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DaFace 04-20-2018 10:10 AM

Apparently the second block 5 booster is on the test stand in Texas.

There's not really anything new or surprising in the article, but it points out a kind of cool possibility: This booster is likely going to the west coast, where they only launch once every couple of months. In theory, it needs no refurbishment between launches. That means that this may be the ONLY booster to launch off of the west coast for the next couple of years. Would be crazy if that works out.

DaFace 05-04-2018 09:33 PM

First block 5 booster is ready to fly, though it sounds like the date pay push back a bit from that in the OP.

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Falcon 9 Block 5 static fire test complete ahead of next week’s launch of Bangladesh’s first geostationary communications satellite. Vehicle is healthy. Data review will take a few days—will confirm a target launch date once that review is complete.</p>&mdash; SpaceX (@SpaceX) <a href="">May 5, 2018</a></blockquote>
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DaFace 05-10-2018 11:57 AM

Bump for today's launch. Big story is the first block 5 launch. Barge landing, and I believe they're still working on fairing recovery.

The bigger story may be how long we go before seeing this booster back on the pad again. In theory, it might only be a month or two (and maybe even faster once they get the process down).

eDave 05-10-2018 12:06 PM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">Falcon 9 Block 5 and Bangabandhu Satellite-1 went vertical on Pad 39A in Florida this morning. Now targeting liftoff at 4:42 p.m. EDT, 20:42 UTC – vehicle and payload look good, completing final check outs at the pad. <a href=""></a> <a href=""></a></p>&mdash; SpaceX (@SpaceX) <a href="">May 10, 2018</a></blockquote>
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DaFace 05-10-2018 01:25 PM

Time is bumped back an hour.

DaFace 05-10-2018 03:26 PM

Webcast is live.

DaFace 05-10-2018 03:33 PM

They must be excited about this launch. The last launch they had a team doing the webcast was FH.

DaFace 05-10-2018 03:35 PM

Random notes from Elon in a conference call today via reddit:
  • Really the 6th iteration of F9
  • Last major revision
  • Up to 300 more flights with block 5
  • 2nd stage has block 5 engine but will operate like a block 4 for this flight
  • The interstage looks cool
  • Re-flying same block 5 core within 24 hours next year
  • Leg 2.0
  • No more aluminum grid fins
  • Elon confident that full reusability of the Second Stage is achievable.
  • Gaining data about 2nd stage entry now. They transmit to the Iridium constellation
  • Will add thermal protection system to 2nd stge
  • Fuel costs $300,000-400,000. Still hoping to get the marginal cost of a Falcon 9 launch down to $5-$6 million.
  • first stage 60 percent of cost, 2nd stage 20, fairing 10, everything else 10
  • Expecting no unnecessary action between flights. Fold up legs, attach 2nd stage and go.
  • First block 5 to 10 flights most likely next year. Big milestone Elon says.
  • Need to take this booster apart after this flight since it's the first Block 5
  • Human rated rockets must be overdesigned by 40% for crew safety
  • Boca Chica will be re-dedicated to BFR
  • 30 to 50 Block 5 cores planned
  • SpaceX charging $50 million for flight proven flight, instead of $62 million for a new one.
  • NASA can be a pain in the ass sometimes
  • Load and Go issue has been overblown. CAN load fuel and then have astronauts board
  • Massive amount of research and testing in COPV 2.0. Most advanced pressure vessel ever developed by humanity.

DaFace 05-10-2018 03:47 PM

Boo. Aborted. Probably scrubbed for today.

eDave 05-10-2018 03:48 PM

Ye ole Thursday curse.

eDave 05-10-2018 03:53 PM


Originally Posted by DaFace (Post 13552890)
Boo. Aborted. Probably scrubbed for today.

T- 00:15:00 now.

DaFace 05-10-2018 03:58 PM


Originally Posted by eDave (Post 13552898)
T- 00:15:00 now.

Window closes at 6:22 Eastern, so they don't have much time left to restart. Seems like they almost never get off the ground if it doesn't go on the first attempt.

GloryDayz 05-10-2018 04:09 PM


DaFace 05-10-2018 04:11 PM

New(ish) vehicle must have some bugs. Hopefully it's minor.

DaFace 05-11-2018 02:25 PM

Whoops - forgot the bump. But hooray success!

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