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mikeyis4dcats. 03-03-2015 10:25 AM


Originally Posted by Wildcat2005 (Post 11357004)
Then you must hate Tarantino movies

You were taking that movie too seriously if the violence bothered you
The over the top violence was on purpose to keep the movie light hearted

no, I like QT movies. The difference is those involved in the violence are not innocents.

Seriously, explain to me what is funny or amusing about random people on beaches or at a baseball game murdering each other? What about that would make audience members laugh? It's a sad state of affairs....

I watched John Wick last week, 142 murders and didn't bother me. Becuase it's not the same.

Wildcat2005 03-03-2015 11:38 AM


Originally Posted by mikeyis4dcats. (Post 11357513)
no, I like QT movies. The difference is those involved in the violence are not innocents.

Seriously, explain to me what is funny or amusing about random people on beaches or at a baseball game murdering each other? What about that would make audience members laugh? It's a sad state of affairs....

I watched John Wick last week, 142 murders and didn't bother me. Becuase it's not the same.

Really you think no "innocent" people die in any Tarantino movies?
Ever see dusk till dawn?

I didn't laugh at the church scene, but people are not laughing at the thought of someone dying

It is the over the top video game esque way in which people are dying that was "amusing" as you put it

I thought the Church scene was choreographed and shot in brilliantly, which is why I enjoyed it

This isn't Schinlders List; it doesn't try to take itself serious
Hell one of the villains has swords for legs for crying out loud
Know what kind of movie it is and watch it through those lenses

mikeyis4dcats. 03-03-2015 12:22 PM


Originally Posted by Wildcat2005 (Post 11357683)
Really you think no "innocent" people die in any Tarantino movies?
Ever see dusk till dawn?

I didn't laugh at the church scene, but people are not laughing at the thought of someone dying

It is the over the top video game esque way in which people are dying that was "amusing" as you put it

I thought the Church scene was choreographed and shot in brilliantly, which is why I enjoyed it

This isn't Schinlders List; it doesn't try to take itself serious
Hell one of the villains has swords for legs for crying out loud
Know what kind of movie it is and watch it through those lenses

Im said that wrong, sure innocent people die, but innocent people aren't wantonly slaughtering each other. I had no issue with the rest of the movie, just think it would be a much better movie had they shown some restraint.

Rausch 03-03-2015 07:36 PM

Tried to watch "Scribbler" on Netflix but that thing was such a turd I turned it off after 20 minutes...

Easy 6 03-06-2015 10:28 PM

All of you out there with Encore On Demand service, man I cant recommend "Tyson" enough.

I decided long, long ago that he wasnt the bad guy he was portrayed as back in his heyday... but this drives it home for me, I'm no more than 25 minutes into it and I'm enthralled.

He's exactly what I figured him out to be... a directionless, innocent and yes, timid kid in a bad situation. D' Amato and the earlier Irish guy really put him on the right path.

I've liked him for years now, but this doc makes me like him even more... he was only a monster in the ring.

Deberg_1990 03-07-2015 10:03 AM

Watched 'the over nighters' on Netflix

Really awesome documentary about the friction between out of town oil boomers and smal town North Dakotans. One of the beats docs I've seen in awhile.

PunkinDrublic 03-07-2015 06:15 PM


Originally Posted by Deberg_1990 (Post 11365962)
Watched 'the over nighters' on Netflix

Really awesome documentary about the friction between out of town oil boomers and smal town North Dakotans. One of the beats docs I've seen in awhile.

I agree that was one of the best documentaries I've seen in a while. The turn of events at the were very haunting.

-King- 03-07-2015 07:06 PM

Watched 15 minutes of the "Bruce Willis Movie" Vice.

Being kicked in the balls for 15 minutes straight would have been a better use of my time.

Easy 6 03-07-2015 07:09 PM


Originally Posted by -King- (Post 11366998)
Watched 15 minutes of the "Bruce Willis Movie" Vice.

Being kicked in the balls for 15 minutes straight would have been a better use of my time.

What the hell is that?

Never heard of it.

Easy 6 03-07-2015 08:09 PM

With a big thanks for nothing, King... lets just say this looks like a truly awful piece of Bruce Willis crap.

Dude made bank to put this piece of shit on film, **** Hollywood, Bollywood, Saudiwood or whoever put up the money for a mess like that.

Could've put a trailer in here, decided not to.

BigMeatballDave 03-15-2015 11:29 AM

Focus is really good.

In58men 03-15-2015 12:03 PM

Dumb and Dumber To was a lot better than I thought.

Fire Me Boy! 03-15-2015 07:19 PM

The Kingsman is brilliant. Highly recommended.

RobBlake 03-16-2015 04:21 PM


Originally Posted by BigMeatballDave (Post 11384561)
Focus is really good.

i enjoyed it too.. will and magrot have an even better chemistry off screen.. pretty sure they bonked lol

beach tribe 03-16-2015 04:44 PM

I liked Night Crawler.

Just wished it would have ended with him getting ass raped in prison.

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