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Rausch 08-02-2014 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10786738)
Have you ever gone to the DD website that ties in with the movie. You have to solve cryptic puzzles and whatnot to gain access to additional information about him from sources like classified government files and his therapist's session notes, Roberta Sparrow's scientific journal, etc?

Something that tied in with level 26, I can't remember it all, but it was totally worth the time to dig around and get more information. I'm not even sure if the site is still up and hosted, but given the cult popularity, someone has documented everything I'm sure.

Trés kewl.

Just ask.

The site is still up and yes, I've looked at EVERYTHING related to the film...

Anyong Bluth 08-02-2014 01:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10790113)
Just ask.

The site is still up and yes, I've looked at EVERYTHING related to the film...

Probably would need it's own thread. I fully admit to being obsessed with the movie- and would love if they were to ever release Sparrow's book as a tie in or some other companion book with more information and filling in the back story of the universe / characters.

Speaking of Grandma Death, I still don't know what to make of the meaning or correlation of when Donnie sees the photo of young Roberta that is most assuredly Maggie - his real life sister and in the film? Not to mention the forbidden sexual undertones coupled with the fact that Frank, the boyfriend, kills Donnie's girlfriend, and in turn Donnie kills his sister's boyfriend, Frank.

Edit: damn it, now I feel like watching it again, and troving the Internet for more theories and explication.

ragedogg69 08-03-2014 05:45 PM

Just watched Captain America Winter Soldier. I really liked it. It is the first movie in a while that was 2+ hours and I wasnt bored in the middle of it. I may even give that dumpster fire of a TV show a second chance just to see the aftermath.

Anyong Bluth 08-03-2014 08:59 PM

Anyone else seen Killer Joe and Bug ?

Both are out there, but I dug them each. They are both adapted from plays by the same person.

If you are in the mood for something off the beaten path, and masterfully done, I recommend them both.

Also, curious what other's opinions on them are, for anyone who has seen either?

-King- 08-03-2014 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 10777358)
Super ambiguous.
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I enjoyed the movie other than the ending. I like movies that make you think, but if a movie needs a 25 minute explanation, then they tried to do too much IMO.

Edit: This is the explanation I'm talking about <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyong Bluth 08-03-2014 09:46 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 10793014)
I enjoyed the movie other than the ending. I like movies that make you think, but if a movie needs a 25 minute explanation, then they tried to do too much IMO.

Edit: This is the explanation I'm talking about <iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

I get what you mean, and Enemy didn't spark my curiosity to deconstruct it. Now, a movie like Lost Highway grabbed my interest in deciphering it, but I know for many they totally didn't care for it.

At one point I think I had it all figured out. My sister, and her now husband watched it one night when it came out on rental and couldn't make up from down on what was going on. I gave then my 10 minute rundown and they said it totally clicked and wanted to watch it again.
I haven't seen it in years, and don't have the foggiest idea what I had puzzled all together- which is why I have been meaning to revisit it and screen it again.

Coochie liquor 08-04-2014 05:58 AM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10792975)
Anyone else seen Killer Joe and Bug ?

Both are out there, but I dug them each. They are both adapted from plays by the same person.

If you are in the mood for something off the beaten path, and masterfully done, I recommend them both.

Also, curious what other's opinions on them are, for anyone who has seen either?

I thought Bug was great, my wife thought it was just ok. I loved watching them both unravel mentally! Haven't seen the other one yet.

Anyong Bluth 08-04-2014 08:01 PM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 10793223)
I thought Bug was great, my wife thought it was just ok. I loved watching them both unravel mentally! Haven't seen the other one yet.

Definitely do, McConaughey again turns in a spectacular performance.

Frosty 08-04-2014 08:26 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 10792576)
Just watched Captain America Winter Soldier. I really liked it.

Me too. Caught it last week at a 2nd run theater. I think it was wise to team him up with Black Widow and Falcon. I don't think any of those characters are strong enough to carry a movie themselves but they made a nice team, kind of a mini-Avengers.

Anyong Bluth 08-04-2014 08:47 PM


Originally Posted by Coochie liquor (Post 10793223)
I thought Bug was great, my wife thought it was just ok. I loved watching them both unravel mentally! Haven't seen the other one yet.

Also, some interesting background. Sheen reprised his role for the movie after being the original person cast in the play. His performance got him noticed for a part on Boardwalk Empire, which in turn opened up a lot more roles for him in movies- including Zod in Man of Steel.

Harry Connick was offered the role on a whim after meeting the director at a Hollywood charity dinner and the director felt he naturally possessed a lot of his character's personality qualities. Not exactly a compliment in my estimation.

As for Killer Joe. Gina Gershon was offered the role she plays in the movie when it was to debut many many years ago. She turned it down because of one specific scene and act that takes place, stating that she thought she would become mentally unstable if she had to perform this over and over 8 times each week for however long the original run of the play lasted.

underEJ 08-05-2014 11:02 AM

Saw Boyhood this weekend. I think the effusive praise is a bit over the top, but I can't deny the effect of the 12 year process is compelling. It is a truly unique storytelling device that elevates the occasionally marginal performances (it can't be easy to be consistently in character for sporadic shoots over 12 years.)

I had one real problem with the resolution...


Anyong Bluth 08-05-2014 11:37 AM


Originally Posted by underEJ (Post 10795597)
Saw Boyhood this weekend. I think the effusive praise is a bit over the top, but I can't deny the effect of the 12 year process is compelling. It is a truly unique storytelling device that elevates the occasionally marginal performances (it can't be easy to be consistently in character for sporadic shoots over 12 years.)

I had one real problem with the resolution...


I've been wanting to see this, and wondered if the extended filming process sort of garnered excess praise for an otherwise "good" film.
Thanks for the feedback.

-King- 08-05-2014 05:25 PM

Watched The End of the World. I really liked the first third to half of the movie. But it took a real turn when the robot story line was introduced. Then it was basically a british version of The Watch.

ragedogg69 08-05-2014 05:39 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 10796352)
Watched The End of the World. I really liked the first third to half of the movie. But it took a real turn when the robot story line was introduced. Then it was basically a british version of The Watch.

I have a question about that. Like you, I really enjoyed the beginning. However, I knew about the sci fi twist from the trailers. Did you know or were you caught off guard by it?

I have a theory that the movie would have been better had I not known about it.

Fire Me Boy! 08-05-2014 06:00 PM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 10796382)
I have a question about that. Like you, I really enjoyed the beginning. However, I knew about the sci fi twist from the trailers. Did you know or were you caught off guard by it?

I have a theory that the movie would have been better had I not known about it.

The wife and I had seen the trailers and knew the sci-fi twist, but it took so long for that part to get introduced, by the time it was we had both become convinced we were thinking of a different movie.

-King- 08-06-2014 06:24 AM


Originally Posted by ragedogg69 (Post 10796382)
I have a question about that. Like you, I really enjoyed the beginning. However, I knew about the sci fi twist from the trailers. Did you know or were you caught off guard by it?

I have a theory that the movie would have been better had I not known about it.

I knew there was a sci-fi twist but I didn't know what it would be. I thought the robots were kind of lame and the story decidedly took a bad turn after they were introduced.
Posted via Mobile Device

L.A. Chieffan 08-06-2014 11:25 AM

Watched Her. I like Spike Jonze and his movies but this one was just ok for me. Phoenix did a great job and the Directing really was top notch but the movie just draaaags. Plus the topic has been done a little too much recently.

ragedogg69 08-06-2014 05:28 PM

I think FilmDrunk summed up Spike Jonze pretty well, he is one of the few independent guys out there that isnt up his own ass. I enjoyed Her, despite Johannson's scratchy voice.

Molitoth 08-09-2014 10:42 AM

Just watched Divergent and loved it. Yeah.

KCUnited 08-10-2014 04:21 PM

Finally watched Lone Survivor and immediately dropped Sprint.

Passepartout 08-10-2014 04:25 PM

You need to see Schindler's List. It is a movie that all need to see before you leave this world. Very moving and touching story indeed! Beyond 10/10!

Word of warning:It is not for little kids is all I will say!

ragedogg69 08-11-2014 02:23 PM

Saw Mr. Peabody and Sherman with the wife. Good, not great. Some neat 3D effects for the time travel scenes. Worth a rental.

Halfcan 08-11-2014 03:01 PM

Noah- I would rather drown in a flood than watch this again.

Rausch 08-12-2014 11:54 PM

Just finished Coherence.

Wow. If you got lost during Primer this flick will rape your mind.

It's a indie sci-fi/mystery. The idea that a comet would cause what happens to happen in the movie is pretty lame but once you get beyond that it pulls you in. For about the 1st third of the movie you don't know if it's aliens, time travel, ghosts, etc...

listopencil 08-13-2014 12:05 AM


Originally Posted by KcMizzou (Post 10743707)
Watched this because of your post. Really enjoyed it.

Cool, I was hoping someone would give it a chance. There are so many weird little moments in the movie that it's hard to describe.

listopencil 08-13-2014 12:16 AM


Originally Posted by KChiefer (Post 10372805)

Mayosaki's great. Last one I saw was secret world of arriety. Cool to see small household objects in his beautiful detail.

Crap, I completely forgot about this movie. I'm going to grab a copy and check it out. I really enjoyed the Borrowers series of books as a kid.

Anyong Bluth 08-13-2014 01:58 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10814706)
Just finished Coherence.

Wow. If you got lost during Primer this flick will rape your mind.

It's a indie sci-fi/mystery. The idea that a comet would cause what happens to happen in the movie is pretty lame but once you get beyond that it pulls you in. For about the 1st third of the movie you don't know if it's aliens, time travel, ghosts, etc...

Graciás, I believe I will be watching this after the Royals game, this evening.

Rausch 08-13-2014 03:00 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10815646)
Graciás, I believe I will be watching this after the Royals game, this evening.

I'll be watching this at least twice more in the next two days.

For a first time viewer this is what will be the most fun: pay attention to every little detail. Watch who "enters" and who "leaves."

There's a link to an article I'll post in a day or two that completely spoils the movie but is great after your first viewing. It's like the Sixth Sense or Primer: after enjoying the film it becomes a game keeping track of all the moving pieces.

It's also amazing to know that about 80% of this movie is improv. The director would say "Ok, you're John Doe. This is his basic character. For this scene he needs to find a way to get out the kitchen door." That was done for every actor without any information sharing and then action!

lcarus 08-13-2014 04:58 PM

Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.

Fire Me Boy! 08-13-2014 05:02 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10816144)
Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.

They are nothing like LOTR.

I'm decidedly "meh" on the Hobbit movies.

lcarus 08-13-2014 05:06 PM


Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! (Post 10816160)
They are nothing like LOTR.

I'm decidedly "meh" on the Hobbit movies.

But I should still watch them?

Fire Me Boy! 08-13-2014 05:15 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10816168)
But I should still watch them?

Meh. Lowered expectations and you'll be fine.

Baby Lee 08-13-2014 06:01 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10815782)
It's also amazing to know that about 80% of this movie is improv. The director would say "Ok, you're John Doe. This is his basic character. For this scene he needs to find a way to get out the kitchen door." That was done for every actor without any information sharing and then action!

Tell me there's a fat chick character whose mission is to save the pizzas!!

Rausch 08-13-2014 06:14 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10816273)
Tell me there's a fat chick character whose mission is to save the pizzas!!

I don't get it...

Baby Lee 08-13-2014 06:16 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10816305)
I don't get it...

From the Epic Win thread

<iframe width="640" height="385" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Rausch 08-13-2014 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10816311)
From the Epic Win thread

<iframe width="640" height="385" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

ThaVirus 08-13-2014 06:52 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10816144)
Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.

I just re-watched them over the weekend.

I also loved LOTR and was playing Skyrim for a bit so I was seriously jonesing to see something related to the genre. I liked The Hobbit much more than The Desolation of Smaug, to be honest. Both were good though.

Frosty 08-13-2014 08:56 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10816144)
Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.

I liked both of them and am looking forward to the third. They aren't as epic in scale as LOTR, though.

Fish 08-13-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by lcarus (Post 10816144)
Damn it man. I still need to see both of the Hobbit movies. It's just hard for me to sit down for 3 hours and watch a movie with my schedule recently. I've heard so many mixed reviews about these movies. Some of my friends say they're amazing. Some say they're kinda shitty. I absolutely LOVED all the LOTR flicks though.

You absolutely without a doubt should see these movies. If you loved the LOTR movies, you will greatly appreciate these. No question.

FMB had issues with the physics of the movies and gave it a negative rating for what I thought was a great couple films. But watch them for sure and form your own opinion. I thought they were great, and I bet you will too...

Fire Me Boy! 08-14-2014 02:50 AM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 10817151)
You absolutely without a doubt should see these movies. If you loved the LOTR movies, you will greatly appreciate these. No question.

FMB had issues with the physics of the movies and gave it a negative rating for what I thought was a great couple films. But watch them for sure and form your own opinion. I thought they were great, and I bet you will too...

The physics were just one of the tiny, nitpicky things I didn't enjoy. Overall, I've found them overly effects driven, humor for children complete with fart jokes, full of ridiculous action sequences designed for video games, and generally less engaging than any one of the three LOTR movies. And the above has grown with subsequent viewings. So no, my problem was certainly not just a physics thing.

thabear04 08-14-2014 09:30 PM

Seen Jarhead 2 not bad of a movie.

Baby Lee 08-14-2014 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by thabear04 (Post 10819726)
Seen Jarhead 2 not bad of a movie.

Tell me you are dyslexic and there wasn't a sequel to Jarhead.

Buns 08-14-2014 11:35 PM

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Baby Lee 08-15-2014 10:52 AM


Originally Posted by Virtua Chief (Post 10819827)
<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

A Filliam H. Muffman Production!!

BigMeatballDave 08-15-2014 12:22 PM

I don't know what it is about just seeing LOTR just annoys me to no end.

I hated that POS film with the power of a 1,000 Suns.

ThaVirus 08-15-2014 12:44 PM

I ****ing loved those movies. It's tough to watch them these days though. You have to designate like a week to get through them all..

Fire Me Boy! 08-15-2014 12:46 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 10820722)
I ****ing loved those movies. It's tough to watch them these days though. You have to designate like a week to get through them all..

Shit, that's amateur hour. The last several times my wife and I have watched them we've done 'em all in one day, back-to-back-to-back. You lack dedication.

Baby Lee 08-15-2014 01:16 PM


Originally Posted by Fried Meat Ball! (Post 10820731)
Shit, that's amateur hour. The last several times my wife and I have watched them we've done 'em all in one day, back-to-back-to-back. You lack dedication.

Seems like you need an entire day just to watch the conclusion of the last movie.

Fire Me Boy! 08-15-2014 01:22 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10820810)
Seems like you need an entire day just to watch the conclusion of the last movie.

Tough to disagree. The end of ROTK drag on and on.

-King- 08-15-2014 02:14 PM

I've probably watched about 2 minutes total of LoTRs. And that was when I was in the waiting room at my mechanic.

thabear04 08-15-2014 03:43 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10819804)
Tell me you are dyslexic and there wasn't a sequel to Jarhead.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyong Bluth 08-15-2014 05:23 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10814706)
Just finished Coherence.

Wow. If you got lost during Primer this flick will rape your mind.

It's a indie sci-fi/mystery. The idea that a comet would cause what happens to happen in the movie is pretty lame but once you get beyond that it pulls you in. For about the 1st third of the movie you don't know if it's aliens, time travel, ghosts, etc...

Great suggestion, my friend!

I've got my ideas, but the 1st time I watched it was more to simply take in the story. Like you, I'll definitely be watching it a few more times with a more critical eye.

Loved the simplicity of the ability to make this and yet truly create an engaging mindbender!

My only frustration lies in wanting to see what happens after the call from "her"!

Feel free to link any analysis or breakdown about it. I'll definitely be interested and recommending this around to friends and family.

BigMeatballDave 08-15-2014 06:28 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 10820957)
I've probably watched about 2 minutes total of LoTRs. And that was when I was in the waiting room at my mechanic.

Even at 2 minutes, you gotta fight the urge to inflict pain to distract you from the epic fail you're watching.

ThaVirus 08-15-2014 09:00 PM

Sounds like fantasy just isn't your bag. Those are great movies.

KcMizzou 08-15-2014 10:02 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 10822298)
Sounds like fantasy just isn't your bag. Those are great movies.

That's right.

NewChief 08-16-2014 10:30 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10820810)
Seems like you need an entire day just to watch the conclusion of the last movie.

The kids and I recently watched all of them over the course of a few nights as a farewell to summer and nights without a bedtime. We were watching the extended editions... holy COW... they are long. It adds like an hour to RotK. I was all about letting them stay up late, but they were up until like 11:00pm, and we were starting the movies at around 7.

Hammock Parties 08-16-2014 03:21 PM

Watched Presumed Innocent with Harrison Ford last night. ****ing awesome flick. Very underrated Ford performance.

Rausch 08-16-2014 03:34 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10821350)
Great suggestion, my friend!

I've got my ideas, but the 1st time I watched it was more to simply take in the story. Like you, I'll definitely be watching it a few more times with a more critical eye.

Loved the simplicity of the ability to make this and yet truly create an engaging mindbender!

My only frustration lies in wanting to see what happens after the call from "her"!

Feel free to link any analysis or breakdown about it. I'll definitely be interested and recommending this around to friends and family.

A lot of great info in here but will completely ruin the film for anyone that hasn't watched it yet.

I've been waiting for someone else to watch it. It's one of those you want to discuss with someone as soon as it's over...

Some spoilers

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Anyong Bluth 08-16-2014 05:24 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10823375)
Watched Presumed Innocent with Harrison Ford last night. ****ing awesome flick. Very underrated Ford performance.

Unrelated other than it just seems I group them together based on the era of release and type of movie, but have you seen Jagged Edge or A Dry White Season ? If not, do give them a viewing.

On a sidenote, I know pretty well and used to work with the attorney that wrote Presumed Innocent . Pretty cool guy.

Anyong Bluth 08-16-2014 05:25 PM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10823389)
A lot of great info in here but will completely ruin the film for anyone that hasn't watched it yet.

I've been waiting for someone else to watch it. It's one of those you want to discuss with someone as soon as it's over...

Some spoilers

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Excellent. I will check it out.

Baby Lee 08-16-2014 06:18 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10823608)
Unrelated other than it just seems I group them together based on the era of release and type of movie, but have you seen Jagged Edge or A Dry White Season ? If not, do give them a viewing.

On a sidenote, I know pretty well and used to work with the attorney that wrote Presumed Innocent . Pretty cool guy.

One of my most proud reading moments was when I figured out the twist in Presumed Innocent about 1/3 of the way through the book. If you've read it, it was when Ford's character broke down looking at the drinking glasses at his home.

Anyong Bluth 08-16-2014 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10823812)
One of my most proud reading moments was when I figured out the twist in Presumed Innocent about 1/3 of the way through the book. If you've read it, it was when Ford's character broke down looking at the drinking glasses at his home.

Smart cookie

Baby Lee 08-16-2014 07:43 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10824046)
Smart cookie

Did you ever read Turow's '1-L?'

Also, if I may ask, in what stead you worked with him. I know he's been involved in The Innocence Project, or some similar anti-death penalty organization of late.

Anyong Bluth 08-16-2014 08:25 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10824171)
Did you ever read Turow's '1-L?'

Also, if I may ask, in what stead you worked with him. I know he's been involved in The Innocence Project, or some similar anti-death penalty organization of late.

Large case involving insurance fraud - on the part of the insurers not the policy holders and a handful of other stuff back in my days at Sonnenschein - probably circa 2008. He was given carte blanche, even with all the smoking prohibitions at work he was able to in his office as he saw fit. His office was awesome- decked out in smokey leather it was like a trophy room meets a social club parlor meets a cigar room with just a splash of English refinement.

Ya, I'm familiar with 1L, but it was never a book that grabbed me. Maybe it's the layman's effect?

Baby Lee 08-17-2014 12:06 AM


Originally Posted by L.A. Chieffan (Post 10797677)
Watched Her. I like Spike Jonze and his movies but this one was just ok for me. Phoenix did a great job and the Directing really was top notch but the movie just draaaags. Plus the topic has been done a little too much recently.

Spike has moved onto the 'can do no wrong' ladder for me, along with Coens, Scorsese, and Tarantino. Adaptation is among my top 5 ALL TIME movie experiences, of all things redeems Nic Cage!! That's like 40 on the John Travolta 1-10 Pulp Fiction redemption scale. Being John Malkovich is revelatory. Synechdoche, Martha Focker!!

Anyong Bluth 08-17-2014 01:57 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10824454)
Spike has moved onto the 'can do no wrong' ladder for me, along with Coens, Scorsese, and Tarantino. Adaptation is among my top 5 ALL TIME movie experiences, of all things redeems Nic Cage!! That's like 40 on the John Travolta 1-10 Pulp Fiction redemption scale. Being John Malkovich is revelatory. Synechdoche, Martha Focker!!

One of Nic Cage's shining moments is The Weatherman. Plain and simple. FACT.

Baby Lee 08-18-2014 12:38 AM


Originally Posted by L.A. Chieffan (Post 10797677)
Watched Her. I like Spike Jonze and his movies but this one was just ok for me. Phoenix did a great job and the Directing really was top notch but the movie just draaaags. Plus the topic has been done a little too much recently.

Somehow I knew that 'her high waisted pants' was an existing search term.


just type in 'her h'

underEJ 08-18-2014 10:39 AM

I'm a big Spike Jones fan too. The collaboration of Director, DP, and Production Designer on Her is just about the finest I think I have seen since before 70s realism. Glad we are getting back to more exploratory looks now. Music video directors have always had that playground so they are a nice addition to Hollywood films.

I know alot of people hate Tarsem, but the look The Fall is exquisite, unfortunately the story trips over the look a few times, but it is pretty minor. All in all, a really nice film too. I have enjoyed it numerous times.

Has anyone seen Bellflower? Indie from a new director a couple of years ago. He makes his own cameras, built the car in the film with the flame throwers. It is super low budget, but he does some very cool stuff with the little budget he has. He kind of throws continuity out the window in exchange for anything that serves the story like some crazy exposure and depth of field settings. Everyone says "continuity is for pussies," but most directors are addicted to it as if it is the metric of directing. I look forward to what he can do with some money. It is a bad relationship revenge fantasy movie, but it is clever. And anything that doesn't actually need to be clever is dead simple, pretty rare from a young director. It is worth a look, but warning, it is kind of harsh.

Anyong Bluth 08-18-2014 01:26 PM

Another pretty good newer Cage flick I definitely recommend is

L.A. Chieffan 08-18-2014 07:25 PM

Bad Lieutenant Port of Call New Orleans surprised me quite a bit. Very good for a Cage movie

thabear04 08-19-2014 11:19 AM

Anyong Bluth 08-19-2014 11:39 AM

So, this is probably old news, but I just saw that Michael Douglas is playing Hank Pym, so they're are obviously including a passing of the torch plotline.

Also, with the announcement of further details about the Dr. Strange movie upcoming, what are people's thoughts and feelings about Marvel announcing not only will his movie not be an origin story, but that they are not doing origin stories for movies going forward?

Seems a bit ballsy...

Bowser 08-19-2014 01:53 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10832024)
So, this is probably old news, but I just saw that Michael Douglas is playing Hank Pym, so they're are obviously including a passing of the torch plotline.

Also, with the announcement of further details about the Dr. Strange movie upcoming, what are people's thoughts and feelings about Marvel announcing not only will his movie not be an origin story, but that they are not doing origin stories for movies going forward?

Seems a bit ballsy...

It is a bit ballsy. And I'm very genuinely curious as to what they're building towards.

Hammock Parties 08-19-2014 07:41 PM

Finally saw The Expendables.

Terrible movie which was only mildly interesting for the plane scene and Terry Crews blowing the shit out of everyone with his shotgun.

Now to watch Expendables II and decide if I really want to go see the III tomorrow. :D

thabear04 08-19-2014 08:30 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10833339)
Finally saw The Expendables.

Terrible movie which was only mildly interesting for the plane scene and Terry Crews blowing the shit out of everyone with his shotgun.

Now to watch Expendables II and decide if I really want to go see the III tomorrow. :D

I found this site if you wanna watch it.

Anyong Bluth 08-19-2014 08:41 PM


Originally Posted by thabear04 (Post 10833535)

I found this site if you wanna watch it.

It's been out for like a month now, right?

Frosty 08-19-2014 09:06 PM

Rented some movies last weekend:

RoboCop - ignoring the original and taking the movie on its own merit resulted in a pile of "meh". Nothing really happens and I found myself really not caring about any of the characters.

Divergent - it was an okay movie but I suspect it would have made more sense if one reads the book first. The movie that is its most obvious comparison - The Hunger Games - was a superior movie.

47 Ronin - I quite liked this movie despite its most obvious flaw (Keanu). It's a nice looking film with some nice fight scenes. If they had cast someone more believable as the Japanese half breed, it would have been better.

Hammock Parties 08-19-2014 11:30 PM


Originally Posted by Anyong Bluth (Post 10833600)
It's been out for like a month now, right?

It just came out a week ago.

Expendables II was slightly more interesting. God these films suck, though. Their only redeeming factor is 80s action stars being hilariously cheeseball.

And for that reason alone, tomorrow I will see III.

Anyong Bluth 08-19-2014 11:37 PM


Originally Posted by Count Zarth (Post 10834388)
It just came out a week ago.

Expendables II was slightly more interesting. God these films suck, though. Their only redeeming factor is 80s action stars being hilariously cheeseball.

And for that reason alone, tomorrow I will see III.

I meant that an HD copy of the movie leaked out quite some time ago.

listopencil 08-20-2014 12:02 AM


Originally Posted by Frosty (Post 10833856)
47 Ronin - I quite liked this movie despite its most obvious flaw (Keanu). It's a nice looking film with some nice fight scenes. If they had cast someone more believable as the Japanese half breed, it would have been better.

I took my son to go see this when it was playing in theaters. We really enjoyed it. My son was stunned when it was over. He didn't realize that we had been sitting there so long. That's pretty good for a 15 year old that isn't really into the genre all that much. In fact he has gotten more into (somewhat) similar stuff since watching that movie. I would have loved almost any other major or minor actor playing Keanu Reeves' part, but they limited his role enough to get over it.

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