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ChiTown 05-17-2010 07:58 PM

I played Sedona Golf Resort last week. Abso****inglutely beautiful. I bought a new Taylor Made 4i hybrid that really was a saver on this course. If you have a chance to play this track, don't pass it up. I wish I were still there:deevee:

007 05-17-2010 09:43 PM

Somebody please explain to me how you can give a damn about a sport that just hates you.

I want to like this sport. I really do, but I am tired of coming home after a round completely pissed off. The main reason I even play is just to spend time with my father but the sport keeps getting in the way because once I get frustrated its all downhill from there. I only have the time to play one round a week and sometimes not even that because things happen with my job. I refuse to play on Sundays because it is just too crowded and I don't like getting paired up with strangers. This leaves me Monday mornings and the rare evening outing when kids activities aren't keeping me from doing anything.

Basically, I have no idea how to improve because when I actually do hit a ball right, I can't figure out what I did right. Generally, when I hit a ball well, it also feels like the most uncomfortable swing of the day.

Oh, and my best round of the year is always the first round. It's crap after that.

Stopping short here because I don't know what to add right now.

philfree 05-18-2010 06:59 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 6764290)
Somebody please explain to me how you can give a damn about a sport that just hates you.

I want to like this sport. I really do, but I am tired of coming home after a round completely pissed off. The main reason I even play is just to spend time with my father but the sport keeps getting in the way because once I get frustrated its all downhill from there. I only have the time to play one round a week and sometimes not even that because things happen with my job. I refuse to play on Sundays because it is just too crowded and I don't like getting paired up with strangers. This leaves me Monday mornings and the rare evening outing when kids activities aren't keeping me from doing anything.

Basically, I have no idea how to improve because when I actually do hit a ball right, I can't figure out what I did right. Generally, when I hit a ball well, it also feels like the most uncomfortable swing of the day.

Oh, and my best round of the year is always the first round. It's crap after that.

Stopping short here because I don't know what to add right now.

So you don't practice and you don't get to play weekly even? If that's the case then why do you get mad? I mean what reason do you have to get mad? It's not like your working your butt off to have it go to pieces on you. Unless you have a chance to play more you should probably keep your expectations low and just try and have fun. If you do that you'll probably play better and have more fun.


philfree 05-18-2010 07:04 PM

79 The best part was that I walked it all and I feel pretty good from it at my tender age of 48. One birdie and one double bogey.


Mr. Plow 05-18-2010 07:27 PM

Shot 41 last Friday. Actually hit the ball really well, putted real well, just messed up some approach shots that would have had me 1 or 2 over.

Braincase 05-18-2010 07:54 PM

Played this morning with a retired surgeon at LCC. We played 1&2, then cut across and picked up the back nine @ 12 due to slow play. He gave me a couple of tips, and I hit every fairway of the tee for the first time in my life. Damn that was a beautiful way to start the day.

Stinger 05-18-2010 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by Guru (Post 6764290)
Somebody please explain to me how you can give a damn about a sport that just hates you.

I want to like this sport. I really do, but I am tired of coming home after a round completely pissed off. The main reason I even play is just to spend time with my father but the sport keeps getting in the way because once I get frustrated its all downhill from there. I only have the time to play one round a week and sometimes not even that because things happen with my job. I refuse to play on Sundays because it is just too crowded and I don't like getting paired up with strangers. This leaves me Monday mornings and the rare evening outing when kids activities aren't keeping me from doing anything.

Basically, I have no idea how to improve because when I actually do hit a ball right, I can't figure out what I did right. Generally, when I hit a ball well, it also feels like the most uncomfortable swing of the day.

Oh, and my best round of the year is always the first round. It's crap after that.

Stopping short here because I don't know what to add right now.


Originally Posted by philfree (Post 6766045)
So you don't practice and you don't get to play weekly even? If that's the case then why do you get mad? I mean what reason do you have to get mad? It's not like your working your butt off to have it go to pieces on you. Unless you have a chance to play more you should probably keep your expectations low and just try and have fun. If you do that you'll probably play better and have more fun.


I would like to second this ...... Enjoy the time with your father on the course. If your not playing for big money that you can't afford (old Travino joke) and not trying to qualify for an event why stress. Enjoy the good company with your father, friends, or who ever you are paired with. Enjoy the good shots and laugh at the bad shots. Just a suggestion ... the better the attitude the better the game you play, in most cases. The more stressed you get the tighter muscles get, which makes for bad swings.

'Hamas' Jenkins 05-21-2010 02:33 PM

I just got a swing speed radar in the mail.

I was really concerned the last time that I went out, because I was flushing balls with my driver and they were only going 210 yards. Of course, this was all carry on a wet course, but still, totally unacceptable for my normal standards.

I get the radar, hook it up, and use it while using some of the tips for a slower backswing that I got during a lesson last week (my first).

90 mph


I go back to my regular backswing and it's at 102. I usually averaged 100-105 on those things.

Then I remember to swing more around my body (I'd been picking the club up in order to create the illusion of a bigger backswing)

108 with a balanced finish.

Now we'll just have to see if this transfers to hitting balls.

'Hamas' Jenkins 05-22-2010 09:45 PM

Went out late today and played 9.

I literally did not mishit a single iron shot, but I could not hit my driver worth a ****.

Hit 5 greens, had 4 looks at birdie inside of 20 feet and missed every one of them.

Shot 39, but figured out on 8 I had my hands pressed too far forward on my driver, which was making me get really steep.

Sucks, cause I was just roasting my short irons. Had I hit my driver better on holes 1-6, I would have been right at par.

kstater 05-29-2010 05:47 AM

Phil, in true Mickelson choke form, has a decent chance to take over the #1 ranking, promptly goes out and misses the cut.

Jerm 06-02-2010 02:33 PM

Picked up an Odyssey White Hot Rossie Putter today...

I used to have the really old school Odyssey Rossie and loved it, went to a blade and used one ever since. Last time I played with my dad, I putted with his old Rossie and forgot how much I missed it.

It looks like a quality putter and I got it for $49 so I don't see too many negatives.

Mr. Plow 06-02-2010 02:44 PM

Played at Sand Creek Station on Sunday. Didn't play great, but the course is great. Had some good shots....had some bad ones.....but had a great time. Gonna have to do it again.

Great Expectations 06-02-2010 03:32 PM

Anybody competing in the ESPN Golf Challenge?

WilliamTheIrish 06-02-2010 04:10 PM

My first round of the year was Saturday May 22nd. Hadn't swung a club since the previous September. So I figured I'd use the round as a driving range session. If I mangled a few shots, so be it. And Of course, I mangled many. But never lost my smile. Tried to be slow on the backswing and just watch the ball. Shot 112.

Second round May 23rd. Muscles were limbered up and I felt pretty good. Hit a majority of good shots. Had 5 pars but putted poorly for 5 double bogies and couple of really bad triples. Shot 93.

Still haven't been to the range and last weekend I played three rounds. 90, 88, 86. Poor putting kept me from hitting low 80's. Noticed clubs kinda slipping in my hand. Hadn't re-gripped in 2 years. Took em all in.

Been to the range with only my putter. Laying down tees and just practicing straight back and straight through. Dying to get my clubs back so I can hit the range.

Headed to Bella Vista soon and want to have myself ready to go.

WilliamTheIrish 06-02-2010 06:02 PM

Hamas, I need your advice. I'm thinking about pulling the trigger on a couple of Ping items.

1)LH Ping G10 Grafalloy Epic shaft. $110


Black Dot (Standard loft & lie)
AWT (Ascending Weight Technology) STIFF FLEX STEEL SHAFTS
Upgraded Ping ID8 Ribbed Grips
Set Measures Standard in Length.

Obviously they are used. Have wanted to buy a set of Ping's for a while. If this isn't a good deal can you help me find the best chance at getting a good used for the right price? LH'ed of course.

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