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New World Order 04-29-2021 12:10 PM

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OnTheWarpath15 04-29-2021 12:12 PM


Originally Posted by Pawnmower (Post 15650246)
her name is page spiranac

my lord she is a ****ing goddess

She practices a lot at Talking Stick, I've seen her there a few times - and she's just as much a smokeshow in person.

Titty Meat 04-29-2021 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 (Post 15650329)
She practices a lot at Talking Stick, I've seen her there a few times - and she's just as much a smokeshow in person.

Did u hit it?

ptlyon 04-29-2021 12:14 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 (Post 15650329)
She practices a lot at Talking Stick, I've seen her there a few times - and she's just as much a smokeshow in person.


Originally Posted by ptlyon (Post 15650225)
I would like to know who this is and would also like for her to sit on my face

Please relay my message

vailpass 04-29-2021 12:16 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 (Post 15650329)
She practices a lot at Talking Stick, I've seen her there a few times - and she's just as much a smokeshow in person.

Yep. And she rocks my local boys' PXG gear.

Katipan 04-29-2021 12:19 PM

I'm more interested in who is patt's lil bitch than why he left.

OnTheWarpath15 04-29-2021 12:21 PM


Originally Posted by Titty Meat (Post 15650331)
Did u hit it?

Almost, I shanked one and missed her by about 15 feet.

Oh, you mean *hit it*?

Bearcat 04-29-2021 12:24 PM


Originally Posted by OnTheWarpath15 (Post 15650329)
She practices a lot at Talking Stick, I've seen her there a few times - and she's just as much a smokeshow in person.

I bet she gets annoyed by all the talking sticks.

penchief 04-29-2021 12:27 PM

I liked patteeu. We disagreed but I always appreciated his approach to debating. I suspect it was getting hard for a good conservative to continue aligning oneself with the kooks who turned a once proud political movement into a threat to American democracy.

srvy 04-29-2021 12:27 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 15649735)
Yeah, I don't get the whole announcement thing either. Just go do whatever it is that you do. If you feel like posting again, then post again. There's no reason why anyone has to officially quit. It mostly seems to be attention-whoring.

It needs to be done for the Curly Bill gif.

cwhocares 04-29-2021 12:31 PM

You're leaving a room not sucking a *&%$. No need to open your mouth.

Prison Bitch 04-29-2021 12:33 PM


Originally Posted by penchief (Post 15650349)
I liked patteeu. We disagreed but I always appreciated his approach to debating. I suspect it was getting hard for a good conservative to continue aligning oneself with the kooks who turned a once proud political movement into a threat to American democracy.

Fewer posts like this^

InChiefsHeaven 04-29-2021 12:38 PM

I think 1000 posts is a bit of a reach Pat. Hate to see ya go. God Bless.

Bearcat 04-29-2021 12:38 PM


Originally Posted by loochy (Post 15649735)
Yeah, I don't get the whole announcement thing either. Just go do whatever it is that you do. If you feel like posting again, then post again. There's no reason why anyone has to officially quit. It mostly seems to be attention-whoring.

Sometimes it gets asked whatever happened to so and so, and sometimes so and so gets pinged on social media, or you're left wondering.

Not saying it's right or wrong or whatever, but if someone has been here 10 or 15+ years and then just disappears, it can be a bit concerning for those who know that person IRL or have conversed a lot here (that's why we have the next of kin thing).

So, at the very least, if you don't want people reaching out sometime in the future, or worrying you've knocked off, it helps.

Or maybe it's just a look at me and miss me! thing, because it's a bit disheartening that almost anyone can just stop posting and no one may notice for months or ever.

Kman34 04-29-2021 12:39 PM


Originally Posted by Bearcat (Post 15650348)
I bet she gets annoyed by all the bundle of stickss


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