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fairladyZ 12-15-2017 06:59 PM

ya his voice is annoying, but i think he has valid points

temper11 12-15-2017 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by fairladyZ (Post 13286172)
I love kylo's helmet, and he's always worn it to be vader like. So when he crushed it and the way his ark, the i take it is going, he wants to rule, he wants the ultimate power. He wants to be vader and finish what he started. So it wouldn't have suprised me if he came out in vaders helmet to face luke and again finish what vader started or couldn't. Although i'd rather him just keep his own helmet as i think it's badass. I think the ultimate goal is in episode 9 kylo's transformation to the dark side and turning more into vader will be complete. Even thru this whole movie he was way more aggressive and nasty, Force choking and pulling people like vader. Snapping and putting his foot down that he was in charge. Very Vader.

Not saying what i thought would be badass should be done just my own "would have been epic" moment in my head.. lol

Vader's helmet is all jacked up too though. I think snoke just embarrassed him into not wearing helmets all together

temper11 12-15-2017 07:05 PM


Originally Posted by Superturtle (Post 13286122)
Kylo Ren is much better at being Anakin Skywalker than Anakin Skywalker.


RobBlake 12-15-2017 07:10 PM

6 or 7/10. I was expecting much more.. had a rogue one vibe. Kinda wish disney never picked up the franchise oh well.

Sorter 12-15-2017 07:12 PM

Heard a rumor Luke dies trying something Loki does regularly. Bummer if that’s how they killed off the last Jedi.

Sorter 12-15-2017 07:13 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13286188)
Vader's helmet is all jacked up too though. I think snoke just embarrassed him into not wearing helmets all together

Kylo could have someone make him a Vader helmet. This already happens in the US.

temper11 12-15-2017 07:17 PM


Originally Posted by Sorter (Post 13286200)
Kylo could have someone make him a Vader helmet. This already happens in the US.

Yes, he could have... Or he could have just not smashed his helmet. I think the point was that he wasn't going to hide behind helmet anymore

Sorter 12-15-2017 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by temper11 (Post 13286204)
Yes, he could have... Or he could have just not smashed his helmet. I think the point was that he wasn't going to hide behind helmet anymore

Or he was just upset.

That seems to happen with him a bit.

fairladyZ 12-15-2017 07:22 PM

i think he smashed his helmet cause snoke basically called him a failure and that he would never be vader. So he got pissed and smashed it. But then you can see him change. Becoming more comfortable with who and what he is by the end of the movie. Bet he's back in a helmet for episode 9.

RobBlake 12-15-2017 07:24 PM

Also - the fight scenes just seem un inspired.. I mean I don’t need John wick level destruction but it seemed so by the numbers and like a practice session. The parts I loved about all’s attest films were the one on one connections, where thy zeroed in on all conflict and made you side with a character - all those moments were heavily over shadowed by another big resistance battle scene - just like force awakens and rogue.. I wanted a different take while keeping the struggle weave into the storyline but maybe I’m askin for too much.

Was there a bigger waste of a character than phasma?

okcchief 12-15-2017 07:25 PM

Star Wars Episode VIII SPOILERS thread

Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 13286029)



This was my point when I argued with Dane over the Force Awakens. I’ve always considered these turn your mind off fun. Just didn’t enjoy most of this one. Mostly the resistance parts though. Glad some enjoyed it.

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okcchief 12-15-2017 07:31 PM

I think Gareth Edwards should get the keys to the trilogy. I just think he gets it more. I think Johnson had been a good director. but I just didn’t like his work here. Part of the blame might be just throwing him in the middle. I’m hoping I’ll like a second viewing more but I’m not rushing to do that, and it maybe video before I do.

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BigRedChief 12-15-2017 07:32 PM


Originally Posted by okcchief (Post 13286220)
I’ve always considered these turn your mind off fun. Just didn’t enjoy most of this one.

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isnt that true with almost all movies? Superheroes, Action movies, Sci-Fi etc. you must just accept plot line holes, suspend believability, plot twists that make no sense. That's just going to the movies in 2017.

DaneMcCloud 12-15-2017 07:36 PM


Originally Posted by RobBlake (Post 13286194)
6 or 7/10. I was expecting much more.. had a rogue one vibe. Kinda wish disney never picked up the franchise oh well.

We'll have to agree to disagree here, Broheim.

Rogue One, as far as complete film making goes, is the best film in the Star Wars Galaxy.

Impeccable casting, direction, set design, story, VFX, battles, score (yes, the best score since The Phantom Menace, which IMO is William's best work) and third act.

The third act in Rogue One was unbelievably awesome. The last five minutes were absolutely epic.

Episode VIII just didn't know when to end, kind of like Revenge of the Sith.

RobBlake 12-15-2017 07:37 PM

I was bored for the last 45 mins of the movie. It was a sound film by all means but.. there’s just something in the forcing lacking.

Also what was that kid at the end all about? Didn’t he force grab that broom?

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