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GloryDayz 03-17-2014 05:50 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 10498713)
The ratings for Cosmos have been pretty unusual. Overall, the old people just aren't watching it, Cosmos finished last out of the big 4. Resurrection won all across the board, but the Good Wife and Believe finished ahead of Cosmos among all viewers.

However, the young people (age 18-49) who the advertisers care about are watching, and it finished comfortably 2nd among that highly-prized demographic. The Cosmos folks are basically counting that as a success and cheering, since advertisers don't really care very much about the older group.

It's not the first time a thought-provoking show was beat-out by some mind numbingly stupid shit.

Good, my kids like it and that's good news. There will be less competition for the good jobs!

Fish 03-17-2014 07:39 PM

I'm not sure what's up with Cosmos. Not what I expected at all. How could they **** this up?

Discuss Thrower 03-17-2014 08:12 PM


Originally Posted by alnorth (Post 10498713)

However, the young people (age 18-49) who the advertisers care about are watching, and it finished comfortably 2nd among that highly-prized demographic. The Cosmos folks are basically counting that as a success and cheering, since advertisers don't really care very much about the older group.

That has to be pretty good.. I mean FOX couldn't have expected it to be number 1 in all demographics, right?

And what about the other channels it's been featured on? Or any sort of online availability?

Baby Lee 03-17-2014 09:04 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 10498744)
It's not the first time a thought-provoking show was beat-out by some mind numbingly stupid shit.

Good, my kids like it and that's good news. There will be less competition for the good jobs!

Don't know about the others, but The Good Wife is far from 'stupid shit.'

It is a show that portrays the law, Illinois [Chicago] law in particular better than any show before it.

They present real controversies and the very VERY real maneuvers surrounding them in a way that is compelling on it's surface but mesmerizing if you are a practicing lawyer.

I've made some the EXACT objections and arguments made on this show, and have paused the show to pick my own brain when they present arguments and objections that I haven't seen to ruminate on how I'd react.

And it's not just 'the law' but firm politics, politics politcs, alliances, assessment of claim value, negotiations, handshake deals, etc., that it gets right.

And part of what makes it so compelling is, they didn't go for L@O's 'ripped from today's headlines' approach, but scoured the court system for important cases that AREN'T making headlines, They're all over cybercurrency, data mining, wiretapping, sports injury, etc. in ways nobody's even thought of dramatizing yet.

The Illinois Bar should offer CLE credit just for watching.

If you want to see how law is ACTUALLY practiced, at least in Illinois, TGW is a great show.

GloryDayz 03-17-2014 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10499171)
Don't know about the others, but The Good Wife is far from 'stupid shit.'

It is a show that portrays the law, Illinois [Chicago] law in particular better than any show before it.

They present real controversies and the very VERY real maneuvers surrounding them in a way that is compelling on it's surface but mesmerizing if you are a practicing lawyer.

I've made some the EXACT objections and arguments made on this show, and have paused the show to pick my own brain when they present arguments and objections that I haven't seen to ruminate on how I'd react.

If yo want to see how law is ACTUALLY practiced, at least in Illinois, TGW is a great show.

I prefer the Big Bang Theory. Life is to serious these days, so I look to laugh in my spare time.

Baby Lee 03-17-2014 09:16 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 10499178)
I prefer the Big Bang Theory. Life is to serious these days, so I look to laugh in my spare time.

Oh, TGW is stpid shit and BBT you prefer.

Name your time and place buddy, just name it!!!!

Seriously though, I like BBT [and to be honest most all Lorre shows] for what they are.

And TGW isn't a depressing show, it can be quite amusing and suspenseful in turns. But it nails what practicing law with high stakes looks like.

BigRedChief 03-17-2014 09:18 PM


Originally Posted by GloryDayz (Post 10499178)
Life is to serious these days, so I look to laugh in my spare time.

Which explains your time on the Planet.;)

Rausch 03-17-2014 09:20 PM

Yes, this is a real product...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

GloryDayz 03-17-2014 09:21 PM


Originally Posted by BigRedChief (Post 10499202)
Which explains your time on the Planet.;)


ShortRoundChief 03-17-2014 10:23 PM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 10481461)
Dude now you're just being an idiot. We are not talking about Bruno getting things wrong. We are talking about his entire methodology. You are obviously completely clueless on the subject matter yet you ramble on as if your baseless opinion of Bruno will somehow magically change historical facts. You actually sound quite a bit like Bruno himself!

Bruno fantasized about the nature of the universe then would pick and choose aspects of science or math that he felt propped up his beliefs. Bruno's belief system was NOT AT ALL based on discoverable understanding. You can say it over and over but why don;t you actually try reading up and you'll see he was just as much about "revealed" truths as the Church was... he just had a different set of beliefs than they did and he (just like the Church) was willing to pick and choose aspects of science to justify them.

I was more upset by Bruno's lip syncing during the Superbowl.

Dave Lane 03-18-2014 08:25 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10499207)
Yes, this is a real product...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Do the titties come with it?

Dave Lane 03-18-2014 08:31 AM


Originally Posted by Baby Lee (Post 10480798)
I want to watch a science show, not a discussion of the disagreement between faith and science.

You do realize that's possible?

I don't watch Enter The Dragon to see a Twilight romance.

As for the detractors, you might open more minds by presenting the science alone than you would presenting the science then muttering 'but your religion keeps ****ing all this interesting shit up.'

At it's base, NDT is not being a scientist right now, he's being a social activist.

Good for him then. Its about ****ing time. 63 million religious channels and yet a science program spends a minute touching on religion, oh noes the humanity of it all. Religion has impeded science throughout time. Putting a note about that in a science program is completely the right thing to do.

PS don't watch if your faith can't handle it.

Dave Lane 03-18-2014 08:36 AM


Originally Posted by AustinChief (Post 10481566)
It just amazes me that people feel the need to defend a show for a piece of fantasy about a guy that was basically a Scientologist of his day.

It just amazes me that people feel the need to attack a show for a piece of fantasy about a guy that was basically a Scientologist of his day.

Dave Lane 03-18-2014 08:45 AM

Not sure if this belongs in science is cool or Epic Win.

Or what guys do when mom is away. :)

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Buehler445 03-18-2014 09:18 AM


Originally Posted by Rausch (Post 10499207)
Yes, this is a real product...

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="//" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

That's actually really cool. I'd definitely be interested in the alarm clock function of it all.

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