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Glad I did. Amazing. How can I keep falling in love with his characters? And yeah, I really want book 2 now. |
And now I'm thinking of re reading Malazan (Ian C. Esslemont books included) The end of unwilling God, with the consequences of what your wrote in the spoiler, was hard to read and wildly fascinating. Freaking malazan marines. They truly do give a shit. |
BTW, www.bookdepository.com is where I always buy Erickson's books because they are released months ahead of when the US editions finally arrive. |
Halfway through both of these both are great.
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/..._AC_SY580_.jpg https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/..._AC_SY780_.jpg |
Isn't Skyward a YA novel?
I keep wanting to get to the Malazan books, but it's pretty daunting. Is it best to just read sequentially, or is there a better entry point? |
The ICE books are easier reads than Erickson's work. |
Yeah, the only part of IcE that I would personally recommend reading before the book of the fallen is Knight of Knives.
It’s an easier read and sets you into the world fairly well. Would make Gardens of the Moon less of a “wtf” start. |
Looking at Sanderson's site for updates on Stormlight 5, and it really aggravates me that he wrote a bunch of "pandemic books" instead of working on the next Stormlight book.
Just finished Project Haily Mary by Andy Weir.
Thought it was fantastic! I have not read the Martian, his most famous work, but I may have to double back. Setting my reading goals for 2023 ( I did this for the first time this year....and I read more than I had in years and throughly enjoyed, so I am gonna do it again). Was thinking of finally tackling Malazan---I know many in this thread have read this series, and there is some debate on what order to read the books (where to mix in the ones written by Esselmount from what I gather). Any suggestions on a good reading order? Thanks! |
I recommend at least reading Knight of Knives first. I would not recommend the newest prequel trilogy before BoF, though. |
I was thinking publication order, as that is how most folks would have done it, but am open to changing it up for the best story experience. Thanks! |
There are a few of the Esselmont books that can be helpful to read as you’re going through BotF (Return of the Crimson Guard is the main one). I like Night of Knives first because it sets some of the stage you’re dropped into in Gardens of the Moon. |
So I made an impulse buy on Audible - Reality Bleed by J.Z. Foster and Justin Woodward and was listed as sci-fi/horror. If you like ultraviolence and gore in your sci-fi escapism, well do I have good news for you. It's almost like they're exactly ripping off Doom 2016/Doom Eternal (it takes place on Mars with hellish creatures pouring in out of a portal we opened to another dimension), but it's kept me engaged. It's close enough to the game so far that I keep waiting to hear the Doom music start playing.
The premise is actually kinda cool - America and Russia at each other's throats with the space race beginning in earnest in the 70's when the Soviets shot down one of our Apollo missions, then America became obsessed with getting the higher ground of space, all the way to Mars. If you're looking for something to pass the time with a little bit of hellish nightmare-scapes, check it out. |
That sounds awesome Bowser.
ETA: it is included in Audible Plus. Added to my library. |
Has a bit of the same feel as Larry Correia's Monster Hunter series. |
I've been making an effort to read/listen to more books this year. June to January I believe I finished 13, which looking at that is nuts to me.
By far my favorite has been Adrian Tchaikovsky. I'm stoked the third book just came out, so I will likely start on that this weekend. My least favorite, and this is by an extremely wide margin, Cixin Liu. I hated the series. I hated most everything about it. There was some interesting moments, but overall just hated it. I have no idea what it is so loved. Biggest surprise to me has been how much I enjoyed Mammay. I'm about 60% done with Colonyside so please no spoilers for that. I will admit that I accidentally started with Spaceside (book 2), but it might be better read in that order: 2,1,3. It made book 2 this awesome detective novel in a way, and I'm not sure it would have been as fun. However, it does spoil book 1 of course, so it may have been much more enjoyable to do it in the right order... probably. Dune audiobook was ****ing awesome. Ringworld was silly, but I didn't love it as much as I thought I might nor as much as some friends thought I might. Not on the list is Corey's Babylon's Ashes, but I read it before. I was on a work trip and didn't have anything to read or listen to at the airports/on the plane so I listened to it. I couldn't remember much of it from before. It's fun, like the rest of that series. My list is: Code:
<table> |
I am aggravated that there doesn't seem to be a hardback version of Children of Memory published in the US. I did just see that there is a UK version, so I ordered it.
DAW Books Acquired By Astra Publishing House |
So this is the literature thread that already existed that I wasn't aware of. The kind of literature that the fine folks from CP are into. Space adventures. Even you, Just Passin By? Not you too, JPB!
Then read Malazan Book of the Fallen. Both are probably over your head though prose wise. |
Good stuff. |
I'm on book 27 or 28 (of 50+): <a href="https://www.blacklibrary.com/the-horus-heresy">Black Library - The Horus Heresy</a>
There are multiple series other than The Horus Heresy. It is a massive universe, with hundreds of books. Sci-fi/war Warhammer 40k universe. Henry Cavill is developing a 40k series for Netflix... looks promising (he is a huge fan, and supposedly has full creative license). If done right, it will be amazing. As an example see: <iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/DVXEYksoE6c" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe> |
Both are the equal of The Road and McCarthy's prose. Do yourself a favor and give either a shot. |
Just finished this which is a sequel to Black Sun not as good as the first but looking forward to the final entry. |
I've never read The Silmarillion, so I figured I'd give it a shot on Audible. It's kind of difficult to follow the characters and locations and storylines due to it being so rapid fire, at least for me. Is that pretty much the way it goes if you read the book as well? It seems like there is so much thrown at the reader all at once.
Written by Ken & Carol Douglas Available on Amazon This is different. A book written by local writers about a primate research facility out by Lexington Missouri that has been able to successfully impregnate a bonobo chimpanzee with human sperm. The story is about the offspring and how he ends up changing the world. This is book one with the sequel expected to be out later this year. It's written like a premium series with a lot of short chapters and some really interesting characters. It's a family drama with a sci-fi twist. I'm looking forward to the next one! Tried to upload a pic of the cover but I guess I don't know how. Just gets upload failure. |
Have any of you read Ann Leckie's Ancillary series? I'm curious how others feel about it. I've read the first two books and like it quite a bit, but I'm a sucker for stories in which the author explores identity of self. I'm not sure how to describe it really. It has some impressive world building, but doesn't forget to tell a story too. I did have to find audio versions just to learn how to pronounce some of the names.
Pretty interesting how they reveal some of the skills this hybrid possesses. Expect the sequel out in a few months. By the way, local writers. I know them, if anyone would like an autographed copy. (And yeah, they, - the writers - are huge Chiefs fans, just like the humanzee that the story is about. The hybrid kid has a Mahomes poster in his room.) |
Just now discovering this thread, as an avid lover of Sci-Fi and Fantasy I’m looking forward to forward to checking in periodically. I’ve migrated to audiobooks in recent years, working my way through 50-60 books per year.
As for the prompt in the OP, my favorites of all time: 1. Foundation Series - Asimov (the classic) 2. Eon Series - Greg Bear (the less well known) 3. Star Wars Expanded Universe - Multiple Authors (this was my childhood, reading nearly 200 of the books before Disney acquired the franchise and made my childhood non-cannon) Lately I’ve been sucked into the world of GameLIT (books that incorporate some sort of video game like mechanics or worlds… like Ready Player One which was my gateway). It’s genre adjacent to this thread. If anyone else is into GameLIT or LitRPG and wants to share notes, happy to chat via PM. One that I would HIGHLY recommend for anyone who cares enough to be in this thread: the Dungeon Crawler Carl series. It’s one of the most hilarious and entertaining books I’ve ever read / listened to. It’s a fantastic mix of sci-fi, fantasy, and comedy. The basic synopsis is that Earth is turned into a massive sadistic game show for an intergalactic audience with life and death stakes. The dust jacket description and cover art is honestly a bit of a turn off (I avoided it for a long time), but it’s a fantastic listen and has become one of my all time favorites. Would highly recommend if you have a spare audible credit. |
Let me know if you'd like a copy and I can send you one. The first book is available on Amazon. Book 2 should be done really soon. It goes into editing probably next week. |
Posted in the general books thread instead of this one by mistake:
Just finished Justin Cronin's "The Ferryman"....Scifi with some interesting twists and a dash of dystopia thrown in. Enjoyed it. |
My son just read The Hobbit and is now diving in on LOTR. He is almost 18, and used to read a ton, all the Dresden File novels, Bobiverse, and a bunch of other stuff. Over the last couple years he hadn't been reading much at all. Is good to see him back into it, and sounding like he'd be open to some of my favorite series like The Expand and Malazan Book of the Fallen.
I stumbled on to the Starsea Cycle books by Kyle West. I didn't feel like I was crazy into them, but next thing I know I'm about to start book 10, the final book, in the series.
It kind of feels like the author is ripping off a number of other well known and established sci-fi/fantasy movies and stories to write this series, but it's just different enough to make it work. And I've enjoyed the ride, as well - a good mix of sci-fi and fantasy. |
Project Hail Mary was a 10/10 for me.
By Andy Weir, who wrote The Martian… last I heard it is being adapted into a film with Gosling as the lead |
It's been almost 8 years since the last book in the series.
Richard Fox has added a 10th book to the Ember War Saga. The Fall of Earth (The Ember War Saga Book 10) by Richard Fox released today. |
Fantasy - Gene Wolfe - "Latro in the Mist" is a 2 book reprint combo of a 3 book series. The final book came out many years later, after Wolfe took time off to take care of his wife. Takes place 2500 years ago in Greece, when the Persians are trying to invade. Our hero gets wounded fighting too near a Greek temple, and the resident goddess curses him to lose his memory as he sleeps. Our book is his 'daily update' so he knows who he is, where he is, and why. Good prose, and you soon really feel for the guy and his helpers. One sidebar to the head wound - he can now see the supernatural beings, gods, goddess' and 'vampire', etc..all around in ancient Greece. If he touches them, everyone else can see them. This leads to a few orgies. That's enough to hook those who'll enjoy it and I don't want to give too much away. My favorite novel, and I've read quite a few. Other Gene Wolfe stuff is worth checking out @ the lie-berry, but this one - I buy 2nd hand copies when I see 'em cheap, just to give away to friends. It's that good.
Finally started The Stormlight Archive. I'm about halfway through The Way of Kings. I'm undecided so far. It's not bad, but hasn't really hooked me yet.
I’ll say it’s worth it, though. Words of Radiance and Oathbringer are two of my favorite books of all time. |
Appreciate the perspective. I read another hundred pages this weekend, so about 60% through, and I feel like it's about to get going.
Where are you in the book, by the way? I’d like to live vicariously through you. |
Lol, Sanderlanche. I hadn't heard that before. Feels appropriate.
The Way of Kings spoilers for anyone who hasn't read it yet, be warned:
Hell yeah, shit’s about to kick off soon enough.
Let me know what you think once you’ve finished. |
I stumbled across Old Man's War and I'm thoroughly enjoying it. I was a little surprised to find out that the first book in the series is nearly 20 years old (!) and that the rights to the entire series have been bought by Netflix and is in pre-production (allegedly).
https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Old_Man%27s_War_series |
https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/71C-h1gMocL.jpg |
Do not look up the author on social media. Might ruin it for you. |
I have another book of his I haven't started yet - Starter Villain. I was considering giving it a go, but I might go find Dungeon Crawler first with all the positive feedback everyone's giving it. |
What do you think about each installment so far? I actually felt like Rhythm of War was the weakest of the bunch, though it was still a good read. I think I liked Words of Radiance the most, followed by Oathbringer, then Way of Kings, and Rhythm of War. |
Kaladin is badass but I just do not have an intimate understanding of depression. Obviously mental illness and trauma are major themes in the series regarding the Knights Radiants so sometimes Sanderson loses me there.
And that’s exactly why Adolin is my favorite character. He’s the only normal one in the bunch lol |
The Sun Eater Series--one of the best sci-fi/space opera series ever. Final book comes out in November, so the series will be complete.
https://www.sollanempire.com/ https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oKJu-eyURik https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rpLNrkawq80&t=492s |
Currently enjoying the Dumb Luck and Dead Heroes series from Skyler Ramirez. It's pretty light reading and an enjoyable escape.
a decade or so ago I bought a box of games workshop paperbacks. I had maybe 30 books from the 90's. GW wasn't as established then and had just gone into publishing fiction. most of those books were bad. they were very hack. there was one short series set in Warhammer that I enjoyed. the titles were Konrad, Shadowbreed, and Warblade https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/...1000_QL80_.jpg they probably arent accurate to the lore but they were short fun reads |
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