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mnchiefsguy 09-27-2011 01:15 PM


Originally Posted by Raiderhader (Post 7947374)
Theory? Is it not fact that Mizzou was the first to look into leaving?

Actually it is not a fact. I have read in several Nebraska press releases/conferences, etc. about how hard they had worked "over the years" to secure a place in the B1G, and how they felt a "kinship" with Big 10 schools and other B.S. As I recall, many Nebraska fans and the like used that for justification for jumping in and screwing Mizzou in the first place.

Also lost in the whole Big 10 debacle was that no one really knows when Colorado opened their dialogue with the Pac 10. No one really cared at the time, but that deal had to have been discussed well before it happen. Colorado was just under the radar because no one really cared whether they stayed or left.

alnorth 09-27-2011 01:16 PM

JMI Sports has retained 17 advisors

Oh God, wait a sec, I'm starting to see it now... there's 7 people with ties to the PAC 12... 3 with ties to the Big 10... someone from Florida... and oh geez, someone from Texas A&M!!!

Holy crap, Texas is orchestrating everything. They used their evil secret ties to get the PAC 12 to block OU, to get the Big 10 to turn down Mizzou... they are probably taking advantage of their Florida sleeper agents to screw the tigers there, too... all to provide Texas A&M, who they were sick of hearing about every year really, a clear way out while imprisoning the rest of us. And now Neinas has been installed to rule over us all.

We're doomed.

alnorth 09-27-2011 01:17 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947373)
The concern that the Big 12 (Texas) could hire a commissioner that is a Texas puppet - who would replace the prior Texas puppet - is dumb?

Okay al.

You are paranoid.

Pants 09-27-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 7947388)
JMI Sports has retained 17 advisors

Oh God, wait a sec, I'm starting to see it now... there's 7 people with ties to the PAC 12... 3 with ties to the Big 10... someone from Florida... and oh geez, someone from Texas A&M!!!

Holy crap, Texas is orchestrating everything. They used their evil secret ties to get the PAC 12 to block OU, to get the Big 10 to turn down Mizzou... they are probably taking advantage of their Florida sleeper agents to screw the tigers there, too... all to provide Texas A&M, who they were sick of hearing about every year really, a clear way out while imprisoning the rest of us. And now Neinas has been installed to rule over us all.

We're doomed.



eazyb81 09-27-2011 01:18 PM


Originally Posted by mnchiefsguy (Post 7947384)

Also lost in the whole Big 10 debacle was that no one really knows when Colorado opened their dialogue with the Pac 10. No one really cared at the time, but that deal had to have been discussed well before it happen. Colorado was just under the radar because no one really cared whether they stayed or left.

I posted a link to an SI article in the first realignment thread (pre-AIDS) from the early 90's. It was discussing the rise of the superconferences even back then, and mentioned strong rumors of Colorado leaving for the PAC. They had been talking to each other for decades.

eazyb81 09-27-2011 01:20 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 7947391)
You are paranoid.

Yes, apparently Nebraska, Colorado, A&M, and virtually every national sports writer is paranoid too. We can't see the forest through the trees like random ku fan.

alnorth 09-27-2011 01:23 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947399)
Yes, apparently Nebraska, Colorado, A&M, and virtually every national sports writer is paranoid too. We can't see the forest through the trees like random ku fan.

If you are using JMI Sports as your proof that NEINAS, not Beebe, not anyone else, not anything that happened the last couple years, is a Texas puppet...

then yes, you are paranoid.

GO CHARGERS GO! 09-27-2011 01:24 PM

20-17 ROFL

eazyb81 09-27-2011 01:25 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 7947404)
If you are using JMI Sports as your proof that NEINAS, not Beebe, not anyone else, not anything that happened the last couple years, is a Texas puppet...

then yes, you are paranoid.

I never said proof. I clearly said it was an appearance of impropriety; certainly a conflict of interest now that Neinas is Big 12 Commissioner.

But of course we have no reason to mistrust Texas. They have no history of attempting to gain uneven power. Good call.

DaKCMan AP 09-27-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by GO CHARGERS GO! (Post 7947407)
20-17 ROFL


Pants 09-27-2011 01:26 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947411)
I never said proof. I clearly said it was an appearance of impropriety; certainly a conflict of interest now that Neinas is Big 12 Commissioner.

But of course we have no reason to mistrust Texas. They have no history of attempting to gain uneven power. Good call.


GTFO then. The SEC is waiting.

Raiderhater 09-27-2011 01:28 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947381)
Is it not fact that there were major structural problems within the Big 12 that created mistrust and selfishness?

If Mizzou was the only one unhappy and everyone else was holding hands and singing Kumbaya, why didn't everyone just kick out Mizzou? Why have three other schools left in the last year? Why were OU and OSU desperately wanting to leave a week ago?

You can't be this stupid, can you?

OU proved they wont go with out Texas, who is allegedly THE structural problem you talk about. OU CAN compete with and beat Texas, so they don't mind staying in the same conference. It's everyone else who wants to think themselves on the same level as Texas and gets butt hurt when they aren't treated the same. Go ahead, run off. I hope you do land in the Big 10. You think you have a hard time winning this conference.....

ChiefsCountry 09-27-2011 01:30 PM


Originally Posted by eazyb81 (Post 7947373)
The concern that the Big 12 (Texas) could hire a commissioner that is a Texas puppet - who would replace the prior Texas puppet - is dumb?

Okay al.

Overacting too much on this one.

eazyb81 09-27-2011 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by Pants (Post 7947420)

GTFO then. The SEC is waiting.


You guys need to have a pow-wow and make up your minds. Do you want to smart and keep us, or do you want to act tough and say you don't need us?

Raiderhater 09-27-2011 01:31 PM


Originally Posted by frazod (Post 7947382)
You don't know who initiated it. What if they floated the offer to MU? Was Alden supposed to say "No, we can't do that - somebody in Kansas might get butthurt over it"?

So you are saying that it might have been the Big 10 that expressed interest in Mizzou.... But Nebraska got the invite?

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