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xztop123 08-05-2014 12:59 PM


Originally Posted by Demonpenz (Post 10795867)
You are fine dude. You need more time to build character. People can feel character like some sixth sense type shit. Your attitude is like playing level one of super Mario brothers and being like. I need fieeballs the I can beat the game. The truth is you have to get through all the levels first.

Decent analogy actually

How much character do you suppose Brody Jenner has?

Halfcan 08-05-2014 01:01 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795844)
The advice was to shave my face get new clothes and a haircut... and to have fun when i go out. In 2 years you dont think ive tried this? This shitty chinstrap is just another experiment. I've tried a lot of different stuff haha 2 years and 2,000 girls is a lot of time

Looking forward to seeing the Photoshopped version of these pics. Should be good- the planet is very creative.

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 01:04 PM

You are a **** boy

Demonpenz 08-05-2014 01:05 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795873)
Decent analogy actually

How much character do you suppose Brody Jenner has?

Don't care about who that is. I care about guys blowing their heads off because they think some wet hole is going to make em happy. I take guys who want to learn, get them to a place where they can have some peace of mind that pussy or no pussy they will be aight. But I do some deep inner game type shit. Like real talk where bitches be crying because they want to make excuses and be kids n shit. You can **** around with chin pubes and gold chains all day, but you want to get your brainwired for success get at me.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:07 PM

There were two situations at college where the girls told me (they were not very cute girls) that they liked me because I aggressively hit on them, and it didn't happen to them often. And they liked how bold I was about it. But they were just not attracted to me (physically)

The girls best friend explained this to me in one instance because she wouldnt have been able to.

Titty Meat 08-05-2014 01:07 PM


Originally Posted by KCUnited (Post 10795637)
KC is a pretty easy town to get laid in, especially if you're in your 20's. After 30 it becomes a bit more difficult. Being on the cusp of the bible belt, a lot chicks get wifed up and start shitting kids out at an early age, limiting the pool. It's not like other progressive cities with a bunch of fit 30's/40's single, professional women who aren't divorced with kids running around.

I think the looks/employment thing is overblown in your 20's. You just have to adapt to the landscape. Most chicks aren't going down to Westport to find a husband, they just want to have fun. So be fun. Guys going out looking for pussy or looking for some kind of return on the OMG! $40 I spent, usually aren't that fun to be around. Guys that go out to simply have a good time typically give off a vibe chicks want to be around. Fun gets the panties dropped in my experience, looks/employment got them to stay around, which wasn't what I was looking for until 30.

I said this earlier. Also living by Westport is alot of fun.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:10 PM

Also I would never commit suicide over this. I would just get an xbox one and start jerking off regularly again. It's not that big of a deal. I'm just arguing what I've found to be true

NewChief 08-05-2014 01:10 PM


Originally Posted by xztop123 (Post 10795844)
The advice was to shave my face get new clothes and a haircut... and to have fun when i go out. In 2 years you dont think ive tried this? This shitty chinstrap is just another experiment. I've tried a lot of different stuff haha 2 years and 2,000 girls is a lot of time

No homo, but you're not a bad looking guy. There must be something wrong with the way you're approaching girls or communicating with them.

hometeam 08-05-2014 01:10 PM

If my tattoo isn't shopped onto this kid within 30 minutes I have lost faith in CP.

KC native 08-05-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by Chocolate Hog (Post 10795881)
You are a **** boy


NewChief 08-05-2014 01:11 PM


Originally Posted by hometeam (Post 10795855)
This is why you are not getting laid. You think that shit matters. Make the bitch want you, that's all there is too it. Its all about PERSONALITY my man, and reading this thread tells me your lacking. You spend so much time worrying about what you don't have to get a girl with, that you go in scared. You cant go in scared, you have to go in knowing your gonna take that bitch home tonight.

And if that doesn't work, you can always fug a tranny.

A sweet tat helps, too.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10795899)
No homo, but you're not a bad looking guy. There must be something wrong with the way you're approaching girls or communicating with them.

No one is listening. I never claimed to be bad looking.

I said I wasn't masculine. When a girl is looking for a hook-up she tends to be ovulating. Science has shown that when ovulating women try to find masculine men(which is why i have shitty facial hair, it's a sign of dimorphism.)

non ovulating women are not looking for a one night stand, they want a boyfriend type... These are the girls I have the best chance with, but ****ing them is pretty hard

KC native 08-05-2014 01:13 PM


Originally Posted by NewChief (Post 10795899)
No homo, but you're not a bad looking guy. There must be something wrong with the way you're approaching girls or communicating with them.

He gives off a psycho clinger vibe from his posting.

xztop123 08-05-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by KC native (Post 10795912)
He gives off a psycho clinger vibe from his posting.

I have also stated that I would be willing to buy anyone a beer if you wanted to come out and watch what I do.

ghak99 08-05-2014 01:14 PM


Originally Posted by Halfcan (Post 10795877)
Looking forward to seeing the Photoshopped version of these pics. Should be good- the planet is very creative.

They've already been fistied and the girls drink replaced with the purple dildo, but ****, what's the point.

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