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DaNewGuy 08-24-2015 05:49 AM

I'll take Cole over Lawler and his love of Diet Dew

Mav 08-24-2015 08:08 AM

the announcing crew is trash right now. JBL is absolutely awful. Byron Saxton? meh. Michael Cole has always been trash. I like Jerry Lawler. But I get hes not everyones cup of tea.

I miss JR.

BryanBusby 08-24-2015 08:17 AM

Jerry Lawler has been boring as hell since they forced him to tone down the heel persona, but isn't awful by any means.

I think JBL and Cole would be fine if they didn't have Vince screaming in their ears the entire event and forcing them to drink the company koolaid balls deep.

Cole will never be JR, but he could be suitable if he had the freedom that JR had.

JBL can be that asshole heel announcer, but he eventually is forced to snap into shill role and suck off John Cena and it's the worst.

Mav 08-24-2015 08:19 AM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 11681525)
Jerry Lawler has been boring as hell since they forced him to tone down the heel persona, but isn't awful by any means.

I think JBL and Cole would be fine if they didn't have Vince screaming in their ears the entire event and forcing them to drink the company koolaid balls deep.

Cole will never be JR, but he could be suitable if he had the freedom that JR had.

ive just never been a fan of him. and even though not his fault, him being the spokesman for the anonymous raw gm has always just made me slant to hating his guts.

I grew up watching and favoring wcw though so I guess I was more of a tony schivoni guy. Michael Cole. bleh.

Also, I hate JBL. Loved him when he was just bradshaw. But the JBL gimmick has always made me puke.

BryanBusby 08-24-2015 08:24 AM

Tony Schivoni was pretty damn bad and him announcing Raw results helped kill off wcw.


Mav 08-24-2015 10:31 AM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 11681540)
Tony Schivoni was pretty damn bad and him announcing Raw results helped kill off wcw.


I enjoyed him personally. but yeah, who ever thought that was a good idea, really screwed the pooch.

TLO 08-24-2015 06:48 PM

Stephanie McMahon's boobs are incredible. PBJ

Mr_Tomahawk 08-24-2015 06:55 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11682988)
Stephanie McMahon's boobs are incredible. PBJ

Please tell me there was a wardrobe malfunction .... :grovel:

Captain Obvious 08-24-2015 07:00 PM

The Dudley Boyz are still over. That was quite the pop.

DaNewGuy 08-24-2015 07:04 PM

I marked out for the Dudley Boyz haha

Sassy Squatch 08-24-2015 07:15 PM

Well, that guy was big.

Captain Obvious 08-24-2015 07:22 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 11683047)
Well, that guy was big.

I guess this shows that not everybody is going to the main roster straight from the NXT show. I think that's a good approach and makes new arrivals interesting.

TLO 08-24-2015 07:28 PM

This show has rocked.

penbrook 08-24-2015 07:36 PM

That was Braun Stowman. He is a former strongman and was a rosebud for Adam Rose

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2015 07:58 PM

Lol wow. People really hate SuperCena

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2015 07:59 PM

This is great! Tuned in out of the blue! What a treat!

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2015 08:02 PM

The ****? This is stupid. Wow.

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2015 08:03 PM

Pathetic shilling by Vince. This is embarrassing.

Mr. Flopnuts 08-24-2015 08:09 PM

Ok, then. See ya. Back to NFL preseason. Lol

penbrook 08-24-2015 08:31 PM

You do know Lana and Rusev are actually dating in real life so Rusev is the real winner

58kcfan89 08-24-2015 08:39 PM


okcchief 08-24-2015 08:43 PM

The Dudleys ECW run was one of my favorite things ever in wrestling. I'll have to catch the replay.

TLO 08-24-2015 08:44 PM

I think something big might end the show...

penbrook 08-24-2015 08:46 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11683431)
I think something big might end the show...

This!! They said there was a big segment planned tonight which would lead into Wrestlemani. There are rumors that sting is there. But right now it's just rumors

58kcfan89 08-24-2015 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11683431)
I think something big might end the show...

That's the whole reason I'm watching. If it's just Rollins celebrates & Cena ruins the thing, I'm gonna be pissed. The first 45 minutes or so tonight were wonderful. Since then it's been just another Raw (read: boring, zero story progression and full of tag matches).

Sassy Squatch 08-24-2015 09:00 PM

Damn, that's legit scary. ****ing monster.

BigCatDaddy 08-24-2015 09:05 PM

So who is in there instead of the statue?

Captain Obvious 08-24-2015 09:06 PM

I'm guessing Sting is in there.

TLO 08-24-2015 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 11683473)

Damn, that's legit scary. ****ing monster.

Love it.

TLO 08-24-2015 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Captain Obvious (Post 11683482)
I'm guessing Sting is in there.


TLO 08-24-2015 09:07 PM

I'm going to LOL if it's Cena in there.

Sassy Squatch 08-24-2015 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11683487)

That would be hilarious. Just kicks him in the face as they pull the curtain up.

TLO 08-24-2015 09:11 PM

So.. it was Sting.

Reaper16 08-24-2015 09:29 PM

I'm so pissed at how Vince & Dunn are ****ing up the women's roster. We're seriously 2 ppvs into the so-called "Diva's Revolution" and there's STILL not a single ounce of story for any of those characters? No wonder the crowd shat all over the diva's segment; creative is giving people zero reason to care.

penbrook 08-24-2015 09:35 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11683526)
I'm so pissed at how Vince & Dunn are ****ing up the women's roster. We're seriously 2 ppvs into the so-called "Diva's Revolution" and there's STILL not a single ounce of story for any of those characters? No wonder the crowd shat all over the diva's segment; creative is giving people zero reason to care.

Exactly and we get the same shit every week. These ****ing tag matches! Maybe if you put like Sasha vs Charlotte I guarantee you the fans would be into it. You have to take the belt off of Nikki

BryanBusby 08-24-2015 09:49 PM

Not really, in their minds.

Kevin Dunn is a misogynist and tries to bury NXT people any chance he gets and Vince mostly listens to him.

58kcfan89 08-24-2015 09:50 PM

No idea where Sting came from or why I'm supposed to believe an old brokedick like him can hang with Rollins (nevermind the fact that he lost the last time we saw him) but I guess he's someone "new."

I'm guessing NoC is where Rollins loses at least one, if not both of those belts. Hopefully Sheamus either cashes in or loses that case, too. I still don't get why he got that thing in the first place. Just get his cash-in over with so I can tune out for a few weeks during his reign. **** Sheamus.


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11683526)
I'm so pissed at how Vince & Dunn are ****ing up the women's roster. We're seriously 2 ppvs into the so-called "Diva's Revolution" and there's STILL not a single ounce of story for any of those characters? No wonder the crowd shat all over the diva's segment; creative is giving people zero reason to care.

Nailed it. Story. Story story story story story. Bayley vs. Sasha on Saturday was an amazing match by itself, but the buildup made you emotionally invested, which puts it over the top. As much as I mark for Sasha, I'm glad they didn't throw her out there tonight. Maybe Dunn'll get fired in the next week and they'll get their heads out of their asses as to why Saturday night's match was so much better received than the ones last night & tonight.


Originally Posted by penbrook (Post 11683536)
Exactly and we get the same shit every week. These ****ing tag matches! Maybe if you put like Sasha vs Charlotte I guarantee you the fans would be into it. You have to take the belt off of Nikki

Not without a story, they won't. An NXT crowd might be into it, but 15K casual fans won't know enough about those 2 except "Flair's daughter" and "Boss" as it stands.

I'm no fan of Nikki, but she's a very small part of the problem. You could put the diva's belt on Jesus and nobody's going to care if it's just generic tag matches every week.

The Bad Guy 08-24-2015 09:57 PM

1 Attachment(s)
My 6 year old loves Sting. He just got to meet him last weekend and will go crazy when he wakes up and sees RAW. I hope he wins the belt.

penbrook 08-24-2015 09:57 PM

Sting will face Rollins at NOC for the WWE Championship NOT the U.S Title

Reaper16 08-24-2015 09:58 PM

The shitty thing is that Nikki is no worse than the 5th best women's wrestler on the main roster* (when motivated to perform), but she's being done no favors by how long this title reign is lasting. Everyone needs character motivation, not mindless three-woman tag tems for no reason other than the sake of having them.

* Seriously, did you see that suicide dive she pulled off at SummerSlam? That was beautiful. That was darn near on the level of El Hijo del Fantasma/King Cuerno.

The Bad Guy 08-24-2015 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by penbrook (Post 11683578)
Sting will face Rollins at NOC for the WWE Championship NOT the U.S Title

Have Sting win. Have Cena help Sting win and then have Cena turn heel at the October PPV and fight Sting at Survivor Series.

58kcfan89 08-24-2015 10:01 PM


Originally Posted by penbrook (Post 11683578)
Sting will face Rollins at NOC for the WWE Championship NOT the U.S Title

Rollins will pull double duty (unless he loses a belt between now & then). Gives Cena his win & US belt back early in the night then wrestles Sting in the main event for the WHC.

Christ, I can't believe I typed that in 2015.

58kcfan89 08-24-2015 10:03 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11683583)
The shitty thing is that Nikki is no worse than the 5th best women's wrestler on the main roster* (when motivated to perform), but she's being done no favors by how long this title reign is lasting. Everyone needs character motivation, not mindless three-woman tag tems for no reason other than the sake of having them.

* Seriously, did you see that suicide dive she pulled off at SummerSlam? That was beautiful. That was darn near on the level of El Hijo del Fantasma/King Cuerno.

With as often as they mention AJ's record-length reign, it sounds like she's just holding it to break the record, then we can finally get the Sasha Show. Which is ****ing stupid, but welcome to the divas division.

The Bad Guy 08-24-2015 10:04 PM

I'm no fan of any of the divas, but Charlotte seems to be the one that should be getting the push.

BryanBusby 08-24-2015 10:05 PM

Sting is getting a nice run, but it's pretty obvious what the set up is.

They want Rollins to remain relevant, but get him off the top because they botched his first run and need to adjust him some.

They managed to figure out a way to finally get that ****ing belt off Cena because he was never going to put over a midcard.

Now he's free to start building the fall and winter long journey of dipping his dick right into the ass of Ric Flair's record. What does Shaemus have to do with this? He's been rebuilt into the heel that Cena will chase and has more credibility to make the line a solid than Rollins.

They had him R Kelly on Orton so they can build him up for the hotswap at NoC when he cashes in.

They're certainly not giving their top title to a guy that's nearing 60 and can hardly go anymore.

Reaper16 08-24-2015 10:09 PM


Originally Posted by The Bad Guy (Post 11683600)
I'm no fan of any of the divas, but Charlotte seems to be the one that should be getting the push.

She ought to be huge for the company going forward. A virtual lock. But she's also still quite green in some aspects. She can look incredible when she's wrestling a ring general heel who can command the pace and direction of the match (i.e. Sasha Banks, by far the best women's wrestler in the company), but put her in the same babyface spot against, say Brie Bella & Charlotte flounders. She'll improve, no doubt. But right now I think you can make the argument that Nikki is a better overall wrestler.

58kcfan89 08-24-2015 10:32 PM


Originally Posted by BryanBusby (Post 11683603)
Sting is getting a nice run, but it's pretty obvious what the set up is.

They want Rollins to remain relevant, but get him off the top because they botched his first run and need to adjust him some.

They managed to figure out a way to finally get that ****ing belt off Cena because he was never going to put over a midcard.

Now he's free to start building the fall and winter long journey of dipping his dick right into the ass of Ric Flair's record. What does Shaemus have to do with this? He's been rebuilt into the heel that Cena will chase and has more credibility to make the line a solid than Rollins.

They had him R Kelly on Orton so they can build him up for the hotswap at NoC when he cashes in.

They're certainly not giving their top title to a guy that's nearing 60 and can hardly go anymore.

You're better at this than I am lol

I just have absolutely zero desire to see another Sheamus vs. Cena feud. Sheamus gets no reaction and I've seen enough of Cena in the title picture to last 3 lifetimes.

But if it means Rollins doesn't have to job to Cena, I'll live with it. I damn near had a seizure when Cena came out to challenge Rollins at SS. They may have effed up the title reign, but I still love Seth. Dude was on point in the match last night.

Reaper16 08-24-2015 10:34 PM


Originally Posted by 58kcfan89 (Post 11683643)
You're better at this than I am lol

I just have absolutely zero desire to see another Sheamus vs. Cena feud. Sheamus gets no reaction and I've seen enough of Cena in the title picture to last 3 lifetimes.

But if it means Rollins doesn't have to job to Cena, I'll live with it. I damn near had a seizure when Cena came out to challenge Rollins at SS. They may have effed up the title reign, but I still love Seth. Dude was on point in the match last night.

Seth was basically working as a babyface in that match too. He still ought to be a spectacular drawing babyface for WWE someday. His moveset is so damn likable.

penbrook 08-24-2015 10:56 PM

Who knew Sheamus is 2 years older than Orton!

Mav 08-24-2015 11:40 PM


Originally Posted by Big Smoke (Post 11682988)
Stephanie McMahon's boobs are incredible. PBJ

Everything about her is incredible.

penbrook 08-24-2015 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11683714)
Everything about her is incredible.

It's like she gets hotter with age!

DaNewGuy 08-24-2015 11:45 PM

As much as it sucks Dunn has a job for life. Didn't his dad or some shit save Vince's tape library from a fire or something ?

Mav 08-24-2015 11:45 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11683610)
She ought to be huge for the company going forward. A virtual lock. But she's also still quite green in some aspects. She can look incredible when she's wrestling a ring general heel who can command the pace and direction of the match (i.e. Sasha Banks, by far the best women's wrestler in the company), but put her in the same babyface spot against, say Brie Bella & Charlotte flounders. She'll improve, no doubt. But right now I think you can make the argument that Nikki is a better overall wrestler.

Better than Paige?

Mav 08-24-2015 11:46 PM


Originally Posted by penbrook (Post 11683716)
It's like she gets hotter with age!

Seriously. And she's tall as shit too.

Reaper16 08-24-2015 11:48 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11683718)
Better than Paige?

Wrestlers in this dumb angle, ranked:

1.) Sasha Banks
2.) Becky Lynch
3.) Paige
5, tied.) Charlotte
5, tied.) Nikki Bella
6.) Naomi
7.) Alicia Fox
8.) Brie Bella
9.) Tamina

Mav 08-24-2015 11:49 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11683721)
Wrestlers in this dumb angle, ranked:

1.) Sasha Banks

2.) Becky Lynch

3.) Paige

5, tied.) Charlotte

5, tied.) Nikki Bella

6.) Naomi

7.) Alicia Fox

8.) Brie Bella

9.) Tamina

I'm just talking wrestling ability.

Reaper16 08-24-2015 11:53 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11683722)
I'm just talking wrestling ability.

I don't see a way to separate the in-ring character work from "wrestling ability." Those little things Sasha does so well, like stomping on Bayley's injured hand while Bayley was trying to grab the ropes...that's entirely indicative of wrestling ability to me.

Paige has more of a power game -- suplexes & such -- that we classically associate with great wrestling ability. Really, I was exaggerating a bit when I said "by far." Sasha, Paige & Becky are all very close to each other. They're all excellent.

Mav 08-24-2015 11:54 PM


Originally Posted by Reaper16 (Post 11683725)
I don't see a way to separate the in-ring character work from "wrestling ability." Those little things Sasha does so well, like stomping on Bayley's injured hand while Bayley was trying to grab the ropes...that's entirely indicative of wrestling ability to me.

Paige has more of a power game -- suplexes & such -- that we classically associate with great wrestling ability. Really, Sasha, Paige & Becky are all very close to each other. They're all excellent.

Cool. I like the way you put that. I'm a huge fan of Paige so I favor her a little bit.

Mav 08-25-2015 12:04 AM

I don't know if it's q but Sting Rollins is official for NoC

BryanBusby 08-25-2015 01:03 AM


Originally Posted by 58kcfan89 (Post 11683643)
You're better at this than I am lol

I just have absolutely zero desire to see another Sheamus vs. Cena feud. Sheamus gets no reaction and I've seen enough of Cena in the title picture to last 3 lifetimes.

But if it means Rollins doesn't have to job to Cena, I'll live with it. I damn near had a seizure when Cena came out to challenge Rollins at SS. They may have effed up the title reign, but I still love Seth. Dude was on point in the match last night.

It's a given that they are going to force Cena breaking the record on us. Flair has already gave it his blessing.

Shaemus and Cena has been done to death, but there isn't a reliable guy primed and ready to carry this program. This is the downside to having 15 runs for Cena already and being failures at developing mostly.

I don't think they are too phased about a stale product because their viewership is about to plummet for the year and they are about to kick this shit into autopilot until RR.

Sassy Squatch 08-25-2015 03:57 AM

What the hell happens between NXT and RAW to the divas? Is is the complete creative difference? ****s sake, going from that match on Saturday to the ones from Sunday and Monday is culture shock.

BryanBusby 08-25-2015 04:15 AM

Everyone should read this to understand better

WWE is written by a team that is ignorant about wrestling and lead written by a guy who is a misogynist with an inferiority complex.

NXT is written and lead by an actual wrestling team. A wrestling team can properly structure a wrestling story and better convey ring psychology than a failed Hollywood writer.

Kevin Dunn operates for his best self-interest while HHH and Stephanie actually sorta give a **** about the actual industry. They are taking over everything when Vince dies possibly any day by now and Kevin Dunn knows he's finished when that day comes.

He has no value for women beyond sex objects and will bury anything NXT to make HHH look weak to Vince.

BryanBusby 08-25-2015 04:15 AM

Everyone should read this to understand better

WWE is written by a team that is ignorant about wrestling and lead written by a guy who is a misogynist with an inferiority complex.

NXT is written and lead by an actual wrestling team. A wrestling team can properly structure a wrestling story and better convey ring psychology than a failed Hollywood writer.

Kevin Dunn operates for his best self-interest while HHH and Stephanie actually sorta give a **** about the actual industry. They are taking over everything when Vince dies possibly any day by now and Kevin Dunn knows he's finished when that day comes.

He has no value for women beyond sex objects and will bury anything NXT to make HHH look weak to Vince.

Sassy Squatch 08-25-2015 08:05 AM

That just seems so weird to me. How would a guy like Dunn be on par, or even higher than HHH and Stephanie power wise? Not even like he makes compelling television, it's flat out awful most of the time.

penbrook 08-25-2015 08:25 AM

There is no way in Hell bringing the Dudley Boyz back was a Vince decision. Triple H had to be doing this 100%. Seriously Vince just let it go and have HHH and Stephanie run the show

penbrook 08-25-2015 09:44 AM

The Dudley Boyz are back full time even going on live events and have signed a multi year deal. They will end there career in WWE and will take there place in the Hall of Fame once there time is up

Sassy Squatch 08-25-2015 10:04 AM

Doubt it. IIRC Dudley and HHH don't exactly see eye to eye. Maybe things got patched over though.

Mav 08-25-2015 10:16 AM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 11684164)
Doubt it. IIRC Dudley and HHH don't exactly see eye to eye. Maybe things got patched over though.

HHH has learned to put the business before past grudges. If Brock Lesnar hasn't taught us that, then the Ultimate Warrior and Bruno Sanmartino should.

Side note. How awesome was Stephanie breaking character last night for Vince? Seriously? To even admit that she would be getting in trouble was just awesome.

big nasty kcnut 08-25-2015 11:08 AM

Kevin dunn is a legacy hire because his dad worked for vince dad. I hope to god he is fired soon!

New World Order 08-25-2015 11:17 AM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11684188)
HHH has learned to put the business before past grudges. If Brock Lesnar hasn't taught us that, then the Ultimate Warrior and Bruno Sanmartino should.

Side note. How awesome was Stephanie breaking character last night for Vince? Seriously? To even admit that she would be getting in trouble was just awesome.

By putting himself over against Sting and putting the final nail in the WCW coffin?

What was the point of that?

New World Order 08-25-2015 11:18 AM

Cant they just bring back all of the Attitude Era/WCW guys and stick them on either Raw or Smackdown? I dont care if they are 50.

Hell, I bet the ratings would be better than what they are now.

Mav 08-25-2015 11:52 AM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 11684305)
By putting himself over against Sting and putting the final nail in the WCW coffin?

What was the point of that?

The result of that match was inconsequential don't you think? The match in itself was amazing. And I'm not sure HHH put himself over. Doesn't Vince/Kevin Dunn decide who wins those?

I obviously didn't understand the loss for sting, and it was tough. Those are my two favorite wrestlers of all time.

BigCatDaddy 08-25-2015 12:02 PM

Never liked the Crow version of Sting. I would love to see him return to some form of the original but Im not sure he can pull that off in his current shape.

Swanman 08-25-2015 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11684188)
HHH has learned to put the business before past grudges. If Brock Lesnar hasn't taught us that, then the Ultimate Warrior and Bruno Sanmartino should.

Also, they have learned to go to the Indies, Japan and even TNA to get good talents where they used to only develop their own guys. Many of the top level guys that are over with fans spent a lot of time in the Indies and/or Japan (Ambrose, Rollins, Balor, Owens, Zayn, Samoa Joe, Hideo Itami, Cesaro and before that, CM Punk and Daniel Bryan)

Mav 08-25-2015 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by BigCatDaddy (Post 11684405)
Never liked the Crow version of Sting. I would love to see him return to some form of the original but Im not sure he can pull that off in his current shape.

No. He's a long way removed from roids to pull that off. I saw sting at the Greensboro coliseum in 1987 vs mike rotunda. It was awesome!

Mile High Mania 08-25-2015 01:44 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11684505)
No. He's a long way removed from roids to pull that off. I saw sting at the Greensboro coliseum in 1987 vs mike rotunda. It was awesome!

Back in his day, there were few better or more fun to watch than the Stinger... he and Flair had some great battles, it was fitting they fought in the final WCW match.

Mile High Mania 08-25-2015 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 11684307)
Cant they just bring back all of the Attitude Era/WCW guys and stick them on either Raw or Smackdown? I dont care if they are 50.

Hell, I bet the ratings would be better than what they are now.

I haven't watched wrestling in years... but, when I have taken a view here and there, it seems everything is too focused on the next PPV. I think that focus (along with the move away from the attitude era, which did get a bit over the top) has killed the business really.

Who are the wrestlers today that really matter? I mean honestly... guys like Lesnar, how can anyone really care much about that guy. Orton had potential, Cena sucks. There's a reason why the old guys bring back such emotion when they show up. Who is this era's Hot Rod? They are so void of genuine personality and rivalries now.

Mav 08-25-2015 01:49 PM


Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 11684520)
Back in his day, there were few better or more fun to watch than the Stinger... he and Flair had some great battles, it was fitting they fought in the final WCW match.

Absolutely. There has never been a better heel than Flair either. What a stud.

Mile High Mania 08-25-2015 01:51 PM


Originally Posted by Mav (Post 11684527)
Absolutely. There has never been a better heel than Flair either. What a stud.

One of the great qualities of Flair ... his ability to put anybody over.

Mav 08-25-2015 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Mile High Mania (Post 11684522)
I haven't watched wrestling in years... but, when I have taken a view here and there, it seems everything is too focused on the next PPV. I think that focus (along with the move away from the attitude era, which did get a bit over the top) has killed the business really.

Who are the wrestlers today that really matter? I mean honestly... guys like Lesnar, how can anyone really care much about that guy. Orton had potential, Cena sucks. There's a reason why the old guys bring back such emotion when they show up. Who is this era's Hot Rod? They are so void of genuine personality and rivalries now.

Are we talking heel or face hot rod? Face hot rod for sure is Ambrose. My biggest gripe is they don't build true rivalries any more. They build a mini feud then it's gone. I like where they are going with the Wyatt Family and shield.

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