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Gonzo 05-20-2017 07:27 PM


Originally Posted by Trent Green GOAT (Post 12881883)
Oh and we finally got a ****ing release date for the fractured but whole, October 17th.

No shit? Only 7 months late. Not too terrible. LMAO

Glad we got a release date though. Lol

Demonpenz 05-20-2017 10:38 PM

I have a g27 wheel with stand and project cars good headphones. It is a great experience.Expensive but great if you love racing

Rasputin 05-21-2017 10:38 AM

Anyone get Injustice II? Can't wait to get it loved the first one. The Flash and Aquaman were my favorites in it loved their awesomeness super power moves. The Flash would run around the world and deliver a punch and Aquaman would take you out with a shark.

Also loved the story line in it way better than Superman V Batman and Superman became evil.

I'm pretty stoked to get Injustice II but gotta wait see if I can afford it.

Trent Green GOAT 05-23-2017 02:27 AM

As a giant shock to no one, red dead 2 has been delayed to spring 2018.... to announce it will be delayed to fall 2018.

Gonzo 05-23-2017 07:22 AM


Originally Posted by Trent Green GOAT (Post 12885457)
As a giant shock to no one, red dead 2 has been delayed to spring 2018.... to announce it will be delayed to fall 2018.

I'll be surprised if this ****er is out by Xmas, 2018.

Rasputin 05-23-2017 02:06 PM

Ok so I broke down and bought Injustice 2 and so far it kicks ass. It's downloading but lets you fight anyways.

The Flash is fast as ****! The Thing is pretty cool. This game is going be fun.

Rasputin 05-23-2017 10:32 PM

Yeah Injustice League II is bad ass does not disappoint. Some things are even more brutal than the first one.

Rasputin 05-23-2017 10:36 PM

:eek: Gorilla Grod

Rasputin 05-23-2017 10:46 PM

Can't believe it but The Swamp Thing is in it, freaking awesomeness!

Rasputin 05-24-2017 10:15 AM

One slight (:#) annoyance is to purchase a season pass in order to get to play other characters that were in the first I L but for greedy purposes they held out so we would spend extra $$. Ok take my God Dammed Money assholes! I just got bills to pay no big deal.

Anyways I really like the story lines from Injustice League 1 & 2 so much better than Batman vs Superman.

This game is fun.

kjwood75nro 05-24-2017 12:44 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 12879749)
Anyone played state of decay? It's supposed to be like The Walking Dead

I played it, enjoyed it.

If you like the kind of game where your character is underpowered such that you can't just rush in and kill everything and get out unscathed, where you have to scavenge for weapons/supplies (sneakily), and where your character can die and will be gone forever, and it can happen quickly every time you go out...

Then it's your kind of game.

There's two other modes to play other than the story mode (which is meh) is a sandbox-style where you start with 1 survivor, have to find an RV, get the necessary supplies to repair it, then escape, then the level resets and gets progressively harder...

The other is you playing as military personnel, and you have to find and evacuate important people and fight off hordes...more gunplay in this mode, since other modes have scarce ammo.

It's not a perfect game. There's some glitches, repetitive missions, loot storage system issues, etc., but as far as zombie survival games go, it's definitely worth a look.

And, no, it's nothing like TWD games that are basically a cinematic RTE "point-and-click" game.

DC.chief 05-25-2017 01:51 PM

Just got Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm only several hours in but so far it's amazing. I got it to try out on my new Samsung ks8000 65" 4k tv and with HDR on it looks absolutely incredible! Highly recommend. The TV and the game that is.

Gonzo 05-25-2017 11:49 PM

Dear Bethesda,
Please, for the love of God, invest in a new game engine for ****s sake. You have the nerve to sell the new Elder Scrolls game, Morrowwind for 80 bucks and it looks like the same old shit. Not to mention, its online only. **** you very much. No more money from me until you stop smelling your own farts and update.
**** you.

hometeam 05-26-2017 06:42 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12890281)
Dear Bethesda,
Please, for the love of God, invest in a new game engine for ****s sake. You have the nerve to sell the new Elder Scrolls game, Morrowwind for 80 bucks and it looks like the same old shit. Not to mention, its online only. **** you very much. No more money from me until you stop smelling your own farts and update.
**** you.

Are you talking about the ESO expansion?

Its not really a new elder scrolls game, just a content expansion. ZeniMax is owned by Bethesda but its not the same studio as the regular Elder Scrolls games, they are just using the IP. Its not the same engine they use for the single player games, and its supposed to be online only.. its an MMO. If you think of ANY part of ESO is going to be like Skyrim or Oblivion you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

Gonzo 05-26-2017 09:05 AM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 12890361)
Are you talking about the ESO expansion?

Its not really a new elder scrolls game, just a content expansion. ZeniMax is owned by Bethesda but its not the same studio as the regular Elder Scrolls games, they are just using the IP. Its not the same engine they use for the single player games, and its supposed to be online only.. its an MMO. If you think of ANY part of ESO is going to be like Skyrim or Oblivion you are setting yourself up for disappointment.

It looks like a stand-alone property to me. Maybe I'm wrong. I was checking out the "new games/pre-order" tab on the PSN store and they're selling it for 80 bucks as a new game. Unless they mislabeled the thing. I'm not really interested in it whatsoever since the graphics are worse than the latest Fallout.

Regardless, I sincerely hope that Bethesda retires that tired shit before the next RPG release.

The Franchise 05-26-2017 09:29 AM

Anyone play MLB 17 The Show?

TambaBerry 05-26-2017 09:45 AM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12890553)
Anyone play MLB 17 The Show?

Sometimes, I couldn't really get into it though.

Trent Green GOAT 05-26-2017 10:21 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12890527)
It looks like a stand-alone property to me. Maybe I'm wrong. I was checking out the "new games/pre-order" tab on the PSN store and they're selling it for 80 bucks as a new game. Unless they mislabeled the thing. I'm not really interested in it whatsoever since the graphics are worse than the latest Fallout.

Regardless, I sincerely hope that Bethesda retires that tired shit before the next RPG release.

The engine used in fallout 4 was a heavily modded gamebryo engine, the same that was used in oblivion. It's definitely time for a new one.

hometeam 05-27-2017 09:03 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12890527)
It looks like a stand-alone property to me. Maybe I'm wrong. I was checking out the "new games/pre-order" tab on the PSN store and they're selling it for 80 bucks as a new game. Unless they mislabeled the thing. I'm not really interested in it whatsoever since the graphics are worse than the latest Fallout.

Regardless, I sincerely hope that Bethesda retires that tired shit before the next RPG release.

Nope, its an expansion for Elder Scrolls Online. Its a digital collectors edition with a bunch of extras and comes with the base game. If you just want to add it on I believe its going to be 30 bucks.

Graphics are worse because its a different engine that needs to be able to handle hundreds of connected players on screen at once.

hometeam 05-27-2017 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Trent Green GOAT (Post 12891333)
The engine used in fallout 4 was a heavily modded gamebryo engine, the same that was used in oblivion. It's definitely time for a new one.

Now this is true.

ThaVirus 05-27-2017 09:41 AM

That zombie game looks awesome lol

TimBone 05-27-2017 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Trent Green GOAT (Post 12885457)
As a giant shock to no one, red dead 2 has been delayed to spring 2018.... to announce it will be delayed to fall 2018.

Damn it

TimBone 05-27-2017 05:47 PM


Originally Posted by DC.chief (Post 12889558)
Just got Horizon Zero Dawn and I'm only several hours in but so far it's amazing. I got it to try out on my new Samsung ks8000 65" 4k tv and with HDR on it looks absolutely incredible! Highly recommend. The TV and the game that is.

Yeah, I'll second this. Very good game, and it looks incredible on a 4k tv. Watching the opening sequence, my son thought it was a movie.

New World Order 05-30-2017 09:00 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12890553)
Anyone play MLB 17 The Show?


I play online, but not Diamond Dynasty. I may get into it

Rasputin 05-30-2017 10:26 PM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12891545)
That zombie game looks awesome lol

Have you played Dying Light? I love that game

Gonzo 05-30-2017 11:06 PM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 12894925)
Have you played Dying Light? I love that game

Good game. Even better with the DLC.

Rasputin 05-31-2017 12:08 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12894947)
Good game. Even better with the DLC.

What could possibly be more fun than in The Following expansion running over Zombies in a dune buggy with modified electric grill? Watch those zombies fly fifty feet in the air.

Oh and **** the Volatiles

ThaVirus 05-31-2017 12:26 AM


Originally Posted by KC Tattoo (Post 12894925)
Have you played Dying Light? I love that game

No, I don't do well with games that are too tense.

I've had The Last of Us for at least a year now and have played maybe an hour into it.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 06-01-2017 08:37 AM


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 12894984)
No, I don't do well with games that are too tense.

I've had The Last of Us for at least a year now and have played maybe an hour into it.

Yeah, I could feel my heart pounding while sneaking around volatiles. Or trying to get back to a safe zone before the sun set.

Gonzo 06-02-2017 08:48 AM

I've been playing MGSV a lot lately just for "shits and giggles."
I've decided to actually beat the sonbitch this go around. It sat on a shelf and collected dust for over a year and a half. They've done some nice updates to it and although it's very repeatitive, it's a beautiful game. I haven't tried the multiplayer base infiltration yet but I'm not a fan of what I've seen. I'll give it a shot though.
Anyone else still playing it?

The Franchise 06-02-2017 09:04 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12898273)
I've been playing MGSV a lot lately just for "shits and giggles."
I've decided to actually beat the sonbitch this go around. It sat on a shelf and collected dust for over a year and a half. They've done some nice updates to it and although it's very repeatitive, it's a beautiful game. I haven't tried the multiplayer base infiltration yet but I'm not a fan of what I've seen. I'll give it a shot though.
Anyone else still playing it?

I bought it and never got around to playing it. I don't have as much time as I'd like to sit down and play a I've got this huge stack of games that I've bought or gotten as a gift and never played. I really need to prioritize them and play one until I beat it and then move on to the next.

Gonzo 06-02-2017 06:50 PM


Originally Posted by Pestilence (Post 12898298)
I bought it and never got around to playing it. I don't have as much time as I'd like to sit down and play a I've got this huge stack of games that I've bought or gotten as a gift and never played. I really need to prioritize them and play one until I beat it and then move on to the next.

You and I need to contrast and compare. Games I have vs what you've got and we should trade a bit. I'm sure I have a few things you'd be interested in and vice versa.

Hammock Parties 06-12-2017 05:51 PM


<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Gonzo 06-12-2017 08:09 PM

Just watched the E3 2017 for PS4. They failed hardcore. Nothing about the last of us 2, no real interesting new IP's either. They concentrated on ****ing VR and spider man. Xbox killed this year for the first time in forever.

Sure-Oz 06-12-2017 09:32 PM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12913801)
Just watched the E3 2017 for PS4. They failed hardcore. Nothing about the last of us 2, no real interesting new IP's either. They concentrated on ****ing VR and spider man. Xbox killed this year for the first time in forever.

really? I disagree

The Last Of Us 2 will be saved for PlayStation experience. They showed Spiderman, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Hidden Agenda, Detroit Become Human, Horizon Dawn Frozen Wastes DLC and new God of War to name some. I don't play games much but fail...based on not showing TLOU 2? Cmon

Beef Supreme 06-13-2017 08:46 AM

Saw this Metro Exodus gameplay reveal yesterday. I have the other Metro games I bought for next to nothing on a Steam sale, but haven't played them.

Gonzo 06-13-2017 11:20 PM


Originally Posted by Sure-Oz (Post 12913965)
really? I disagree

The Last Of Us 2 will be saved for PlayStation experience. They showed Spiderman, Uncharted Lost Legacy, Hidden Agenda, Detroit Become Human, Horizon Dawn Frozen Wastes DLC and new God of War to name some. I don't play games much but fail...based on not showing TLOU 2? Cmon

Almost all of those were already announced. No new IP's except for the VR shit that they're pushing hardcore. I'm a PlayStation guy through and through but Xbox showed some really nice new games. I'm excited for the new metro for sure. Hopefully it's not a timed exclusive, (I don't think it is). Detroit will be just another Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls I'm sure. That's all Quantic does. Noting on RDR2 or TLOU2 is really crappy. Those are the two I'm really looking forward to seeing.

Hammock Parties 06-14-2017 03:27 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12914414)
Saw this Metro Exodus gameplay reveal yesterday. I have the other Metro games I bought for next to nothing on a Steam sale, but haven't played them.

Holy shit.


eDave 06-14-2017 03:41 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12914414)
Saw this Metro Exodus gameplay reveal yesterday. I have the other Metro games I bought for next to nothing on a Steam sale, but haven't played them.

I found Metro 33 to be really hard for me. Not enough gas masks (or I didn't manage them properly). No time outside to just explore and smell the roses. Love the atmosphere and this looks incredible.

Stryker 06-14-2017 06:15 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12913801)
Just watched the E3 2017 for PS4. They failed hardcore. Nothing about the last of us 2, no real interesting new IP's either. They concentrated on ****ing VR and spider man. Xbox killed this year for the first time in forever.

That was my feeling as well. The new XBOX X and S are going to slay PS4! I was very disappointed.

007 06-14-2017 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 12915734)
That was my feeling as well. The new XBOX X and S are going to slay PS4! I was very disappointed.

PS4 is kicking their ass right now. Introducing a new upgraded xbox x isn't going to change that much.

Regarding the E3 pressers, yes, Microsoft was better but it isn't going to change anything in this gen.

ShiftyEyedWaterboy 06-14-2017 10:55 AM

Was hoping for Bloodborne 2 news. Or anything from From Software.

Gonzo 06-14-2017 08:50 PM


Originally Posted by 007 (Post 12916182)
PS4 is kicking their ass right now. Introducing a new upgraded xbox x isn't going to change that much.

Regarding the E3 pressers, yes, Microsoft was better but it isn't going to change anything in this gen.

Especially at that price tag. The market will only take so much. That's why the Switch is priced where it is. Nintendo was smart there. Well the console for a bit less and make some real money on accessories.

Gonzo 06-14-2017 08:51 PM


Originally Posted by ShiftyEyedWaterboy (Post 12916198)
Was hoping for Bloodborne 2 news. Or anything from From Software.

It's been rumored but I'm guessing it'll be another year at least.

Miles 06-14-2017 11:51 PM


Originally Posted by TimBone (Post 12892096)
Yeah, I'll second this. Very good game, and it looks incredible on a 4k tv. Watching the opening sequence, my son thought it was a movie.

I have the 4k HDR setup and keep hearing how great Horizon looks so very interested. Starting to realize how much of a super casual gamer I am these days and wonder how much is involved in getting into this game. Is it one that pulls you in quick or more open world that takes more time?

Hammock Parties 06-15-2017 07:40 AM

Playing State of Decay and really enjoying it. Feels a lot like the Walking Dead.

The sense of fear when you make a mistake and the zombies start to swarm and you make a mad dash for your car and pray you don't run out of stamina is palpable. You really have to be smart or you will die, and when you die in this game, YOU DIE. That character is dead and never comes back, and you start over as a new character.

Just had a mission where I had to exile a dude who had been I took him outside to kill him, and then just let the zombies rip him apart. LMAO

Lots of fun shit with cars...great fun pulling up to an infested house and laying on the horn and the horde swarms out to get backed over. :D

Sure-Oz 06-15-2017 10:02 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12915654)
Almost all of those were already announced. No new IP's except for the VR shit that they're pushing hardcore. I'm a PlayStation guy through and through but Xbox showed some really nice new games. I'm excited for the new metro for sure. Hopefully it's not a timed exclusive, (I don't think it is). Detroit will be just another Heavy Rain or Beyond Two Souls I'm sure. That's all Quantic does. Noting on RDR2 or TLOU2 is really crappy. Those are the two I'm really looking forward to seeing.

Oh I hear ya...I def am excited to hear about tlou 2 and rdr 2hopefully PlayStation experience will be huge. Also want a ff7 update too

Gonzo 06-15-2017 11:04 PM

Not to sound like a broken record here but I'm bringing this up again...

Witcher 3 is by far the most gorgeous, intelligent, captivating RPG ever created. It is almost the perfect game once you add the two DLC add-on's. I just completed NG+2 and got an ending I've never seen before.
The way small to medium decisions come into play hours and hours later is amazing.
The Blood and Wine DLC has about the greatest scenery of any open world game. The colors are very vibrant. You can waste 50+ hours on that storyline alone. 30+ hours are easily spent on the Hearts of Stone DLC as well. Those two downloads along with the main game, along with the more interesting side missions makes this at least a 200 hour game.
There's one side op that has you decide if you'll commit regicide for Christ sakes.
If you plan on doing a lot of the treasure hunts and Witcher Contracts, (some are really worth the effort just to see all the different places you can go) you've got an endless game. When they added the NG+ option along with the two DLC's, they really made this game a once in a lifetime type deal.

If you're still on the fence about getting invested, you really should. I know it starts slow but put 10 hours into it and you'll be hooked.

I can't wait to see what Projekt Red comes out with next. I've seen a few teasers on Cyberpunk. I'm sure it'll be great.

Hammock Parties 06-16-2017 03:33 AM

Ooh, Dying Light is 60% off.

Might have to pick it up.

Hammock Parties 06-16-2017 07:13 AM

Done. Also, there are mods for Dying Light. Like user created content, not just new hats. IN

Rasputin 06-16-2017 09:26 AM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 12918965)
Done. Also, there are mods for Dying Light. Like user created content, not just new hats. IN

In the Following you get a dune buggy and run over zombies. You can modify to make an electric grill and the zombies go flying 50' , really not much can be more fun than that in gaming.

FlintHillsChiefs 06-16-2017 09:31 AM

Steam Summer sale starts next week. I might need to get another hard drive. I'm running out of space on mine. ROFL

Demonpenz 06-18-2017 11:02 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 12918920)
Ooh, Dying Light is 60% off.

Might have to pick it up.


Hammock Parties 06-19-2017 10:14 AM

Yeah that sale is over now, though.

I'm just about done with State of Decay. Too bad because it was really awesome. Kinda short though. I wanted to see what happened when they left the valley.

I'll get SOD 2 for sure though.

kjwood75nro 06-19-2017 01:47 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 12922282)
Yeah that sale is over now, though.

I'm just about done with State of Decay. Too bad because it was really awesome. Kinda short though. I wanted to see what happened when they left the valley.

I'll get SOD 2 for sure though.

The Breakdown DLC is fun. Same map, no storyline, just repair the RV and advance to next level, difficulty increases.

Hammock Parties 06-19-2017 02:06 PM


Originally Posted by kjwood75nro (Post 12922571)
Same map

Yeah that bores me to be honest.

I might give the military DLC a look but I'll probably start playing Dying Light instead.

kjwood75nro 06-19-2017 02:27 PM


Originally Posted by Hammock Parties (Post 12922589)
Yeah that bores me to be honest.

I might give the military DLC a look but I'll probably start playing Dying Light instead.

I wasn't that enamored with the military DLC.

Different map, but it's essentially a drivable oval with just a few bypasses to explore, and the whole middle of the oval is one giant no-go area.

It's much more gun-heavy, which isn't the game's strong suit at all.

With Breakdown, there's some strategy involved, starting with one survivor, getting a place to live, fewer cars that take heavy damage.

New World Order 06-19-2017 06:25 PM

Any pc men playing Age of Empires 2 hd?

Sofa King 06-20-2017 04:57 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12922896)
Any pc men playing Age of Empires 2 hd?

I was a couple months ago, haven't been as much lately, too busy with baseball.

Gonzo 06-21-2017 09:21 PM

The Uncharted Series... Best Storyline Ever?
A quick flashback to 2010... I was not much of a gamer at all. My favorite games were shit like Madden and COD. I was a casual.

Then my PS3 console went tits up. I eventually went to Gamestop and found a deal on a PS3 "Uncharted 3" edition for 200 bucks. I bought it along with my usual bullshit. Madden and COD2. It came with Uncharted 3 though and one night I decided to throw it in. I was playing it on my old 57 inch projection HDTV.

I will say this. I was hooked in less than 10 minutes. That bar fight, the way it felt like I was playing a movie. I'd never played a game like that before. Ever since then I was hooked on finding the next big "story driven game."

I remember driving to gamestop at 10:00 pm that night to buy Uncharted 1 and 2. I've played the series so many times since then, (including 4) that I have to say that except for maybe TLOU, (same devs) that this is the best series available right now.

I hope they follow through with the movie and do it justice. I really do.

Beef Supreme 06-23-2017 09:42 AM

Steam sale bitches!

FlintHillsChiefs 06-23-2017 09:58 AM


Originally Posted by BigChiefTablet (Post 12928366)
Steam sale bitches!

Nothing really strikes my fancy this year =(

Beef Supreme 06-23-2017 10:01 AM


Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs (Post 12928402)
Nothing really strikes my fancy this year =(

Yeah, me either really. I had already fished out all the decent under $5 and $10 games the last few sales. And not much this year has me wanting to pay more than that. But I'll be keeping an eye on it, all the same.

Demonpenz 06-23-2017 01:01 PM

anyone got a list of steam games on sale?

kcxiv 06-23-2017 02:39 PM

eh, i bought car on rocket league. Thats my steam summer sale purchase. Unless something else pops up, im good. lol probably can get games cheaper at cdkeys or other bootleg sites. lol

Fishpicker 06-23-2017 02:57 PM

I've already recommended Motorsport Manager. it's pretty decent as is. the game gets kicked up a notch with the 1989 mod, though

200+ real drivers, 60 actual race mechanics, and 30 engineers/designers. this mod is deceptively deep

now's the time to pull the trigger on Total War:Warhammer 66% off retail for the base game and 33% off for the DLCs
C.A. did a great job animating the monsters especially how they interact with one another.

hometeam 06-23-2017 03:06 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 12928797)
anyone got a list of steam games on sale?

yes, steam does.

New World Order 06-23-2017 09:06 PM

Men, what are we looking at for the Steam summer sale?

DJJasonp 06-23-2017 09:13 PM

is Firewatch worth it at 8.99?

Gonzo 06-24-2017 01:09 AM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 12929514)
is Firewatch worth it at 8.99?

If you enjoy story-driven/narrative type games with little action, yes. I enjoyed it quite a bit. FYI, replayability is nil. It's basically like a 1st person movie that lasts roughly 5-7 hours.
It is a very scenic game. Very vibrant and different.

NWTF 06-24-2017 07:46 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12929507)
Men, what are we looking at for the Steam summer sale?

I came away with the Thief pack for under $7 to get a couple of the older titles I didnt have and I grabbed this early access game that looks promising.

All in all there wasnt much that caught my eye.

Fishpicker 06-25-2017 05:36 AM

I bought Domina, a gladiator sim, for $5. I'm enjoying it so far.

<iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

2017 is a strong year for pixel-art games, so far. Crawl and Domina are my two favorite ('17) purchases

I'm considering buying Asseto Corsa, a race sim. has anyone here tried it?

kcxiv 06-25-2017 08:13 PM

not finding a damn thing i want. There are games coming out down the road, but for me this steam summer sale is a bummer.

DJJasonp 06-26-2017 01:57 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12931586)
not finding a damn thing i want. There are games coming out down the road, but for me this steam summer sale is a bummer.

agreed - and the discounts dont seem to be as much as last summer either.

(or maybe I've just got all the games already that I really want)

New World Order 06-26-2017 05:55 PM


Originally Posted by kcxiv (Post 12931586)
not finding a damn thing i want. There are games coming out down the road, but for me this steam summer sale is a bummer.

Bought Project Cars for 9 bucks.

Think I'll bite the bullet and get Planet Coaster.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 for 5. That good?

Gonzo 07-03-2017 09:10 PM

Injustice 2 Review - PS4
Usually I would have to admit that fighting games just don't do much for me. They insist that they're worth the same amount of money as games like Dark Souls, Witcher and Fallout. While I don't really agree there, I have to admit that the Injustice games are a lot of fun.

Starting with the single player modes...

The campaign is roughly 5-6 hours and it continues the storyline from the first game.

***SPOILERS, (Kinda)****

You are in a different demension where Super Man was duped into doing something not nice and he ends up becoming an evil dictator along with select Justice League members.

Now that we're up to date, you're still in said demension and other things happen. Ever time you progress a chapter, you fight as a different DC character and you have to win a few fights in order to progress. As you win more and more, the opponents get more difficult.
I will admit that the story is pretty good. Not as good as the previous game but decent.
The graphics and cut scenes are above average. Not as good as other games but the game plays smoothly at 60fps.

All in all, the single player includes the campaign, tournament mode and several other options that you would get a lot of enjoyment out of.

The multiplayer also has several options. You can join a guild or play solo. You can play against a significant other via split screen or online against total strangers. It's decent.

Total score: 7 out of 10

A good time. Worth picking up on sale in a month.

FlintHillsChiefs 07-04-2017 07:03 AM


Originally Posted by Gonzo (Post 12942508)
Usually I would have to admit that fighting games just don't do much for me. They insist that they're worth the same amount of money as games like Dark Souls, Witcher and Fallout. While I don't really agree there, I have to admit that the Injustice games are a lot of fun.

Starting with the single player modes...

The campaign is roughly 5-6 hours and it continues the storyline from the first game.

***SPOILERS, (Kinda)****

You are in a different demension where Super Man was duped into doing something not nice and he ends up becoming an evil dictator along with select Justice League members.

Now that we're up to date, you're still in said demension and other things happen. Ever time you progress a chapter, you fight as a different DC character and you have to win a few fights in order to progress. As you win more and more, the opponents get more difficult.
I will admit that the story is pretty good. Not as good as the previous game but decent.
The graphics and cut scenes are above average. Not as good as other games but the game plays smoothly at 60fps.

All in all, the single player includes the campaign, tournament mode and several other options that you would get a lot of enjoyment out of.

The multiplayer also has several options. You can join a guild or play solo. You can play against a significant other via split screen or online against total strangers. It's decent.

Total score: 7 out of 10

A good time. Worth picking up on sale in a month.

dimension. ffs.

Gonzo 07-04-2017 02:32 PM


Originally Posted by FlintHillsChiefs (Post 12942791)
dimension. ffs.

Huh, my spellcheck didn't pick it up. Sorry to inconvenience you.

Sofa King 07-04-2017 06:09 PM

You're so stupid Gonzo. Learn to spell good.

kcxiv 07-04-2017 08:09 PM


Originally Posted by New World Order (Post 12932756)
Bought Project Cars for 9 bucks.

Think I'll bite the bullet and get Planet Coaster.

Euro Truck Simulator 2 for 5. That good?

i ended up buying Insurgency, SpeedRunners (SO ****ING FUN) and Assasins Creed: Black Flag.

NO idea bout the euro one. I have a few friends that play the American truck simulator and they seem to really enjoy that one.

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