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Simplex3 04-06-2007 09:22 PM

Say coffey, how "threatened" do I have to feel to legally beat down a 16 or 17 year old boy in the street?

luv 04-06-2007 09:23 PM

Two more weeks! Simplex, we're still on for lunch that Monday, right?

crazycoffey 04-06-2007 09:23 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
To expand further:

If I do nothing and it escalates to the point where a gun goes off and one of the neighborhood kids gets hurt I couldn't live with myself for having done nothing earlier.

I couldn't agree more with everything you've done to this point. Just wishing you safe keeping in the further dealings.......

PinkFloyd 04-06-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
I may hate you.......

Just kidding. Have a safe trip home.

Boring trip here and back home... Only thing worth seeing is Texas Stadium and that's not saying much... Mostly mountains and goats once out of the US...

Simplex3 04-06-2007 09:24 PM


Originally Posted by luv
Two more weeks! Simplex, we're still on for lunch that Monday, right?

Damn straight. You're on the calendar. There's no going back from there.

Joie 04-06-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by Pinkfloyd
Boring trip here and back home... Only thing worth seeing is Texas Stadium and that's not saying much... Mostly mountains and goats once out of the US...

You drove? How many hours is the trip?

milkman 04-06-2007 09:25 PM


Originally Posted by luv
I didn't do it.

It's all your fault.

Don't you kids even remember those old MD commercials?

Joie 04-06-2007 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
It's all your fault.

Don't you kids even remember those old MD commercials.

No. To me Yahoo is an internet provider or a chocolate milk type drink.

You're old :p

milkman 04-06-2007 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by Pinkfloyd
It's about 85 here now I think...


Oh hell, it only got to 80 here today.

luv 04-06-2007 09:27 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
It's all your fault.

Don't you kids even remember those old MD commercials?

I didn't really start drinking MD until 10 years ago. I've always been a Dr Pepper gal.

milkman 04-06-2007 09:28 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
No. To me Yahoo is an internet provider or a chocolate milk type drink.

You're old :p

The grey beard gave it away, didn't it?

luv 04-06-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
The grey beard gave it away, didn't it?

Yosimite has a red beard. I see no grey.

Joie 04-06-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by luv
I didn't really start drinking MD until 10 years ago. I've always been a Dr Pepper gal.

I'm a Dew addict. I've curbed it longer drink it every day. But damn, when I want one I WANT it.

Damnit, Milkman!!!! :banghead:

crazycoffey 04-06-2007 09:29 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Say coffey, how "threatened" do I have to feel to legally beat down a 16 or 17 year old boy in the street?

as with most laws, the penal code is very open to interpetation, most certainly with regards to threatening behavior and assault.

Bottom line if you feel that you or another is in physical danger, an action that could cause pain, injury or death. Then you are in the clear. However, disclaimer notice, a "reasonable and prudent person" will have to sit in the jury stand and agree with your actions.

Simplex3 04-06-2007 09:30 PM


Originally Posted by milkman
The grey beard gave it away, didn't it?

Not really...

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