draft a quarterback both before Cassel was brought to KC and AFTER he was brought here because frankly, our franchise's history with cast-off's and hand me-downs combined with the undeniable statistical data showing that drafted, franchise QB's win more Championships than any other "QB demographic" warranted such feelings/desires.

The whole mess pissed a LOT of people off and split the board to the point of Defcon 1. There are still heated debates continuing to this day, many spurred on by the overall performance of Cassel thus far, and there are always little jabs back and forth between posters who still reside on one side of the debate or the other.

Well, as it turned out, Doomy3 and I were the only people at the end of the day who believed in our convictions for both QB's enough to put our very memberships on the line to prove our points. It was a good season to do it from a fans standpoint as well, because the Chiefs and the Jets were/are not scheduled to face each other this year.
Thus far, it has been a close race with neither QB pulling a sizable lead.
Or setting the world on fire for that matter.:doh!:

So what is this about? What am I driving at? It is this:

If I lose this bet, I will be gone from Chiefs Planet Forever. I honor my bets and this is a serious one.

If however I end up as the victor in this wager, I will NOT claim my prize in this contest, and Doomy3 can stay here for as long as he likes. I realize there are members here who probably enjoy his takes and personality( for what reasons I can not begin to imagine, but I digress...), and it would be a good move toward better overall harmony on the board after a very polarizing draft/off season.

It would be a respectable and honorable gesture of goodwill for someone elected to the Office of say....

Chiefs Planet King of the n00bs?:D

Elect me your King, and I shall make it so.

BigRedChief 12-09-2009 07:38 AM


Originally Posted by Raised On Riots (Post 6331040)

If I lose this bet, I will be gone from Chiefs Planet Forever. I honor my bets and this is a serious one.

If however I end up as the victor in this wager, I will NOT claim my prize in this contest, and Doomy3 can stay here for as long as he likes. I realize there are members here who probably enjoy his takes and personality( for what reasons I can not begin to imagine, but I digress...), and it would be a good move toward better overall harmony on the board after a very polarizing draft/off season.

It would be a respectable and honorable gesture of goodwill for someone elected to the Office of say....

Chiefs Planet King of the n00bs?:D

Elect me your King, and I shall make it so.

I had no idea about this stupid bet. Jeeezzz I'll leave forever is a really stupid bet and idea. The bet should be canceled immediately.

To even enter into such a bet would show a stubborn side of yourself that you can never be wrong. Not a good personality trait for a "King of the N00bs". But the fact that you have backed off on the bet on your side without any conciliation from doomy3 shows true leadership and goodwill towards the community worthy of a King of the Noobs title.

but, how can we allow a new "King of the N00bs" to be crowned and then he leaves the Planet forever in 4 weeks because of a stupid bet? You need to get Doomy3 to go along with your proposal to not force the other to leave or change the bet to own the other persons sig or something.

BossChief 12-09-2009 09:34 AM

I need pms from whoever votes for me to collect their huge payday!!!

This shit is getting close...down to 4 votes!

Good job campaining last night ROR!!!

The next person to throw me a vote gets 500k for it!!! PM me as soon as you place your vote so I can pay ya. 1st come first serve, as I will go off the time stamp on the pm to dictate who gets the 500k and who gets 350k ater that! Let the votes roll in!!!

Vote for BossChief!!!

Lumpy 12-09-2009 09:46 AM

Let me get this straight... had I held back my vote instead of getting paid off by ass kissing, I could have been bribed w/ casino cash?

Well, shit.

BossChief 12-09-2009 09:52 AM


Originally Posted by Lumpy (Post 6331286)
Let me get this straight... had I held back my vote instead of getting paid off by ass kissing, I could have been bribed w/ casino cash?

Well, shit.


I got a 10 million dollar campaign donation to use toward campaign advertisements (and just straight up buying votes).

This mutha is gonna get interesting...

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