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listopencil 05-05-2006 10:35 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
You know, maybe you guys think I will get pissed enough to let some information be known to stumppy and I breakup but guess what ITS NONE OF YOUR DAMN BUSINESS

I'm only speaking for myself but no, I really don't give a ****. I just find you annoying.

Katipan 05-05-2006 10:35 PM

take a pill!!! hurry!!

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by listopencil
I'm only speaking for myself but no, I really don't give a ****. I just find you annoying.

then i think you shouldn't be posting on this thread and move along if you don't like it.

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:36 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
take a pill!!! hurry!!


Katipan 05-05-2006 10:36 PM

it's his ****ing thread you over medicated shrew

listopencil 05-05-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
then i think you shouldn't be posting on this thread and move along if you don't like it.

Didn't you say you were going to "bow out" of this thread quite a while ago?

Iowanian 05-05-2006 10:37 PM

You're right. You were leaving.

It became fair game, when you came on here and made a post about how much rail the last train on you was running. "mah NEW boway fwen had him a biiiiig ole pee pee"

Stummpy was here first..asshole or not.

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
it's his ****ing thread you over medicated shrew

I am not medicated you friggin skank

Simplex3 05-05-2006 10:37 PM


Originally Posted by Katipan
take a pill!!! hurry!!

She could swallow it, but meth is much better smoked or injected. However, I'm guessing she probably goes the urethral insertion route:

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Iowanian
You're right. You were leaving.

It became fair game, when you came on here and made a post about how much rail the last train on you was running. "mah NEW boway fwen had him a biiiiig ole pee pee"

Stummpy was here first..asshole or not.

Sorry but stumppy don't own this site, and its a free world so screw off

Katipan 05-05-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by badgirl
I am not medicated you friggin skank

oh dear. is that safe?

badgirl 05-05-2006 10:38 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
She could swallow it, but meth is much better smoked or injected. However, I'm guessing she probably goes the urethral insertion route:

I don't do meth you friggin idiots get a fucking clue will ya

Iowanian 05-05-2006 10:39 PM

Be prepared to be tied to the cyber-tree of Woah.

Frazod 05-05-2006 10:39 PM

This is like the Coco thread from Wednesday night.

Coco and badgirl - I really think we need to get these two together.

listopencil 05-05-2006 10:40 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
She could swallow it, but meth is much better smoked or injected. However, I'm guessing she probably goes the urethral insertion route:

The strap-ons must have had little bladders on them to inject at the culmination of each pumping motion.

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