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KCUnited 04-30-2024 09:09 PM

Bringin' em back to the table with a better plan

Bob Dole 04-30-2024 09:59 PM


Originally Posted by srvy (Post 17505596)
That was the best Annies Santa Fe in the area. The best looking babes they filter later over to Jerimiah Tuttles to dance.

We were the engineer and surveyors for Copaken White and Blitt who built the Bannister Mall. I spent a lot of time out there when it was being built. Memories !

Are you 80 years old? Holy crap, my parents took me to Bannister to buy school clothes ( and eat at Annie’s Santa Fe. )

KimbleAnders4ever 04-30-2024 11:14 PM

STAR bonds bill fails in KS Legislature tonight, btw. Wasn't even brought up. KS legislature is done until January 2025, although they will have a special session for a tax bill.

TribalElder 04-30-2024 11:37 PM

Bannister mall was the place to go to get new shoes for the school year

DRM08 05-01-2024 04:05 AM

<blockquote class="twitter-tweet"><p lang="en" dir="ltr">NEW OVERNIGHT: Kansas Legislature adjourns without taking up STAR Bond proposal meant to lure the <a href="">@Chiefs</a> or <a href="">@Royals</a> to the state. <br><br>Lawmakers may try again in January.<br><br>They did send another tax cut plan to the governor, which she is likely to veto and call a special session.</p>&mdash; Matt Evans (@MattEvansKMBC) <a href="">May 1, 2024</a></blockquote> <script async src="" charset="utf-8"></script>

srvy 05-01-2024 05:28 AM


Originally Posted by Bob Dole (Post 17505646)
Are you 80 years old? Holy crap, my parents took me to Bannister to buy school clothes ( and eat at Annie’s Santa Fe. )

The mall opened in 1980 and Annies at that mall 1985. Me I was born in 56. I started Surveying as a entry level Rod and Chainman early in 1977 moved up fast to Instrument operator then in 85 got my first truck and crew as Party Chief. I am not eighty but feel it some days.

Trevo_410 05-01-2024 05:30 AM

you hate to see it

vonBobo 05-01-2024 06:39 AM


Originally Posted by GabyKeepsMeWarm (Post 17505590)
Anyone else thinking that the Royals/Chiefs both planned all along to see this vote fail, so they could go their "separate" ways and leverage Kansas and Missouri against each other? Say the Chiefs get a deal cut with Kansas sooner than later, leaving Missouri with nothing but the Royals and their hopes to get a new downtown/NKC stadium?

Might be the best thing for both franchises and the KC Metro region as a whole.

Yes. Neither ownership or even the leagues liked the Royals and Chiefs being tied together. It doesn't fit how they do business today.

I disagree that they did this just to play MO and KS against each other, they are going to sell to the sweetest deal.and it might not be KS or MO. This is how the leagues do business.

Mr_Tomahawk 05-01-2024 06:43 AM

Just put the damn sliding roof over arrowhead and call it a day.

Move the Royals to the riverfront as part of the riverfront revitalization.

POND_OF_RED 05-01-2024 06:45 AM

Putting a domed stadium in Kansas would make the whole Guinness world record dick measuring contest over the last decade seem so funny. Would definitely miss Mahomes playing in home snow games. The crowds will inevitably be much softer and they won’t be able to pack as many people in with the new handicap regulations they’ll have to follow. I wonder if you’ll be allowed to even stand on defense at the new stadium if they build it in Johnson County.

Kiimo 05-01-2024 08:29 AM

You will get enough snow games playing in Buffalo in my opinion. They inexplicably are building another stadium without a roof, just so they can get firehosed in snow every year

BWillie 05-01-2024 09:00 AM


Originally Posted by IowaHawkeyeChief (Post 17502965)
This was intentional. They wanted it to fail. They now have more leverage with the county, and they can reach out to other suitors with impunity.

If they wanted it to fail why did they make Reid, Kelce, and Mahomes shill for them on social media and in commercials?

BWillie 05-01-2024 09:01 AM


Originally Posted by baitism (Post 17505592)
As someone moving to Basehor, I'm all in. I would get season tickets again.

I'm going to hit your house with a golf ball.

ghak99 05-01-2024 09:06 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17505868)
If they wanted it to fail why did they make Reid, Kelce, and Mahomes shill for them on social media and in commercials?

I didn't really see it as a big push. The Reid and Mahomes effort was weak at best and we all know Kelce will pimp anything for a quarter and some air time, so did they really make a big effort or did they just go through the motions?

Bowser 05-01-2024 09:08 AM


Originally Posted by BWillie (Post 17505871)
I'm going to hit your house with a golf ball.

I see baitism lives on hole 10 at Dub's Dread. LMAO

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