fairladyZ |
12-15-2017 06:57 PM |
Originally Posted by temper11
(Post 13286161)
Vader's helmet on!? WTF? :) See this is a perfect example of what I'm talking about. Everyone has their own ideas, dreams, thoughts, visions of what they think should happen that it can't possibly come close to meeting anyone's expectations.
Not hating on you bro... but Ren coming out with Vader's helmet on would have been weird as **** IMO!
I love kylo's helmet, and he's always worn it to be vader like. So when he crushed it and the way his ark, the i take it is going, he wants to rule, he wants the ultimate power. He wants to be vader and finish what he started. So it wouldn't have suprised me if he came out in vaders helmet to face luke and again finish what vader started or couldn't. Although i'd rather him just keep his own helmet as i think it's badass. I think the ultimate goal is in episode 9 kylo's transformation to the dark side and turning more into vader will be complete. Even thru this whole movie he was way more aggressive and nasty, Force choking and pulling people like vader. Snapping and putting his foot down that he was in charge. Very Vader.
Not saying what i thought would be badass should be done just my own "would have been epic" moment in my head.. lol