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Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:14 PM

AA & Valiant....

mmaddog why is it, everybody is wrong except for you... or is that because you are older and there for get some respect you probably never earned...
I don't seek respect from people who can't fathom what that truly is....and you two are poster boys for that.

I seek and get respect from my peers....people in my Industry that have worked hard to achieve what they have in life...not kids who still haven't learned what it is like to really have to pay bills, deal with family issues greater than "dad, can i borrow your car, 'cause I wrecked mine', or " damn, i can't go out tonight with Josie cause I got this monster zit on the end of my nose and the middle of my forehead"....

Come back when you get a real job.....


Valiant 01-08-2003 09:24 PM

see there is your assumptions agian...

lets see

own a house... finally got a house loan... i will never rent..

own two vehicles...
own a banshee and a waverunner...

i have put myself thru school...only 18 more credits left...and just for you maddog.. it is major in history, major in buisness, almost enough for majors in liberal studies and secondary education...

yeah i really havent learned how to pay bills or deal with real life issues...and to top it off...i will be 25 this year... yeah i sure dont know anything about the real world...

all working for circuit city...

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 09:26 PM

Re: AA & Valiant....

Originally posted by mmaddog

I don't seek respect from people who can't fathom what that truly is....and you two are poster boys for that.

I seek and get respect from my peers....people in my Industry that have worked hard to achieve what they have in life...not kids who still haven't learned what it is like to really have to pay bills, deal with family issues greater than "dad, can i borrow your car, 'cause I wrecked mine', or " damn, i can't go out tonight with Josie cause I got this monster zit on the end of my nose and the middle of my forehead"....

Come back when you get a real job.....


Aren't you wise beyond your years. Never wrecked my car. Nor do I have to worry about zits. You are just a bitter old man who is pissed off at the world for God knows what reason. The problems I have to worry are just as real as yours. You assume way too much. And just out of curiousity, exactly how old are you? I don't expect you to answer that either.

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:29 PM

See how much fun it is to have someone assume something about you that isn't right?

And congratulations on all your achievements....


Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:32 PM


And just out of curiousity, exactly how old are you? I don't expect you to answer that either.
Your reading skills and attention span are lacking...

If you had read thru this thread or the other one you are posting on, i gave my age...but for the impaired, I am 46....


Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 09:34 PM

Re: AA....

Originally posted by mmaddog

Your reading skills and attention span are lacking...

If you had read thru this thread or the other one you are posting on, i gave my age...but for the impaired, I am 46....


Sorry pops, I must not have all free time that you enjoy during the day. Sometimes I'm not able to read entire 10 page threads.

Valiant 01-08-2003 09:37 PM

maddog can i ASSUME that our little diabolical is thru... i am hoping this is the only assumption that will be correct... i will say at least i had fun arguing with you..and agian sorry about the death was out of line...

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:41 PM


Sorry pops, I must not have all free time that you enjoy during the day. Sometimes I'm not able to read entire 10 page threads.
Once again...skills lacking...

If you look closely, and most of the regulars and vets here can attest to this....I am rarely on here, except for at nite time after i get the kids in bed...

''Sometimes I'm not able to read" could have just ended it there and it would have described you perfectly...


Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:43 PM

You are correct to assume our diatribe is finished.....and i enjoy a good argument....

As for the is forgotten.


Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 09:44 PM

Re: AA....

Originally posted by mmaddog

If you look closely, and most of the regulars and vets here can attest to this....I am rarely on here, except for at nite time after i get the kids in bed...


Yikes, the thought you having kids is horrifying. Aren't they the luckiest children in the world, eh pops?

stanleychief 01-08-2003 09:46 PM

Geez, talk about no attention to detail. Right under mmaddog's name it says 'Class of 74'.. hmm.

2002 - 1974 = 28 yrs

we can assume that most people graduate at 18 or 19

28 + 18 = 46 yrs old.

TADA! Kids these days. Gotta explain everything to them.. ROFL

Average_Assclown 01-08-2003 09:47 PM


Originally posted by stanleychief
Geez, talk about no attention to detail. Right under mmaddog's name it says 'Class of 74'.. hmm.

2002 - 1974 = 28 yrs

we can assume that most people graduate at 18 or 19

28 + 18 = 46 yrs old.

TADA! Kids these days. Gotta explain everything to them.. ROFL

I didn't assume this guy had a high school diploma.

stanleychief 01-08-2003 09:50 PM

Uhh.. Err.. :bong:

Doesn't 'Class of' usually refer to the year you graduate? Even had he not graduated, he would still be referring to that as when he should've graduated me thinks.

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:52 PM


Yikes, the thought you having kids is horrifying.
LOL...good try..if that is the best you can do, please feel free to go back to your Blow-Up Bibi doll...


Aren't they the luckiest children in the world, eh pops
Nah, the lucky one is me....

Damn, you're even still juvenile when it comes to your pitiful attempts at humor...

knows that AA doesn't have the cajones to print his age

Mosbonian 01-08-2003 09:55 PM


I didn't assume this guy had a high school diploma.
You miss class the day they explained all about assuming things...

Just because you didn't get your diploma doesn't mean everyone in the world left theirs behind too..


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