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Hammock Parties 08-01-2008 04:55 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 4884264)
Did you do what I suggested, GoChiefs? Meet her in her town?

I'll ask her about it. I haven't called yet, little busy with work stuff. Don't know if I can go out tonight because Herm called a ****ing sneak practice tomorrow morning. Herm, you're gonna **** this up!

Hammock Parties 08-01-2008 04:56 PM


Donger 08-01-2008 04:56 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4884269)
I'll ask her about it. I haven't called yet, little busy with work stuff. Don't know if I can go out tonight because Herm called a ****ing sneak practice tomorrow morning. Herm, you're gonna **** this up!

You've got to be kidding me.

The Franchise 08-01-2008 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4884269)
I'll ask her about it. I haven't called yet, little busy with work stuff. Don't know if I can go out tonight because Herm called a ****ing sneak practice tomorrow morning. Herm, you're gonna **** this up!

You can't go out and still get up in the morning? Grow a pair....go out and have a good time....and then get up in the morning.

Mr. Flopnuts 08-01-2008 04:58 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4884267)
That's the vibe I got, too.

That's okay. Keep the alcohol flowing. She's liberal enough to meet up with a complete stranger from out of town at a bar. She's liberal enough to **** on the 1st date. I say be yourself. You'll come across as more endearing which she'd probably be more receptive too.

You can sweet this one into the sack. You don't need to play the game. It's probably your best option for right now, but I still expect you to pound the other one sometime this weekend. Confidence is king. FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT.

The Franchise 08-01-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Mr Flopnuts (Post 4884280)
That's okay. Keep the alcohol flowing. She's liberal enough to meet up with a complete stranger from out of town at a bar. She's liberal enough to **** on the 1st date. I say be yourself. You'll come across as more endearing which she'd probably be more receptive too.

You can sweet this one into the sack. You don't need to play the game. It's probably your best option for right now, but I still expect you to pound the other one sometime this weekend. Confidence is king. FAKE IT TILL YOU MAKE IT.

:clap: Being yourself might just get this one.

Mr. Flopnuts 08-01-2008 04:59 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4884269)
I'll ask her about it. I haven't called yet, little busy with work stuff. Don't know if I can go out tonight because Herm called a ****ing sneak practice tomorrow morning. Herm, you're gonna **** this up!

DON'T YOU ****ING PUSS OUT ON ME!!!!! You're under 30, you WILL do whatever it takes. Goddamn it Clayton, don't you ****ing do this.

Donger 08-01-2008 05:00 PM

He's not going to do it. He won't call her.

Valiant 08-01-2008 05:00 PM


Originally Posted by luv (Post 4883759)
A lunch date is not considered part of the "wining and dining".

Except for when you start at lunch and then finish up about 3am..

Hammock Parties 08-01-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 4884287)
He's not going to do it. He won't call her.

I just told her I'd call her in an hour.

Who are we kidding though, it's a phone sex #.


The Franchise 08-01-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Donger (Post 4884287)
He's not going to do it. He won't call her.

This is his best chance.....either he does it now or he's never going to do it.

This is where he has to man up and go through with it.

The Franchise 08-01-2008 05:01 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4884289)
I just told her I'd call her in an hour.

You brought decent clothes with you right? You don't have to get all dressed up but you can't go out in a t-shirt and shorts either.

Mr. Flopnuts 08-01-2008 05:02 PM

I'm completely invested in you getting some pussy this weekend. IT'S FOR YOUR SOUL MAN!!!!

Donger 08-01-2008 05:03 PM


Originally Posted by Claythan (Post 4884289)
I just told her I'd call her in an hour.

Who are we kidding though, it's a phone sex #.


You won't know unless you try.

Hammock Parties 08-01-2008 05:03 PM

She's beautiful..

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