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Joie 04-06-2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
Well hell. Just had my first confrontation with the Mexican Cartel that somehow manages to make enough to buy a house in my neighborhood.


What happened?

crazycoffey 04-06-2007 09:06 PM


Originally Posted by Pinkfloyd
We use to jump off of 20-30 foot cliffs down by Rolla.... I don't do that or even swim anymore since a friend of mine drowned about 4 years ago.... I'm terrified of water anymore... Especially big ass lakes... Anytime I'm in a boat --- I wear a life vest....

did you do the boat ride to watch the cliff divers? What resort are you staying at?

we stayed at the Grand Mayan last month!

PinkFloyd 04-06-2007 09:08 PM


Originally Posted by crazycoffey
did you do the boat ride to watch the cliff divers? What resort are you staying at?

we stayed at the Grand Mayan last month!

We just took the tour bus to the site.... I'm at The Hyatt down here... Only bad thing is watching out for the volkswagons when crossing the street... You'd swear they are practicing for the Indy 500 down here...

Been here 3 times and I'm NEVER going to rent the scooters and go for a cruise down here...

Simply Red 04-06-2007 09:09 PM


Joie 04-06-2007 09:10 PM


Originally Posted by Simply Red


Simply Red 04-06-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Joie


Simplex3 04-06-2007 09:11 PM


Originally Posted by Joie
What happened?

I guess their high school aged son is "living the thug life" in white suburban America. Seems that he had a bunch of "homies" over and they were hanging around outside. Some car drove by (down a f**king cul-de-sac) with some girl in it and someone flipped someone off. Seems that's enough to make a bunch of idiots jump into a street, cussing and waving fists.

I was out running an errand, of course. When I got home at 9:45 and my wife told me I immediately went down and knocked on the door loudly and with great authority. The mother finally answered the door.

I informed her that kind of thing would NOT be going on in our neighborhood because we have at least 8 small children on this street alone. I also let her know that the next time things even looked like the MIGHT be getting out of control the first response was going to be call to the police and that I would come out to handle the situation myself while we waited. I further informed her that if, at any point, I felt threatened by the situation I would be pressing charges.

I think she got the picture.

Also, if I happen to catch little Paco outside he and I are also going to discuss manners and civilized behavior.

luv 04-06-2007 09:13 PM


PinkFloyd 04-06-2007 09:13 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I guess their high school aged son is "living the thug life" in white suburban America. Seems that he had a bunch of "homies" over and they were hanging around outside. Some car drove by (down a f**king cul-de-sac) with some girl in it and someone flipped someone off. Seems that's enough to make a bunch of idiots jump into a street, cussing and waving fists.

I was out running an errand, of course. When I got home at 9:45 and my wife told me I immediately went down and knocked on the door loudly and with great authority. The mother finally answered the door.

I informed her that kind of thing would NOT be going on in our neighborhood because we have at least 8 small children on this street alone. I also let her know that the next time things even looked like the MIGHT be getting out of control the first response was going to be call to the police and that I would come out to handle the situation myself while we waited. I further informed her that if, at any point, I felt threatened by the situation I would be pressing charges.

I think she got the picture.

Also, if I happen to catch little Paco outside he and I are also going to discuss manners and civilized behavior.

ROFL :clap:

Simplex3 04-06-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by luv

'sup luv?

Joie 04-06-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I guess their high school aged son is "living the thug life" in white suburban America. Seems that he had a bunch of "homies" over and they were hanging around outside. Some car drove by (down a f**king cul-de-sac) with some girl in it and someone flipped someone off. Seems that's enough to make a bunch of idiots jump into a street, cussing and waving fists.

I was out running an errand, of course. When I got home at 9:45 and my wife told me I immediately went down and knocked on the door loudly and with great authority. The mother finally answered the door.

I informed her that kind of thing would NOT be going on in our neighborhood because we have at least 8 small children on this street alone. I also let her know that the next time things even looked like the MIGHT be getting out of control the first response was going to be call to the police and that I would come out to handle the situation myself while we waited. I further informed her that if, at any point, I felt threatened by the situation I would be pressing charges.

I think she got the picture.

Also, if I happen to catch little Paco outside he and I are also going to discuss manners and civilized behavior.

Good for you. Your kids and the other little ones don't need to see that type of behavior.

Simply Red 04-06-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I guess their high school aged son is "living the thug life" in white suburban America. Seems that he had a bunch of "homies" over and they were hanging around outside. Some car drove by (down a f**king cul-de-sac) with some girl in it and someone flipped someone off. Seems that's enough to make a bunch of idiots jump into a street, cussing and waving fists.

I was out running an errand, of course. When I got home at 9:45 and my wife told me I immediately went down and knocked on the door loudly and with great authority. The mother finally answered the door.

I informed her that kind of thing would NOT be going on in our neighborhood because we have at least 8 small children on this street alone. I also let her know that the next time things even looked like the MIGHT be getting out of control the first response was going to be call to the police and that I would come out to handle the situation myself while we waited. I further informed her that if, at any point, I felt threatened by the situation I would be pressing charges.

I think she got the picture.

Also, if I happen to catch little Paco outside he and I are also going to discuss manners and civilized behavior.

Paco is a good dude. Relax.

luv 04-06-2007 09:14 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
'sup luv?

Home early, but only because I have to be back in less than 10 hours to run a shift.

PinkFloyd 04-06-2007 09:15 PM

I'm going to have to leave here in abit... Bar's will be opening and I have to tip the taxi driver afew peoso's(sp) to drag my drunk ass out of the night club come morning......

crazycoffey 04-06-2007 09:16 PM

be careful simplex

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