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kepp 11-15-2022 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by Dartgod (Post 16605185)
Thanks for the update. Prayers for Joe are ongoing.


tooge 11-16-2022 03:28 PM

Joe, prayers your way brother. You and I seem to have really developed relationships with God and Jesus around the same time. Your words have been inspirational. I'm sorry that you are going through this, but I also know that you know you are in good hands and going to be with your creator and father.

Fat Elvis 11-16-2022 04:01 PM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16605098)
Took my friend Joe to the hospital today. He was in excruciating pain which we just couldn’t handle at home. They are treating him for an infection and pain. He is doing much better tonight after his intervenious treatments.

Thanks to Phil, Bob Dole, Bugeater, 007, dartgod, for making the trek to visit. Joe is very appreciative. Another good memory for the books.

I am so sorry you are going through this. You are in my prayers along with HayWire and my sister.

Pasta Little Brioni 11-17-2022 10:00 AM

Good thoughts to all involved

Iowanian 11-17-2022 02:56 PM


When you're feelign up to reading here, I don't have any profound things to say.

I'll just say that you've always been fair here, fun in person, square in our business dealing and I have always enjoyed our conversations.

Katie 11-17-2022 07:37 PM

Update on Joe: After a few days of antibiotics and a surgical procedure to clean out the stint in his gallbladder, he has turned it around. The infection is cleaned up, the stint is cleaned out, he’s much more alert and even joking around a bit. He will be discharged tomorrow and heading home.

Thank the Lord!

Dartgod 11-17-2022 07:41 PM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16610693)
Update on Joe: After a few days of antibiotics and a surgical procedure to clean out the stint in his gallbladder, he has turned it around. The infection is cleaned up, the stint is cleaned out, he’s much more alert and even joking around a bit. He will be discharged tomorrow and heading home.

Thank the Lord!

That's great news!

Fat Elvis 11-17-2022 07:59 PM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16610693)
Update on Joe: After a few days of antibiotics and a surgical procedure to clean out the stint in his gallbladder, he has turned it around. The infection is cleaned up, the stint is cleaned out, he’s much more alert and even joking around a bit. He will be discharged tomorrow and heading home.

Thank the Lord!

Fantastic news! Thanks for sharing.

cmh6476 11-17-2022 09:14 PM

Great news

ROYC75 11-17-2022 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16610693)
Update on Joe: After a few days of antibiotics and a surgical procedure to clean out the stint in his gallbladder, he has turned it around. The infection is cleaned up, the stint is cleaned out, he’s much more alert and even joking around a bit. He will be discharged tomorrow and heading home.

Thank the Lord!


Thanks Katie for the update! :clap:

Thank you, God!

KC Dan 11-18-2022 12:13 AM

Great news Katie! You are doing the lords work as he does his on Joe! Keep fighting Joe, he is on your side

HayWire 11-18-2022 05:34 AM

Great news, Joe. Keep on keeping on

BIG_DADDY 11-18-2022 04:54 PM


Originally Posted by Katie (Post 16610693)
Update on Joe: After a few days of antibiotics and a surgical procedure to clean out the stint in his gallbladder, he has turned it around. The infection is cleaned up, the stint is cleaned out, he’s much more alert and even joking around a bit. He will be discharged tomorrow and heading home.

Thank the Lord!

Fantastic news. Keep up the fight Joe.

Halfcan 11-18-2022 10:11 PM

Awesome news! Best wishes, Joe!

Chief Pote 11-19-2022 01:39 PM

Prayers answered....great news!!

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