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KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:18 AM

haha britney spears is wearing underpants now. who would've guessed it?

luv 01-11-2007 01:19 AM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway

weed = bad

im more of a drunk these days, im not use to this anymore

Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.

KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:19 AM

KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Admitting you have a problem is the first step towards recovery.


luv 01-11-2007 01:20 AM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway

Never mind. You're not thinking clearly.

KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:22 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Never mind. You're not thinking clearly.


luv 01-11-2007 01:23 AM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway

Wow, it's been awhile. Thanks for reminding me.

el borracho 01-11-2007 01:24 AM

2 cents a suck?

luv 01-11-2007 01:25 AM


Originally Posted by el borracho
2 cents a suck?

Plus the cost of getting me wasted.

Bugeater 01-11-2007 01:28 AM

Ex-Coach Allegedly Hit Students in Groin
Colorado Prep Coach Facing 39 Counts of Assault
MONUMENT, Colo. (Jan. 9) - A former high school basketball coach faces 39 charges for allegedly hitting male students in the groin, showing them pornography and pouring water on his players then driving them to games in the winter with the windows rolled down.

Gregory Lynn Burr, 28, face charges ranging from sexual assault on a child by one in a position of trust to child abuse resulting in serious bodily injury, according to court documents reviewed by The Gazette of Colorado Springs. One of the students claims to have had scrotal surgery because of Burr's alleged assault.

A student in documents said Burr would ask them, "What is the capital of Thailand?" When they would answer "Bangkok," he would hit them in the groin.

The incidents allegedly took place from September 2005 to March 2006 at The Monument Academy.

Burr's phone number in Colorado Springs was not listed. Burr attorney Phil Dubois told The Gazette Monday that the charges are unwarranted, adding, "Mr. Burr is not a sex offender or anything close to it."

Burr, who was arrested, posted $10,000 bail on Dec. 14, court records show.

Burr is no longer is employed at the charter school, which is part of the Lewis-Palmer School District 38, said Ted Belteau, the district's executive director of personnel and student services.

Burr's wife, Sharalee, was athletic director, coach of the girl's basketball team last season and a teacher at the school told the newspaper that she was fired.

In arrest records, some of the victims portrayed the incidents as Burr's misguided attempts at humor but said they kept quiet for fear of getting kicked off the team. One student estimated some of the players were hit in the groin 30-40 times.

Another said the blows occurred at every practice, with the coach hitting them with his hand, basketballs and tennis balls.

KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:32 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Plus the cost of getting me wasted.

10 bucks?

luv 01-11-2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by joeyranaway
10 bucks?

Long Island Iced Tea for $2/each?

KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:34 AM


Originally Posted by luv
Long Island Iced Tea for $2/each?


el borracho 01-11-2007 01:35 AM

Last time I was in Miami the LITs were $18 each.

KurtCobain 01-11-2007 01:35 AM

I'm so glad I have the next two days off.

free time is bliss.

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