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Jerm 06-25-2019 09:44 PM

Back down the Destiny 2 rabbit hole...addicted all over again.

Imon Yourside 06-25-2019 09:51 PM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 14322536)
Back down the Destiny 2 rabbit hole...addicted all over again.

To what though? I mean every gun feels about the same and you never feel like a hero, just a small spoke in the wheel. Did they change something?

New World Order 06-25-2019 11:58 PM

Anyone play Mario kart on switch?

Stryker 06-26-2019 07:55 AM

Well after finally being burnt out on Battlefield I, I played through Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered meh. I am now into Wolfenstein the New Order. I love this game and cannot believe that I did not play it when it came out! I have The Old Blood and The New Colossus as well. Also played through Uncharted 4 The Lost Legacy. Left to play:

Bioshock Trilogy remastered (played back in the day but looking forward the remastered)

Star Wars Battlefront II (campaign)

Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition remastered

DJJasonp 06-26-2019 10:21 AM


Originally Posted by Stryker (Post 14322765)
Well after finally being burnt out on Battlefield I, I played through Call of Duty Modern Warfare remastered meh. I am now into Wolfenstein the New Order. I love this game and cannot believe that I did not play it when it came out! I have The Old Blood and The New Colossus as well. Also played through Uncharted 4 The Lost Legacy. Left to play:

Bioshock Trilogy remastered (played back in the day but looking forward the remastered)

Star Wars Battlefront II (campaign)

Bulletstorm Full Clip Edition remastered

Probably my all-time favorite game(s).......along with "last of us"

Stryker 06-26-2019 10:45 AM


Originally Posted by DJJasonp (Post 14323018)
Probably my all-time favorite game(s).......along with "last of us"

Both as well and Uncharted series :thumb:

BigBeauford 06-26-2019 12:20 PM

I am getting hyped for Mario Maker 2. Cant wait to play with my 4 year old daughter.

Sofa King 06-26-2019 08:42 PM

I couldn't get into Last of Us. Felt like a "telltale" game for what i managed to get through.

DJJasonp 06-27-2019 05:45 PM


Originally Posted by Sofa King (Post 14324171)
I couldn't get into Last of Us. Felt like a "telltale" game for what i managed to get through.



Yeah, there's a lot of dialogue in the beginning, etc......but once you get past the clickers in the toppled office building, it was non-stop addiction from there on out!

Imon Yourside 08-02-2019 01:02 PM

This looks really cool, coming out on the 6th of August. More of a fan of scifi stuff these days than fantasy. Haven't played the 4x stuff in quite a while but this may bring me back.

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Imon Yourside 08-05-2019 09:16 AM

<iframe width="640" height="480" src="" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

Beef Supreme 08-05-2019 11:48 AM

I bounced off of Warframe twice. Once when it was still in in alpha stage and there wasn't much of a game there. Again a few years ago.

But I started playing again about 3 weeks ago and am playing the shit out of it. It still throws a ton of stuff at you with little to no explanation, but it is a lot more accessible than it was, and there is a lot of interesting stuff to do.

I know we have a few guys that either play it or used to play it.

Imon Yourside 08-05-2019 01:46 PM


Originally Posted by Beef Supreme (Post 14380036)
I bounced off of Warframe twice. Once when it was still in in alpha stage and there wasn't much of a game there. Again a few years ago.

But I started playing again about 3 weeks ago and am playing the shit out of it. It still throws a ton of stuff at you with little to no explanation, but it is a lot more accessible than it was, and there is a lot of interesting stuff to do.

I know we have a few guys that either play it or used to play it.

I'm a founder but haven't played since the first couple of years. I've tried it here and there but it never really pulls me in. Game feels really generic and the Artwork needs updating last I played. I loved the Defense and Survival modes in it.

Fish 08-12-2019 07:57 AM


Originally Posted by Jerm (Post 14053018)
Thinking of picking up AC Odyssey....what's the consensus here?

Haven't played AC since Black Flag...


Originally Posted by ThaVirus (Post 14053609)
I loved AC: Origins but have yet to play Odyssey. From what I hear, it's bigger and better. I say pick it up. Sounds like you won't regret it.

So I finally picked up Assassin's Creed: Odyssey last week. This game is pretty incredible. I haven't played Origins, but putting some time into Odyssey, I'll probably give that one a try as well.

Odyssey is so much fun. Hadn't played an AC game since AC:3. But I never finished that game because it had some seriously frustrating flaws. Odyssey is so much better in every way. And it's ****ing huge. If you spent the time doing every side mission and exploring every location, it would take forever. The combat is lots of fun. The sailing is a blast. Straight up pirate mode where you're ramming/shooting other ships to damage them enough to board them and kill everyone and plunder their cargo. Your crew is singing pirate songs while you're cruising the seas, whales jumping in front of the ship, etc. You upgrade your boat/weapons/crew to fight bigger ships. The normal weapons modding/building/upgrading system is fun too.

This game is a blast guys. Never thought I'd enjoy it this much. It's worth it just for the exploration itself, just to see some of the cool Greek sites. And like Breath of the Wild, you can pretty much go anywhere in the map and approach quests however you like, taking full advantage of the atmosphere.

Highly recommend.

AndChiefs 08-12-2019 07:18 PM


Originally Posted by Fish (Post 14391099)
So I finally picked up Assassin's Creed: Odyssey last week. This game is pretty incredible. I haven't played Origins, but putting some time into Odyssey, I'll probably give that one a try as well.

Odyssey is so much fun. Hadn't played an AC game since AC:3. But I never finished that game because it had some seriously frustrating flaws. Odyssey is so much better in every way. And it's ****ing huge. If you spent the time doing every side mission and exploring every location, it would take forever. The combat is lots of fun. The sailing is a blast. Straight up pirate mode where you're ramming/shooting other ships to damage them enough to board them and kill everyone and plunder their cargo. Your crew is singing pirate songs while you're cruising the seas, whales jumping in front of the ship, etc. You upgrade your boat/weapons/crew to fight bigger ships. The normal weapons modding/building/upgrading system is fun too.

This game is a blast guys. Never thought I'd enjoy it this much. It's worth it just for the exploration itself, just to see some of the cool Greek sites. And like Breath of the Wild, you can pretty much go anywhere in the map and approach quests however you like, taking full advantage of the atmosphere.

Highly recommend.

Great game. I wholly agree. And I didn't like the original AC's.

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