![]() |
Go play with your dildos you stupid troll. You beat the sorry ass Raiders and you're giddier than a school girl. Pathetic. ;) |
He'll write his name in the snow with diarrhea, soon enough
Nothing like a home blowout against a bad team to get the Bills' hopes up. Nothing surprising there. We've seen it for years now. 2020, 2021... Bills get hyped up because they run it up against a really bad team, and their fans get weirdly cocky/confident. |
It's a good lesson for us. Some winnable games coming up. Don't go Bills Mafia overboard with WRs that won't be tested
Tell us why the Bills let him play with a concussion. Are your team doctors incompetent? Do the coaches not care? Is Allen really not very good and they don't care if he retires early? What is it? |
We have a top secondary for the past half decade. The defensive coaching staff just falls to shit in the playoffs. Which is why we canned them. |
They carried a choking Josh Allen to that appearance, when the Chiefs promptly curb stomped your fraudulent team. |
DiqLix -
You have twice now avoided answering my question. You claim Josh Allen was concussed in the game against the Jets. You claim this after your extensive medical evaluation based on how he looked on camera. I'm willing to entertain the idea that he was concussed, but if he was, the Bills' coaches and medical staff allowed him to go back into the game with a concussion. You think it was so obvious that you could see it on television. Why did the medical staff and coaches allow Josh Allen to play with a concussion? Why is Josh Allen not in concussion protocol? |
He got bailed out by the D pick 6 in the red zone. Then that great offense Diqlix crowed about choked. But Buffalo fans should know about choking, 0-4 in Superbowls. ROFL |
9/8 @LAR 9/25 @MIA 10/2 @BAL 10/30 v GB 11/6 @NYJ 11/13 v MIN 11/24 @ DET 12/17 v MIA 12/24 @ CHI 1/15 v MIA So out of 8.5 road games (the benglas game counts as half a road game since they didn't finish the game) he had more than 1 TO in 6 of them. So either he's getting concussed a lot, including in back to back games or he turns the ball over a lot when he's on the road (or playing Miami). If dixliq is right and he only turns the ball over when his brain has been scrambled then lol it's downright criminal for the Bills front office to keep sending him out since there's a very real possibility he will die soon and he should be forced to retire for his own good (I don't think this is actually the case but it is pretty funny this is the excuse they're going with) |
He has 1 turnover (a fumble lost). Verdict: You're wrong. Quote:
Verdict: You’re wrong. Quote:
Verdict: You’re wrong. Quote:
Verdict: You’re wrong. |
Allen is too erratic. He is no Mahomes.
We saw that last weekend. |
why do the bills staff keep sending him out concussed (also I shouldn't read statmuse on a tablet) |
tough stretch for the buffalo jills coming up
@WAS vs JAX vs MIA they could drop all 3 the way they played in Week 1 |
Shitting pants=concussion. Is pretty funny
Damn just read on yahoo news Bills fan jumped in a hole and was covered in shit.driving a tractor now and got my hands full perhaps someone else can post story
;) |
The fan was naked and covered in human excrement he had found in an on-site porta potty, a double whammy. As you can probably assume, he was under the influence of drugs and alcohol, a combo of LSD, cocaine, and marijuana.
Once the rescue team arrived on scene, it took approximately 20 minutes to get the fan out of the hole and to Erie County Medical Center, where he was treated for a short time before being transferred to Buffalo General. There was no mention of how long the man was trapped in the hole, although the thread does state that the first call concerning the man came in at 12:18 p.m. local time. Yikes, can't imagine that was the best "trip". |
It started with a finger
As someone else said some posts back [Drunkbassguitar], if our coaches did that with Mahomes I'd be extremely angry. |
If you think it's okay to circumvent concussion protocols to keep a player on the field you should really ask yourself why you think that and what it says about you |
Downtown is basically KC's downtown 20+ years ago. They waste much of the waterfront on highways and what not. Tons of chain restaurants, nothing really stuck out as a place with several options for food/drink/entertainment, or any charm/culture at all. Of all the great places you could settle down in upstate New York or the New England area that are filled with history, great food, etc.... Buffalo isn't even trying. And then add in that it's the worst part of the worst corridor in the country in terms of clouds, rain, and snow. The best part about it was the airport is really, really easy to get in and out. 5 stars for the airport. I would totally leave there again. And I'm not just saying that to be snarky in a Bills thread (considering I just compared it to KC 20+ years ago)... I'm sure I could find some redeeming qualities if I really spent any time there. Other Half Brewing is there and Southern Tier is close by, so that's cool. :shrug: |
Mahomes was held out when he didn't even have a concussion. |
I actually agree that Allen was concussed. He didn't look like himself at all. Huge miss by the Buffalo medical staff.
I like how DiqLix changes his opinion on the defense and supporting cast to fit the argument.
If we're comparing teams, then the Bills have the best defense and roster in the league, hands down. If we're talking about past failures, suddenly the defense is awful and Allen has no weapons after Diggs. |
Can Josh (F)Allen get back up
Josh Allen was concussed in the AFC Championship game against the Chiefs.
He injured his head against the Jets last week but then traveled back in time to choke. |
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Scumbag QB who cheats and impregnates at will Psycho WR Douche reerun fans who break tables and shove dildos up their asses Creating OJ and the Kardashians |
Non concussed Josh Allen wins AFC Offensive beat down a bad opponent Player of the week!
Bills fans have to be the whiniest little bitch fans in the NFL based on what we have seen here.
Cool. I wonder how it changes when you factor in fumbles. |
.60 when you factor in playoffs. |
In any event, the game is completely different now than it was 25+ years ago. I think it's much easier on QB's right now than it was back then. Joe Montana had a career passer rating of 92 and it was by far the best passer rating of any QB during that time period. Marino's career passer rating is 86 and he's one of the GOAT quarterbacks. Nowadays you are viewed as a bust of a QB if you have that type of passer rating. Mitch Trubisky has the same passer rating as Marino, lol |
Also, that Twitter stat line lied and conveniently left the king out.
Josh Allen has played in 79 regular season games and has thrown 63 interceptions. That’s .8 Not .77…. When you factor in fumbles, it gets disastrous. In 79 regular season games, Josh Allen has thrown 63 interceptions and fumbled 54 times. That’s not a misprint. While Mahomes is .62 (51 ints in 82 career games) and has fumbled 31 times. Stay off the kings nuts. |
Commanders are ranked first for sacks and QB hits.
Are we going to see "concussed" Allen this week lol |
Allen... 11 AFCOPotW, ...uh, beat the Ravens that one time in the divisional round. They should just rename the quarterback position after Mahomes, he wins so often. |
Bills have 3 sacks and 11 QB hits on the season. They need Von back
They'd probably be better off with the money than V Miller.
Thank you. |
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