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Sassy Squatch 09-27-2011 01:56 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947494)
LMAO, interested observer? You have been reduced to hoping and praying Mizzou doesn't go so you can lead the cheer squad. That's all you have - no one even entertains the thought of trying to bring your shit school anywhere. You can try and act coy and innocent all you want, but your true colors will eventually shine.

Damn that is some tough talk. Do you suck bevo's cock with that mouth? ku bending over and spreading their cheeks doesn't help Mizzou negotiate to improve financial equality for all conference schools, but I guess Stockholm Syndrome has fully kicked in now and you have prepared to pledge full loyalty to your Belt Buckle overlords. :thumb:

[IMG]<iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>[/IMG]

alnorth 09-27-2011 02:01 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 7947439)
My problem with the interim commissioner is that he's someone with the appearance of being completely out of the loop. He literally did his interview on Game Day from a golf course, by all appearances, and it seems obvious that he was just enjoying retirement.

Cool. No problem.

The problem occurs when he's now being asked to go 0-60 to salvage a complete ****ing mess.

This right here is my biggest concern with Neinas. Not UT corruption, but this ultra-casual happy sense of ignorance he projects.

Maybe some people take it as refreshing honesty or something, but when a commissioner flat-out says "I'm not sure, I get the impression they want to do suchandsuch but I need to talk with them", that doesn't inspire confidence. If you don't know, either say no comment or give a confident strong political non-answer.

HemiEd 09-27-2011 02:02 PM

Well Tim, in an effort to be fair, I had to do some reading in order to understand why Missouri is such a powerhouse, and highly desired by these big conferences. Wow, they have been around a long time, holy crap they must have had a lot of success and tradition.

I really can't see where they have done anything except softball and soccer since the inception of the big12. They did win a Big 12 BB tournament in 2009, but you guys don't care about that. (94-171?)

They did seem to have a lot of success in the Missouri Valley though, maybe that is what is really going on? Could an in state rivalry with Missouri State in the same conference be on the horizon? :D

Braincase 09-27-2011 02:07 PM

So, let me see if I have this straight. Nebraska goes to the Big 10, they're a bunch of assholes. Colorado goes to the PAC, they're a bunch of assholes. Texas A&M takes off to the SEC, they're a bunch of assholes. Mizzou goes to some other conference, they had to because everybody else was just a bunch of big ol' meanies.

Trevo_410 09-27-2011 02:09 PM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 7947511)
Well Tim, in an effort to be fair, I had to do some reading in order to understand why Missouri is such a powerhouse, and highly desired by these big conferences. Wow, they have been around a long time, holy crap they must have had a lot of success and tradition.

I really can't see where they have done anything except softball and soccer since the inception of the big12. They did win a Big 12 BB tournament in 2009, but you guys don't care about that. (94-171?)

They did seem to have a lot of success in the Missouri Valley though, maybe that is what is really going on? Could an in state rivalry with Missouri State in the same conference be on the horizon? :D

I don't think us Mizzou fans needs to explain ourselves for the thousandth times on this thread and the other thread... negreppedson has asked the same question over and over, go look at those responses

Pants 09-27-2011 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947494)
LMAO, interested observer? You have been reduced to hoping and praying Mizzou doesn't go so you can lead the cheer squad. That's all you have - no one even entertains the thought of trying to bring your shit school anywhere. You can try and act coy and innocent all you want, but your true colors will eventually shine.

Yeah, because I talked so much shit last time. You must be confused, dawg. I will talk all the shit in the world about your toothless meth producing/smoking fans or your lack of any significant achievements as far as your teams go, but I did not talk shit about you getting screwed by the Big10 nor would I talk shit or "lead the cheersquad" should it ever come out that you never had an SEC invite. At least you were in the discussion, that's more than I can say about my school.


Originally Posted by ezbait
Damn that is some tough talk. Do you suck bevo's cock with that mouth? ku bending over and spreading their cheeks doesn't help Mizzou negotiate to improve financial equality for all conference schools, but I guess Stockholm Syndrome has fully kicked in now and you have prepared to pledge full loyalty to your Belt Buckle overlords. :thumb:

It's not tough talk. I'm just aware of the fact that Texas is by far the richest public school AD in the country. Why should it not have a bigger cut of the TV money than my school when they're the reason the conference is getting these massive TV contracts in the first place? My school splits an incredibly low-population state with another BCS school and has a shitty football program. I know KU's place and I take my joys in KU's success where I can get them (you know, the BCS win and the Final Fours). I'm a proud Jayhawk, but I'm not going to sit here and lament about my school getting a couple million less a year than juggernauts like UT and OU. That's how capitalism works.

ChiefsCountry 09-27-2011 02:10 PM


Originally Posted by HemiEd (Post 7947511)
They did seem to have a lot of success in the Missouri Valley though, maybe that is what is really going on? Could an in state rivalry with Missouri State in the same conference be on the horizon? :D

KU would struggle in the Valley. See UNI and Bradley in basketball and NDSU in football. ;)

DJ's left nut 09-27-2011 02:18 PM


Originally Posted by Braincase (Post 7947526)
So, let me see if I have this straight. Nebraska goes to the Big 10, they're a bunch of assholes. Colorado goes to the PAC, they're a bunch of assholes. Texas A&M takes off to the SEC, they're a bunch of assholes. Mizzou goes to some other conference, they had to because everybody else was just a bunch of big ol' meanies.

No, Nebraska fans are a bunch of assholes because...well they just are. They were assholes before they went to the B1G. Their behavior since they left has only confirmed it. Nubs fans suck donkey dicks, they always have, they always will and it doesn't matter what conference they're in. Tom Osborne is a big asshole because he went out there and absolutely blistered MU with no discernable cause on his way out the door.

Colorado - they're cool; UT and Nebraska tend to hate them. I hold Colorado in no ill-regard whatsoever. Good for them. They got a hell of a life raft and are going to be far FAR happier where they are then where they were.

A&M is a bunch of assholes if for no other reason than the fact that they're crying foul over revenue sharing when they were one of only 4 teams in the Conference that already got an unequal cut of it. UT, OU, NEB and A&M created the system and benefited most from it and suddenly A&M is losing its shit. Oh, and the other 3 schools have won not only bowl games, but national championships since the inception of the XII. In essence, A&M is less a pack of assholes and more a staggering example of hypocrisy, pride and jealousy in action.

And I'm sure every alumni of Nebraska and A&M would argue otherwise and every scared shitless Beaker, Wildcat or Cyclone that sees their major conference affiliation hanging in the balance will marshall a similar argument against Mizzou. Its truly hilarous how transparent guys like Rustshack are when they act all indignant over MU's 'indecision' or 'entitlement' when its really just the fact that he knows that Iowa State is up shits creek if the XII detonates.

Like I said - I really don't give a rip what the Beakers think, or the Nubs, or Eco-Kat and her fuzzy little buddies. I care about Mizzou and them alone. I know they'll screw this up and probably end up in worse shape than Baylor when all is said and done, but it doesn't keep me from knowing what I want to see from them.

patteeu 09-27-2011 02:35 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947314)
Would you not agree that even the potential appearance of impropriety is a poor sign given the current Big 12 mess and the common theory that the prior Big 12 Commissioner was a UT puppet?

I don't think the news is a conviction of Neinas, but I do think the timing is terrible for this to make the public rounds.

I don't think there's an appearance of impropriety here. I think there is a misleading news story. What if someone wrote an article about how Neinas helped Joe Castiglione, Mike Alden, and Gary Pinkle get their jobs (which is true, as I understand it). Would that damn him because of the appearance that he was in bed with OU and MU? The truth is that Neinas was selected (and approved by non-Texas schools) because he's connected to all of these programs and none of them see him as a puppet of any one program.

Edit: I also suspect that he was selected because he's not likely to want to do this job long term and he's more likely to be unbiased as to his successor than a guy who wants the job permanently.

patteeu 09-27-2011 02:40 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947349)
But the original concern many had about Neinas was that he was another Deloss Dodds' puppet. Less than a week after he is announced as the new Big 12 Commissioner, he announces a joint venture with - wait for it - Deloss Dodds. Maybe there really is nothing substantive about it, but perception is reality.

He announced it? A joint venture? I don't think that's accurate.

HemiEd 09-27-2011 02:51 PM


Originally Posted by Trevo_410 (Post 7947530)
I don't think us Mizzou fans needs to explain ourselves for the thousandth times on this thread and the other thread... negreppedson has asked the same question over and over, go look at those responses

Is your name Tim, n00b? STFU


Originally Posted by ChiefsCountry (Post 7947534)
KU would struggle in the Valley. See UNI and Bradley in basketball and NDSU in football. ;)

Yeah, how many National Championships in BB does Bradley have again? UNI? Mid Majors have had a nice run lately, hopefully it will continue.

Honestly, the BB competition might be better in the valley. In looking at football records, Mizzou has been on a very nice run since 2005 without a doubt. The Sooners have really had their number though, damn.

WilliamTheIrish 09-27-2011 05:21 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947433)

You guys need to have a pow-wow and make up your minds. Do you want to smart and keep us, or do you want to act tough and say you don't need us?

JFC, can we just get you in the stirrups and bring the UT gyno and an icy speculum to give you a nice sensitive dusting and cleaning?

**** it all, just call Deaton and tell him you demand to go the SEC.

DeezNutz 09-27-2011 05:28 PM


Originally Posted by WilliamTheIrish (Post 7947926)
JFC, can we just get you in the stirrups and bring the UT gyno and an icy speculum to give you a nice sensitive dusting and cleaning?

**** it all, just call Deaton and tell him you demand to go the SEC.

This post had to pass through Pac-10 smelling interwebz connections, so expect numerous incoming reps and PMs from your Kansas betters (read: crimson).

Titty Meat 09-27-2011 05:38 PM


Originally Posted by DJ's left nut (Post 7947559)
No, Nebraska fans are a bunch of assholes because...well they just are. They were assholes before they went to the B1G. Their behavior since they left has only confirmed it. Nubs fans suck donkey dicks, they always have, they always will and it doesn't matter what conference they're in. Tom Osborne is a big asshole because he went out there and absolutely blistered MU with no discernable cause on his way out the door.

Colorado - they're cool; UT and Nebraska tend to hate them. I hold Colorado in no ill-regard whatsoever. Good for them. They got a hell of a life raft and are going to be far FAR happier where they are then where they were.

A&M is a bunch of assholes if for no other reason than the fact that they're crying foul over revenue sharing when they were one of only 4 teams in the Conference that already got an unequal cut of it. UT, OU, NEB and A&M created the system and benefited most from it and suddenly A&M is losing its shit. Oh, and the other 3 schools have won not only bowl games, but national championships since the inception of the XII. In essence, A&M is less a pack of assholes and more a staggering example of hypocrisy, pride and jealousy in action.

And I'm sure every alumni of Nebraska and A&M would argue otherwise and every scared shitless Beaker, Wildcat or Cyclone that sees their major conference affiliation hanging in the balance will marshall a similar argument against Mizzou. Its truly hilarous how transparent guys like Rustshack are when they act all indignant over MU's 'indecision' or 'entitlement' when its really just the fact that he knows that Iowa State is up shits creek if the XII detonates.

Like I said - I really don't give a rip what the Beakers think, or the Nubs, or Eco-Kat and her fuzzy little buddies. I care about Mizzou and them alone. I know they'll screw this up and probably end up in worse shape than Baylor when all is said and done, but it doesn't keep me from knowing what I want to see from them.


WilliamTheIrish 09-27-2011 05:40 PM


Originally Posted by DeezNutz (Post 7947950)
This post had to pass through Pac-10 smelling interwebz connections, so expect numerous incoming reps and PMs from your Kansas betters (read: crimson).


easy, I take all that back. My ****ing irritability meter is pegged in the red over this shit. I'm tired of the whole ****ing mess.

My apologies.

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