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Gonzo 07-04-2017 09:37 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 12943564)
You're so stupid Gonzo. Learn to spell good.

I know. I will go castrate myself with a rusty knife now.

Gonzo 07-04-2017 09:39 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12943812)
i ended up buying Insurgency, SpeedRunners (SO ****ING FUN) and Assasins Creed: Black Flag.

NO idea bout the euro one. I have a few friends that play the American truck simulator and they seem to really enjoy that one.

Black flag is a great game. Very entertaining. Give AC Syndicate a try if you like the traditional mechanics. Very nice graphics and they did a good job on London.

MrGiggity 07-05-2017 10:29 AM

Wondering if I should buy Witcher 3. Keep in mind that I am about 15 hours into Skyrim for the PS4 and I'm liking it so far. I have heard Witcher 3 is more story based, while Skyrim has more freedom. Thoughts?

Chief Pagan 07-05-2017 02:33 PM

I liked Witcher 3 ok, but I'm not one of the fans that thinks it deserves to be on the all time best list.

Witcher 3 does a good job developing the other characters you interact with. I liked that. Although I got a bit annoyed at being forced into a melodramatic love story. Witcher 3 was the first one I played. Maybe I would have been more invested if I had played the previous ones.

Witcher 3 has more a story based side quests. Skyrim is more fight your way through this dungeon and retrieve some object at the end.

Skyrim allows far more flexibility in play style. You can play as a Nord tank that never uses spells or potions or you can play as a squishy magic user.

I usually play Skyrim as some combination of Magic user/archer/sneak.

Witcher 3 basically forces you to play as a sword fighter and there aren't really any spells.

Yes it has an attribute that works a bit like a Skyrim dragon shout. It has a crossbow, but that is pretty ineffective. There are some things you can throw.

So I didn't find the Witcher 3 combat as interesting. (If you like playing strictly as fighter, you might like it better). Skyrim has far more flexibility in how you approach each combat, especially if you become a high level magic user.

I finished Witcher 3 but didn't have any interest in the DLC and/or playing through again. There are one or two spots you could make a different choice, but for the most part, it is going to be the same story.

Skyrim can still be interesting to come back to and play in a different style.

Your mileage may vary.

Gonzo 07-05-2017 03:01 PM


Originally Posted by MrGiggity (Post 12944333)
Wondering if I should buy Witcher 3. Keep in mind that I am about 15 hours into Skyrim for the PS4 and I'm liking it so far. I have heard Witcher 3 is more story based, while Skyrim has more freedom. Thoughts?

I'd never played a Witcher game nor knew any of the storyline before I bought 3. It's by far the greatest RPG ever made IMO. Especially when you add both of the DLC's. You have 200 hours of content. Easily.

Fish 07-05-2017 03:22 PM

Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

hometeam 07-05-2017 07:44 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12944778)
Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

Same feeling here.

And I gave it about 6 tries. The combat straight up sucks dick. Ruins a game that COULD have been one of the greatest RPGs ever made.

Sofa King 07-05-2017 08:01 PM

Ooohhhh it's about to go down up in here!

MrGiggity 07-05-2017 08:54 PM


ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-05-2017 09:02 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12944778)
Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

I was able to get into it eventually but I get what you're saying. It got a little old. Really my only complaint about the game. Stellar, otherwise. Looking forward to what they do with Cyberpunk.

kjwood75nro 07-05-2017 09:22 PM

Just played a few minutes of Skyrim and remembered a pet peeve...

Why does the text (sometimes vital) have to be either so damn small or in a strange font?

When it's hard enough to read while sober, you know it's a problem after having a few.

Beef Supreme 07-06-2017 09:32 AM

I couldn't get into the Witcher at first, either, and gave up after about an hour. Some coaxing here got me to push through for a bit. The whole first area felt like a chore. But it did get better. The combat does kinda suck. It does get a little better as you level up, but not remarkably so. The story is well done, and the game looks nice.

I don't know if I will play it again. I definitely don't think it's the best game ever like some people here. It was OK. I don't regret playing through it. It was a good game. Could have used better combat.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-06-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12945854)
I couldn't get into the Witcher at first, either, and gave up after about an hour. Some coaxing here got me to push through for a bit. The whole first area felt like a chore. But it did get better. The combat does kinda suck. It does get a little better as you level up, but not remarkably so. The story is well done, and the game looks nice.

I don't know if I will play it again. I definitely don't think it's the best game ever like some people here. It was OK. I don't regret playing through it. It was a good game. Could have used better combat.

I thought the combat was a bit more fun on higher difficulties. You actually have to pay attention to what you are fighting, what type of oil, bomb, sword, armor you're using.

Beef Supreme 07-06-2017 09:53 AM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 12945868)
I thought the combat was a bit more fun on higher difficulties. You actually have to pay attention to what you are fighting, what type of oil, bomb, sword, armor you're using.

I cranked up the difficulty fairly early in my play through. Still didn't use oils, way too much of a pain in the ass mechanic and I didn't spec for that anyway. It was a little better, but it just made it a bit more difficult, not more engaging.

Chief Pagan 07-06-2017 04:34 PM

I played way too much Skyrim and totally burned myself out on making potions/oils/creating specialty armor etc.

I turned the Witcher 3 difficulty down and played the entire game without doing any of that. The lower difficulty lets you heal by going into resting mode. And with zero upgrades, combat could still be a challenge.

[The last (and final) time I played Skyrim I used zero potions.]

Especially, a couple of times during the Witcher main quest when facing Boss type monsters, I was unable to run far enough away to go into rest mode in order to heal and had no healing potions. Made a couple of fights way more challenging than I wanted them to be.

I"m currently playing Zelda and generally liking it. But I'm a bit annoyed that you are forced into using potions. If it was once or twice to advance the quest line, fine, but there is no way to heal outside of food/potion. And also a bit annoyed you can't tweak the combat difficulty up or down.

It has kept my attention and like the shrine/puzzles in the game.

I never really liked that in the middle of combat, the enemy could be about to strike you with a sword and you could stop combat, drink healing potions, and then resume. For Zelda, some of the monsters can one hit kill you but otherwise you can usually defeat them by consuming enough healing food. Just means you spend a lot of time collecting apples and hunting deer...

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-06-2017 04:54 PM

Yeah, once you know what you're doing with Skyrim it's easy to get OP with potions and enchanting. You can make loads of money with the right potions, too.

ThaVirus 07-06-2017 05:29 PM

I don't recall ever using a single potion in all the hours I put into Skyrim, but you can bet your ass I stopped to collect every tulip, daisy and rat's ass hair I stumbled upon.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 07-06-2017 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12946481)
I don't recall ever using a single potion in all the hours I put into Skyrim, but you can bet your ass I stopped to collect every tulip, daisy and rat's ass hair I stumbled upon.

Yeah, I was OCD about grabbing all that shit. ROFL

ToxSocks 07-06-2017 06:18 PM

Finally picked up Madden '17 (I'm the guy who buys Madden a year late because **** paying $60 when i can pay $10).

I gotta say, it's head and shoulders above any other Madden i've ever played. Ever. It's been a looooong time since i was impressed with Madden and they pulled it off.

Rasputin 07-15-2017 01:32 PM


Ok so I picked up MK X for 15 bucks and things are cool as I expected with brutal Fatalities and as I was fighting my son he had Cassie Cage and I had Kung Lao & so I thought I was going to win but as Fatality would have it Cassie Cage crushed my balls with and I about died laughing.


Rasputin 07-16-2017 12:42 PM

I purchased 4.99 for Jason Voorhees Mortal Kombat X Talk about kick ass he is brutal as ****. I can't wait to purchase Leatherface and Predator.

It's annoying they don't already come with the game but can't complain 15 bucks.

Demonpenz 07-18-2017 11:36 AM


Originally Posted by Detoxing (Post 12946540)
Finally picked up Madden '17 (I'm the guy who buys Madden a year late because **** paying $60 when i can pay $10).

I gotta say, it's head and shoulders above any other Madden i've ever played. Ever. It's been a looooong time since i was impressed with Madden and they pulled it off.

What system do you have it for?

BigBeauford 07-20-2017 05:39 AM

Anyone picking up Splatoon for the Switch?

New World Order 07-20-2017 07:36 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 12964144)
Anyone picking up Splatoon for the Switch?

Do you play your Switch more than the ps4?

BigBeauford 07-20-2017 09:39 AM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12964238)
Do you play your Switch more than the ps4?

I've had my Switch for about 2 months, and minor issues asside (mostly Nintendo's horrendous implementation of friend codes and lack of chat) I am fairly close to declaring this my favorite console ever. Nothing beats playing Zelda in bed, the ergonomics and battery life are great, nearly all of the offerings besides Zelda are 60fps, we love playing Mario Kart and Tetris with the half Joycons. As soon as they port some of my favorite games like Rocket League, Enter the Gungeon, and Stardew Valley, I'll probably sell my PS4. Right now Nintendo has the games I want to play, and have delivered them on a brilliant piece of hardware.

Rasputin 07-27-2017 08:33 AM

<iframe width="871" height="531" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Holy Shit Balls Mother of GOD

This is insane!

Whoever could do this?

hometeam 07-27-2017 09:49 AM

oooooh ive seen worse ones than that lol.

Awesome concept for a mario game

Rasputin 07-27-2017 10:23 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 12976329)
oooooh ive seen worse ones than that lol.

Awesome concept for a mario game

I'd get blisters on my thumbs playing with Nintendo control

Gonzo 07-27-2017 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 12976232)
<iframe width="871" height="531" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Holy Shit Balls Mother of GOD

This is insane!

Whoever could do this?

I could. Especially with the jump cuts that vid had.

I actually beat something similar a while back. Not quite that insane but not to far off. It took me about 30 tries to get the rhythm down right. Had a lot of billy bullets in it.

Sofa King 07-30-2017 06:54 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12977421)
I could. Especially with the jump cuts that vid had.

I actually beat something similar a while back. Not quite that insane but not to far off. It took me about 30 tries to get the rhythm down right. Had a lot of billy bullets in it.

Stop lying. It's not nice.

New World Order 08-09-2017 12:27 AM

Just curious: what tv is everyone rocking for PS4/Xbox? I'm looking at the Sony x930e for 4k gaming/movies as reviews are good and it supports HDR/Dolby.

DC.chief 08-10-2017 07:00 AM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12999851)
Just curious: what tv is everyone rocking for PS4/Xbox? I'm looking at the Sony x930e for 4k gaming/movies as reviews are good and it supports HDR/Dolby.

Unless you're going OLED I'd highly recommend the samsung KS8000. The x930e is pretty sweet also but the KS8000 edged it for me because it's a little better for gaming. Although the x930e has slightly better blacks. You can't really go wrong with either. The Sony has a little higher price tag I think.
I picked up the ks8000 for 1500.00

New World Order 08-15-2017 01:16 AM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 13002102)
Unless you're going OLED I'd highly recommend the samsung KS8000. The x930e is pretty sweet also but the KS8000 edged it for me because it's a little better for gaming. Although the x930e has slightly better blacks. You can't really go wrong with either. The Sony has a little higher price tag I think.
I picked up the ks8000 for 1500.00

Thanks for responding DC.

I'm currently deciding between the P series 65" and the KS8000.

Since the majority of what we watch is 720p/1080i (cable and satellite) the KS may get the edge for me due to better upscaling. How noticeable is the upscaling to you?

jiveturkey 08-15-2017 07:25 AM

Hellblade is probably my favorite game so far this year. I typically play the large scale action packed AAA games but I like to mix in indy story based games (loved Firewatch) and Hellblade blew me away.

It's best with a surround sound headset.

CarrotCake 08-15-2017 08:11 AM

My wife and I play Sims LOL. She began first and then I got involved.

DC.chief 08-15-2017 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 13013903)
Thanks for responding DC.

I'm currently deciding between the P series 65" and the KS8000.

Since the majority of what we watch is 720p/1080i (cable and satellite) the KS may get the edge for me due to better upscaling. How noticeable is the upscaling to you?

The upscaling is phenomenal on it. I don't have anything negative to say about the TV really. Those are the same TV's I narrowed my search down to before selecting the KS8000.

kcxiv 08-15-2017 05:24 PM

4k gaming is nice, just 100 percent worthless for games i play! lol

Demonpenz 08-15-2017 06:43 PM

Demonpenz 08-15-2017 06:45 PM

can't embed from my phone but I am tackling mass effect 3 on fish's computer.

Fish 08-15-2017 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 13015656)

LMAO... This is awesome, man.. So glad you figured out the recording software. This is what I was expecting!!

ME3 is an incredible game. One of my all time favorites. Glad to see you digging in. It's cool because it doesn't require you to be a FPS shooter type of player. You can play just the same by running around in 3rd person view ****ing everything up. It's versatile, and one of the best story lines of any game I've played.


Demonpenz 08-16-2017 12:38 AM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

hometeam 08-16-2017 07:48 PM

you need to just stream on twitch with all this recording man, it'll save it for you and you can get ALL of it instead of just megalong chunks :P

Demonpenz 08-16-2017 10:47 PM

sounds good

oaklandhater 08-16-2017 11:12 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13015443)
4k gaming is nice, just 100 percent worthless for games i play! lol

you doing it on a pc or ps4 pro because HDR is the shit.

kcxiv 08-17-2017 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13019140)
you doing it on a pc or ps4 pro because HDR is the shit.

PC, im a retired console gamer unless its Street Fighter becuase they lock it at 60 frames due to pc/ps4 cross play. Once you get a hold of 144FPS so hard to go back to 60.

New World Order 08-17-2017 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13019852)
PC, im a retired console gamer unless its Street Fighter becuase they lock it at 60 frames due to pc/ps4 cross play. Once you get a hold of 144FPS so hard to go back to 60.

I have a PC/PS4/XB1. I'll still play games like Fifa and PUBG, but for the most part my interest in playing games has decreased substantially.

Maybe I'm just getting older :(

kcxiv 08-17-2017 01:29 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 13019877)
I have a PC/PS4/XB1. I'll still play games like Fifa and PUBG, but for the most part my interest in playing games has decreased substantially.

Maybe I'm just getting older :(

I dunno im 40 and its probably as strong as ever right now for me. I do go through periods of time where i ease up a little bit or just take a month or 2 off gaming. Kinda forced too. ****ing carpal tunnel sometimes starts aching and i just need to give it rest! lol I have a ps4 and a switch as well, but to be fair console gaming doesnt really mess with my wrists/forearm. PC gaming ****s it up! lol I play ALOT of Overwatch though. I have bad insomnia, so i just go all night when i cant sleep! Well, not all night, i take general breaks after a few hours. I cant game for 12 hours straight anymore. lol

Fish 08-17-2017 02:11 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13019907)
I dunno im 40 and its probably as strong as ever right now for me. I do go through periods of time where i ease up a little bit or just take a month or 2 off gaming. Kinda forced too. ****ing carpal tunnel sometimes starts aching and i just need to give it rest! lol I have a ps4 and a switch as well, but to be fair console gaming doesnt really mess with my wrists/forearm. PC gaming ****s it up! lol I play ALOT of Overwatch though. I have bad insomnia, so i just go all night when i cant sleep! Well, not all night, i take general breaks after a few hours. I cant game for 12 hours straight anymore. lol

I've been playing lots of Doom lately, and my carpal tunnel has been giving me all kinds of fits. Of course I work in front of computers all day too, so I can't really take much of a break. Sucks....

DC.chief 08-17-2017 02:36 PM

Dudes.. carpal tunnel is no joke. my right hand is ****ed. I use to do all day gaming sessions. I'm lucky to get in an hour now. It's worse when playing on my PC but I tried playing a horizon zero dawn the other night on ps4 and had to stop like 40 minutes in.

ThaVirus 08-17-2017 04:32 PM

First world probz

Chief Pagan 08-17-2017 07:53 PM

LOL. It is a first world problem.

I got carpal and other over use problems pretty bad.

I figured out that I had a death grip on the controller. Learning to stay relaxed helped a lot. For instance I played campaign mode on the easiest setting (Halo for instance) and focused on keeping a relaxed grip.

MarkDavis'Haircut 08-18-2017 04:13 PM

Anyone interested in Pokemon video games here?

Fish 08-18-2017 04:18 PM


Originally Posted by Carr4MVP (Post 13022556)
Anyone interested in Pokemon video games here?

My daughter likes it. What platforms?

MarkDavis'Haircut 08-18-2017 04:29 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 13022575)
My daughter likes it. What platforms?

GameBoy, GBA, DS and 3DS.

I am currently playing Sun and Moon which is the 3DS.

oaklandhater 08-18-2017 04:44 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 13019852)
PC, im a retired console gamer unless its Street Fighter becuase they lock it at 60 frames due to pc/ps4 cross play. Once you get a hold of 144FPS so hard to go back to 60.

I tend to enjoy 4k much more on my PS4-pro vs my PC.

there are a ton of games that support HDR

and only one PC game Mass effect 4

HDR is amazing.

New World Order 08-18-2017 06:36 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13022667)
I tend to enjoy 4k much more on my PS4-pro vs my PC.

there are a ton of games that support HDR

and only one PC game Mass effect 4

HDR is amazing.

What do you play on Ps4?

kcxiv 08-18-2017 07:37 PM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 13020075)
Dudes.. carpal tunnel is no joke. my right hand is ****ed. I use to do all day gaming sessions. I'm lucky to get in an hour now. It's worse when playing on my PC but I tried playing a horizon zero dawn the other night on ps4 and had to stop like 40 minutes in.

ive noticed if i took one hand and stretched the muscles in my forearm by bending my wrist back, it helped alot with the pain and it subsides faster then if i do nothing. There is also wrist exercises that help.

I also have a few people i game with that swear by these gyro balls and has pretty much eliminated their carpal tunnel pain. I need to get one of these.

oaklandhater 08-20-2017 03:44 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 13022958)
What do you play on Ps4?

on the PS4-PRO i find the 2 most beautiful games to be

Horizon Zero dawn and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice

New World Order 08-20-2017 03:53 PM

I'm amazed at how much better Battlefield 1 looks in 4k vs 1080p.

4k on medium to even low settings still looks better than 1080p at ultra.

Some games the jump to 4k is noticeable, but in Battlefield it's absolutely mind-blowing

oaklandhater 08-20-2017 04:09 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 13027221)
I'm amazed at how much better Battlefield 1 looks in 4k vs 1080p.

4k on medium to even low settings still looks better than 1080p at ultra.

Some games the jump to 4k is noticeable, but in Battlefield it's absolutely mind-blowing

What are you running Battlefield with ?

My i5 Chugs on Battlefield 1 when I try to out put it to my 4k tv.

New World Order 08-20-2017 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13027262)
What are you running Battlefield with ?

My i5 Chugs on Battlefield 1 when I try to out put it to my 4k tv.

It's my bros. I went over to his house this morning to see his new rig. It's a 1080 with an i7.

Looks stunning.

jiveturkey 08-21-2017 10:53 AM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13027199)
on the PS4-PRO i find the 2 most beautiful games to be

Horizon Zero dawn and Hellblade Senua's Sacrifice

I'm also on a Pro and I love Hellblade as a game but visually I would plug the latest Uncharted into the slot. HZD is definitely top dog.

I have the 43" Sony x800d wall mounted over my desk and basically use it as a monitor.

oaklandhater 08-21-2017 03:10 PM


Originally Posted by jiveturkey (Post 13028372)
I'm also on a Pro and I love Hellblade as a game but visually I would plug the latest Uncharted into the slot. HZD is definitely top dog.

I have the 43" Sony x800d wall mounted over my desk and basically use it as a monitor.

4 or are you talking about uncharted lost legacy ?

jiveturkey 08-21-2017 04:27 PM


Originally Posted by oaklandhater (Post 13028892)
4 or are you talking about uncharted lost legacy ?


Jerm 10-01-2017 12:12 PM

SteamWorld Dig II on the Switch is flippin awesome....stealth GOTY candidate, really snuck up on me like M+R Kingdom Battle did.

The Switch is so goddamn good...

BigBeauford 10-01-2017 04:06 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13114261)
SteamWorld Dig II on the Switch is flippin awesome....stealth GOTY candidate, really snuck up on me like M+R Kingdom Battle did.

The Switch is so goddamn good...

You would probably love Golf Story then!

NewChief 10-01-2017 04:40 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13114261)
SteamWorld Dig II on the Switch is flippin awesome....stealth GOTY candidate, really snuck up on me like M+R Kingdom Battle did.

The Switch is so goddamn good...

I loved Steamworld on the WiiU.

My son's birthday is next week, and I have a switch stashed away in a closet waiting for him to unwrap. So damned hard for me not to break the freaking thing out.

The thing that sucks is that the game he really wants is Pokken Tournament, which has zero appeal to me. I'm like, "You sure you don't want Splatoon2 or Breath of the Wild to start out with?" "Nope! Pokken Tournament!."

Jerm 10-01-2017 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 13115028)
You would probably love Golf Story then!

Funny you mention that, bought it Thursday and I do love it lol....


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 13115197)
I loved Steamworld on the WiiU.

My son's birthday is next week, and I have a switch stashed away in a closet waiting for him to unwrap. So damned hard for me not to break the freaking thing out.

The thing that sucks is that the game he really wants is Pokken Tournament, which has zero appeal to me. I'm like, "You sure you don't want Splatoon2 or Breath of the Wild to start out with?" "Nope! Pokken Tournament!."

Oh man....Breath of the Wild is a must lol...

BigBeauford 10-02-2017 08:43 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 13115493)
Funny you mention that, bought it Thursday and I do love it lol....

Oh man....Breath of the Wild is a must lol...

If you love Golf Story just wait. Stardew Valley may be coming out really soon!

Jerm 10-02-2017 09:40 AM


Originally Posted by BigBeauford (Post 13116378)
If you love Golf Story just wait. Stardew Valley may be coming out really soon!

Oh I'm checking Gaf regularly, been on my radar since before the Switch launched.

It's the reason I haven't bought it on another console yet.

Pointer19 10-03-2017 03:36 PM

Unfortunately, my issued laptop can't handle PUBG. I've gotten to play a few rounds on a friends' gaming PC, and that must be my favorite computer game out there right now.

I have been spending a little bit of time on Battlefield 1 on PS4 during my weekends, but it can get old if I play more than a few hours a day.

Ragged Robin 10-03-2017 03:44 PM

holding off on the Switch until the new Pokemon comes out which will be a while

thinking about getting Cuphead for PC and an xbox (or Steam) controller..

kcxiv 10-03-2017 05:07 PM


Originally Posted by Ragged Robin (Post 13123645)
holding off on the Switch until the new Pokemon comes out which will be a while

thinking about getting Cuphead for PC and an xbox (or Steam) controller..

i have a steam controller, its pretty nice, i love the customization of it. Plus, it allows me to use discord/skype/teamspeak apps without losing a button on the controller because of the 2 inside buttons they have.

DJJasonp 10-03-2017 08:23 PM

I dont ever see hockey mentioned here.....but I must say, NHL 18 is simply fantastic.

The NBC game presentation and commentary is probably the best in any sports game I've played.

And in a nice switch, I'm actually enjoying online play!

Imon Yourside 10-03-2017 08:36 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 12944778)
Played Witcher 3 for about an hour, and never played it again. Absolutely hated the fighting style. I know many folks here say it's great. It didn't do anything for me...

Ya I tried every game in the series, didn't draw me in whatsoever.

Imon Yourside 10-03-2017 08:37 PM


Originally Posted by Pointer19 (Post 13123621)
Unfortunately, my issued laptop can't handle PUBG. I've gotten to play a few rounds on a friends' gaming PC, and that must be my favorite computer game out there right now.

I have been spending a little bit of time on Battlefield 1 on PS4 during my weekends, but it can get old if I play more than a few hours a day.

Fortnite has a completely free pubg mode fyi available on all major platforms(PC master race here). It's also the best PVE game out right now imo ;)

Hammock Parties 10-07-2017 07:03 PM

Jurassic World Evolution will allow the player to construct a Jurassic World dinosaur theme park with attractions and research facilities much like Jurassic Park: Operation Genesis. [1] In addition to management and simulation, the game will also feature creature development.[2] The game will be set on the fictional island of Isla Nublar, previously featured in Jurassic Park and Jurassic World.[1] Other locations will include the surrounding islands of the fictional Muertes Archipelago.[3]

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Stryker 10-07-2017 08:40 PM


Originally Posted by Pointer19 (Post 13123621)
Unfortunately, my issued laptop can't handle PUBG. I've gotten to play a few rounds on a friends' gaming PC, and that must be my favorite computer game out there right now.

I have been spending a little bit of time on Battlefield 1 on PS4 during my weekends, but it can get old if I play more than a few hours a day.

I can't believe it! This game is incredibly awesome! Been playing this for months and daily! Incredible graphics, weapons and maps. The unlocks and new maps keep the game fresh. I have several games still in shrink wrap becasue this game is my daily go to! However, I played BF 3 and 4 religiously so I am quite the fan.

hometeam 10-07-2017 10:54 PM

still gettin chicken dinners over here. Console plebs getting PUBG soon!

kcxiv 10-07-2017 11:05 PM

lol, i wonder how its going to run on xbox, its not the greatest running thing on PC. Fun ****ing game, but im not sure the xbox can handle it. lol

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