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ShortRoundChief 03-23-2011 11:10 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7513008)
Sorry, dude. Apparently you and CrazyCoffee don't exist in Zackipoo's sad little world where I'm the only angry person on the board and everybody hates me. :D

Hey buddy **** you. How come you like everyone so much that you bring the thunder to them, but I don't deserve the time of day?

Frazod 03-23-2011 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7513014)
Hyperbolic drama. Just like a woman.

It was actually just two calls calling you out for being a lying ****. Read into it whatever you want, though.

So who's up after I get done with you? Perhaps Skip will make a guest appearance.

BigRedChief 03-23-2011 11:11 PM


Originally Posted by MotherLover (Post 7512934)
Not true. Frazod and I have never had a cross word in my recollection.

Me either. Myself and Frazod get along real well. We met in person on our familys trip to Chicago. He's a cool dude in person.

|Zach| 03-23-2011 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7513020)
Well, they're probably much better than the odds of your bloated ass ever getting laid again. But then again, what isn't?


You are flailing right now. You simply don't know what you speak of.

Frazod 03-23-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by MotherLover (Post 7513022)
Hey buddy **** you. How come you like everyone so much that you bring the thunder to them, but I don't deserve the time of day?

I'm sorry, I guess you've just never pissed me off before. Just do something even remotely obnoxious - I'm told it doesn't take much to set me off. :D

|Zach| 03-23-2011 11:13 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 7513024)
Me either. Myself and Frazod get along real well. We met in person on our familys trip to Chicago. He's a cool dude in person.

Yea being a keyboard prick is pretty easy.

ShortRoundChief 03-23-2011 11:15 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7513026)
I'm sorry, I guess you've just never pissed me off before. Just do something even remotely obnoxious - I'm told it doesn't take much to set me off. :D

WhAt If I tYpEd LiKe ThIs?

Frazod 03-23-2011 11:16 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7513025)

You are flailing right now. You simply don't know what you speak of.

Well, shit, I guess I came to the right thread for it. You're almost as accurate in your analogies of me as the idiot was who thought I was sticking up for Iowanian. LMAO

BigRedChief 03-23-2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7513027)
Yea being a keyboard prick is pretty easy.

I've met you several times in person also. I'd say the same thing about you. You seem to be a cool dude also.

Frazod 03-23-2011 11:17 PM


Originally Posted by |Zach| (Post 7513027)
Yea being a keyboard prick is pretty easy.

You've really mastered it.

BRC doesn't really exist, either. He's just a figment of my imagination because IF HE WAS REAL HE'D HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

ShortRoundChief 03-23-2011 11:18 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 7513033)
I've met you several times in person also. I'd say the same thing about you. You seem to be a cool dude also.

I think what the planet needs is a huge event. Ginormous. Every one attends kind of event.

Then we engage in one giant group hug.

ShortRoundChief 03-23-2011 11:19 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7513034)
You've really mastered it.

BRC doesn't really exist, either. He's just a figment of my imagination because IF HE WAS REAL HE'D HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!!

Wait, I've met BRC. Or did I?

Frazod 03-23-2011 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by MotherLover (Post 7513040)
Wait, I've met BRC. Or did I?

You're not real, either. YOU DON'T HATE ME!!!!!!!!!!


BigRedChief 03-23-2011 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by MotherLover (Post 7513040)
Wait, I've met BRC. Or did I?

I don't remember you thats for sure. What was your previous handle?

Frazod 03-23-2011 11:21 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 7513047)
I don't remember you thats for sure. What was your previous handle?


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