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Rain Man 01-14-2004 03:51 PM

Yeah, I can laugh about it now, but it really messed me up back then.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 03:51 PM


Originally Posted by tk13
I never said the picture wasn't necessarily offensive. I just wondered how you could support a team who's fans are 1000 times worse than this because they've actually done physical harm to people over a FOOTBALL GAME. Me, you, and everyone else posts something stupid from time to time, it's just an internet message board.

I sure hope you aren't insinuating that there are people on this board that actually want to shoot Greg Robinson in the head. If that is the case, I've got some oceanfront property here in Indiana I can sell you.

I'm not 'insinuating' anything...

the vitriol regarding Greg Robinson on this board (especially visual) was more intense and angry than I've seen on any sports board. Obviously DV did not want this action to happen and obviously if he or his staff had seen those pictures they wouldn't be laughing either nor would Robinson be laughing if his kids saw them.

Yeah, some angry football fans hell bent on revenge might find them funny...I guess it took a 'special' person to find them humorous.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
We had a gold shag carpet, and it turned orange, and I remember thinking that it was a really beautiful orange, almost an apricot when the light hit it. who I am.


We can let you slide on your choice of BMW colors then...

siberian khatru 01-14-2004 03:52 PM


Originally Posted by Rain Man
Yeah, I can laugh about it now, but it really messed me up back then.

It's good to know you're not messed up now.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 03:55 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I'm not 'insinuating' anything...

the vitriol regarding Greg Robinson on this board (especially visual) was more intense and angry than I've seen on any sports board. Obviously DV did not want this action to happen and obviously if he or his staff had seen those pictures they wouldn't be laughing either nor would Robinson be laughing if his kids saw them.

Yeah, some angry football fans hell bent on revenge might find them funny...I guess it took a 'special' person to find them humorous.

Will you STFU already?

2bikemike 01-14-2004 03:56 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Show me where I equated their miserable failures to needing to be shot in the head or executed.

It's not being angry with Greg Robinson or being disrespectful to him. It's about the lengths of which the anger and disrespect got here and the move to justify it as a response to a loss and to excuse it as somehow normal.

So maybe you never equated it to being shot in the head or executed. Just pointing out the joy you take in others misery.

As far as those posted pictures, IMHO it is no different than some of those dark comedies that hollywood produces. I.E. "Pulp Fiction" any outrage over Quentin Tarantino from you?

Actually I expect that you will say there is. You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise
Will you STFU already?

Tell people to stop asking questions... :p

Hopefully no one who visited the site visited the link to CP save they be introduced to the Planet the past twenty four hours and think this is where fans castrate or excecute team members.

Thank God, GR is gone and so the team will be perfect and no one here will have a damn thing to b*tch about or execute someone over. :thumb: :p

headsnap 01-14-2004 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by PennyWise

We can let you slide on your choice of BMW colors then...

now it all makes since(planet spelling)! ROFL


Pennywise 01-14-2004 03:59 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
So maybe you never equated it to being shot in the head or executed. Just pointing out the joy you take in others misery.

As far as those posted pictures, IMHO it is no different than some of those dark comedies that hollywood produces. I.E. "Pulp Fiction" any outrage over Quentin Tarantino from you?

Actually I expect that you will say there is. You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

Dude, your on a roll today.

memyselfI 01-14-2004 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by 2bikemike
So maybe you never equated it to being shot in the head or executed. Just pointing out the joy you take in others misery.

As far as those posted pictures, IMHO it is no different than some of those dark comedies that hollywood produces. I.E. "Pulp Fiction" any outrage over Quentin Tarantino from you?

Actually I expect that you will say there is. You appear to me to be someone who will always take the opposite side just so you can argue and bitch.

I don't pay money to see those movies. It was on HBO and I sat through ten minutes of it before I walked out of the room. Never saw movie. And if you must know, I have huge issues with Hollywood glamorizing and trivializing torture and death of human beings...

I'm done with this issue unless people keep asking questions.

Rain Man 01-14-2004 04:01 PM

Hey, memyselfI, would you please take out the references to drugs and murder in your signature? I really don't appreciate them after what happened to me when I was seven.

tk13 01-14-2004 04:03 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
I'm not 'insinuating' anything...

the vitriol regarding Greg Robinson on this board (especially visual) was more intense and angry than I've seen on any sports board. Obviously DV did not want this action to happen and obviously if he or his staff had seen those pictures they wouldn't be laughing either nor would Robinson be laughing if his kids saw them.

Yeah, some angry football fans hell bent on revenge might find them funny...I guess it took a 'special' person to find them humorous.

Revenge? What? I'm not saying that any of it's funny. You think that there are people on this board that want to kill Greg Robinson, which is absurd.

I also find it's bizarre that you're absolutely never happy with anything that goes on here. There are lots of things on the Internet that you, I, or anyone else would not want to be around, but yet you choose to stay here.

Bootlegged 01-14-2004 04:07 PM

What the hell is going on here?

Back to the subject at hand. I've been personally attacked. Headsnap has to. So we've decided to put all of the thousands of dollars we made off the firegreg site and establish

Please give what you can.

Pennywise 01-14-2004 04:07 PM


Originally Posted by memyselfi
Tell people to stop asking questions... :p

Stop asking questions people.

JazzzLovr 01-14-2004 04:09 PM

You've got it all wrong. The picture was a brilliantly symbollic work of art. The gun represented Gunther Cunningham (Gunther=Gun, I know it's a stretch), whose arrival would bring an end to Greg Robinson's career in Kansas City and usher in a new era of joy and happiness for Chiefs fans everywhere.

*sniff* It was beautiful.

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