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Simplex3 01-09-2007 10:42 PM

The saddest (scariest?) part of the whole scourge of snowboarders is that the resorts cover this s**t up instead of actively busting the f**k nuts.

2112 01-09-2007 10:43 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3

:eek: Where do you come up with this shit from??

KurtCobain 01-09-2007 10:44 PM

it burns when i pee!

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:44 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
I'm not kidding when I say they should all be shot. They're the hip-hop gansta-thug losers of the slopes. The dumber you can be the cooler you are.

I did have to laugh though at one point when I was on the lift. One of those punks had his snow pants belted real low and he bit it on one of the black diamonds - LMAO - I bet he had snow in places he didn't want it.


I also thinks it's amusing when the lose momentum or when they're at a flat spot and they're doing that hop/crawl thing to get to the lift/top of a hill. STFU

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:48 PM


Originally Posted by Simplex3
The saddest (scariest?) part of the whole scourge of snowboarders is that the resorts cover this s**t up instead of actively busting the f**k nuts.

Very true. :(

If I could have gotten my hands on that first ****er last year - I would have been kicked off the slope. (He was laughing about knocking me over from a safe distance) I looked for the little bastard the rest of the day. :mad:

At least the one from Sunday apologized and asked if I was okay. Too bad I didn't realize I was bleeding at that time. I might have made a bigger impact on the kid. dangit.

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:52 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Are you referring to the word association game thread?

No... it was at the same time though...

something like "The last poster wins..."

I had a ton of posts on that thread LOL

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:53 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
****, I need to catch up.

Yeah, I thought I had more than that too.

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater


A straight answer.

2112 01-09-2007 10:54 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
This thread needs more Beryllium Sphere.

here ya go!!


Beryllium is an alkali earth metal, reasonably stable in air, and extremely toxic in powdered form. It's used as an alloying element for copper, imparting great strength and springiness to the metal. Added to aluminum it makes light, strong, stiff alloys used in race cars and in aerospace applications. Solid lumps of beryllium left alone are not dangerous as such: It's not going to rub off and go through your skin, but because of its toxicity, care is needed when machining beryllium or its alloys.

Cntrygal 01-09-2007 10:55 PM

Just in case I don't make it in tomorrow. Feel free to drink some whiskey in celebration of my birthday tomorrow. :D

Sam Hall 01-09-2007 10:55 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
****, I need to catch up.

Nebraska got two defensive line commits today. One of them a surprise de-commit from Miami.

Sam Hall 01-09-2007 10:56 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
What pic are you referring to?

He's having some fun in the dorm.

2112 01-09-2007 10:59 PM


Originally Posted by Cntrygal
Just in case I don't make it in tomorrow. Feel free to drink some whiskey in celebration of my birthday tomorrow. :D

Happy Birthday!! :clap:

FAX 01-09-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Oh, that must be Skip's "last one to post on this thread wins" thread. He started that one to protest the word association thread. Or something like that.

That was indeed a masterful concept on behalf of Mr. Skip Towne.

My "First One Not To Post On This Thread Wins" thread did not fare as well.


Cntrygal 01-09-2007 11:00 PM


Originally Posted by Bugeater
Oh, that must be Skip's "last one to post on this thread wins" thread. He started that one to protest the word association thread. Or something like that.

There was the original one (2003) and then there was the second one. I could be wrong - but I think Skip's was the second one. :hmmm:

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